I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The box office results of Spirited Away in the first three days were perfect, and the first or second place in the box office of Dragon Kingdom and a wonderful week, the situation was not much better when they were released, and even those two works started to work three days after they were released. , After all, low-cost movies, the early promotion is not enough!

But Spirited Away began to exert its strength on the first day... But those two works have the same strong box office results regardless of weekends and weekdays, with three or four hundred million rolls every day. It took more than ten days, and another one or two billion at the box office for more than ten days......and then another tens of millions at the box office, and it took ten days to be released. Only then were two works worth seven or eight billion. Box office record!

And now....... Monday is here!

On Monday, those office workers went back to work, and the students had nothing to do with them during the summer vacation!

But today, all the theaters and theaters of the whole dragon country have made the movie series of Spirited Away even more terrifying! Up to sixty percent!

One movie in Spirited Away is watched by hundreds of people, and other movies are watched by a few dozen people. You are the theater owner and naturally know who should be assigned to the movie?

If it weren't for the official regulations of the theater partner Longguo to not allow this, these theater owners would want to remove those movies with unsatisfactory attendance!

In the early morning, Zhao Qinyin and Songgangchong, Su Lu, a group of employees from the gt animation company, and the security personnel they invited took a plane to the magic city!

After all, with regard to the release of Spirited Away, those cooperating theaters in the interior have already started sending messages to invite them!

However, Zhao Qinyin first visited several first-tier metropolitan areas on the island of Japan for a few days, and a group of talents came to the inland!

"Sister Su, how is the box office situation today!" Zhao Qinyin asked in a low voice as soon as he got off the plane.

There was no signal from the mobile phone on the plane, Su Lu moved fast, and Zhao Qinyin asked directly.

"As of now at 9:30 in the morning, the cinema has not yet opened, and the pre-sale box office has already earned 80 million!"

Su Lu glanced at the phone, was silent for two seconds, and then said in Zhao Qinyin's somewhat anxious eyes.

Song Gangchong and several assistants next to him heard the words, and they were a little uncoordinated on their way!

Once upon a time, this group of employees of gt animation company would have thought that their company had actually created such an outrageous work!

Three days after the show, the box office reached 1.5 billion yuan, and the fourth day was Monday, but the cinema had not yet opened, and the full-day box office pre-sales had exceeded 80 million......

Spirited Away, what height will the box office reach in the end?

This is the question in the heart of each of the dozens of people in this line. Even the old You Tiao in the animation industry, the battlefield-stricken Spirited Away director Matsuoka Matsuoka, can't give an answer!

Because he has never created such a hot work, Spirited Away's current box office popularity is more than seven or eight times higher than when his best work in the past was released!

But with that work, he has at least the top ten status in the Japanese animation director circle...

And now.... To be honest, he is dizzy these days!

In the past seven or eight years, some friends who had not contacted him found his phone one after another, calling like Songgang to congratulate him. He used to have the right to speak in the industry, and the apprentice he brought with him hardly had contact with him after he was unlucky. Yes, I have almost found him in the past few days. At his residence in Tokyo, his wife and son complained that the frequency of visits by the group of people was too high, which disturbed their lives......

The media on the island of Japan have reported that Zhao Qinyin and Song Gangzong, two screenwriters and directors with a huge age gap!

Zhao Qinyin has nothing to say, the media is over, but Songgangzong, his achievements, how lonely deeds were reported by the media, are fans of his works, those who have hacked him on the Internet. , Have launched activities to apologize to him on the Internet!

This is Spirited Away..... An art-like animation film. Its explosion not only makes gt animation company meet and make a lot of money, but also makes gt animation company in a short period of time. In the past few days, the famous animation industry of Long Country has also made Songgang completely wiped out!

It was indeed his problem that he was abandoned at the beginning. The screenwriter of the work was him, the director was him, and the person in the production team who had the decision but the power was also him! The work rushes, he naturally has a big pot! But now the public opinion on the Internet is reflecting on whether the society is too harsh on this group of creators!

However, this time, he was only responsible for production. After the script was handed over to Zhao Qinyin, a young girl...His life has reached a height that he could not imagine in this life!

After leaving the airport, the relevant partners will lead them to stay immediately, and then they will rush to various scenes to meet fans and fans!

In fact, this set of procedures is the same as Zhao Qinyin Songgang's situation on the island of Japan, but if it is inland, the number of people is much more than that on the island of Japan!

At the scene arranged by the partner, the media and fans are really dense! The sound of the scene was wave after wave!

"Teacher Songgang, I'm a 20-year-old movie fan of yours. When I was studying in Japan, I liked watching your animated movies. I didn't expect you to come back again this year!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin, you are so beautiful, can you be my girlfriend!"

"Can Teacher Songgangchong give me an autograph?"

"I declare you, Zhao Qinyin.....Will you be my wife!"


As the two most watched people on the production team of Spirited Away, Zhao Qinyin and Song Gangzong are undoubtedly the focus of thousands of people in the audience.

I thought it was just a simple fan meeting, but the fans were too enthusiastic, and the hall that accommodates thousands of people was also very crowded. The seats were all cancelled and everyone was standing!

The media and reporters made Zhao Qinyin a little nervous when the flashing light kept on for a second, but it made Songgang feel like he had gone back more than ten years ago, and suddenly there was a feeling of tears!

Of course there is heartache!

The popularity of Spirited Away was naturally beyond Songgang's expectations, but he couldn't forget the two income models that Chu Yu asked Huang Ming to discuss salary conditions with him!

Fixed base salary of 10 million...and 5 million plus 2% box office dividends!

Spirited Away, the box office has exceeded 1 billion in three days, and the total box office will exceed 3 billion in one month's release period. It is definitely not a problem!

The share of 3 billion points to gt animation company is more than 1.1 billion, and 2% is more than 20 million, plus a guarantee of 5 million...

If he had believed in the work of Spirited Away, then his current director of Spirited Away will earn at least nearly 20 million more than the fixed base salary of 10 million!

And... will the 3 billion gross box office be the end of Spirited Away? After all, the Dragon Kingdom animation film has not reached such a high level, Song Gang can't think about it.....And another thing is, the more you think, the more angry you will become, and the slap in the face!

With a sigh, Song Gangzong could only comfort himself with the help of the frustration!

Seeing the fans cheering, he and Zhao Qinyin came on stage with smiles......started the inland fan meeting parade of their creative team!


On that day, news from Zhao Qinyin and Songgangchong flooded the entertainment area!

Articles with outrageous titles have sprung up!

[Teacher Zhao Qinyin admitted that Spirited Away is indeed a temporary creation of sniping the book world, and I am sorry for the two films, the accidental injury and the dragon soul! ]

[Master of Japanese animation director Matsuoka Matsuoka looks back on the past ten years of silence, and responded that he has never forgotten to return to the animation world! ]

[Whether Spirited Away will have a second part, Mr. Zhao Qinyin did not respond positively! ]

[For Spirited Away's psychological expectations of the box office before the release, Mr. Zhao Qinyin said that I just want to save money! ]


In Tokyo, Chu Yu can scan all kinds of news of Zhao Qinyin and Songgangchong on his mobile phone!

"It will take at least half a month to return, alas!"

Chu Yu put down the phone. He used to think it was pretty good when he was alone, but after getting used to Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin, to be honest, the two of them were gone together, and their hearts were empty!

Had it not been for the Tokyo area to be too busy to escape, Chu Yu would have wanted to go back to the magic city to play for a few days!

Now that Spirited Away is so hot, merchants who can smell it have come to the door for a long time!

For example, let the gt animation company use Qianxun Bailong as the protagonist to produce short animations for their company's long-form advertising cooperation, the company will receive dozens of them every day! These Chu Yu didn't care at all. After all, he couldn't make much money, so he could not charge tens of millions of image copyright fees!

Mainly Spirited Away's network broadcasting rights......

Several well-known video website companies on the island of Japan are like orange peel, and raccoons have already come to their door to talk about cooperation!

Chu Yu asked his subordinates to talk, but he didn't give a reply!

These are okay, mainly several video giants in the mainland, Xinman.com, Youtu, Penguin Video and other video giants all come to their door... The price is higher than the other one!

They all wanted to buy out the copyright of online broadcasting exclusively, and even Utu directly offered a 400 million buyout fee for online broadcasting when the prospects of Spirited Away's box office were not completely clear!

They thought that gt animation production company would gladly accept this price, but they did not expect that Chu Yu would directly ask them to go back and wait for the news, so they would be ignored!

Normally, the net broadcast revenue of ordinary movies is lower than the theater box office share. The 400 million buyout is just the net broadcast copyright fee. It can be said that as long as Chu Yu accepts it, Spirited Away's production fee will be paid back. Most of the box office revenue of theaters will be pure profits!

But Chu Yu is not stupid, the normal situation certainly does not include works of the level of Spirited Away!

Works like the Wolf Warrior 2 Nezha in the Parallel World not only benefited more than two billion in theaters, but also enjoyed a lot of food on the Internet!

In the parallel world, there are many online on-demand movies. If the website is free for you to watch, your viewing time exceeds a certain period of time, usually six to ten minutes, and the producer will receive a commission from the video website, usually two yuan for a valid click ! If you directly buy a single piece to watch the movie, it is better to calculate, and you can directly increase the achievement according to the contract share!

Going back to the two works such as Wolf Warriors 2, after the theaters were taken off the shelves, the total number of views on the Internet reached more than one billion. After the time period of payment sharing agreed in the contract, the producer has no income!

But even under various circumstances, the webcast revenue of Wolf Warriors 2 is definitely a huge number! It is rumored that only one of the webcasting platforms paid close to ten-figure copyright fees for this movie!

In Long Country, the situation is basically the same!

Chu Yu would definitely not do a 400 million buyout!

The other party also wanted to take advantage of the box office potential of Spirited Away to pick up the leaks, thinking that Chu Yu, the boss of the company, would be greedy and fooled!

But Chu Yu actually understands the potential of Spirited Away, so naturally he will not easily sign any contracts with these companies, let alone engage in exclusives, buyouts, and the like!

It's only the fourth day of the release of Spirited Away, and now all kinds of fanfare in the media that Spirited Away will reach 3 billion or 4 billion at the final box office. There are also many Zhao Qinyin sunspots on the Internet who just say that it is impossible. , Spirited Away's popularity is only a few days, and the box office index drops as time passes for freshness!

But only Chu Yu understands that in the situation where the movie of Spirited Away is so hot, there is nothing in this work that can restrain it......the final result it can achieve, It will let the people in the film industry of Longguo know that their imagination is still lacking!


On Monday, the time passed quickly. Due to the influence of the working day, Spirited Away's box office did indeed drop, falling from 512 million yesterday and Sunday to 402 million!

This situation has really caused a large group of film industry practitioners to be confused. It is normal for a movie's box office to drop on weekdays, but it is completely abnormal for a movie to drop by this point!

And on weekdays, the box office in a single day breaks 400 million...Can this be considered low?

Look at the gun spirit next door, look at the book environment next door! The box office situation of the two works on Monday was horrible!

Gunslinger's box office on Monday was 51 million, and Bookland's box office was 39 million!

Take a look at the two hapless brothers. That one is not a three- or four-billion-dollar investment cost. On the third day of its release, it had a box office of 40-50 million.....

With this downward trend in the box office, there is a high probability that the total box office of the two movies will both be less than one billion! Even wanting to reach the level of 700 or 800 million is very hanging!

After all, the squeeze effect of Spirited Away on the box office of the two movies is getting higher day by day!

And if Spirited Away's box office on Monday still makes a group of black people stubborn, I hope that this movie will fall in the box office next time!

That Tuesday, Spirited Away, the box office was 3.52 billion, Wednesday was 3.61, and Thursday was 3.05 billion.......

For three consecutive days, all on working days, the box office in a single day exceeded 300 million...This situation directly surprised the film industry of Longguo!

Envy, jealousy and hatred are not enough to describe the resentment of the directors, screenwriters, and investors of the Longguo film industry towards Song Gangchong, Zhao Qinyin, and the chairman of gt animation company!

From last Friday to this Thursday, Spirited Away's total box office exceeded 2 billion in seven days......

Who can accept this nm?

An animated film, which was released for seven days, with such a high box office, this box office performance is no better than Tiger and the wonderful two films a week on the box office list of two Longguo movies ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ when it was first released. Poor grades!

If this box office trend continues, is it possible that the third film in the Long Kingdom film industry with a box office of more than 6 billion will be Spirited Away? Can an animated film surpass 6 billion at the box office? ......

Numerous filmmakers in Longguo said that his sister can't stand it!

However, in the media, Spirited Away fans, major self-media, and up owners, all began to blow up this movie and act as free tap water and traffic for this work!

The box office of Spirited Away finally fell on the Friday of the second week of its release...From the level of 300 million in hundreds of millions of days, it fell directly to the level of 22,300 this Friday... .....

This situation has caused a climax to a group of people with pink eyes in the Longguo film industry!

It has been published on the Internet that the movie watching storm set off by Spirited Away will come to an end...
