I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The box office of Spirited Away in the third week really refreshed everyone's perception again!

Although it has dropped a lot from the previous two weeks, it is basically at a daily average of one or two hundred million on a working day!

However, because the performance of the Millennium Love screened last Saturday was not as good as expected, it decisively began to take the path of gun spirit!

The theater side reduced its film schedule the day after the release of Thousand Years of Love and gave it to Spirited Away!

Then the result of this is that the box office of the Millennium Love has dropped again, and the number of films has been reduced again, forming a vicious circle!

This situation directly shocked the other two big investment films that were expected to be released on July 31st, and one after another posted a postponement of the release schedule by two weeks!

By that time, it was already the fifth week of the release of Spirited Away! In any case, after such a long time in theaters, Spirited Away is basically unable to have much impact on other works!

But for now, in the first three weeks of the release of Spirited Away, the film industry of the Dragon Kingdom was wailing!

The entire works that were released on the same schedule as Spirited Away were shocked. Most of the works did not even end the release schedule, and it was determined that they had a 100% loss!

Spirited Away has been released for three weeks, and there is only one winner in the entire Dragon Kingdom movie market, and that is itself!

And in less than 20 days of release, Spirited Away's total box office exceeded 6 billion!

The first week's 2.4 billion, the second week is a little bit more than the first week, 2.5 billion... and the third week is not over yet, but its box office growth rate Finally slowed down!

The single-day box office of 500 million is gone, and the daily box office is only one or two billion!

But this situation couldn't be more normal!

Now in the film industry of Dragon Kingdom, the animation industry has basically accepted this magical reality!

That is...an animated film, it is very likely that in the next few weeks, it will become the number one work in the box office of the Long Country movie industry!

After all, the release schedule of Spirited Away was only a little over a month, but Chu Yu agreed to extend the release schedule of Spirited Away to eight weeks after he negotiated with the official lobby! That is to say, the release date is less than two months, and it will not be released until August 28. After all, many high-grossing movies have done similar operations before, and the official also hopes that these movies have higher box office records!

The postponement of the release date is actually of little significance to the revenue of a movie. Ninety percent of the box office of a movie is basically obtained within the first month of its release! No matter how long the release date is later, it will not have much impact on the total box office!

But this is only for ordinary movies!

Like Spirited Away, even if it was released in the third week, the box office in a single day still exceeded 100 million!

If it is said that it has a five-week release schedule, even if it comes later, the box office will grow by tens of millions every day, then it will be a considerable number for a long time! In this case, no one can say how far the total box office of this work will be!

It's just a wonderful week of 6.6 billion box office, Spirited Away is basically certain that it will surpass it!

But will Spirited Away surpass Tiger Line's four-year Long Country box office record of 7.7 billion?

This issue has now become a hot spot for discussion on the Internet, following some people in the film circle!

Under Zhao Qinyin's Weibo, her fans are there all day discussing the box office situation of Spirited Away!

On the Weibo Hot Search rankings, hot searches about how much Spirited Away's total box office has exceeded appear almost every day!

And Zhao Qinyin, who runs around in inland cities, is even more like a superstar, wherever he goes, a large number of reporters follow!

Even when she appeared in a movie theater a few days ago, fans were so enthusiastic that she didn't have the chance to get out of the theater for three hours!

In less than twenty days, Zhao Qinyin has grown from a well-known figure in the animation industry before tens of millions inland to become a popular existence on the Quanlong Kingdom network.

Young, beautiful, and talented! All three events are occupied, and even the official media of Long Country have published articles covering the work of Spirited Away in the past few days!

It's not just the works of Spirited Away that have become popular, even the popularity of the screenwriter Zhao Qinyin is far from knowing how much it has skyrocketed!

But in the face of this situation, Shui's fans are sad!

"So, is Teacher Zhao Qinyin completely surpassing Teacher Shuixin?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I can only say that before the release of Spirited Away, Longguo generally had to look at her, and it was a bit worse than the teacher! But now..."

"After all, Teacher Zhao Qinyin is not only a masterpiece in feature-length animation, but also a slam dunk master who has the tendency to catch up with the popularity of cl. The most important thing is that if Spirited Away really achieves the number one box office score in the Dragon Kingdom. ....The sum of the bilateral results really surpasses Teacher Shuixin by a lot!"

"In fact, Spirited Away doesn't need to be No. 1 at the box office. Even now, its total box office has exceeded 6 billion in three weeks, becoming the third in the history of Long Kingdom movie... so it is basically clear. In fact! Now, Teacher Zhao Qinyin is indeed better than Teacher Shui Xin in terms of the performance of his work!"

"This way, I suddenly feel unwilling! Teacher Shuixin is so pitiful!"

"In the same era, two outstanding figures in the animation industry appeared in Wolong and Phoenix. This is the misfortune of their peers at the same time, but it is the luck of us animation lovers!"

"Yes, let's not say much. Before, animation was still criticized by many people in the society. Although, as before, it is much better to think that animation is that children see it, but compared to TV shows, movies and other entertainment culture, it is still slightly despised Some! But now, if the No. 1 film in the box office of the Dragon Kingdom is an animated movie, then there is nothing to say! It is definitely a symbol in the history of the development of the Dragon Kingdom animation history!"

"Indeed, although Longguo has no fewer people watching animation than watching movies and TV, it has always had this kind of thinking! Speaking of which, Teacher Zhao Qinyin can be regarded as a bit of a sigh for the animation industry!"

"But I still can't accept that Teacher Shuixin is surpassed by someone who is the same age as him! I thought Ms. Shuixin was invincible, but now my dream is broken!"

"What are you talking about? Ms. Shui Xin didn't lose. If he is not banned, there is nothing about Ms. Zhao Qinyin. Although I like both of them, I still support Ms. Shui Xin!"

"That is, Mr. Shui Xin didn't lose. He will be lifted next year's ban. Then he will return to kick Tianxing and punch gt animation company!"

"I will never admit such a defeat. Teacher Zhao Qinyin is like Jiang Qi and Zhao Yongbai. The two people in the same period and the same period will each produce a work to compete. Teacher Shui Xin lost and I am convinced, but in Shui Xin When the teacher was banned alone, she produced works like Spirited Away...It's too cunning, I don't admit it!"

"Speaking of two years have passed, where are you Teacher Shuixin? At least make a voice on Weibo, pretend to be forced, come to a declaration of war against Teacher Zhao Qinyin, just watch Zhao Qinyin without saying a word The rise of the teacher has surpassed your status..."

"But in other words, the two people seem to have a good relationship, at least they have a good relationship on the Internet. Teacher Shui Xin also helped Teacher Zhao Qinyin to speak before!"

"It's not the time to talk about those, it's about honor!"

"Speaking of which, Mr. Shuixin didn't say anything at all, but you are here to be anxious for Mrs. Shuixin!"

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Seeing Zhao Qinyin's rapid rise in fame, Chu Yu's fans were directly imbalanced, and the discussion on the matter on the Internet had a direct response to it!

Chu Yu stayed at the airport to wait for the flight at night, watching "Teacher Shui Xin never admit defeat!" When this hot search was topped by his fans on the hot search list, he was actually dumbfounded!

Is it so nonsense?

Although the fans of their own water heart size did not fight against Zhao Qinyin's fans, this hot search topped it, and it was obvious that many of Zhao Qinyin's supporters were also refreshed!

However, in view of the good relationship between Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin on the Internet, the fans on both sides were very restrained and there was no situation where fans sprayed each other, but the exchanges between the two sides were full of gunpowder!


That's stupid!

At this time, Zhao Qinyin and his party, who had been inland for half a month, finally got off the plane!

With more than a dozen people from the company, a group of people saw that Chu Yu, the owner of the gt animation company, was waiting for them with his parents and children here at night!

Many people's eyes are red, and all kinds of brains in their hearts make Chu Yu a good boss!

But in fact it was... Chu Yu didn't look at them the same from beginning to end. Since the crowd got off the plane, Chu Yu's eyes have been focused on Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu!

The two of them are still so beautiful, their long skirts are knee-length, and their calves are slender, but they wear a cap on their heads to hide their appearance!

After all, these two people are really too light bulbs to stay in the crowd. In addition, during this period of time with Zhao Qinyin attending the event, Su Lu is also well-known in the Zhao Qinyin fan group! In order not to cause commotion, it is necessary to properly cover the underside!

"President, I will trouble you to wait for us all night, and I'm really sorry!" As soon as he saw Chu Yu, Songgang's eyes filled with joy and pain!

I am glad that Chuyu let him serve as the director of Spirited Away without even thinking about it, bringing his animation director career back to the pinnacle, and even... is the pinnacle of his life. !

From this perspective, Chu Yu is his nobleman!

But Spirited Away has now exceeded 6 billion at the box office...every day, Songgang is full of him and happy!

The better the results of Spirited Away, the happier he will naturally be, but at the same time he will also remember the year contract that Huang Ming placed in front of him when he signed the contract with him!

The first one has a fixed basic salary of 10 million yuan, and the second one...a basic salary of 5 million yuan plus 2% of the box office profit!

If he had chosen the second one, his income as a director of Spirited Away would now be at least nearly 40 million....

Forty million vs. 10 million... Songgang was so painful that his brain was congested!

Don't say that such a master in the animation industry is still suffering too much for money. It will definitely be extremely painful if you let any film director of the Long Kingdom experience his scene!

"Hello Mr. Songgang! You are tired, get in the car and rest first..." Chu Yu nodded, and after a few greetings with him, he went directly to Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu. The two go!

As for the other employees, he just ignored a few words casually, and those people also got into the car waiting outside the airport with interest!

After all, it's not too late, it's only 8 o'clock in the evening, this group of people have no food, Chu Yu has come, it is impossible to let them go home hungry!

"I'm back!" Chu Yu didn't see the two for half a month, and he was indeed a little excited and happy!

A little bit of the saying of the ancients, don't be better than newlyweds!

"I'm starving to death!" Su Lu stared at Chu Yu. Although he had tried his best to control it, he still seemed a little bit coquettish!

Chu Yu's mind was unstable in an instant!

"I'm back, but it looks like your face is a little thinner in this section. What's wrong with this half a month?" Zhao Qinyin took a long breath, and the face that had almost never smiled when he went to Modu instantly smiled.

"It's nothing, your illusion is nothing!" Chu Yu coughed twice.

He would not admit that it is the reason that eating alone is not good at all, causing a bad appetite, and living alone is too boring, and staying up all night playing games!

Although she didn't want to admit it, Chu Yu did feel it during this period of time. After getting used to the two people staying by her side, they suddenly left uncomfortable!

It would be nice if Gu Yan also came here...

Chu Yu sighed when he saw the two of them!

On the way to the restaurant, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin exchanged a lot of things with each other!

On the road, the two directly logged into the Weibo Queen, so that the friction between the brewing fans of Shuixin and Zhao Qinyin disappeared invisible!

In fact, the method is very simple, just talk about business each other!

Chu Yu Weibo generously appreciated the success of Spirited Away, and Zhao Qinyin Weibo immediately responded that he was afraid of the return of the water heart and slinged her with his works!

The two seem to be joking about each other, making bilateral fans feel boring directly!

This feeling is like seeing the two people arguing on the street. The supporters of the bilateral passerby already wanted to go up and help, but the two suddenly revealed their identities, and it turns out that tmd is a husband and wife!

Let these people feel like they are stupid in an instant!

After a banquet, Chu Yu was restrained, but still a little dizzy, and Su Lu was about the same. As the vice president of the company, she couldn't afford to drink less!

Although it is not a celebration banquet, the group went out for half a month and returned to Spirited Away with a box office of 6 billion yuan in the whole dragon country. Who can be unhappy, everyone is drunk!

Especially Songgangchong, who has been depressed for more than ten years, is really exhilarating!

From now on, who would dare to say that he is an out-of-date animation director, and which animation school would use him as an example when mentioning the ruined director of the animation industry in his late years?

At least one of the top three directors in Longguo's box office list, and there is even a chance for Wen to win the first place... Song Gangchong feels that he has reached the pinnacle of his life! Plus I drank a little wine!

Singing and dancing directly at the banquet, it happened that the hotel had equipment, guitars and keyboards were all available, and a wave of performances were staged for everyone. Chu Yu was stunned to see!

Is this old guy still so versatile?

Eat and drink on the spot and naturally sleep on the spot. After the waiter sent everyone to the room, Chu Yu was also dizzy and returned to the room she had reserved!

Then it didn't take long... Su Lu, who was in the shower, knocked on his room door flushed in his pajamas!

In Chu Yu's surprised gaze, he went straight into his room and kissed him as soon as the door closed!

Speaking of it, Chu Yu originally had this idea, but considering that she was struggling, and there were too many people in the same hotel company...but now...

"Hey, you are not drunk!" Chu Yu gasped, finally asked!

"Ask this kind of question at this time?"

Su Lu directly pushed Chu Yu onto the bed!

Chu Yu didn't worry so much anymore, turned off the bedside lamp, and pulled her directly into the quilt!

In the end, Chu Yu didn't know whether he was tired enough to fall asleep, or did too much exercise, which accelerated the metabolism of alcohol in the body and made him drunk!

Anyway, I woke up the next day, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, and Su Lu, the whole person hugged him directly, resting his head on his chest and fell asleep!

No wonder he always felt unable to breathe last night, so a few kilograms of people were pressed against him...

"Get up!" Chu Yu squeezed Su Lu's face, slippery and soft!

"Don't make trouble!" Su Lu raised his head, glanced at Chu Yu, and hugged even more!

This posture, this angle! Chu Yu felt the touch on her body, and couldn't help it early in the morning!

Cover with a quilt.....

An hour later, Chu Yu and Su Lu slowly got up to take a bath and wash!

Even so, the two of them are almost the first to get up in this group!

The price of this group of people today, and they drank again last night, who doesn't want to sleep in!

Except for Zhao Qinyin...

After all, when Chu Yu and Su Lu met to have breakfast in the hotel restaurant, they happened to meet her sitting there eating!

Seeing the two coming together, Zhao Qinyin's expression remained as usual, but his eyes still had a slightly different color! And the stare at each other with Chu Yu was a little longer!

Chu Yu suddenly felt guilty, and there was a feeling that Zhao Qinyin guessed what happened to him and Su Lu last night!

"What was the full-day box office of Spirited Away yesterday?" Chu Yu asked when she saw her browsing related news!

"As the real creator behind the scenes, do you care so much about your work? You actually asked me!" Zhao Qinyin looked helpless!

"170 million..."

"It seems to have fallen a lot!" Chu Yu nodded!

"It's been in theaters for three weeks, and it's a working day on Tuesday. This result is already outrageous!" Zhao Qinyin sighed, but chuckled again!

"You...what are you laughing at?" Chu Yu was a little lost for a while!

"I just thought of the fact that I and Sister Su were there worrying about whether Spirited Away could actually get back to their roots! I still think. You were too confident at the time, maybe you will suffer!"

"But now it seems that you are still as confident. Spirited Away has been in theaters for so long. You are still confident that Spirited Away will have a box office higher than 170 million. Maybe those who lost to you in the Dragonland animation industry, The biggest gap with you is nothing else, it's self-confidence!" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu, his eyes full of teasing!

No, they are worse than I am, and... be diligent!

Chu Yu feels that with the system, many people can achieve his current achievements! But as for the ordinary people around him, most of them should not work so hard after their net worth exceeds one billion!

Instead, he will eat, drink and have fun, wait until there is no money, and then take out a work from the system to make money, and repeat it, just like a bad cartoonist in the parallel world!

In this regard, people who are as rich as Chu Yu and still insist on letting the works of another world spread in the Dragon Kingdom are still rare!

But on the other hand, Chu Yu has always felt that luck is also part of a person's strength! Someone is born with hundreds of billions of inheritable possessions, this is luck, and that person's personal strength! Chuyu High School can get the system parasitic, this is luck, but it is also his Chuyu's strength!

So Chu Yu has never been presumptuous, as long as you don't be too arrogant!

"It's really like a dream, this half a month!" Zhao Qinyin sighed!

"Indeed, I still feel that Spirited Away's results are too dreamy!" Su Lu drank the porridge and echoed.

"This is Chu Yu, your peak, right!" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu and asked with some uncertainty.

"Ah... well, almost!" Chu Yu was stunned, and then reacted!

Zhao Qinyin means that Spirited Away will be the pinnacle of his creative life!

"It's strange, the look in your eyes just now told me that you didn't think Spirited Away will be the pinnacle of your anime creative life! You said before that Slam Dunk and Spirited Away are works of the same level, and they were produced by two works The influence will be the same...or not, the slam dunk will also set off a spirited upsurge in the Dragonland animation industry at this time!" Zhao Qinyin's eyes narrowed slightly. Seconds later, he said with a smile.

"Don't be Minghua! This is not good!" Chu Yu coughed.


Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin cast doubtful glances at Chu Yu!

"Just don't always believe everything I say! This way, when I pretend to be forced, I don't have any sense of accomplishment!" Chu Yu made a rare joke!

"But one thing is true....Long Kingdom movie box office list first, I think Spirited Away will achieve this achievement! And after Slam Dunk is fully aired, the influence will not lose to Qian. And Chihiro...should be inevitable!"

Chu Yu's words made the two of them look at each other, but Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, after half a month of the box office myth of Spirited Away, now believe in Chu Yu's words by 70%!

"If it's true...isn't your Shui Xin reputation completely hidden by my clone? At that time, your fans" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu and said~www.mtlnovel.com~That Not really...the deity, how could it be possible to lose to the clone! After the deity is unblocked, he will definitely catch up! "Chu Yu said.

Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu glanced at each other, both of them panicked!

"Then you want to return to the magic city?"

"Are you leaving Japan Island?"

The two asked together, a little anxious.


Chu Yu looked at the eyes of the two of them, in addition to being serious, they were serious! Immediately realized what they were worried about!

"It doesn't matter if I go back or not...all..." Chu Yu was a little bit twisted!

"You are all very important to me, and you will not lose contact with you!"

Chu Yu can't speak too blatantly, after all, the relationship between him and Zhao Qinyin is only at an ambiguous stage!

But after all, just kissed, held hands, and it can be saved! Although it was only wishful thinking by Chu Yu himself, his final conscience made him refuse to pull Zhao Qinyin into his own asura field!

He hoped that Su Lu would listen to this sentence as a girlfriend, and Zhao Qinyin would listen to this sentence as a friend!

But the two people on the opposite side were almost the same, the flush on their cheeks quickly rose, and the look in his eyes gradually softened...

Chu Yu felt that things did not go where he expected!

Forget it!

"Go home, it just happened to be updated at noon today for Slam Dunk. It's a holiday today, so I won't go to the company!" Chu Yu sighed!

He always feels...the Shura field surrounding him seems to have a feeling of upgrading!
