I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"What do you mean?" Su Lu asked.

   "It means literally!"

"It's not to say that asking the navy to smear is a patent that Tianxing can only have. There are no works in this world that are perfect. No matter how powerful works, some people will dislike them, and they will have shortcomings! Although there are problems with the early plot of the slam dunk master , But it's actually okay. At least I, you, and Zhao Qinyin felt that fans complained at most before the animation was broadcast. Anyway, in just one month, the plot was on the right track. By then, no one would I care about these early details... But now... It's only the second week of broadcast, and there are so many bad reviews on the whole network... I can only say that the sunspots on the side of Tianxing are indeed very powerful!" Chu Yu said seriously.

   "Since the other party disgusts us with this method, we can also use the same method to fight back!"

   "It's just...I personally think that it's like two people scolding each other in the street, it's a bit too low-level..."

   "Then why are you planning to do this again now?" Su Lu asked in confusion after hearing what Chu Yu said.

"Actually, I am a bit annoying myself. If you are making such a noise next to you, then it doesn't matter! Anyway, hundreds of millions of investment have been invested, and now it is not too short of the money to invite the navy!" Chu Yu said with a smile. .

   "You mean it is because of me that I scolded? I quarreled you like a shrew?" Su Lu immediately began to think and turned to strange places.

   "What do you understand? When am I going to target you?" Chu Yu hurriedly responded.

He and Su Lu started to quarrel when you came and I met, Zhao Qinyin looked at the side and laughed, but smiled...the smile on her face slowly disappeared, her eyes looked Becoming confused, I feel an unspeakable sense of distance in my heart!

Chu Yu and Su Lu were fighting, but they looked at each other with an indescribable smile...At least at this moment, she felt like she couldn't integrate into the two of them... ...It seems like I am a bit redundant.


   On the third day after the second week of Slam Dunk's animation was broadcast, the Internet about this work reached its peak.

However, although the early plot of Slam Dunk is actually fascinating, it is not without its bright spots, so no matter how Skystar invites the Navy to black, the overwhelming full name on the Internet crazily degrades the slam dunk, just like everyone in the parallel world degrades the Shanghai Fortress movie. The mad blackness of the Jueji movie and the Promise movie did not appear. Although the current slam dunk is not as popular as the sky star's basket style in the Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional fan... But again How to say, it is also the second place in the new animation market in April, and the score far exceeds the third place.....

   Regarding this situation, all Tianxing, including Chairman Yin Tian, ​​expressed their regret.

"It would be nice if the plot of this work was more fascinated in the early stage! In that case, when Zhao Qinyin's fans are disappointed in her, coupled with the help of our public opinion, it is easy to make this work no more popular. Stand up! Now, I can only do this..."

   "However, the patience of the two-dimensional fans has always been poor. If the story of the slam dunk is still the daily life of the protagonist in the next few weeks, then the situation will definitely be completely different!"

  'S staff reported on the situation of the slam dunk, Yin Tian nodded!

   "But I have other things to report to the chairman!"


"From today, there have been slanders, belittles, and signs of bad remarks about Lanfeng and our Tianxing everywhere on the Internet... We guess... this may be....."

   "It's the ghost of the gt animation company on the island of Japan, right!" Yin Tian picked up the tea and took a sip.

   "That's right!"

"This matter can be handled by the people in the Propaganda Department, but there is no need to be too panic. Commercial competition and the black situation between the two sides are too common. In the end, the key to determining the outcome is whether the quality of the work is better. Great........"

   "I think so too!"

"The problems of slam dunks are derived from the defects of their own plots. We just analyzed and enlarged their problems for everyone in the market to see... the other side did the same. , It's just a rush to jump over the wall and lose your sense!" Although Yin Tian's words were a bit solemn, he didn't take it seriously in his eyes!

"So..... How can there be so many geniuses in this world? Who can always lead the direction of the entire industry? There are a lot of genius creators in the animation industry every year. , Last year, Zhao Qinyin......the next year there will be another group of people! The so-called genius of flowing water, the capital company of iron and steel, this is the reality of Long Guo animation industry!

"If the arrogant guy Shui Xin hadn't been banned, maybe he's now ruined because the quality of his later works has declined too badly. In this way, my behavior may have caused him to be still in the Longguo animation industry. The key reason everyone respected..... He probably has to thank me!"

   Yin Tian responded to the words of his subordinates at first, but after speaking, he started talking to himself.

  'S subordinates are also very acquainted, retreating on their own at an appropriate time.

   Because the current form of the basket wind is so good, Yin Tian has also expanded!

   thinks that the current plight of the slam dunk is just another example of the fall of a so-called genius.

It's only two weeks now, and in another two weeks, four weeks, one month, two months.......The work of Lanfeng will become another classic work in the history of Dragon Kingdom animation, and Tianxing will also borrow it. This opportunity to cooperate with the LBA League to enhance the company's influence and popularity!

  Insert, the novel app I'm currently using, both Android and iPhone support!

As for the slam dunk... In the next twenty years, the animation majors of Longguo University will surely hear the teacher introduce this most loss-making work in the history of Longguo animation in a certain class. Case!

   But you can think about it. In case Zhao Qinyin is too ridiculous to pounce on the street by the time, and no one wants her after becoming a poison in the industry, it is not impossible to sign her here!

  , after all, is someone who can create works like ad. Who knows when the inspiration will suddenly burst and another work of the same level will be produced?

  Even if she really doesn't get better at all, she can sign it as a mascot based on her current popularity and looks.


   When Yin Tian, ​​the chairman of Tianxing, was immersed in his beautiful vision.

   Various sunspot remarks about Basket Wind on the Internet also began to appear, and many animation commentators also changed their tone on the show and criticized Basket Wind! However, it is indeed as good as Yin Tian predicted. In fact, it has limited influence on Lanfeng's work.

   But compared to the situation of the one-sided black slam dunk players on the Internet a few days ago, the situation is now balanced after all!

   is basically 30% black basket style, 70% black slam dunk...... Then the fans on both sides pinch each other in black!

   The saddest thing is the other animations in the new market in April that are not black at all!

   This proves that the attention of these works is indeed more than one dimension worse than the previous two works!

   But the situation has developed up to now, Zhao Qinyin's fan mentality is not so firm anymore!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that today's slam dunk players and the basketball style can still contend slightly, mainly because Zhao Qinyin has a large fan base, but if these people are disappointed with the story of the slam dunk player and leave, it goes without saying. ......

   Slam Dunk now has an average broadcast score of more than 4 million, not to mention an increase, and it may fall!

   So now, everyone's eyes are once again focused on this Wednesday, the third week of the update of the two works!


   April 14th, Tuesday, 11:50 PM!

   "So this is your counterattack? It feels like this week, it's basically useless. Fans are still slamming and dunking!"

  Su Lu, Chu Yu, and Zhao Qinyin gathered at home and watched the animation of the third week of Lanfeng on time...

   This week, at night, Su Lu began to think about Chu Yu's side!

   Although she knew that her anxiety was meaningless, she was inexplicably angry when she saw Chu Yu's relaxed and stable attitude like an old dog!

"Then I can't help it! People do have an advantage now. I asked the navy to black the opponent for the purpose of disgusting the opponent. You never really think that the sky star is on its territory, and how much the navy can create for it. Trouble!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

   "How can they do it? You see how grim the slam dunk is now. There are hundreds of bad reviews from fans every day. I can't stand it anymore!" Su Lu said disappointedly.

"I said, slam dunk I am the main investor. I don't have any pressure. Why are you so stressed? Don't say it's impossible to pounce, even if it has such a little chance that it's unacceptable in Longguo, then I will Acknowledged, isn't it a few hundred million!" Chu Yu paused and said.

   "Unaccustomed to the water and soil, what are you talking about? It sounds as if this work has migrated from other successful regions!" Su Lu spit out!

"And it's not a question of losing money or not. You, the president, want to play games after work all day. The personnel arrangements and external communication in the company are all done by Huang Ming and I. We have a lot of affection for this company. !Now the slam dunk results are not good. As the vice president, I am one of the main persons in charge......Which is like you, heartless and heartless, I don't care about my work! "

   Su Lu sat cross-legged on the sofa, looked to the side and sat with Zhao Qinyin.

   "Right, Xiaoyin!"

   "Um... uh, uh!" Zhao Qinyin replied somewhat absent-mindedly and somewhat perfunctorily.

   "How can it be such an exaggeration!" Chu Yu responded.

   "Forget it, I have discussed this with you too many times this week, and I really can't change your pessimistic attitude!" Chu Yu shrugged.

"Now...Let's watch the update of Blue Wind this week! To be honest, this work is really good... The end of last week gave me blood and found it. The excitement of watching anime when I was young..."

"As the president of the gt animation company, Shui Xin, a well-known animation creator in the Long Kingdom, and the man behind Zhao Qinyin, what are you doing to praise your opponent's work? With you watching the animation here is to understand your opponent, not to really let you You chase like a fan..."

   Su Lu continued to spit Chu Yu unscrupulously.

   But the two of them still didn't notice this time, Zhao Qinyin, who didn't speak much beside him, looked at them with strange eyes.

  Chu Yu and Su Lu think that they are the same as the previous three. Anyway, there is no intimate behavior, and they pretend to be very good at home!

   But the two of them looked at each other with some changes in their eyes and micro expressions. After a long time, Zhao Qinyin could naturally feel it.

  What's the relationship between the two of them.......It has become so good, better than before!

   Chuyu's sense of defense towards me, I can't feel it at all when I change it to Sister Su!

   So, like Sister Su, a girl who is more enthusiastic, cheeky, and noisy... Would Chu Yu like it better?

After the animation of    was broadcast, Chu Yu and Su Lu were seriously watching the newly updated plot of Lanfeng, and they made complaints from time to time!

However, Zhao Qinyin is watching the two seriously..... Until now, her imagination is still not rich enough. She did not expect that Chu Yu and Su Lu would be inland during the New Year's Eve party. The progress of the relationship has already reached that point...

Now she simply feels that Su Lu is just one step faster than her, and in some way, she has dispelled Chu Yu's wariness against her... But just this kind of thought has caused her anxiety. Feeling, although I am eating potato chips on the table, it tastes like chewing wax, and I can't taste much...


  The five or six episodes of the blue wind, the quality remains the same!

  Although there is no such kind of God that makes everyone's eyes brighten up, but the quality level has not declined in the slightest.

   For a full-length work, this is commendable!

   Most of the works, during the transitional period, because the plot is boring, the audience will temporarily stop watching, and they will have the idea of ​​raising them, and eventually they will forget this work. This is very bad for the growth of the work.

   But this kind of problem did not appear on the basket wind, even if it is a transitional plot, it also cleverly joined the follow-up foreshadowing...

   This is Zhao Yongbai's skill and experience. He is not the kind of explosive creator, but the quality of his works is very stable! If the plot is good, the stability is good. Of course, if the plot is not good, it is also not stable!

   So the next morning...

   Bed together early in the morning. After watching the update of Lanfeng, the many second-generation members of Longguo naturally praised this work.

  The short video creators of news, media, websites, and Xinman.com are not stingy with words of praise.

   Even in the early morning, many animation websites including Xinman.com uploaded a video of an interview with Lanfeng's screenwriter Zhao Yongbai!

   This video quickly spread across the Internet this morning, the main reason was that it was a sentence from Zhao Yongbai......

  "May I ask Mr. Zhao Yongbai, how do you think of your strong competitor's slam dunk master and its screenwriter Zhao Qinyin, given that your basketball style is now well received across the country?"

"Opponent? I didn't consider the slam dunk player to be the opponent of the basket wind... I took a look at that work, indeed... it is a good one. Funny animation, but in the field of basketball competitive animation... it shouldn't be considered influential! As for teacher Zhao Qinyin... she is very good, but... She is also very young! She should still create in the field of romance that she is good at..."

   is the interview video about Zhao Yongbai in less than a minute~www.mtlnovel.com~, which quickly became popular this morning!

   When people in the video industry saw it, they knew that it was a self-directed and self-acted work by Tianxing. They wanted to criticize gt animation company and Zhao Qinyin, but they were afraid of being narrow-minded, so they did it!

   It went viral on all major websites and forums in the animation industry in one morning, but it was spread spontaneously by normal fans, not so fast at all!

   But for ordinary fans, how can they think so much?

   What information the media give them, they accept what information!

   Zhao Yongbai finally ended himself in the third week of the broadcast of the two works!

  Although in the interview, his wrinkled company looked a little kind, smiling, and it was a pity that the seniors said this with the attitude of treating potential younger generations.

   It makes people feel that the older generation cares about the development of the younger generation!

Of course, this is the idea that people who support Zhao Yongbai will have. In fact, for passers-by and Zhao Qinyin's fans, his statement, between the lines, the kind of ridicule of Zhao Qinyin and the faint sense of ridicule. Come.

   is too arrogant!

   And when this short interview video reached its peak on the Internet, the time was exactly when the ninth to twelfth episodes of Slam Dunk were about to be broadcast....

   Now, fans on both sides are spraying each other on the Internet because of this!
