I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"It's here, it's still enjoyable through webcasting. Animations with bullet screens have that flavor!"

"It's the first time I saw Spirited Away. I was studying abroad. I heard friends say it's beautiful, but I haven't had the chance to watch it. I finally waited for the webcast!"

"Then you don't have to wait for the cinema on September 5th, it's only a week!"

"At that time, I will contribute to the box office! Anyway, watch the webcast first, and then go to the cinema!"

"It really deserves to be Spirited Away. It only took less than two hours to broadcast on the web, and the amount of bullets is dense!"

"No way, although I have already used the movie theater five times, I still want to watch it, especially Chihiro said in Bai Long's ear that the name of the river she fell into when she was a child was Amber River, and then Bai Long immediately remembered his name. When I saw Amber Lord early, he changed from the appearance of a white dragon to a human form, and the two of Chihiro and Chihiro fell from the sky... My girl's heart is simply bursting, this is almost every girl's. The ultimate dream!"

"Indeed, that scene was so savory. I thought there was a warm man like Bailong who accompanied me in my childhood, but it's a pity... there is only a stinky boy in the neighbor's house. cry!"

"I don't know what the Spirited Away webcast data is like? How can I say that it is the No. 1 movie in the box office of the Dragon Kingdom, and the movie webcast data should also be the No. 1 movie!"

"I hope so, Spirited Away, with better grades, only then will Teacher Zhao Qinyin have the motivation to get other excellent animation works out!"

"Forget it, how do I make it? The film's income should be at least ten times the investment. Although the cost is much higher than that of Tiger, there is basically no surrounding market for Tiger. Spirited Away is different! Now on the Internet The faceless man, the jumping head inside, the radish essence, and the surrounding hands of the son of Granny Tang are basically on sale at three times the official recommended price, and there is no market..... ...I made an appointment for a Chihiro figure, which shows that my ranking is after hundreds of thousands of people.....I just split up! This movie is said to be the last two decades of the Dragon Kingdom The most profitable movie is not too much!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin does not know how many of her fans will have to take the college entrance examination for animation majors in this wave of operations, and how many investors in the film industry are going to invest in animation movies!"

"Follow them, let them go, anyway, from the rise of Spirited Away, what I have seen is not only the success of Teacher Zhao Qinyin, but also the loneliness of Teacher Jiang Qi, ten years of silence, full of confidence. The comeback, the final box office was only 860 million yuan, who said that it is impossible to talk about ruin, but it can also be called a classic case of the front wave being shot to death on the beach by the back wave... I can only say, look at Zhao It seems easy for Teacher Qinyin to make money, but a grass-roots person who graduated last year and now earns 4,000 a month, who makes animation with Love Liver in the magic city, tells you that this is not that simple!"

"That's true, but what kind of dividends can Teacher Zhao Qinyin get from this wave of return of Spirited Away!"

"Then who knows? This is the secret between them and the gt animation company, but since Mr. Zhao Qinyin is so famous now that he hasn't changed jobs, it must be quite a lot!"


On the barrage of Spirited Away, a group of fans in the comment area initiated various discussions about Zhao Qinyin's works.

With the vigorous promotion of major video sites, the online sales volume of Spirited Away has soared!

Because the webpage crashed within an hour of the broadcast, the results were average, but since then it has been increasing at a rate that the insiders of a video website cannot understand!

By about ten o'clock that evening, the number of paid-on-demand people had exceeded 10 million, and by midnight in the morning.......This data is counted on the whole network, it is 128 million!

This is not the number of clicks for those free movies whose copyright has expired. You can count the number of clicks once, so it appears to be very high.

But this data is very real. Every additional data means that someone paid six yuan to watch Spirited Away, and it also means that four yuan is the copyright share of gt animation company!

After all, it's the No. 1 movie on the Longguo box office list. The network broadcast itself is not like a movie theater. The cost of staff, water and electricity is in it. The cost is quite low. Although gt animation company negotiates with these websites, it is also You can only let the other party accept the mode of such division... and the online sales period is the same as ordinary animation, three months from the date of release, and then it is free to watch! This is Long Guo's regulations on the film and television industry. Otherwise, it is obviously unreasonable to pay to watch a work 20 years ago!

But this is enough... Compared with the share of other webcast movies, Spirited Away has already received considerable preferential treatment! Chu Yu didn't expect the other party to make no profit at all!

But again, basically some staff members who know the inside story can easily calculate that in the four hours of the evening of August 29th, Spirited Away's 28 million webcasts are equivalent to four hours, and all the works Online sales amounted to more than 168 million, and gt animation company's side, in just one day, the entire network platform scored more than 110 million.......

That night, Longguo didn't know how many people in the film and television industry couldn't sleep. It was mainly Zhao Qinyin from the animation industry who hit them too hard. No matter how easy it is, the **** data is here, it is very uncomfortable. .......

Is this the energy that a movie that has been released for almost two months can burst out?

Can you be more ridiculous?

Today is Friday, and how will it perform on the following Saturday and Sunday?


That night, Su Lu and Chu Yu exercised in the first half of the night, and began to study the data in the second half of the night!

And the employees of gt animation company are also in a state of excitement almost all night!

The next day, with various media, news, headlines and various reports about the results of Spirited Away webcast...

"The miracle of the Dragon Kingdom film industry, why is Spirited Away so popular?"

"The webcast revenue exceeded 100 million in four hours. Will it begin after the movie theater of Spirited Away is released?"

"Long Kingdom, the most profitable movie Spirited Away this year, will soon become the king of webcast movies?"

"Who else can stop Spirited Away, the storm caused by this work will only stop when it is appropriate!"

"The most tragic movie of the Dragon Kingdom was born, and the broadcast of Gun Soul cinemas caught up with the release of Spirited Away. The investors wanted to get their blood back online, but the movie Spirited Away, scheduled to be broadcast online in mid-September, was suddenly scheduled. It was broadcast on August 29th, this time it was two days earlier than Gun Soul......!"


The topic of Spirited Away, which has been silent for a while, has once again been heated up!

It can be said that fans of Zhao Qinyin and film fans of the Dragon Kingdom want to know how this work can be a demon, and how many records can be created in the film industry and animation industry of the Dragon Kingdom!

In the next two days of weekends, Spirited Away let the Dragon Kingdom film industry and the animation industry know how crazy Zhao Qinyin's fans are, and the power of the animation industry A Zhai!

Generally speaking, it's normal for a movie to have a lot of party use. After all, after watching the movie, if you want to watch it again after two hours, you can only buy tickets again!

But the situation of network playback is different. You buy it once, and your account can watch the video you purchased repeatedly!

However, the fans of Spirited Away are obviously dissatisfied with this intimate regulation. Under Zhao Qinyin Weibo, someone began to release that he registered a video website account with his family's mobile phone number, and then paid for each account. After purchasing the broadcasting rights of Spirited Away...

This made those Zhao Qinyin fans who still hadn't done it suddenly realized that there is actually this way to support Zhao Qinyin!

In the Zhao Qinyin fan group, this trend has become more and more intense and spread rapidly........

Isn't this another way of swiping tickets?

Fans can't find a channel for rewards. In order to show their support for Spirited Away and Zhao Qinyin, how can they do such a brain-dead thing?

You two-dimensional elements are really too much money to spend, right? Spirited Away's figure is out of stock, so I gave Zhao Qinyin money so that she can work overtime to make the figure so that she can sell it to you at a tenfold increase?

People in the film industry can't understand the people's identification card. No matter how enthusiastic a live-action movie is, fans will not do this kind of thing. Even if a strange flower does this, it will not spread!

But Spirited Away fans can really do this...

On Saturday, Spirited Away's network-wide on-demand volume was 31 million, and on Sunday, this data soared to 33 million........

From the launch of Spirited Away on the Internet III on Friday night to the end of Sunday, within two and a half days, the number of paid accounts on the whole network of Spirited Away was 92 million.....

No matter how calm people in the Long Kingdom film industry and animation industry are, they are not calm at this moment!

Jealousy makes them angry and unrecognizable, and jealousy separates them!

The box office of the tmd film in Longguo reached 8.4 billion, and the box office share of gt animation company was nearly 3 billion.......Now it's released, and the webcast will start, so two and a half days The share of webcasting has increased by more than 300 million...

Who can accept this!

With a total investment of 550 million yuan, it has earned more than 3 billion yuan in revenue so far. In the future, there will be overseas releases and peripheral sales...

"Spit up! Spirited Away made me regret for the first time that I chose the director department instead of the animation director department!"

On Sunday night, a certain second-line director posted a Moments content that was exposed on the Internet, and it was ranked in the top ten on Weibo's hot search list!

Many friends and stars in his movie circle ridiculed directly under his Weibo. Even if he becomes an animation director, he still has to hold a thigh like Zhao Qinyin!

The end of the weekend also means the end of August. On Monday, September 1st, Spirited Away's webcast data declined, but the impact was much smaller than when it was shown in theaters. At least on Monday, The paid amount of Spirited Away increased by 22 million...

After three consecutive days of news bombing by the media, the public has become numb to the news of Spirited Away.

The paid amount of Spirited Away webcast exceeded 100 million in four days. Among them are the multi-account support of Zhao Qinyin fans, and those who have not had the opportunity to go to the cinema for a while before, and many who do not like to go to the cinema at all. People who like to chase dramas on video sites are in the pit.

However, the endurance of online broadcasting is definitely not as good as that of theaters. The audience's enthusiasm is only one or two weeks before the works are put on the shelves, and they are mainly concentrated in the first few days before they are put on the shelves......

So starting from Tuesday, the growth of the number of paying people in Spirited Away fell below 20 million to only 19 million. After that, it entered a mode of gradual decline in paying people!

After all the movies were broadcasted on the web, Spirited Away has not been able to break away, but based on experience..... The payment for the first five days is more than 130 million. No matter what happens later. It is still very stable for the total payment amount to exceed 200 million.......

and so.......

After five or six days of excitement for the entire company, they were finally relieved!

And on September 3rd, Zhao Qinyin, who had left Tokyo for half a month, finally returned...

Dumbfounded, with a tired face, when the company saw Chu Yu at the airport, if it weren't for the company's other members, they all wanted to pounce on him!

"I'm back, hard work!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

"It's not too hard, but when I'm not in Tokyo, you might have worked harder, after all, you work during the day and you have to work at night, with Sister Su!" Zhao Qinyin walked beside Chu Yu and said softly.

"What are you talking about? I didn't..." Chu Yu coughed twice, concealing his embarrassment!

"Forget it, you and Sister Su, I don't know yet?" Zhao Qinyin said.

"If I had been working as a light bulb at home, I guess the living room would be your bed, right?"

"Don't think about it!" Chu Yu quickly changed the subject.

"It's just two days after the release of Spirited Away overseas. I don't even bother to think about how much potential this work has... You are resting at home these two days, and then you will directly participate in Chihiro. Chihiro's celebration banquet is here!"

"So fast? Don't you generally like to delay it longer?" Zhao Qinyin asked rhetorically.

"Mainly taking advantage of the fact that the big guys are not busy during this time, so I want to do it first. In the next period of time, the company may have to recruit a lot of people and then start several projects... "Chu Yu said.

"Understood, Sister Su told me that she wants to animate several popular comics, and then animate your Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance and the Garden of Words..." Zhao Qin Yin nodded.

"What my Rurouni Kenshin...we created it together! You are still my manga assistant for that work!" Chu Yu corrected.

"What about now?" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu.

"Now you are my wife..." Chu Yu said blankly.

The first time I heard Chu Yu say such numb words, Zhao Qinyin's face suddenly blushed!

"Don't talk nonsense... I am very happy with you, getting married or something, no... I dare not think about it~www.mtlnovel.com~ front And Sister Su, and Gu Yan..."

Zhao Qinyin was a little anxious, and it was the first time that Chu Yu saw her so uncomfortable! Swallow the next one or two words decisively!

Chu Yu was a little embarrassed for a while, Zhao Qinyin's thinking was really jumping! , And also very simple, from the wife to marriage, and then to marriage, the thinking of science students!

He has been having a headache all the time. His three girlfriends, first of all, Zhao Qinyin and Su Luoluo should not be dissatisfied with each other. After all, they are both latecomers, and Gu Yan is there... ....Even if Chu Yu can comfort her and make her accept the fact that she is a big radish, she still won't run away......What about getting married in the future?


But at this point, Chu Yu couldn't come up with a good solution, so he took one step and counted one step... But at least at this time, Chu Yu would definitely not pour Zhao Qinyin's cold water with her. Discuss these things in detail!

Although I told Zhao Qinyin to let her rest, she didn't seem to be interested in being alone at home!

I went to the company with Chuyu the next day

This time, everyone in the company saw her with the same expression as if they saw the God of Wealth. Many people in the animation production department showed enthusiasm for her. It was far more enthusiastic for her than for the president, Chu Yu. I guess they wanted to try their luck to see if they could get this genius. She's valued, and work with her to reach the pinnacle of life like Song Gangchong!

As time entered September, Spirited Away was released overseas, celebration banquets, and new projects were launched, and a series of events followed one after another.

Chu Yu fell into a life forced to work overtime again!
