I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The evening of December 31st on the island of Japan every year is of great significance to the local residents, which is equivalent to the inland New Year's Eve!

Chu Yu had let the employees of the company take a vacation early, which was considered a break for everyone.

After all, the whole year counts as the three weeks that have just ended, gt animation company has produced a total of four animations!

This number is nothing for those large animation companies, after all, many companies may produce more than four animations in a quarter!

But for the gt animation company, this amount is actually a very heavy task. After all, the fourth work is updated four weeks a week, and its workload is actually about the same as producing four serial works at the same time.

Before the holiday, Chu Yu asked Finance to distribute holiday bonuses to all the employees of the company. After all, it was not long before the end of the year. After the year passed, Chu Yu was preparing all the company to go to a dinner party to distribute project bonuses.

This is also a common practice. Whether in the inland or on the islands of Japan, Chu Yu's animations are basically profitable, although in many cases Chu Yu only uses less than 3% of the profit earned as a bonus. But in fact, relative to the income of employees, this figure is probably higher than their annual salary... It is like developed countries control high technology, so all walks of life can With high profits, let the people lead a prosperous life! Now Chuyu is no longer willing to make ordinary animations, but all the works he has produced are those with an S rating or above!

These works are on the island of Japan and the two major animation markets in the mainland because the quality is indeed too high, and it is easy to explode. As a result, the yield of Chu Yu's works is basically a few hundred percent. I want to tell you, This kind of long-form and popular work, only the people in the two places have hundreds of millions of broadcast revenue share... It can be said that although the scale of the gt animation company may be in the island of Japan and the dragon country. Many animation production companies do not rank too high.

But in terms of the company's profit rate, it is definitely the first in the industry, and the second is probably not the shadow of gt animation company!

So now everyone in the company knows well, with the results achieved now... I am afraid that the bonus at that time may be a bit exaggerated!

After all...In their opinion, Chuyu Company can be regarded as the best president in the animation industry. Although he is indifferent but not strict, he is willing to share it with his people after making money!

Of course, celebrations, bonuses, etc., these things have to wait until the income is settled!

At least for now, Chu Yu was unwillingly dragged by Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin to stroll around the crowded Tokyo city.

Tonight is New Year's Eve, after all, the major classics in Tokyo, and the tourist areas are overcrowded. Although the temperature is close to zero, Chu Yu is trembling with the cold, but Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu still have their unique anti-freezing ability, not counting. The thick coat, the knee-length pleated skirt, and the thick black silk that seemed useless in Chu Yu, he even went to a high-end barber shop to get two hair buns.

If it weren't for Chu Yu's explicit mention, I think the kimonos and related white lip makeup on the islands of Japan are too ugly, it is estimated that these two people would have to give Chu Yu a sense of harmony!

But even so, Chu Yu, who was walking on the street, still received frequent attention from the people on the road!

In order to prevent recognition, the three of them all wore masks that covered half of their faces, but even so, people who were not blind could see at a glance the level of Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin.

"Come on, eat candied haws!"

Only at this time, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin are completely unaware of the calorie problem of food!

Milk tea, candied haws, cakes, sugar people, these inland crafts are naturally also available in the Tokyo area, and small vendors are also allowed to come out and set up stalls at this time!

After Su Lu ate the two candied haws on top in one bite, he passed the skewers to Chu Yu directly!

Chu Yu didn't hesitate much, and took two of them in one bite!

"How is it? It's delicious!" Su Lu asked with a smile, his eyes squinted.

"Also...Also!" Chu Yu looked at the crowds around him, and sighed inwardly!

To be honest, the sugar shell is very hard, very sweet, then sour, and then it is cold to the teeth! After all, the temperature is only three degrees... But no matter how low his EQ is, he won't say disappointing words at this time.

A group of single men around looked at Chu Yu, who was surrounded by beautiful women on both sides, and walked away silently!

However, Zhao Qinyin, who was also silently eating candied haws on the left of Chu Yu, saw this scene, his eyes were a little stunned!

Looking at the distance of ten centimeters between herself and Chu Yu, as well as Su Lu and Chu Yu walking almost shoulder to shoulder, her expression gradually became confused.

"Let's go, I heard that fireworks will be set off in the square in front of me, so hurry up and find a good location!"

Neither Chu Yu nor Su Lu noticed anything wrong!

Although Chu Yu is still very entangled in his heart, and has not clearly expressed the idea of ​​further development of Su Lu's relationship, after all, she has kissed a few times. Although there is a headache, the relationship between the two is said to be no further, but at least... ...It seems to be much closer than the friend stage.

When alone, Chu Yu will reflect and blame himself, and even enter the sage mode, but after realizing that he does have feelings for Su Lu and even Zhao Qinyin, when a few people stay together, those are all fakes. Yes, although it is more like making excuses for her own scum, Chu Yu feels that it is like a smoker who knows that smoking is not good, but it is still difficult to give up!

But Zhao Qinyin was different. She always felt that Chu Yu and Su Lu were weird during this period of time. Chu Yu would often avoid them when their eyes collided. Then, as soon as Su Lu was present, Chu Yu immediately became nervous.

At this time, some thoughts flashed in my heart, but they were quickly interrupted by Su Lu's words.

As it approached midnight, the entire square was crowded with people waiting for the arrival of zero o'clock!

Chu Yu was going crazy by the people around him, there were too many people!

There were too many people at the scene. Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin were squeezed to his side one left and the other, Chu Yu led them to squeeze to an area with more women, otherwise it would be difficult to say two. Will people encounter salty pigs?

After all, the Japanese island region of this world is the same as the parallel world, and the perversions are still the same!

"It's great to play games at home, why do you have to come to join in the fun!" Chu Yu said speechlessly.

"That's completely different!" Zhao Qin looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu turned her head and looked at her doubtfully!

"We have been together in Japan Island for more than a year, right?" Zhao Qinyin said.

"I think, as long as you don't bother me, maybe next year, next year I will still be by your side! It's just...in case one day, you really think I'm annoying, I don't want to see me anymore! Later, when I recall, the days I spent with me were not just work, only the appearance of me stalking and never taking the initiative to leave smartly, but...and now !"

Chu Yu was stunned when he heard the words, looked at Zhao Qinyin's eyes, and didn't know how to answer for a while!

The relationship between him and Su Lu has become very strange. This is true, but Zhao Qinyin also made it clear that he is now chasing him. In fact, he has a headache about how to deal with the relationship with Zhao Qinyin.

At this time, the New Year's Eve arrived, and many people at the scene counted the seconds. Fireworks were set off in many places in Tokyo. When Chu Yu's eyes were attracted, his hands were held by the cold hands of the two girls. .

The two of them have not discussed it, but when the situation is here, the atmosphere is here, they react naturally, their hands are cold, but they are very soft!

Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu both stared at the fireworks in the sky. Chu Yu hesitated for a moment... after all, he didn't break free of the hands of the two, mainly he himself was not willing!

It's just that Chu Yu now feels like the heroine in the game, and is really being attacked by the two players around him bit by bit!

Su Lu has already held hands and kissed, and an introverted girl like Zhao Qinyin has become active now!

What's more terrible is that Chu Yu also knows very well that he does have more or less affection for the two of their friends!

If you continue to develop in this way, how long can you be... If this is really a love galgame game and there is a strategy progress bar, then Chuyu feels that both of them are at least 5% of the strategy progress. More than ten, especially Su Lu......

Chu Yu looked at Su Lu's face to the right. Although he was wearing a mask, the lower half of his face was smooth, delicate, seductive, and beautiful... Noting the look in Chu Yu's eyes, Su Lu made a special note. After turning around, he leaned into Chu Yu's ear and said.

"Your hands are cold. If you don't want to break away, just squeeze it!"

For Chu Yu, this New Year's Eve was quite a torment, but for Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin, the process was quite satisfactory.

After the crowd has dispersed, the next three-day holiday is coming!

Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin had already arranged everything about the itinerary. Since they are preparing to make progress in their relationship with Chu Yu, it is certainly impossible for Chu Yu to play games at home!

Having known each other for so many years, the two of them are also very clear that Chu Yu is a passive personality. If the two of them don't take the initiative, even if they have ideas about them, they will definitely have nothing to do with them.

But on the other hand, as long as Chu Yu didn't explicitly refuse at the beginning, then this guy is actually very ordinary in willpower!

Starting at four o'clock in the morning of the next day, Chu Yu got up to the nearby scenic spots to watch the sunrise.

Then go to famous temples to pray for blessings, grab lucky bags, shop, and play together with the people in Tokyo area!

In fact, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin are also not interested in these activities, but the activity itself is not important, what is important is Chu Yu's attitude......without a strong rejection, it can explain a lot of problems. .

Chu Yu has never looked forward to a working day like this once before!

Before watching anime, the protagonist was stuck in the Shura arena, he just found it interesting, but when he was stuck in it, it felt too bad.

Every moment, it is the clash between my own reason and emotion, and the more I look at myself, I feel that I am too outrageous. I obviously have a girlfriend, and I am still entangled with two girls... Chu Yu looked at herself, and felt that this was a scumbag behavior!

However, what makes him most difficult to accept is not that Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu have always refused to retreat. What makes him most difficult to accept is that he actually faintly has greater expectations for this.

So when the holiday was over, Chu Yu was finally relieved.

After all, it is impossible for the two of them to come to his office all the time during working hours!

Indeed, after the New Year's holiday, the entire company's employees look completely new and their spirits are obviously different!

Everyone puts into the work with great enthusiasm...

At this time, it was almost a month before the end!

New Year's Eve is celebrated in the islands of Japan, but inland areas may not be too keen on the New Year's Eve of the Gregorian calendar. Everyone should eat instead of drinking!

Therefore, the spread in the interior has not been affected at all. The day before yesterday, the entire network broadcast data, as expected by many companies, did break through the average of 18 million........

Indeed, the results are in line with the predictions of these institutions and companies, but they miscalculated a bit.

They think that to break through the set of 18 million results, at least two months after the end of the work...

But in fact, it's only been a month!

This situation directly excited the Dragon Kingdom animation circle!

Although the performance has exceeded 18 million in average, the growth rate has slowed down, and some of the stamina is weak!

But the slowdown in growth is actually increasing. When the rebellious Lelouch achieved this stage, it was actually the same!

But now the average broadcast volume of the rebellious Lelouch's single inland episode has exceeded 21 million, and the number of Japanese islands has exceeded 6 million!

Although the results of both inland and on the islands of Japan are still far behind the results of Lelouch, in fact...

Lelouch is basically saturated with audiences. People who have seen it have already seen it, and people who haven't seen it will not be able to watch it no matter how you promote it!

However, if its popularity can continue, it might really be able to surpass the rebellious Lelouch as Teacher Zhao Qinyin said before the broadcast!

Regarding this phenomenon, it was not the Dragon Kingdom animation circle that first caused the shock, but the fans of the Dragon Kingdom animation circle.

Shui Xin has spent four years in the animation industry from obscurity to the famous Dragon Kingdom, with more than a dozen works!

Among them, the rebellious Lu Luxiu is the best anime in Longguo animation industry in the past ten years!

Everyone thought that Shui Xin is a genius who has not met in the animation industry for decades. The reason why it has not been met in decades is mainly because the animation industry of Dragon Country and the animation industry of Japan Island actually have a history of decades!

There was no animation hundreds of years ago? If in this world, the history of animation has hundreds of years, then this title may become a once-in-a-hundred-year genius!

But just such a character, the miracle he created in the animation world was broken by a girl, a girl of his age!

If the final result surpasses the rebellious Lelouch, there is no doubt that ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Compared with Shui Xin's growth journey, Zhao Qinyin, this year's newly emerged genius, is undoubtedly more legendary.

So in this situation, it's a bit wrong for Shui Xin's loyal fans and Zhao Qinyin's loyal fans to look at each other!

When Zhao Qinyin did not show this potential before, Shui Xiande fans were happy to see more geniuses in the animation industry, but now...the situation is different!

During the ban, Mr. Shui Xin suddenly appeared a great genius!

Then what is the current public opinion on the Internet. The position of the water heart will be completely replaced by Zhao Qinyin in the near future... Who can bear this?

Not everyone just talks about the value of the face, Shui Xin still has many loyal fans, although you Zhao Qinyin is good-looking and indeed very talented, but this will not affect you when you threaten the status of Shui Xin's teacher. We see you as the biggest competitor!

Because of this, the fans on both sides started a lot of discussion and scolding on the Internet about who the two are better!