I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"What the **** is going on over there? Giant? What is this?"

Yin Tian frowned as he watched the information about the new work of the Copier Animation Company from his mobile phone.

"It is said to be a different world animation. We originally wanted to send people into the copy animation company in the early recruitment process of this company, but Huang Ming, the director of this company, is very smart and should have been prepared for it. It's also very clear about the situation in the animation industry in the magic city. The recruits are basically people who have had conflicts with our Tianxing. This information is also obtained from the insiders of that company through other relationships!" The subordinates are low. Started and said.

Yin Tian looked at the information in his hand again.

In fact, it is meaningless to inquire about these materials. If you are a newcomer in the animation industry and have no foundation, you may steal the script if you smear the situation in the industry!

But Shui Xin, it is impossible to make such a mistake. The evidence for creating these works must be preserved. Even if the ban has not expired, the works cannot be reviewed through official channels! But if anyone really thinks they can steal the script of Shuixin, that would be too naive!

Although Yin Tian always feels that he is in control of a large company like Tianxing, and he is in the Longguo animation industry, he looks down on these hard-working creations, but the interests of most creative slaves have been exploited by capital, but he has to admit that the popularity is so high. Shui Xin, Zhao Qinyin's level, especially Shui Xin who also runs an animation company, is indeed somewhat qualified to confront Tianxing!

And Yin Tian knows very clearly that there may be opportunities for cooperation with Zhao Qinyin in the future, but with Shui Xin, he will never die in this life!

That's why I put so much effort into inquiring about Chu Yu's new work, but in terms of the result!

Apart from knowing that this is a story about the cannibalism of giants in another world, there is nothing left!

"Do you think the future wind vane of the Dragon Kingdom will be bloody, and the monsters will be anime?" Yin Tian frowned and asked.

In the past, he would never ask such questions at all. He always felt that with Tianxing's production strength, there was no need to worry about things like vanes of works! What works Tianxing praises, what works will be popular!

Just like capital holding traffic stars, even if capital does not hold a handsome boy or a beautiful girl, it can make it popular all over the Internet. This is Yin Tian's idea all along!

But after several years of continuous experience in the Shuixin period and the period when Zhao Qinyin made the animation industry of Tyrannosaurus, he also slightly changed his mind.

After all, the leading companies in the animation industry of Longguo, every year they make every effort to create animation works, the basic score is ranked seven or eight in the year, and the works that are not Shuixin above are Zhao Qinyin's works. It is good for a short time, but such a few At the end of the year, the industry has long questioned Tianxing's leading position in the industry. Since the rise of the water core, Tianxing's stock price has been less than 70% of its heyday.

At the beginning, I wanted to invite Chu Yu to the Sky Star, mainly because I left this guy alone and had too much influence on Sky Star, but who would have thought that after the heart of the water, another Zhao Qinyin appeared... ..

"The market is hard to predict. We think that the current indicator of the Longguo animation market is relaxed and entertaining works. This is why everyone in the company feels that Ruan Zhiqi's two works are worth investing in. Both works are In line with these elements, especially the spiritual man..." the subordinate responded.

"But everything can change, and..."

"And what?" Yin Tian frowned and said.

"From a historical point of view, the heart of water... indeed has led the trend of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry many times! So we also think that the brainless, bloody, monsters like the other side's creation. There is also a very low possibility that works will become popular!"

"Extremely low?" Yin Tian looked at his subordinates.

"Yes, because our team believes that this kind of work is vulgar and brainless, just relying on cannibalism to set eyeballs. In essence, the netizens of Longguo are a group of relatively active people, and there is a high probability that they will reject this kind of work... ..... For example, the scary animated Scarlet Schoolhouse two years ago, the suspenseful animated corpse dog three years ago.......Although the originality is novel and the pictures are very curious, but in fact it has been twice Dimensional fans resisted unanimously, thinking that they were vulgar and bloody, and they felt sick after watching them. In the end, the profits of the work were huge losses!

Yin Tian was speechless for a while when he heard the report from his subordinates.

Is this the person who is hired by Tianxing with an annual salary of millions?

He said both the pros and the cons. He also said that the opposing party is extremely unlikely to explode, and that the opposing party's work will be rejected because of the subject matter. Anyway, no matter what achievements the attacking giant achieves, he can say that he The analysis is correct.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Yin Tian asked.

"You can give some of the information currently collected by the attacking giant to some of the creators of the company, let them create and imitate with the same elements, and then the other party will produce and broadcast early, so that the audience can adapt to these things first, and wait until the other party's work is released. ......."

The subordinates began to report their plans to Yin Tian.

To be honest, Yin Tian didn't think it was good!

This method is the method used by large companies to suppress small companies. If the acquisition fails, I will copy it. The product functions are the same. I use contacts, channels, and capital to crush you. Over time, you can't bear huge losses and you will be destroyed. Just do it.

But is Shui Xin afraid of these? The other party is not short of money, nor afraid of losses!

After all, people in the industry can basically understand how much money Shui Xin has made from previous works. Although they look down on creators like Chu Yu, they have to admit that even Yin Tian cannot ignore the wealth that Chu Yu earned. !

And what made him the most unbearable was that the years when Chu Yu made the most money were the years when Tianxing had the lowest rate of return. The market and profits were all taken over by Chu Yu's works! Otherwise, Yin Tian wouldn't have a black hand against Chu Yu!

Although Yin Tian felt that he was raising the ambition of others, he couldn't help it.

But after thinking about it, there is no other better way. At least if the attacking giant is released during the same period, there are several homogenous works on the air, and it's okay to divide its popularity.

These works do not need to make money, but as long as the popularity of the water heart return is affected, then the task is completed.

"All right, you can arrange it! Find a few good players in the industry, and then create a few works of the same type and compete with the attacking giants at the same time, as well as the fullmetal alchemists on the island of Japan, and use the same method. Disturb them!"

"Look for some more naval forces, the two people are beginning to be black on the Internet, regardless of the effect, but things have to be done..."

"Oh, by the way, there will be a bunch of works released by Humen, Japan's gt animation company, next year!" Yin Tian asked, remembering something.

"That's right!" the subordinate said.

"The comic change work Jiuding, the fat dragon of another world, Shui Xin's comic change work The Garden of Words, and Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance will all be broadcast next year!"

"The first two are one and they will be broadcast in April, but Shui Xin's two comic works, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, are expected to be broadcast in January next year, and the Garden of Words is expected to be broadcast in April next year... .."

"See if we can suppress the other party through some industry channels, and then we will broadcast multiple works next year? Also compete with the other party on the same schedule to suppress the other party's arrogant arrogance!" Yin Tian said.

"You know what I mean, as the leading company in Longguo animation industry, Tianxing cannot always be crushed by other people in the animation market, and it is still more than two people..... Our company spent three years ago. Pamela, a multi-billion-acquisition game company, has seen a mediocre response in the market for six consecutive games in recent years. The loss rate of funds invested in research and development of games is as high as 62%. Therefore, the market value of that company is now less than one billion. , The industry's animation market is being crushed by the works of other companies. The investment of hundreds of millions to build a two-dimensional website that competes with Xinman.com has not improved. In addition, the cooperation between lba and our company is cancelled. Just like this year, the market's confidence in the future development of Tianxing will definitely decline rapidly.....The total market value of Tianxing may fall to less than half of the peak period.....below 17 billion. ...." Yin Tian looked at each other.

"If this is the case, I will be the first to lay off your incompetent management. Don't think that you can get rid of it under my hands. Remember the content of the contract. After being laid off, you will never want to be in the animation industry. Continue to gain a foothold!" Yin Tian took a sip of tea.

"Ming... understand!"

"Get out!"

Yin Tian sighed.

He understands that Tianxing's current situation is very embarrassing. There was a relationship with the above, and it doesn't matter if it expands unscrupulously. Anyway, it can hold it, but now the environment has changed. The business that used to expand through improper means before will naturally be suppressed by the emboldened competitors. !

Indeed, as the ancients said, once the emperor and the courtier!

Nowadays, the expansion of the business has not shown any improvement. At most, it will hurt your muscles and bones, and you can slowly regain your blood after training. But if the main business animation market share and the benefits have been eroded by the peers, the foundation will be shaken.

Now in the animation market, fans only look forward to the works of Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin, and Tianxing's influence is rapidly diminishing.

Yin Tian was lost in thought in the office alone...


Indeed, although Yin Tian is definitely the number one enemy for Chu Yu, his judgment of the market is still accurate.

When you have strength, you are arrogant, but you can quickly adjust your mentality and change strategy when the environment changes. He didn't think that Tianxing was a leading company in the industry and was arrogant and invincible.

Just like the three major manga journals on the island of Japan in the ninety-year period in the parallel world, the Weekly Youth Magazine at its peak was the best in the industry, but it didn't take long for it to be surpassed by the jump. Works like You Baishu were serialized during this period, and the market was all taken away!

It took only a few years. To be honest, Yin Tian had already noticed the changes in the market, but he was helpless......The company couldn't find someone who could produce a creation like Shuixin and Zhao Qinyin. Make works like Spirited Away, Slam Dunk, and stabilize your market position.

A leading company in the industry cannot produce leading works in the industry. Who would think that this company can match its status?

Although I have always felt that I am a capitalist and look down on these creators, Tianxing wants to develop better, stronger, and bigger. It is useless to rely on the management level of the management, so I still have to come up with works.

Chu Yu would not have heard of the actions of his old enemy against him.

The magic capital is so big, Chu Yu can receive clues even if the opponent moves slightly, at least Tianxing is preparing to launch a few monster animations in other worlds, and Huang Ming has also come to tell him!

"It seems that someone in our company is not very reliable!" Huang Ming sighed.

"It's normal. There are no impermeable walls in the world. Giants are like me. Those who live like me live and die like me! The setting of giants is just a coat. This work depicts the characters, renders and controls the plot. Feeling and reflection on the world are the essence. Just like a slam dunk player, playing basketball is just a coat. Fans don't see the protagonist playing basketball, but the protagonist's psychological and will change and sublimation in the process of playing basketball! If you want to copy, just let it go...but in this case, I have to be careful about this stuff!" Chu Yu looked at the attacking giant's set script and script on his desk.

Out of caution, Chu Yu would definitely not let his subordinates know all of the content of the work. People filmed a TV series in order to keep it secret, and even shot one episode for a script. If the workload is not that far, Chu Yu will try to hide it as much as possible!

In case of a big mouth, the plot will be revealed. Before the first episode of the giant is broadcast, let the fans know that the giant giant is human and the giant of armor is Rainer!

Or if these details are revealed to Tianxing, the other party will definitely spare no effort to help Chu Yu spoil the news!

If Chu Yu is really disgusting, although the possibility is unlikely, it is better to be careful!

"That's true too!" Huang Ming nodded.

"By the way, Chuyu, isn't your daughter-in-law Gu Yan still working as a seiyuu? By then, should the heroine Mikasa seiyuu let her come?" Huang Ming asked.

"This...it can be considered!" Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

Of course, for Gu Yan, his reputation and money are not bad, especially after he owns 2.5% of the company's shares, but if the business is also linked to the copier's animation studio, Chu Yu is also considered to be in the company. You can also see Gu Yan and kill two birds with one stone.

"No, but..." Chu Yu paused without saying anything.

Huang Ming glanced at Chu Yu, and suddenly reacted.

"You haven't gotten your wife done yet?" Huang Ming said.


"It's the matter between you, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, and the relationship with Gu Yan hasn't been dealt with yet?" Huang Ming covered his head.

"It's been two weeks!"

"No..." Chu Yu lowered his head.

"Oh! It is really difficult for you, three beautiful and gentle girlfriends, obviously you should experience three times the happiness... But why..." Huang Ming sighed. .

"Kill you, a white scholar!" Chu Yu left his seat at once, and couldn't help but pick up the giant's draft and hit it over!

After a while, Chu Yu was relieved.

"But you shouldn't be able to hide this for long, you know! Gu Yan is very clever~www.mtlnovel.com~ just your little thoughts......It's better to be caught by her. Be frank and lenient!" Huang Ming is also related to Chu Yu, and he is not afraid of being disgusted by Chu Yu, so he talks about this topic.

"Don't be too persuaded..." Huang Mingyu said earnestly.

"It's great when she cries and hangs up, you just kneel on the keyboard to admit her mistakes..." Huang Ming started to make bad ideas.

"Forget it, don't talk about it! It's too crude to catch the rape..." Chu Yu hurriedly stopped him.

"I will take care of this!"

After Huang Ming left, Chu Yu fell into deep thought again.

But seeing Gu Yan's eyes after returning home, he still didn't have the courage to confess.

I could only lie down next to Gu Yan in the middle of the night, thinking hard and couldn't sleep!

His head was muddled, but time passed by as usual!

It was so delayed for another two days, another two days passed, and it was the day when the slam dunk was updated...