I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After a whole week of a single-day box office journey of 340 million yuan, after seeing Spirited Away's final release on the eighth day, that is, this Friday, the box office plummeted to only 2.2 billion yuan. .

Zhao Qinyin's black powder has finally begun!

Of course, the number of this group of black fans is much less now, at least Jiang Qi and Zhao Yongbai are so fans that they dare not say anything more!

The book was in theaters for a week, until this Friday, the box office in a single day was only 37 million, which is less than one-seventh of Spirited Away on the same day. It is true that there is no face to ridicule!

Now the people who began to mock Zhao Qinyin on the Internet are mainly a small number of her senior old black fans and during this period of time, along with the skyrocketing box office of Spirited Away, those who are jealous of her, and then some celebrity fans!

For example, Gun Soul and Luo, and a large number of star fans of those low-cost movies released at the same time!

Originally, Gunslinger and Luo's two films were at least one billion at the box office, and 1.5 billion or more. But as far as this summer file is concerned, if there is no Spirited Away, Gunslinger is definitely a well-deserved box office hegemon. And if Spirited Away's current box office of more than two billion is distributed to other movies, then there won't be many movies at a loss this summer!

Of course, this realization is simply nonsense. There is a high-end restaurant next to the breakfast shop. It is really unrealistic to think that if the restaurant closes, the traffic will be turned around and the income will skyrocket!

But how can fans of this group of movie stars think so much?

On Friday, I saw the box office of Spirited Away plummet, so I went to party!

"I just said, this movie can't replicate the trend of Tiger and the wonderful two movies a week! An animated movie, how can there be so many people watching here!"

"I'm happy anyway. I finally turned on my phone and saw the media frantically blowing Spirited Away. It was just good luck. I was not happy to see that Zhao Qinyin's **** face was all on the news!"

"What is unhappy about you? People are more beautiful than you and more talented than you, envious, jealous, right? A girl in her early twenties, stepped into the animation industry for a year and other four popular animations, and even more in the second year To create works like Spirited Away and Slam Dunk... Indeed, there are always people who are overpowered to be jealous of her. Normal people would never have this idea!"

"Zhao Qinyin's fans are so rough, don't think that you will be awesome in one week, look at it, today 200 million, tomorrow 20 million, less than next week, Spirited Away, no one will watch it! "

"Um......so that teacher Zhao Qinyin's black powder IQ is so low?"

"What's so good about Spirited Away? It's a cartoon that I feel bored after seeing the poster. Why would someone like the producer and contribute more than 2 billion box office to the producer instead of seeing my male **** participating in it? The gun spirit! Outrageous..."

"The aesthetic level of the people of Longguo is so low that it disappoints me, alas, maybe this is the reality! When will the entertainment environment of Longguo get better, talented people create some more classic works, instead of a group of fat boys chasing after it? The producer yelled at the goddess and made me feel sick!"

"Also, Zhao Qinyin, what kind of screenwriter do you specialize in finance? As a screenwriter, I still show up, and I don't know whether her fans are watching her works or watching her...vulgar!"

"I'm speechless, now the Internet blacks are at this level, and I can't spray them with too many slots, and I feel that spraying with this group of people is an insult to IQ, brothers slipped away, anyway, this group of people is just like that!"

"Me too, slipped away! Can't stand it anymore!"


On this day of Friday, there was indeed a wave of remarks on the Internet that the box office of Spirited Away had plummeted!

As the so-called Mu Xiu Yulin, not to mention that many people who eat melons are jealous. Spirited Away has a box office of 1.4 billion on Tuesday. Even the top film directors, the actors are jealous!

However, this group of people jealously turned jealous, basically silent, IQ and EQ are as low as these sunspots, how can they climb to the top of an industry!

On the contrary, some unknown directors, the screenwriters began to echo the Internet comments on this day, and raised questions about Spirited Away!

But after all, it is no match for the general trend... Spirited Away's current popularity is too high, even if the box office drops on Friday, it is normal!

How can the box office of a movie continue to rise after its release, a slow decline is normal......

From the highest of 500 million in a single day, to 400 million, 300 million... then 200 million, 100 million, and finally tens of millions at the box office the next day!

Based on past experience, many practitioners in the film industry calculate from the release time of one month and the box office of 2.4 billion in the first week. The basic prediction is that Spirited Away's total box office will exceed 5 billion, and the probability will be around 6 billion. !

Although this result is not as good as Tiger Travel and the wonderful two Long Kingdom box office dominance movies in a week, as long as it exceeds 6 billion gross box office, it will be the third highest box office record in Long Kingdom Movie History......also Quite outrageous, for an animated movie!

But... Is it accurate to judge such a movie with conventional experience?

On Saturday...Long Country Cinema still gave Spirited Away more than 60% of the filming, after all... from the box office on Friday night Looking at the sales situation, Spirited Away, who everyone thought the popularity would go down, actually countered!

Zhao Qinyin, who holds fan meetings in inland cities, is extremely sensitive to this! Because it has been a week, where she went, the enthusiasm and number of fans has not diminished at all!

And the most important point is that... it's Saturday, that is, it's weekend time!

This group of media organizations in Longguo, the film industry practitioners did not understand that!

A group of students who are not wealthy on hand can keep its daily box office at more than 300 or 400 million by brushing Spirited Away in a few days during the summer vacation!

And the group of office workers who are squeezed by the cruel boss every day in Longguo, how high their combat effectiveness will be!

Last week's weekend, it was the second day Spirited Away was released. This group of office workers is not like the group of students. They get up at 6 or 7 o'clock every day, and are keen on the movie market. They booked the evening movie tickets in the morning. Up!

Many office workers have been urged by their girlfriends, invited by friends, and screened by the circle of friends, but so far they have not even seen the movie of Spirited Away!

Then for a whole week, I turned on my mobile phone every day. The media all talked about how good Spirited Away is, how high the box office, and my girlfriend blamed him for being a boyfriend who couldn't even get movie tickets......

And this week, the enthusiasm of the Long Guo Student Party for movie watching has faded a little, and the movie watching group made up on the weekend of the second week......it is the young office workers!

All day long on Saturday, even Chu Yu, who was mentally prepared, was shocked... This weekend, Spirited Away's box office began to counterattack again!

Zhao Qinyin promoted the work in the imperial capital, and Spirited Away's single-day box office only reached two o'clock in the afternoon, and it exceeded 250 million... and when it was time for dinner in the afternoon, it was even worse. Rise to 300 million......

In this case, let alone Zhao Qinyin feels outrageous all day long, those in the film industry, passersby and people who eat melon are also shocked!

In the discussion group of film industry practitioners, there are sour comments almost all day!

"Tmd can a movie's box office drop down, can you counterattack?"

"Isn't this really a ticket? A movie that has been in theaters for a week, and on the weekend of the second week, before the afternoon meal restaurant, it broke the box office of 300 million!"

"What kind of a devil movie is this, a cartoon, my three views are ruined! Who will stop this movie? Is it going to wait until the "Millennium Love", a big investment movie with an investment of over 200 million yuan, is released next Saturday. Is it possible to break the one-day box office champion of Spirited Away? That's nonsense!"

"The biggest dream of my life is to make a movie, and the box office can catch up with the one-day box office of Spirited Away! I vomit... people are more popular than others!"

"The screenwriter of this movie, Zhao Qinyin, is less than twenty-four years old, right? Oh my god, how does this guy's head grow?"

"It seems to be the same age as another genius in the animation world!"

"It's the Shuixin. Although he doesn't pay attention to the animation circle, the kid was really arrogant a few years ago, and he has occupied Weibo's hot searches for a long time! I don't know him if I watch his animation! It's a pity that he was banned!"

"But two years have passed since the three-year ban, and he will be out next year!"

"He came out to use wool, and the sky has changed. Just Zhao Qinyin's little girl's movie, which has a huge amount of leverage, has a box office of 5 billion, and this is the result! He may not be able to catch up with this little girl's popularity after his comeback! "

"Anyway, before the release of Spirited Away, Zhao Qinyin's Weibo fans were 16 million, and now... it has risen to 22 million in a week!"

"Just tmd outrageous!"

"There is also Songgang Chong, I have known him very early! Previously, his works were smashed and abandoned by investors, and now he has turned over again! Not on the island of Japan, but in the entire Long Kingdom film industry. Up!"

"Oh, this is fate. I ran into a tyrant investor like the controller of gt animation company. Add a screenwriter like Zhao Qinyin and replace me with Songgangzong. I think I can do it too!"

"Do you know animated movies? You are a fart!"


In the group of major film practitioners in Long Country, you can almost see similar discussions!

In a week, Zhao Qinyin, from a person who was only in the animation circle, directly let almost the entire Long Kingdom film industry know of her existence!

As for the fans, it's very simple, all day in the carnival!

Most of the office workers who had been hungry for a week, after a hard time grabbing tickets, finally booked tickets for the Spirited Away movie this week!

The theater is really full of people, and the theater owners treat Zhao Qinyin as a living bodhisattva! There are many movie theaters in the magic city and the imperial capital. In addition to the three-dimensional posters for the promotion of Spirited Away, many theater owners, in order to attract Zhao Qinyin's fans, directly drove her live posters out this week!

Of course, this thing got in touch with the gt animation company in advance, and Zhao Qinyin also agreed. After all, when the live-action movie is promoted, some starring makeup posters will be used to promote it! For the achievements of Spirited Away, she doesn't care about it!

So in a big city, when you enter the movie theater, you will see the posters of Spirited Away, and then in other locations... it is the live poster of Zhao Qinyin!

The screen in the lobby has no dead spots at 360 degrees throughout the day. Only the scheduled preview of Spirited Away and Zhao Qinyin's self-portrait short video calling on fans to support Spirited Away!

As for the effect of doing this, no one knows!

Anyway, on Saturday, with the support of office workers, Spirited Away's box office for the whole day rose from 22,300 million on Friday to 49,100 million.....

So far, Spirited Away has been in theaters for eight days, and the total box office has exceeded 3 billion, and it has reached 3.21 billion. Counting down, the average daily box office of the eight days is 400 million.... ....more!

Few of Zhao Qinyin and his party stayed at the Imperial Hotel that night fell asleep!

Even in the Japanese island of Chuyu, I can't sleep!

He can expect this result, but he can be calm in one or two days, for eight consecutive days, he is also very excited!

Although he is only a copywriter, but Spirited Away can achieve such results, he is also very sense of accomplishment!

"So...how far can this work go?" Chu Yu let out a long sigh!

He doesn't know either!

But Chu Yu knew that Spirited Away's second week of box office harvest trip had begun!

From the box office results of Spirited Away this Saturday, it is absolutely capable of challenging the two monsters of the Dragon Kingdom box office list and Wonderful Week!

And it's not just Chu Yu who thinks this way!

Many people who pay attention to the film industry in the whole dragon country also have this idea........

This movie won't be right!

On the next Sunday, Spirited Away was still very popular, and after giving out an ridiculous 69% of the films in the theater...This day, it became the second single of Spirited Away. On the day when the daily box office broke 500 million, the single-day box office was 5.14 billion!

However, the return rate of Spirited Away is worthy of the film arrangement given to it by the theater. On this day, the total box office of the whole dragon country in a single day is 684 million, of which Spirited Away accounted for 75% of the box office!

For the wailing of a group of fans and producers of Gun Soul and Book Realm, Fang Fang's heart is not soft at all!

Just kidding, what's the use of adding 10% to the filming of Gun Soul and Book Realm, but the single-day box office of these movies has increased from 40 to 30 million to 40 million! If it hadn't been for the theater's side not to do this, the theater owner would have been in spirited away in all the theaters!

But after all... the weekend time passed quickly!

On Monday, Spirited Away's box office began to drop slightly, 500 million on Sunday, then only 390 million on Monday, and 3.2 billion on Tuesday......

In this way, Zhao Qinyin's fan meeting in the interior will continue, and Spirited Away's box office did slip on weekdays, but no matter how slippery it is... the single-day box office has never dropped twice. 500 million points!

Until the third Saturday of its release......On this day, a fantasy movie with an investment of 210 million yuan was released! Of course, there are also a bunch of small-cost movies!

Spirited Away has been in theaters for exactly sixteen days, and the first challenger has appeared!

The theater gave it a chance for a thousand years of love, 35% of the films on the first day of the release, and Spirited Away, the line of films dropped to 32%!

This Saturday is a good time for the movie to be released, but unfortunately, because office workers are on holiday, students are on holiday for half a month...but...

The box office on the first day of "Millennium Love" was 105 million at the box office!

Lost to Spirited Away at the box office of 240 million on Saturday!

This result came out......The film industry of Longguo was silent!

Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Spirited Away fans are the fiercest clamor!

"The theaters are on the order. Do you think we will go to see that movie when we arrange movies for a thousand years? It's so funny! That group of student parties can get two shots and three shots, but our office workers will not be better than them? I would rather pay two shots. And Chihiro won't go to watch that **** love scum movie!"

"Actually, the Thousand-Year Love is okay, but it's a pity that Spirited Away Pearls and Jade are in front of the works of the same period! Run away, not to mention the difference between a live-action movie and an animated movie. Little fresh meat movie?"

"Thousand-year love makes me very confused. The male protagonist's lover who reincarnated a thousand years ago was actually reborn as a man! Then the male protagonist also said that he didn't care. Although he did not oppose the male-male love, the plot got me caught off guard. Exit! But it was originally the work of two small meat circle fans. Anyway, it's okay. Male fans watch special effects, and female fans watch handsome guys. Anyway, this plot is also at the box office!"

"Three brushes of Spirited Away, let's go!"

"It's so pitiful, I got a movie at the same time as Spirited Away!"


The views on the two films on the Internet are still objective, but the theater chain does not care about you so much!

The same lineup, more than twice the box office gap!

So the next Sunday, the film arrangement of Thousand-Year Love dropped to 20%, and the film arrangement of Two Thousand and Spirited Away rose to 53%........

As soon as I saw this......The film industry of Longguo understood it again!

Come on, Spirited Away is the third week after its release, and it's still going to be the movie world of Tyrant Dragon Kingdom!