I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The next day, August 29!

The entire Dragon Kingdom media are vying to report this. After all, Spirited Away's box office topping and the number one record of Dragon Kingdom's box office chart increased to 8.432 billion records, not only representing the Dragon Kingdom movie. The world, and also represents the dragon country animation industry.......The number of people in the two fields is huge. For a time, the fans of Spirited Away began to become active again directly on the Internet!

"Awesome, 8.4 billion, I can't imagine it!"

"I haven't figured it out yet. Why do I like an animated movie so much, I didn't join in the fun and go to the cinema anyway!"

"Green radishes have their own love, as if I still can't read Tanmei bl novels and TV series, but it has a female audience market! There is no work that everyone can like!"

"It's a pity that Teacher Zhao Qinyin is traveling abroad. Spirited Away will be released abroad on September 5th. I hope I can do so well abroad!"

"But I think it's better not to report too much hope. Tiger Xing has a box office of 7.7 billion in Long Country, but the total box office of overseas films is less than 600 million....Regional cultural factors affect this. Whether the movie can become a big fire or not has too much influence! Foreigners are not as cool as a tiger!"

"Yes, it's like the killer nine-headed shark, the highest-grossing domestic film in the US film industry. When converted at the local box office, it also looks like 8.7 billion Dragon National Coins. However, it has been screened for more than a month in a market such as Dragon Country. The box office is only 60 million, and the global box office outside the local area is less than one billion Dragon National Coins.......We Longguo people can't get the beauty of the nine-headed shark!"

"However, the highest box office in the world's movie history is still the European film Horror. The local box office has calculated nearly 8 billion Dragon National Coins, but the overseas global box office has more than 9 billion... Even if it is in Dragon The country has also smashed the box office of more than 2 billion! It can only be said that the film works abroad, it is always difficult to guess what the results will be!"

"But Spirited Away, it's hard to say. The live-action movie contains elements such as religion, region, history, and familiarity with the starring actors. The results after going abroad are unpredictable, but it is said that foreigners are addicted to the Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional paperman culture. There are also a lot of otaku......I feel that Spirited Away overseas trips may be much better, twice as much as Tiger Travel, starting at 1.5 billion at the box office?"

"I don't know...but I agree that it is stronger than Tiger Traveling. The cultural elements of Tiger Traveling and Dragon Country are too heavy, but Spirited Away is okay!"

"Oh, do you care about him anyway? Foreigners can't understand that Spirited Away is their loss, and Spirited Away doesn't need foreign results to prove her classic! The number one in the Long Guo box office proves its strength!"

"It's also... Actually, Teacher Zhao Qinyin doesn't need to go overseas to do any publicity. He just retreats in Long Country and thinks about how to create the next work... I hope to see another work comparable to Spirited Away!"

"So we need to give Teacher Zhao Qinyin some motivation! Spirited Away, the six major video websites of the whole country will be launched simultaneously at 8 o'clock tonight! I have watched the movie seven times, and I have contributed hundreds of dollars in movie ticket money. It's not too bad that the network on-demand is costly!

"Damn, is it so fast?"

"Brother, you are out of date. These websites will start all kinds of publicity for Spirited Away within a week, and it will be broadcast on the Internet today.......If it weren't for Spirited Away only yesterday, I guess it would be early. These sites want to be on the shelves of Spirited Away in two weeks!"

"Awesome. The movie has a box office of 8.4 billion, and then it will be broadcast online immediately, and then it will be released overseas... How much money does Spirited Away make?"

"This thing is not clear, but if gt animation company is a listed company, with the benefits of Spirited Away Slam Dunk, I dare say that its stock will rise three or five times in the past few months.... .... It's a pity..... Many hot money in the capital market want to share the enthusiasm of Spirited Away, but they can't find a piece of the pie!"

"8.4 billion box office, 35 percent of the box office share is estimated to be close to 3 billion, plus Internet broadcasting, overseas revenue, peripheral sales, copyright adaptation... I am afraid that in the end It is not a dream to double the income!"

"It's ridiculous...a movie is so profitable!"

"Then what about the income of the slam dunk? It's not low.......The total income of gt Animation this year may be enough to directly buy a quarter of the stock of old rival Tianxing. ....... It took only 20 or 30 years for people to develop to the present, and it took only two years for Teacher Zhao Qinyin to face Tianxing and win a big victory... .."

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's not say that we ordinary people are stunned. A series of old companies in the film industry and animation industry are estimated to be dripping with envy! The boss I worked at before told me that all the world People's success is the function of the team! But based on the history of teacher Zhao Qinyin, I think that in the major animation companies of Long Country, where she joins, her status in Long Country will not change!"


All day long, along with the release of Spirited Away Cinema and the news that was broadcast on the whole network at 8 o'clock in the evening.......

The fans of Spirited Away are excited before the evening!

Various hot searches were topped on the list, and all employees of gt animation company also made an exception to leave work early. Although it is of little significance, it is impossible for Chu Yu to keep them busy enough to support Spirited Away!

In the evening... Chu Yu, who returned home with Su Lu, started to pay attention to the webcast of Spirited Away after dinner!

On major websites, the playback page of Spirited Away is constantly being refreshed by fans. I hope which website will release the link soon!

Chu Yujia's various Zhao Qinyin fan groups, the comment refresh rate makes him overwhelmed!

"Chu Yu, when are you going to host this Spirited Away celebration party!"

When Su Lu and Chu Yu are at home, they are much more unrestrained. After the shower, they put on a thin nightgown. The clothes are close to each other, and the curves of the body are undoubtedly revealed.

She is not at all shy about Chu Yu's frequent gazes, and even deliberately cooperates with Chu Yu...

It's a pity that Chu Yu's concentration is quite strong tonight, and I didn't prepare to rest after 7 o'clock!

"It's okay anytime, but at least until Zhao Qinyin comes back! It won't be a few days..."

"It's also.... By the way, some of the people in the animation industry you asked me to recruit already have some lists. I have sent the details to the inner mailbox. If you think it is possible, I will arrange them I came to the company for a trial job..." Seeing that Chu Yu was in the sage mode tonight, Su Lu didn't tease him anymore, so let's report something to Chu Yu!

"It's okay...but the people are recruited. It is important to have a job for them..." Chu Yu said halfway through, and Su Lu immediately replied.

"Don't worry about it, after all, it's as you think... The company has always been around you... The people I recruited this time also have There are many well-known animation screenwriters in the industry and... But after all, this is the first time our company has created works other than the script you took out. It is better to be more cautious... Why don't we buy the copyrights of some popular comics and novels and adapt them into animations by ourselves!" Su Lu said hopefully.

Upon hearing the words, Chu Yu pondered for a moment.

Although the gt animation company has produced better results than the other since he took over, he rushed to use some local screenwriters, and Chu Yu was really worried about the work he produced!

After all, just by looking at the works of Longguo in the animation industry in the past seven or eight years, in the top 20 milestones, 13 of them were created by Chu Yu, respectively, and you know the level of these screenwriters in the Longguo animation industry!

And what Zhao Qinyin has recruited is not necessarily the top presence in this group of people... Those people usually have various contracts, and if they want to change jobs, they have to look at their old club. Don't let anyone go!

But if you adapt those comics, novels, and games that are already famous, it will be different! As long as the plot is not changed, at least the original fans will have a lot of popular traffic! The risk is slightly lower!

"I agree with this! But which works do you want to buy copyright to adapt!" Chu Yu asked curiously.

The income of Spirited Away and Slam Dunk is at least several billion, and his own bank opened several billions of funds. Chu Yu doesn't care about the investment income of the work at all. As long as he doesn't lose money, he calmly accepts it, mainly doing something. The project comes to give his subordinates something to do, otherwise Chu Yu would not be able to raise idlers in vain!

And even if the loss is only a matter of tens of millions, but the money can be used to reverse the company's deformed creative mode, so that the company's various departments can develop healthily, and lay the foundation, Chu Yu can also accept it!

Of course, the most important thing is that it might be crazy to use the term "nine cows and small hairs" to describe the weight of the money to Chu Yu, but it is not bad to describe it! Ape's words must be a program ape!

"Well, for example... the comic book serialized by Xiaoyin on the island of Japan... the answer to love?" When Su Lu said this, he looked at Chu Yu Look at it.

I didn't see any anger in Chu Yu's face, some were just puzzled.

"Why? That work will definitely lose out!" Chu Yu started his straight-man thinking mode.

"Until we joined the gt animation company, Xiaoyin's biggest dream was to animate his own comics......I just think that Xiaoyin might be happy to do so! And Xiaoyin Now that there are so many fans, even if she produces a work that is no matter how rubbish, her fans will be curious to see what the genius girl Zhao Qinyin's stretch work is, and follow it... ..... If you lose money, it shouldn't happen!" Su Luyi said righteously.

You are really a good girlfriend of Zhao Qinyin... Chu Yu stared at Su Lu.

"The popularity of that work is very low. Change the symbolic copyright to tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. As for the production fee, it can be produced at a normal level..."

"Okay, forget it! I just thought that was the hard work of me and Xiaoyin. It just happened that the company had redundant staff and did not disturb the progress of your work... I'm sorry!" Su Lu hurriedly became timid. Said.

Chu Yu suddenly felt guilty!

"I agree! Anyway, Zhao Qinyin's fans are probably very interested in that work... and the point is that you just need to be happy!" Chu Yu let out a long sigh.

Chu Yu doesn't care about the loss of low-cost love animation production, and indeed Su Lu is right. As for Zhao Qinyin's current popularity, fans understand that she's shameful early in her creative career, and it's impossible to lose money. At best, it won't be popular!

It's like in the parallel world that the coal boss invests in a TV series to let his girlfriend play the role of two girls and three girls!

It's okay to make two girlfriends happy!

"Really?" Su Lu immediately became happy!

Strictly speaking, it is not only Zhao Qinyin who has such a dream, but Su Lu, who has been a manga editor for so many years, naturally wants to animate a work she has brought under her!

Although there are private messages, they have not concealed their thoughts!

Quickly gave Chu Yu a big kiss on the face, and Chu Yu almost couldn't help but rectify her on the spot!

"Okay, let's talk about business, are there any other plans? It's impossible that you came up with this after thinking about it for so long?" Chu Yu asked.

"Of course not only, in addition to Xiaoyin's love answer...I think the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance can also be animated by copyright!" Su Lu stared at Chu nervously again. Yu face.

"Cough cough cough..." Chu Yu almost didn't get choked.

The main reason why Chu Yu agreed with the company to produce other people's works was that he was not interested in the production of works that were not good enough, not that he could not find excellent works in the space for his subordinates to produce!

Moreover, he has limited personal ability. The company wants to grow into a giant in the animation industry, and only depends on him to support the jobs of hundreds of people, then he is probably exhausted! A man immersed himself in the office all day creating scripts for several or even dozens of works, so busy that opening his eyes is work, and closing his eyes is dreaming. So what's the use of having three girlfriends? How about tens of billions of net worth......that's why I agreed to Su Lu's expansion plan!

Su Lu was good, saying that he was looking for some popular comic novel adaptations, and finally found him!

"I don't agree...I don't want to be cheap..."

"I know that you are a person who kills 800 enemies and loses one thousand and doesn't care. After you fell out with the cuttlefish, you can always redeem the copyright of Rurouni Kenshin, but you still want to pay the cuttlefish copyright fee. I feel upset, I would rather not earn it for yourself than earn it for the other party... But you have to consider how pitiful and excellent that work is, but it is buried in this place in Los Angeles, Long Country. Many people still don't know that Shui Xin once had such a work..."

Su Lu Kiligulu persuaded Chu Yu for more than ten minutes, and Chu Yu was finally annoyed... and he really felt that because of his own sake, this work could not gain a better popularity in this world. Expansion, sorry to the original author too!

"It's up to you... the first time I found you so long-winded!" Chu Yu uttered a rare comment.

"Don't you like long-winded people?" Su Lu said triumphantly.

"I'm telling you, don't challenge my patience, you make me very uncomfortable tonight!" Chu Yu pretended to be fierce, hugged her and kissed her.

"Okay, I haven't finished talking about things..." A few minutes later, Su Lu struggled away!

Then, Su Lu began to slenderly talk about his plan!

In addition to the previous two works, there is also the debut of Chu Yu, the Ting of Yanye. Su Lu is going to buy back the copyright directly from Cuttlefish!

Chu Yu sighed in his heart that the Court of Foot Control is really going to be promoted in this world. Su Lu said that this work also has the potential for animation. This Chu Yu does not deny that it is one of Xin Haicheng's classic works after all. Although short, but Coupled with the bgm song of rain, the emotion rendering ability is full! Not to mention the work of God, the term masterpiece is definitely worthy of being called!

In fact, the reason why Su Lu wanted to buy the copyright of the two works was selfish. In this way, her comic editing career would be a complete success!

The two giants under her hand, one is Zhao Qinyin and the other is Shui Xin, both of whom have grown up to be giants in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, and the works she is responsible for have all been animated! Then she can shamelessly claim to be a legendary manga editor!

Think about it, I'm still a little excited!

The next step is the animation plan after the purchase of the copyrights of the two Dragon Kingdom now popular comics.

Chu Yu and Su Lu talked a lot in detail this night!

The income of these works after animation may be far less than the income of Spirited Away and Slam Dunk... But the company wants to continue to operate and develop and grow, it must be such a model!

Unless Chu Yu wants to be a model worker and write scripts 24 hours a day, there is no other way. Chu Yu will be exhausted to do all the script creation work that so many people need!

While Su Lu and Chu Yu were discussing the company's development all night, Spirited Away was also under the attention of fans, and Quan Long Kingdom was online!

It's hard to say how many fans of Spirited Away has an audience. After all, there are many more parties, but from the point of view of 8.4 billion box office and 160 million moviegoers, this number is absolutely huge!

But just when the animation link was launched at 8 o'clock...

On several websites, the play page of Spirited Away crashed directly!

Because the number of viewers is too large, the server can't stand it, and in the background data, the number of people paying to buy movies has risen sharply!

The person in charge of Xinman.com, Penguin.com, Youtu.com, etc., the operation department was a little dumbfounded that day. In fact, they have estimated that the on-demand network of Spirited Away will be very popular. Animation works have always been like this, and fans are very sticky!

Someone can remember a cartoon from 20 years ago, but the probability of this situation is very low for TV series and movies?

However, the fans of Spirited Away who have been in the movie theater so many times are so enthusiastic about online on-demand, which really makes them unexpected...

At least, just before the Spirited Away playback page crashed.......The online sales data of Spirited Away was much higher than that of Tiger Travel's webcast that year!

It took half an hour ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to return to normal amidst the fans' abuse!

Many fans did not hesitate to pay for viewing qualifications.... Compared with the dozens of movie tickets in movie theaters, the online viewing price of only Liulong Guoyuan is really low!

Many office workers who have no sense of animation subjects may feel sorry for the dozens of movie tickets, but even elementary school students will not feel too sorry for the six yuan webcast price.......

So........ In fact, in this wave of webcasts, many viewers did not know how many times they have been watching the party, but quite a few of them have watched this work for the first time... ...

One night, Spirited Away webcast this topic, which has occupied the top spot in the hot search since nine o'clock.

Many people in the Dragon Kingdom's circle of friends are basically sending Spirited Away related information!

Those who have never had a chance to come out in the deep mountains and wild mountains, geological prospecting, roads and bridges and other types of workers, also for the first time on the Internet to enjoy this latest Longguo box office champion movie!

If the movie theater is a feast for people who are pursuing the sound effects of their works, then the movie webcast is basically a carnival for the whole people! Even those who said that they would not watch cartoons, many people wavered at this moment. After paying, their eyes were quickly attracted by the exquisite picture quality and bgm at the beginning of the animation......

As many people have predicted, for classic works like Spirited Away, the theater release is far from the end, but the beginning of another genre!
