I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Since the broadcast of Slam Dunk, until now, every Wednesday at noon and noon, it is the carnival time for Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional fans!

Especially now that the slam dunk plot has entered into a fierce match with the mountain king.

Last week's story of Akagi and Mitsui Shou's awakening in adversity made fans enthusiastic for a week, but it also stung fans' appetites for a whole week. Now...

To use that sentence to describe the mood of slam dunk fans is that their hearts are already hungry and thirsty!

At least Chu Yu was secretly in a dark corner, watching the company employees who were excitedly discussing the slam dunk plot and unabashedly expressing their admiration for Zhao Qinyin at their workstation, thinking of this group of people who were filled with indignation yesterday as if they were talking. How to defeat Zhao Qinyin's words......Suddenly I have a clear understanding of the face of this group of old working fritters.

And while watching the animation, these employees are still very excited to discuss related topics, especially the comparison topic between Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin. Not to mention that this is the daily tearing of fans on both sides, even in the anime circle. People often use this matter for various discussions.

"Do you think boss's new work can be compared to a slam dunk?"

"Which aspect? Achievement or influence?"


"If it's a result, the boss's Lelouch is already the ceiling-level work of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry. Even if Zhao Qinyin's cl is so hot, he is still a bit disappointed and loses to Lelouch in terms of results. But among the works of these two people, judging from the time span of ten or twenty years, I think that the two works of Jojo and Slam Dunk will be the most influential by that time..."

"Indeed, jojo needless to say, the comics have been completed for almost three years, and they have remained in the top 15 sales of Longguo comics. It is far different from those works that have languished as soon as they are over! And Slam Dunk, I will not say whether the final score of this work can surpass Lelouch, but what is certain is that the classic level of this work must surpass Lelouch...It is simply the first time in the Dragon Kingdom in decades. A sports-competitive animation! As long as the ending is not broken, Slam Dunk must be an uncontroversial title work. After decades, it will definitely surpass Lelouch in the history of Long Kingdom animation!"

"Although I really hope that the boss's attacking giant will achieve great success and regain his former position in the dragon country animation industry, but it is true that Zhao Qinyin from the Japanese island is too powerful........a The emergence of two top geniuses in the animation industry in this era can really be called Yu Liang..."

"Then which of these two people is Zhou Yu and who is Zhuge Liang?"

"Guess? How could I tell the truth in my heart, if you go to the boss to tell the secret, I am not miserable!"

"You are afraid of others telling the news, isn't it clear what you think in your heart?"

"Although Zhao Qinyin does have an advantage over the boss in terms of the number of fans and the performance of his work now, who dares to say that the work of Attacking Giant is worse than Dunk. I think this work is quite novel at the beginning, if it is in the middle and late stages. Add more other connotations to the plot, everything is possible..."


Huang Ming's newly recruited employees are not only good players in the industry, but also a group of gossip kings!

However, it was also during the lunch break, and thought that Chu Yu stayed in the office and didn't know what they were talking about, so she spoke freely.

But as I talked about it, I focused my attention on the plot of the new episode of Slam Dunk!

Compared with other ordinary fans, as insiders, they will also use their expertise to compare when watching slam dunks, but they have to say that they invest 400 million yuan, and the average cost of slam dunks is 4 million Dragon National Coins. There is really nothing to fault.

The picture, music, sub-mirror, and color cannot be said to be 100% perfect, and there is nothing wrong with it, but if you really want these people in the industry to use other expressions to express the tension of the plot and achieve a higher level of effect, you will understand , Can't do it...or it can be done, but the cost must be added!

The new slam dunk plot is basically the personal show of the mountain king Zebei...

In last week's plot, Xiangbei had already chased the score to ten, but as soon as the plot came up this week, Zebei began to break out.

What is an outbreak? What is the manifestation of the outbreak? This requires a contrasting role!

And this person is Rukawa Maple!

As one of the popular kings of Slam Dunk, Rukawa Kaede is a perfect character in the eyes of fans. He is handsome, strong, and hardworking....Basically, he is the person who has the highest strength before the story of the mountain king! No matter who you are against, you are basically not left behind!

But with these two words, Zebei directly shattered Rukawa's fans' dreams!

The score difference between Xiangbei and Shanwang is only ten points, so Shanwang ace Zebei is finally getting serious!

Rukawa Kaede had no ability to parry under Zebei's series of attacks. Even Akagi, Rukawa Kaede and Sakuragihana got three double-teams. Zebei still broke through the three-man blockade and scored a layup... .

Fans look sad when watching the animation, but Kaede Rukawa in the animation gets more and more serious.

"I want to go to the U.S. too!"


"After this game knocks you down..."

Although the dialogue between Zebei and Rukawa Feng on the field of the two talented ace players made a lot of slam dunk fans excited, but after the excitement, they were also very worried...

Did Rukawa Feng really win Zebei?

In this Rukawa Kaede's memory, he talked with Sendo, the only man in Sendo who admitted that he could not win!

In the plot last week, it was only by Mitsui Kotobuki, Akagi Takanori, and Sakuragi's explosion that the score reached 10%, but after Zebei started his solo show, the score of the two teams reached 55 to 74.. ...

As for the animation barrage, the number of fans' speeches has increased dramatically.

"It's over, I'm too nervous, there are only four and a half minutes left in the game, and Xiangbei is 19 points away...Can this game really be won?"

"It doesn't matter, whether you can win or not depends on God's will, but no matter whether you can win or not, this game is full of enthusiasm and tears are almost streaming out of my eyes!"

"I don't think I've been so serious about LBA and your NBA. The psychological portrayal and sublimation of the five tigers in Xiangbei in this game is really great. It's really the same as the leading and supporting roles in ordinary anime. On the ground!"

"Although Zebei belongs to the Mountain King team, I don't know why I started to fan him! I always feel that he is really amazing!"

"Damn, what's the situation? Rukawa passed the ball!"

"Outrageous, Rukawa Feng finally passed the ball! Don't go solo?"


The animation barrage is still chatting, but in the plot, Rukawa Kaede recalled the conversation he had with Sendo, and passed the ball to Akagi......

And Akagi, after a few weeks, in this week's plot, the slam dunk fan finally saw him score again!

It's not easy!

But in the face of Sakuragi's pass request, Rukawa Kaede decisively ignored it.

He even cooperated with Sakuragi Oolong and collided and lost a goal opportunity, but Sakuragi immediately surpassed everyone's imagination to score an independent layup......

If the first two episodes of the four chapters animation are updated this week, the first two episodes of Shizawabei's personal show, the second two episodes are the psychological changes of the characters.

Akagi no longer constrained to compete with Kawada, but to assist his teammates. Mitsui surpassed his limit and couldn't run. After receiving Rukawa Kaede's pass, he still made three-pointers crookedly, and Rukawa was not stuck. After fighting alone and knowing the strength of Zebei, he finally began to rely on the strength of his teammates......

Indeed, although the top-level Hetian and Zebei of the mountain king are better than Xiangbei, if the average strength of the five players on the field is concerned, Xiangbei may not be able to fight against the mountain king. The previous loss was so miserable and there was a big problem with mutual cooperation... ....

But now in order to win, at least in this game, everyone is doing their best!

Xiangbei, centered on Ruchuan Feng, has given full play to the team's strength!

After letting go of the prejudice and awkwardness between the players, the Xiangbei team once again chased the score with Shan Wang to 66 to 74...

Whether it's Rukawa Kaede's imitating Zebei's shooting, or Akagi and Sakuragi's partnership to block Zebei, the end of this week's slam dunk plot has completely ignited the slam dunk fans......

Since the afternoon, Zhao Qinyin has had millions of fans' visits and comments on Weibo. Basically, regarding the current popularity of Slam Dunk, there will be hot searches on Weibo almost every update day, but this week is obvious. Compared with the previous two weeks, fan popularity is even higher.

Whether it's in the interior of the dragon or the island of Japan, as long as you go to the major exhibition scenes, the slam dunk powder wearing the Sakuragi No. 10 jersey and the coser of other characters in the slam dunk almost occupy more than one third of the audience!

Slam Dunk, if you say that its popularity is really unmatched, that's not enough, but the biggest difference between this work and those general works is that it is enduring and tenacious!

I really want to tell you that after the completion of works such as Magic Circle, the enthusiasm generally lasts for half a year. After three to five years, or even longer, new fans of the second dimension may not like such works.

But slam dunk is different. From the parallel world decades ago to decades later, almost no one would say that its plot is outdated, the plot is old-fashioned, and the fans of the work are extremely sticky!

And this will gradually be revealed in the current Dragonland animation market!

But now, at the end of the Slam Dunk and San King game, that is, two weeks before the end, the fans are relatively simple!

Everyone is looking forward to slam dunk and the second part. Watching the slam dunk animation in a relaxed and active atmosphere, they just feel that the end of the slam dunk two weeks later is just the end of the first part and represents the beginning of the second part. .....

It was totally unexpected, what kind of life experience this work will bring to them.

In the parallel world, someone interviewed Inoue Takehiko and asked him why he wanted Xiangbei to stop at the top 16 of the national competition.

Inoue's answer was, "Because youth is inherently imperfect!"

Of course, this is just the original words of the author, but the actual situation is not known!

After all, the Japanese animation industry in that era was also very inhumane. He used the author as a tool to make money. Dragon Ball Ming Toriyama wanted Goku to be finished as a child, and he was forced to continue the drawing to the second day by the manga agency for profit. Every second air level!

Fuken Yoshihiro couldn't stand the squeeze behavior of the comics club, and Yu Yu Hakusho was unfinished. As for Inoue Takehiko, he also had a stiff quarrel with the comics company because of plot issues, so the slam dunk quickly ended, and then left this sentence.

In the parallel world, fans know exactly what the end of the slam dunk is!

If it is really scheduled from the beginning to end the battle in Xiangbei in the second round of the national competition, there is no need to portray the powerful teams in the other half of the area, as well as the stars and other characters encountered in the third round.

It is also because of the fact that Chu Yu created the national competition chapter in this world, out of feelings, did not delete these after falling in the top 16 in Xiangbei, it is tantamount to the plot length of the "scrap role" without any plot and meaning!

Now Long Kingdom slam dunk fans think that there will definitely be a second dunk.

Otherwise, what do you do when portraying these characters?

Just to make the fans feel a greater sense of disparity at that time?

But in this world, because there are not so many external factors, this excuse of Inoue Takehiko in the parallel world can be used perfectly!

After all... this reason can be accepted by fans of Parallel World Slam Dunk and calm their anger. It should be possible in this world too!

I guess so.....

In the next two days, the work of the entire copyer animation production company is also proceeding smoothly!

After all, after the funds are in place, nothing else is a problem!

The preparatory work for the attacking giant is proceeding in an orderly manner, and on the Japanese island side, the preparatory work for the Fullmetal Alchemist is also progressing smoothly.

Although Chu Yu came to the magic city, Su Lu also managed all the staff of the gt animation production company properly!

There is no such thing as a problem in the operation of the company when Chu Yu is gone.

This made Chu Yu a little relieved.

But the only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable is that now he goes home every day and sees Gu Yan's smiling face, and the guilt in his heart is getting deeper and deeper during the sage mode time after the warmth every night.

When I can't see Gu Yan on the island of Japan, although I feel guilty for Gu Yan who is far away in the magic city in the happy cohabitation life with Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin, it is far from the time when I saw her real person directly. One-tenth deep!

Especially Gu Yan is always full of energy. He will do his get off work ahead of time and cook for Chu Yu after work. After getting up, he will tidy up Chu Yu's clothes and shoes. Before going to work, he will always take the initiative to give Chu Yu a farewell kiss. The relationship between husband and wife is only the relationship between boy and girl friends, but Chu Yu always feels that the relationship between ordinary couples should not be as heavy as the two of them.

But the more Gu Yan treated him so tenderly, the more guilty Chu Yu was.

Even if he gave Gu Yan 2.5% of the copy of the animation studio's shares, Chu Yu didn't feel much better in his heart.

Therefore, Chu Yu was also in this kind of mentality, and devoted his energy to the work frantically.

However, this attitude of Chu Yude made the employees of the copying animation studio begin to divorce!

What a combination of 100% effort and 100% talent ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is the heart of water!

The boss can achieve such an achievement, it really is not built!

People ten times more talented than you work harder than you, are you still fishing?

A group of employees who have had longings, fantasies, or shameful emotions because of Chu Yu's behavior are passionately devoted to animation production.......

When everyone saw Chu Yu, there was a little respect in their eyes.

This makes Chu Yu a little confused!

After all, he only used work to escape because he stayed with Gu Yan for too long and enjoyed Gu Yan too much, so he was too guilty.

If these things didn't happen, Chu Yu would definitely go home from get off work and play games as soon as possible.

But now he has sorted out a role model for the company's employees, which he did not expect.

This is also a mistake!