I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Unlike the end of an ordinary anime, a few weeks after the end of Slam Dunk, the popularity of his works is still rising!

The old fan has already walked out of the final of Xiangbei fell to the top sixteen!

In fact, for the work of Slam Dunk, the current trend is very much in line with the parallel world!

Just like the statue of Michelangelo's broken arm Venus, the regret of the broken arm made this sculpture famous all over the world!

Although the members of Xiangbei have not fulfilled their dreams, the work has had a similar effect until now, which is very helpful for the popularity of the work after the completion of the work.

And when the time came to mid-December, the average broadcast volume of Slam Dunk inland has exceeded Lelouch's 21.2 million, officially replacing Lelouch and becoming the history of the dragon inland animation. The third-ranked work.

As for the Japanese island area, the results of the slam dunk are now, and they have officially reached the top, with an average score of 6.9 million surpassing all opponents!

However, unlike the inland area where the slam dunk score is still rising slightly, it seems that there is a chance to reach the top of the inland Longguo animation industry. The situation is different!

In the island area of ​​Japan, the scores of slam dunks have basically not risen!

After all, the population of the area is 100 million, and the population limits the growth of works!

In the inland area, assuming that multiple fans support slam dunks are excluded, almost one of the 70 ordinary people is following the slam dunk masters, but in Japan, the average score of nearly 7 million views is compared to that of Japan. Of the population of about 17 or 8 people, one of them is a fan of Slam Dunk.

Indeed, in terms of the proportion of otaku culture lovers among ordinary people, Longguo Animation is the first place to be born in Japan, and it is indeed thriving! Without such a high proportion of otaku fans and ample pockets, the island of Japan would not have almost occupied two-fifths of the output value of the entire Dragon Country's animation industry with one island!

When the slam dunk was over, Zhao Qinyin and this work were consecrated in the inland at the same time. In the islands of Japan, those enthusiastic fans were beyond Chu Yu's imagination!

It has been a long time since the slam dunk was over, but every day, hundreds of people still gather in the streets under the gt animation production company.

Of course, it is not to continue to let Zhao Qinyin change the ending, but simply hope that he will be a little extra.

For example, whether Akagi was admitted to his favorite university later, and whether Mitsui Kotobuki passed the winter trials and obtained the qualifications recommended by sports specialties!

After Zebei went to the United States, does he still have the same dominance as in Japanese high school basketball? How good is Sakuragi's injury? The follow-up of Ruchuan Feng joining the Provincial Youth Team...

Fans are very persistent, and Zhao Qinyin is more scared!

I go to get off work secretly every day, afraid of being recognized.

Fortunately, the relocation of the company's new address has begun!

As Chu Yu is absent, the person who nominally controls the nearly five billion cash on the books of gt animation production company... Su Lu understands what it means to spend money!

In order not to lose time, the company placed orders for new equipment, decorations, tools, and so on, and let the relevant company make and take care of it a long time in advance.

This sum of expenses or something, as long as the amount is not too large, basically Su Lu signed the payment.

At least not to mention anything else. It's normal for the company's main executives, such as Songgangchong and Huang Ming, to have a car and a driver!

The cost of buying a car alone is more than 20 million!

Zhao Qinyin travels to fan meetings all over the island of Japan at any time. She must be equipped with a vehicle and an excellent driver that is worthy of her now the first person in the Dragonland animation industry........

Of course, before the money was spent on these things, Su Lu had discussed with Chu Yu. Chu Yu's only requirement was that Zhao Qinyin's driver must have good skills, and it must be a lesbian!

Of course, Su Lu also chose and chose again. He chose a woman of the gender, but the figure can go to the ufo boxing match to recruit people.

As for the daily travel of himself and Zhao Qinyin, Su Lu deliberately ignored it. After all, if Chu Yu was so lazy to allocate a car to himself, he would not continue to be both of them as drivers.

The new company has a total of eleven floors and a two-story parking lot. The purchase price is over 1.3 billion. Except for the third floor of the gt animation production company on the top floor, it is also very troublesome to change the procedures for the original tenants on the other eight floors.

Anyway, Su Lu had spent tens of millions of dollars from her during this time, but she was also very tired!

"So, when will Chu Yu come back? This guy will choose a date and go to the Demon Capital for more than a month. These things should have belonged to him!"

At night, it was Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin who stayed at home again. Although the weather was cold, they were dressed in **** clothes at home, but no one appreciated them.

"I don't know. Look at Chu Yu. Although the business is handled well, the private affairs should be progressed to zero!"

"This guy is too embarrassed, he has a guilty heart, and he has no guts! It is also with us, a normal person, who is so inked, he is indecisive, he is indecisive... he is determined to be a man. The scumbag just walked to the dark, and now he hesitated!" Su Lu became more and more angry, and his tone became more and more angry.

"Then if it weren't for him, would you still like him?" Zhao Qinyin said softly while braiding his hair.

"I also understand...that is, I am afraid that he will not come back like this! Although he said that he will come back, he also said at the beginning that he will always keep friends with us, and between us It's impossible!" Su Lu sat next to Zhao Qinyin and sighed.

"He is here with such a big company, and he can still run..." Zhao Qinyin stopped talking halfway through.

Based on their understanding of Chu Yu, if they can sacrifice gt animation company, in exchange for Gu Yan to accept the fact that he is in three boats...Chu Yu should only hesitate.

The hesitation is not that Chu Yu is reluctant to bear the huge amount of funds on the company's books, but that Chu Yu is reluctant to abandon the ownership of the works he has created so vigorously!

If Gu Yan really forced Chu Yu to choose one of the three, the two didn't know, Chu Yu would still abide by his vowed guarantees!

"I can only trust him, I can handle Gu Yan!" Zhao Qinyin whispered.


Of course, at the same time, Chu Yu finally had to face a problem after the various things of the copy animation production company were on track.

He came to the magic city this time, there are two things, one is the animation of the attacking giant, and the second is... his own personal love life.

And just today, Chu Yu finally made up his mind...he is about to showdown!

As the chairman of the board, after Gu Yan went to work today, Chu Yu was wayward and skipped work. He invited the chef team of a nearby five-star restaurant to spend two days in advance, specially prepared a large table of dishes, and bought a large dining table. , I can put this pile of dishes, and many people are invited to take care of the sanitation and decorate the environment.......

One day is very short, but under the effect of the banknote ability, one day makes Chu Yu's home a big change.

At least......As soon as Gu Yan walked in after get off work, he was shocked by the temporarily remodeled couple-style decoration at home.

In particular, Chu Yu also put on a special dress, and the dishes on the table were steaming. After calculating the time, it was delivered to the plate and set five minutes before Gu Yan returned.

As for wine, Chu Yu also opened a bottle of wine worth more than 300,000 Dragon National Coins, a certain foreign brand red wine that it cannot pronounce. Whether it tastes good or not, at least the atmosphere is there, and the money is worth it, of course. There are more expensive wines, but they are not for sale, and for collections, Chu Yu also dismissed the idea.

"What's wrong with you today? It's not your birthday either! Why is it so grand!"

After Gu Yan lost consciousness for a while, his expression was a little nervous, and a trace of fear flashed deep in his eyes.

"I've been back for so long. I haven't had a good celebration with you. I have something delicious. After the meal, I have something to tell you!" Chu Yu was also very nervous, but his expression was as gentle as possible.

On the dining table, Gu Yan saw the glass of red wine that Chu Yu helped her pour, the dishes on the table, Chu Yu's nervous eyes, and her complexion gradually turned pale.

But even so, her whole person is very beautiful, and her gestures have a temptation that is indescribable to Chu Yu.

"What do you want to say? If it doesn't matter... let's talk about it another day!"

Gu Yan ate half a bowl of rice, drank a sip of red wine, took a deep breath, and looked at Chu Yu!

"Very important thing!" Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan.

After two seconds of brewing...

"Remember the questions I asked you some time ago? If someone did something I'm sorry for you, a lot of people were used as examples, but in fact... .... In fact, there are people....."

"it is me!"

Chu Yu had been worrying about this for almost a year, and he was still hesitating until two minutes ago, but as soon as he spoke, he couldn't stop.

"You..." Gu Yan clenched his fists and looked serious.

"You cheated!"

Chu Yu was about to continue speaking, but Gu Yan suddenly said...make her instantly stupid!

"You...how do you know...I haven't said yet!" Chu Yu's tone became stuttered.

"I have known you for seven years!" Gu Yan stared at Chu Yu.

"Even if you kill someone, you shouldn't be so nervous, so solemn..."

Gu Yan wanted to communicate with Chu Yu in a calm tone, but as he spoke, his eyes reddened and his nose sour, and the whole person cried.

"I.... How could I not know? During your stay in Japan Island, Su Lu has been here several times, and Zhao Qinyin has also been here. How could I not know what they think of you? and You have been together for so many years, how can I not know what you think of them!"

"I just have been fantasizing that even if you have a good relationship with each other, you may not come together...Two weeks before you returned to the capital, I thought about it hundreds of times every day. I want to ask if you are with them on the island of Japan.......I have always hinted that you have something to tell me, but you have not responded for more than a month, and I am willing to believe that you are not with them. That way... has already been decided, whether you are sorry for me or not, as long as you don't say it, I will treat it as not..."

It was the first time that Chu Yu saw Gu Yan crying, and rushed to hug her, but couldn't say a word.

The clown was actually himself, thinking that Gu Yan hadn't noticed anything...

"You've been holding back for a month... Why did you decide to say it today!" Gu Yan said, crying, lying on the table.

"Because... I don't want to hide it from you!"

"Who are you with Su Lu, or Zhao Qinyin?" Gu Yan turned his head and looked at Chu Yu, who looked like Chu Yu wanted to punch himself.

"Both..... Both are with me, progressing to the stage of interaction."

Gu Yan's face turned paler when he heard this!

Gu Yan knew very well in his heart that the time for these two people to plant seeds in Chu Yu's heart was longer than the time she and Chu Yu knew each other. If they were just one person, she would still be confident that Chu Yu would stand by her side, but two of them. ....

"Then you said it? What are you going to do? Are you...breaking up with me?" Gu Yan paused and said.

This is the worst ending. Chu Yu gave up Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu!

This is an ending that Gu Yan can't accept anyway, but if Chu Yu really has this meaning, she will definitely not mess with it, just treat it as the wrong person.

"No... No, how could that be possible?" Chu Yu waved his hand again and again.

"So........ You broke contact with the two of them and were condemned by your conscience. Did you come over and confess with me?" Gu Yan's eyes lightened.

"No...No!" Chu Yu's face turned red for the first time, and for the first time since Gu Yan knew Chu Yu.

"Then...what do you mean?" Gu Yan pushed Chu Yu away and stood up.

"I...come to confess with you!"

"What about after that?" Gu Yan asked.


"You want me to accept the reality of your three boats and continue to get along with you like this..."

Gu Yan understood what Chu Yu meant, and the tears that had just stopped began again, and his eyes sparkled instantly. .

Turning around, picking up his bag, he rushed out of the object.

However, Chu Yu had been prepared, how could she let her run out at night alone, what if she couldn't think about it?

However, Gu Yan was angry at this time when Chu Yu blocked him, punched and kicked Chu Yu who was blocking him, and even bit Chu Yu's shoulder a big bite, venting his anger...

It was discovered that the corners of Chu Yu's mouth had broken skin, nosebleeds had remained, and her shoulder shirt had been bitten by her, and bloodshot eyes had also leaked out.

"Yes...I'm sorry, Chu Yu...I didn't mean it!"

"Don't... hate me!" Gu Yan suddenly realized what he had done, and his expression was instantly gloomy.

I hurried to the room and brought iodine and cotton swabs. In the process of helping Chu Yu treat the wound, his hands kept shaking, and tears dripped on his hands.

So far, Gu Yan's reaction was entirely within Chu Yu's imagination. After all, as Chu Yu had predicted, the worst scene in which Gu Yan chased him with a hatchet, sailed on a boat and sailed towards the Huangpu River. Get up, this can only be trivial.

In fact, Chu Yu didn't suffer too much. Although Gu Yan acted under anger, after all, how strong can a girl be?

But after finally Gu Yan's attention was drawn to this, Chu Yu must pretend to be.

With a distorted expression and blurred eyes, Guy Jing felt even more distressed when she saw it.

Her anger and guilt towards Chu Yu were mixed together, she didn't know what to do?

"Gu Yan, I admit that I am sorry for you. If you want to fight, continue...but don't leave!"

In order to make herself show longer, Chu Yu directly bit the tip of her tongue, and immediately the smell and pain in her mouth spit out a large mouthful of blood, pretending that the injury was not light.

"I...I'm not so vigorous!" Gu Yan was frightened at once.

Gu Yan watched a lot of TV series and thought he vomiting blood was caused by internal injuries, but in fact, many internal injuries caused bleeding and would not come out of the mouth at all. Hematemesis was mostly caused by gastroenteritis and drinking!

"Don't die! Chu Yu! Let's go to the hospital quickly!"

"Can you not leave?" Chu Yu himself felt that he was very stupid and was playing a dog-blood drama here, but Gu Yan didn't realize it when he was really impatient.

"I promise, there will be no fourth person in the future!" Chu Yu hurriedly said this sentence.

When Gu Yan heard the term Fourth Person, his anger soared in an instant.

Seeing that it was not good, Chu Yu didn't dare to bite the tip of his tongue, fearing that he would bite the blood of his tongue. He gritted his teeth and punched himself heavily.

The wall of the mouth was instantly damaged, and the blood on the tip of the tongue soared. Although the injury was not serious, it looked scary.

"What are you doing?" Gu Yan's anger immediately became distressed.

"If you don't agree, I will lose my blood here today!" Chu Yu began to pretend to be weak.

When Chu Yu said this, he felt sick. If he didn't act here, but disbanded and saw another man, he would definitely have a foot on the man's face.

But there is no way~www.mtlnovel.com~ If Gu Yan is not steady now, it is a bitter trick! At least Gu Yan really feels sorry for him. Although it is shameless to use Gu Yan's sympathy, it is better than two separate ways.

"I...I promised you that! You hurry up and go to the hospital with me!" Gu Yan cried bitterly.

"Really?" Chu Yu immediately bounced on the ground!

"..." Gu Yan.


It took an hour and the two came back from the hospital!

Gu Yan, who was fine after a few stitches on his tongue, finally understood...How shameless this fellow Chu Yu is.

She still feels uncomfortable.

But Chu Yu kept grabbing her hand, so she had nowhere to run.

What should I do next?

This question arose in Gu Yan's heart.