I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The eighth chapter of the slam dunk came to an end in order to let Sakuragi Hanado join the Judo club, and he did not hesitate to resort to the assassin. A photo of Haruko Akagi came to the end.

Although Takaken Akagi said that he didn't care what Sakuragi Hanado was going to do, he sneaked over to the Judo Club and saw his friend seduce Sakuragi Hanado with a collection of photos from his sister's kindergarten to the present... ...

To be honest, this funny story is really funny... but the barrage viewers say that the water is not hard black!

This story is really better than nothing for the main story. If it's not for people who watch the protagonist's basketball story, they may be able to watch it with gusto, and even burst into laughter... After all, sometimes, even if the story is the story The audience may not be able to detect it!

It's like the swimsuits in the sixth and seventh chapters of many animes will return to the plot. To tell the truth, that thing is to use female character swimsuits to attract the attention of fans, and force to kill you will die! In fact, there is no plot to speak of!

But the lsp audience will not feel anything when watching, after all, their eyes are focused on the traveler character Oupai!

Originally, if there weren't so many people on the barrage who kept talking about those watery remarks, fans who watched the animation might not have been able to notice these...because the story is really funny!

But now, because the barrage has been reminding everyone, many people have also ignored the funny effect of this plot, and really began to reflect on what Zhao Qinyin said!

It's not really because Zhao Qinyin was angry for a while, the basic plot of the work was not well conceived, and then began to produce this animation, and also publicized it, deceiving us who are new to the pit....

That's why the plot is so loose. The slam dunk has already the eighth episode. Normally, a season animation has only twelve or three episodes. At the eighth episode, the love animation male protagonist has already kissed the female protagonist. Fighting Animation, the male protagonist has begun to explode, defeating several powerful enemies! Even if it is a medium-length animation, like the initial D of Teacher Suixin, Keisuke Takahashi has been solved by the eighth chapter, and the legend of the invincible Riyi is at war. The account of Natsume's friends has been over several chapters. The eight words reveal the dark side of the magical girl and the evil of Chobe to the fullest...

And the eighth chapter of the slam dunk...The protagonist is still wobbly about whether or not to continue playing basketball in the basketball club...

Thinking of this, many passersby and even Zhao Qinyin's fans ignored the joy that the slam dunk's plot has brought him so far, but was affected by the barrage of black people.....

It doesn't matter if Zhao Qinyin's new work hits the street. After all, who hasn't had a low ebb, isn't even Shui Xin at the low ebb of three years now?

However, if Zhao Qinyin was simply provoked by Tianxing and lost his mind, he hurriedly produced this animation in order to forcibly create an animation to attack Tianxing...

So what are their fans who support Zhao Qinyin?

I really look forward to her being able to climb to the top. Who would have thought that Zhao Qinyin would treat her fans with this attitude in her works!

Many people feel a little angry when they think of this possibility!

After the end of Chapter 8 of Slam Dunk, many people couldn't help but see the ed song of Slam Dunk!

Because, in this plot of Sakuragi Flower and Judo Captain, the eighth chapter has not finished yet...In other words, the next chapter, the ninth chapter, is still Sakuragi Flower and Judo. The wrangling story of the captain...

It's outrageous!

After the eighth episode, the posts on major forums discussing the story of Slam Dunk suddenly increased!


"Hey, everyone, don't let the blacks of Zhao Qinyin take the rhythm. In all fairness, although the plot this week is also very interesting, although the main line of the animation is still not clear, it's okay to be a little patient. This work is 100 Talking too much, slow heating is also normal!"

"Normal yarn, the eighth chapter, I don't know what I saw now? The protagonist Sakuragi Hanadao, by the eighth chapter, he didn't even make a shot. I'm afraid my kindergarten brother can shoot for so long. Come on! That's hilarious!"

"I didn't think before, now that it's not a problem of the strain and the slowness of the plot of the work! Teacher Zhao Qinyin's talent is obvious to all. She can create this work. You can say that the production time of her work is too short and there is no time. Conceive the plot of the story well, but from another perspective, the audience and fans are not responsible and not serious... I think that if you just make an animation, you can fool your fans into the pit... ...How is this behavior different from those anime works that have been completed for more than a decade, and the way that everyone enters the movie theaters to make money every year? It's even worse. Those works make money, at least there are fans. This sentiment of paying for our childhood feelings is here, but what are our feelings for the work of Slam Dunk? It was purely deceived by the overwhelming propaganda!"

"No, I don't think it's so outrageous. I'm a passerby. I don't know so much about Zhao Qinyin and Zhao Yongbai! But I think the slam dunk is very beautiful, funny and interesting. The role of Sakuragi Flower Road is quite interesting. , I read every word very happy!"

"Upstairs +1+, I don't know why the barrage during the viewing process, or the forum now, so many people complain about the slam dunk, its plot so far is not as good as the basket style. I think so, but it's new in April. There are dozens of animations, besides the basket wind, there is no other work more interesting than the slam dunk, right? No one has sprayed those works, but they are slam dunk here?

"Isn't that? Those works are all low-cost, small-scale animation, it is not normal to hit the street? The slam dunk invested 400 million yuan, and the screenwriter is Zhao Qinyin, a genius girl who was enshrined last year... .. This is the situation now, who doesn't everyone spray her?"

"The high investment is not made with your money. It's up to you! If you don't watch it, you will give up. If there is anything to swear, I am very happy anyway. What kind of basketball, it doesn't matter, just the daily life of Sakuragi Flower Road. I seem to find it interesting!"

"Hehe, Zhao Qinyin's brain-dead fan was cheated by her and she is still here to protect her. Is she really loyal and funny?"

"Hehe, your whole family, you and those who see those who are filled with righteous indignation and hate that iron is not enough to say that they are fans of Teacher Zhao Qinyin, do you think that others are stupid? Have been playing rhythm everywhere, how much did Zhao Yongbai and Tianxing give you? Is it? Fifty cents? You betray your dignity and conscience for fifty cents. Don't your heart hurt?"

"The slam dunk is indeed a bit mysterious, but it can only be said that it is not good enough, not that it is bad. You people, as if the slam dunk is useless, can't you be objective? Isn't the slam dunk newer than this April? Most animations are more interesting?"


After noon, people who watched the second week of Slam Dunk update spread to various forums, Weibo, and the two-dimensional gathering area began to rant.

At first it was just a normal discussion plot, but then it evolved into a mutual scolding between groups!

In fact, if Zhao Qinyin was like a slam dunk in Inoue, when he was a nameless man, there would be no such thing!

A young creator in his twenties who can create such a funny story is already amazing! What kind of plot structure and the main line of the story are advancing?

But the problem is that Zhao Qinyin is very famous now, and everyone's expectation of her is the last word level. It is to treat her as a creator at the same level as Shui Xin. This has also led to fans, passers-by, black fans, Even the industry cannot tolerate such a rhythm for slam dunks!

Although the story of the Slam Dunk produced in this world has basically not changed, and even the production level is compared with the parallel world version, one in the sky and one on the ground, but in the early stage of the development of the work, because of the different environment, it is indeed.... ...There is also a huge gap in fan reviews of this work!

On Weibo, "Is the slam dunk master Zhao Qinyin the fall of Teacher Zhao Qinyin?" Such a topic that many people have kept floating in their hearts in the past week, but few people dared to say it, quietly appeared on Weibo hot search. top ten!

In contrast, "April New Fan Overlord, Basket Wind!" Such a top ten hot search!

Both of the two works were ranked in the top ten of Weibo's hot search after the second week of airing, but the two works were made for different reasons. Many inland two-dimensional elements looked at the Weibo hot search list and felt in their hearts. It's also weird!

Ordinary two-dimensional people only know that this situation is because Zhao Qinyin's slam dunk has a problem with his plot, which will cause others to question her!

But people in the animation industry were suddenly shocked when they saw this situation!

Which famous anime creator hasn't hit the street before? People who are famous on the street abound, but like Zhao Qinyin, the eighth episode slam dunk animation is only broadcast at noon. At night, the network environment is full of doubts and boos, obviously abnormal... ...Too fast and too fierce!

Although the slam dunk looks at it now, there are indeed some problems with the plot, but regardless of whether the plot progresses slowly or not, but from the production level, there is no need to say that it is first-rate! Although the main line of the plot is not clear, it does not look boring, and there is no urge to doze off! Just this point is better than 90% of animation works!

Normally, fans shouldn't be so impatient, just like that in the second week, so...

Tianxing must have spent a lot of money to invite the navy behind, and the media is crazy about Zhao Qinyin!

Take advantage of your flaws and wounds, sprinkle salt on it!

This situation can be seen by practitioners in the inland animation industry, as can people in the islands of Japan.

Of course, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, Huang Ming, Su Lu and even all the staff of gt animation company can see it!

But the flies don't bite, and it's helpless if someone catches a black meal if there is a flaw!

The atmosphere of all the staff is very solemn throughout the whole day of the company...

Including Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin, they didn't bother to tease Chu Yu as before when they returned home. Instead, the two got together and stared at the night with a stern expression. The whole network's change of slam dunk reviews!

In fact, the reason why the two are nervous about the results of the slam dunk is mainly due to their own selfishness. After all, from Chuyu high school, to university, and then to Japan, no matter how many identities he changed, there is only one point. 'S work has not really hit the street!

Everyone in this world has a peak. After the peak, everyone will go downhill. This is the truth, and they both think so.....

I also thought that maybe one day Chu Yu would have Waterloo one day might have misjudged the market, or she might just inflate her self-confidence, and then create a work that has been blasted by fans.

But they only don't want the slam dunk to be the Waterloo work, because they know very well that this work and Spirited Away are used by Chu Yu to declare war with Sky Star, and it is Chu Yu's counterattack against Sky Star!

Because they care about Chu Yu, and because Su Lu once had the energy to be unfairly suppressed by others, the two of them also suffocated the experience of Chu Yu coming to Japan!

To be honest, Su Lu and Zhao Qin love the house and Wuxia because of Chu Yu's relationship, and their dislike for the sky star is also extremely profound.

I also hope that the slam dunk master will succeed in sniping Tian Xing, let Tian Xing also taste what is called disgusting!

But now..... Seeing Chu Yu sitting in the living room alone, playing games on the computer, happily, screaming selflessly from time to time...

Both of them have a kind of depressed feeling...I am worried and worried here, but the Lord is playing games with excitement.

Well, we know that you are very confident and have heard you say that the final results of this work will definitely rise more than once!

But there is no absoluteness in everything. Now that Tianxing invites mad black slam dunk players on the Internet, you are too calm!

"Hey, Chuyu, stop playing!"

After Chu Yu finished playing this hand, Zhao Qinyin quickly grabbed Chu Yu.

"What's wrong? You are still nervous!"

"Otherwise?" Su Lu said in an angry tone.

"Today, the whole company atmosphere is very bad. I went to the Slam Dunk production team to see it. Everyone is in a downturn! Affected by the Internet's reviews, I said, don't do anything, once the Internet becomes negative Once public opinion has formed a scale, it will be difficult to reverse it!"

"It's okay, I said you guys, don't make every work suffer and hate you, calm down, like Brother Huang, and never question me since Lelouch! I talked to him on the phone before. , He is not as sentimental as you guys, smiling!"

"He has too much confidence in you! Jane is so helpless!" Zhao Qinyin also began to complain.

Of course, the two of them are not mainly to attack Chu Yu, but are worried about whether Chu Yu is in a state of invincible expansion, and remind him appropriately!

"It's okay! What's the situation now? I've been questioned like this more than once before, and it's been sprayed for three consecutive weeks during the magic circle period. This is only the second week!" Chu Yu said gently.

"Don't compare anyone with you. You are so thick-skinned and heartless. Now, Xiaoyin is at the front desk, and is discredited by millions of fans in the inland and Japanese islands... ...And your enemy, Tianxing, is now doing everything possible to smear the dunk. There are naval forces everywhere, and the forces have penetrated into the second dimension of the island of Japan!" Su Lu said in a bad mood.

"That's also..." Chu Yu rolled his eyes and paused for a few seconds before speaking.

"But there is no way. The Slam Dunk plot is indeed like the online commentary. There is a little problem. It is impossible not to let them complain!"

"Then what to do?"

"It will be fine after next week! You have all seen the Slam Dunk script, and now there is no main line. The story of the protagonist's waves is basically gone after the match against Lingnan. After the match from Lingnan... ...The popularity of this work will rise all the way!" Chu Yu replied earnestly.

In fact, the first basketball match in the real sense of the slam dunk is the friendly match between Xiangbei and Lingnan. From here, Inoue Takehiko's delicate and vivid basketball game, the tense rhythm of the plot, and the suffocating portrayal skills are shown. .

The one-minute basketball plot in the work is often in the comics. It may be the content of the count, or even the ten, but the audience can watch it with relish!

And after the friendly match with Lingnan, it was Mitsui Shou's debut, and then the high school basketball league...The story of this work is climbing all the way!

So in fact, Chu Yu personally felt that before the plot of the Lingnan friendly match, it didn't matter what the slam dunk was about!

It's just that Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin can't help themselves~www.mtlnovel.com~ He can't help it!

"Even if you predict the market accurately, what about now?" Su Lu said again.

"I see! I actually don't want to pay attention to the meaningless blackness of Stars to us now, because the later slam dunk work will prove that they have to act meaningless now! But you think the other party is slamming the slam dunk. , We didn't respond... Somewhat unconvincing and unhappy, right?" Chu Yu exhaled and said.

"Um..." Su Lu nodded heavily after thinking about it.

"The main reason is that we don't make any response. People below will feel that our senior leaders have voluntarily given up!"

"Then I understand!" Chu Yu blinked.

"After all, you are also the vice president of the company, and I have received your opinion too! Although it is true that I don't think it matters to ignore it, but..."

"I will make arrangements tomorrow. Since you are upset, let's hack each other together!"
