I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Gu Yan, I understand...I should be angry if you are angry, I am a big carrot with a bad character and an unstable will!" Chu Yu said as he walked.

Although I came by car, I am obviously not in the mood to drive and my tongue is tingling, but I try to make my speech clear.

"I am cheeky and hope you forgive me, and accept my three boat trips cheekyly. I hope you will continue to be with me in the future, and I hope you will accept that I will keep in touch with Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin in the future!"

"I'm shameless, I want everything, and I'm very selfish...I don't have a few friends in my life, but I like three women in love! So..... I don't want to let go!"

"Have you said enough?" Gu Yan whispered.

"Enough said!"

"I can forgive you for these messy things in the past. But you must be separated from Zhao Qinyin and others!" Gu Yan said.

"Is this impossible?" Chu Yu's tone was also very firm.

"Then what are you doing holding my hand?" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu.

"Because it's impossible to let go of your hand!" Chu Yu said.

"I don't like to do multiple-choice questions, I want them all!" Chu Yu could only entangle him stubbornly.

"Chu Yu, at least I want you to respect me!" Gu Yan began to cry again.

"Got home!"

The hospital was very close to Chu Yu's home. After walking for a while, the two returned home.

Gu Yan began to struggle, and she resisted the place where she had lived for four or five years, but Chu Yu tightened her hand and didn't let her break free.

"Okay, go to bed first!"

"What the **** are you doing? Chu Yu!" Gu Yan couldn't help it at last.

"Before you promised me, I can only do this!" Chu Yu said.

"Otherwise you really can't forgive me! Just... don't forgive me for the time being! I can accept your insults and beatings, but I just hope you don't leave!" Chu Yu took a deep breath and said.

"It's late, let's not be silly! Rest, and you will scold me when you get up tomorrow!"

Chu Yu took her to the room before Gu Yan could react, put her on the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

The hand still held on to Gu Yan's hand.

During the process, Gu Yan punched and kicked, but Chu Yu couldn't help humming a few times, and Gu Yan couldn't bear it again.

Gu Yan knew very well that she really couldn't accept the fact that Chu Yu stepped on three boats, but she couldn't accept it even more. She and Chu Yu really separated like this.

If the former causes a thousand points of critical damage to her, then the latter is a continuous attack of spring water laser on her!

At the same time, she also knew that Chu Yu was indeed three of them and didn't want to let go. Chu Yu is a very salty person on weekdays. He is afraid of getting into trouble, but he is fearless in his bones! If you decide to do something, you will definitely try your best.

He will neither let himself go nor enter the mode of choosing one of three!

So for Gu Yan, there are only two choices!

Unilaterally did not forgive Chu Yu, and unilaterally decided to break up, but Chu Yu would be harassing her all his life.

Or...Accept Chu Yu's proposal...Four people together.

In the former, Gu Yan could not make up his mind when he broke up with Chu Yu. If she could do it, she would have asked Chu Yu about it a long time ago. Why would she have to wait for Chu Yu to confess? Don't you dare to ask if you are afraid that the consequences cannot be dealt with after you confess the matter?

But the latter...beyond Gu Yan's imagination.

Under the quilt, Chu Yu just held Gu Yan's hand at first, and then saw that she didn't react strongly, so he hugged her with both hands.

Gu Yan struggled symbolically, then leaned his head on Chu Yu's chest and cried. It lasted until two o'clock in the middle of the night before falling asleep in a daze.


When I went to bed early in the morning, it was Chu Yu's face, with at least seven or eight wounds. It was attached with band-aids, and her hands tightly embraced her waist...

If you say, what is the feeling that Gu Yan has in his heart at this time?

Undoubtedly, I just don't give up!

The more I looked at Chu Yu's face, the more reluctant it was!

Breaking up is a bad choice, and so is sharing your love with other women!

Some people have the courage to choose the former, but Gu Yan does not!

Chu Yu only gave her the last option. Originally, she should be angry now, but Gu Yan remembered that after seeing Zhao Qinyin half a year ago, that night, she fancied that if Chu Yu really came to ask her to accept Chu Yu one day. What should I do when I step on the four boats?

In Gu Yan's fantasy, she met this incident as a cool breakup, and then blasted Chu Yu, a scumbag, but the reality is...Even if she is shameless, Chu Yu did not want to let go of Gu Yan. The meaning of, and Gu Yan... also clearly understood that he could not be separated from Chu Yu.

In front of Gu Yan, there is only a poor choice, and a worse choice...

But even if it is the worst option, separate from the person in front of him, weigh the two things on the balance in his heart, and Gu Yan cannot choose the latter.

"Are you awake?" Chu Yu opened his eyes and looked at Gu Yan who was observing himself.

In her eyes are love and resentment!

Chu Yu didn't know what to say, but subconsciously leaned forward and kissed him.

No matter how you say you want to break up with Chu Yu, you will never forgive Chu Yu.

But at this moment alone, Gu Yanneng can forget everything!

Chu Yu had a stitch on her tongue, and it hurt when she moved it, but at this time, how can we care about it?

After a deep kiss, Chu Yu's tears came out.

Chu Yu's clothes, pants, Gu Yan's skirt, underwear...

Throw out the quilt one by one...

Neither of them mentioned going to work. At this time, are you still in a fart class?

The two stayed at home, from morning to noon, and then in the afternoon, ate some snacks, then made friends, slept until night...

Gu Yan hugged Chu Yu in the quilt and took a deep breath before speaking!

"If... I, Su Lu, and Zhao Qinyin fall into the water, who will you save?"

The classic torture question, as soon as Gu Yan opened his mouth, Chu Yu's spirit came to him in an instant.

"save you!"

Do you still need to say what you say at this time?


"I did not lie to you!"

"But at least, you are willing to lie to me! You are not impatient with me because of having other women! I don't even bother to lie to me!" Gu Yan said, his voice choked again!

is it? What do women understand to deceive?

Chu Yu was a little confused, but immediately realized that it was Gu Yan who was giving him the steps.

"Can you really give up Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin?" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu.

"Yeah! You should be very clear about me, I am not like them because of the brains of worms, but I don't know why I can like three people! It is true that I can't give up any one of them, so... .... I can only wrong you selfishly!"

"Yeah, you have been such a selfish person since I met! You don't have a good face to bad people, but you sneer at good people. You are too cunning, but I like you like this!"

"Chu Yu...Do you remember that you said one thing? You said before that you will marry me soon after graduation! I really believe what you said! But In just over two years, when you go to Japan Island,...you have two more women."

Chu Yu didn't say sorry, that kind of thing is too pale!

Saying sorry is often not to make the victim feel better, but to make the perpetrator feel better.

"I may not be able to have a de facto marriage with you, because that would be unfair to the other two. I did it. It is my choice to step on three boats, so at least I can no longer shape it on this basis. More unfair!" Chu Yu whispered.

"But... if you think the marriage is that I like you all my life, love you, want to start a family with you, and spend my life with you... I can guarantee that it is now Now! I don't treat you as a girlfriend, but a wife!"

"If it is a wedding, I can do it at any time. Although I can't get the certificate, I can divide my work, company, wealth, present and future directly into quarters and give you a quarter. If you are worried about these ..."

"Enough, don't say it! If they want, I hope you give them all and let them leave you! Then you don't create anime in the future, just be an ordinary person and live with me forever!" Gu Yan sobbed Screamed.

"But it's impossible! You can neither give up the anime nor them, so you can only ask me to give up the exclusive right to me that belongs to me..."

"You are such a person, what can I do? If I don't want to cut everything off with you, I can only recognize... your relationship with Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin!" Gu Yan Said.

"You already knew that I couldn't live without you, so that's right! You know as long as you don't let me go, just stay by your side for one night, kiss you once, and make each other, and I will think of your kindness. , And then listen to you coax me a few words, I will soften my heart, right!"

Chu Yu hugged Gu Yan's body, and being silent was acquiescence, Gu Yan was right, that's the truth!

He is indeed very scheming. Only at this time can one know how despicable he is.

Chu Yu can deny what Gu Yan said, but it's better to be honest than lying to make her happy

"Chu Yu...I believe you are liked by all three, but I want to ask you...Do you like me a little more, or do you like them a little more!" Gu Yan asked again.


In fact, Chu Yu doesn't know the answer, but at this time, he must say so! This has nothing to do with being honest or not, this is a question of emotional intelligence! He just said what Gu Yan wanted to hear. Regardless of whether it was true or not, Gu Yan hoped that he would answer this way at this time.


Chu Yu kissed her forehead.

"I didn't lie to you, I swear to God!"


At night, Gu Yan took a bath, changed clothes, light blue dress, black stockings, long hair drooping, chest bulge, and trembling at the slightest movement. Although his expression is haggard, it has a touch of tenderness and beauty. .

Log in to Shang Chuyu's account and invited Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin to make a video call.

The two people over there instantly connected to the video call, and saw that it was Gu Yan, their expressions were taken aback!

Seeing the wound on Chu Yu's face standing behind Gu Yan, his expression changed slightly.

"Chu Yu told me about your affairs..."

The three female faces on the screen, Su Lu's beauty, Zhao Qinyin's coldness, and Gu Yan's soft and charming...

The three have their own merits, and the same screen appears to be eye-catching, but Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin are now nervous.

Especially seeing the injuries on Chu Yu's body...

It's not that Chu Yu was beaten and compromised, so prepare to break up with them!

Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin had a trace of panic in their eyes. Looking at Gu Yan's smiling expression, their hearts continued to sink....

"If you have time, Lai Mo will come to play with me! Let's, together...get to know each other more!"

Gu Yan said everything clearly.

Gu Yan may still be unwilling, not

She didn't want Chu Yu to be embarrassed, so at least she had to force herself to have a good relationship with Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin.

But fortunately, Gu Yan had a good impression of these two people before, but now... it doesn't help to regenerate resentment.

On the opposite side of the video, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu looked at each other... they looked at the scratches on Chu Yu's neck.

For the first time, I felt deep in my heart that Chu Yu gave birth to a feeling of admiration outside of anime!

"Definitely, I will definitely come when I have time!" Su Lu said, his expression a little embarrassing!

"Then when will Sister Su have time?" Gu Yan hesitated and asked.

"About half a month! The move here will be completed in half a month!" Zhao Qinyin said straightforwardly.

"That's not as good as...When the time comes, the four of us...gather together?"

Gu Yanwen asked the two opposite people.

Chu Yu had a weird expression behind Gu Yan!

Gu Yan was really outrageous if he didn't say bad words to the two of them, but his expression was so calm and his tone so gentle, it was indeed beyond Chu Yu's expectation!

This is too fast to accept....

"How? It didn't make you embarrassed!" Gu Yan turned off the video phone, tears in his eyes, but he immediately suppressed it and looked at Chu Yu with a smile.

"You let them come and the four of you meet, don't you make you feel uncomfortable?" Chu Yu hesitated and asked.

"If you don't like them, you don't have to contact them. I will handle the affairs of the three by myself!" Chu Yu said.

"I can treat you a bit calmly even with three boats on your feet, can I still not accept meeting them?" Gu Yan said.

"For me, there are only bad choices and worse choices! If you must choose the bad choice, I can only make some changes to make this choice not so bad!"

"What do you mean?" Chu Yu was a little confused.

"Just like Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu can understand each other, if...I can become friends with them...it should be better!" No matter how bad it is... it will make you feel better!!!"

"Although you are very hateful, in fact, you have been very uncomfortable for these two days, right..."

When Chu Yu heard this, he felt even more guilty!

Gu Yan may still have a grudge in his heart, but at least on the surface, Gu Yan hopes that he is not an unreasonable person in Chu Yu's eyes!

As for the two people on the island of Japan, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu looked at each other after hanging up the call.....

Suddenly I felt that Gu Yan really admired them!

"Sure enough, he is the one who can capture Chu Yu straight at his cancer stage. If I were Gu Yan, I would never be so calm..." Su Lu said convincingly.

"Gu Yan is indeed very active, thinking about the problem more profoundly than we thought, but at least for Chu Yu...she is sincere!" Zhao Qinyin said.

"Now she hasn't released any malice towards us... If we can get along with each other in the future, it will be fine!"


From Chu Yu's point of view, he was afraid of things for so long, and finally ended with his slight injury, which is already a joy to everyone.

But for the three women, how to get along with each other next, when will Gu Yan think about it and get angry, and then get awkward... everything is unknown!

But for the time being, it seemed that, except for Gu Yan's emotions when he first heard the news, he lost control of his emotions. In the next few days, except for a little silence, he did not behave too abnormally.

Perhaps she had been mentally prepared for the current situation subconsciously, or she was too smart, knowing that there is no point in getting into trouble. Chu Yu will neither let her go nor the other two... ...

However, Chu Yu spent a few days in the house sweeping and mopping the floor, tidying up the housework! When Gu Yan wanted to drink a glass of water, he quickly hung up from the game team and hurried to serve his girlfriend.

But it gave Gu Yan a new understanding of the term "flexible and stretchable".

The two of them had been working for a few days, but Chu Yu was okay. He was the boss, and no one dared to talk about him. Gu Yan was anxious in the company, but didn't dare to offend her too much!

All of Longguo's animation industry knows that Gu Yan is Shuixin's girlfriend!

Although Gu Yan has changed a large-scale seiyuu company, he does not dare to offend Shui Xin, who has tens of millions of fans.

"So...I went to work!"

On the fourth day when Chu Yu and Gu Yan confessed, she finally no longer only understood Chu Yu on the surface, but began to accept this fact from the bottom of her heart.

"I'll drive you off!" Chu Yu quickly got up.

"No need! I'm not so weak...but you, don't be around me all day, I won't run away, just like you value me, I treat you the same I will not miss you! Don't be nervous!" Gu Yan took a deep breath, smiled at Chu Yu, and walked out with his bag.

Gu Yan left, it was boring for Chu Yu to stay at home alone, and returned to the company again after a few days.

Although Chu Yu is not there, the entire company is still operating in an orderly manner.

In order to prevent Chu Yu from leaking the script with a small probability of time, the attacking giant only gave the script of the first twelve or three episodes to his subordinates, which also made a group of employees tickled.

If you want to know more about this work than watching it more than ten times, then participate in the creation of this work.

Basically, the employees of the entire company who joined the creation of Giant are now fans of this work. They want to ask what the follow-up plot of the boss is, but they dare not ask.

Seeing Chu Yu coming to the company a few days away, many people's eyes still have a hint of expectation!

"Resolved?" Huang Ming smoked a cigarette.

"Probably! But Gu Yan is not very happy these days!"

"Do you still expect others to be happy? You are a scumbag, and you have three boats on your feet, and you don't want to let go, and you are not allowed to leave you? There is no such kind of domineering president in TV series~www.mtlnovel.com~ If it weren't for Gu Yan, it's really right. Your feelings are too deep, you think you can solve it so easily? Normal people can bear it? You can bear it for you Gu Yan has three boyfriends? Do you still want her to happily accept these?" Huang Ming directly scolded Chu Yu. .

"I know it was wrong!" Chu Yu lowered his head.

"Control your restless heart! This kind of thing is only for this time. If you come out again in the future, buddy, I won't stand by your side!" Huang Ming patted Chu Yu on the shoulder.

"That's impossible?"

Chu Yu was immediately scared. He only hoped that the three women would not fight in the future and be harmonious. The others didn't dare to add more people. Chu Yu estimated that he would have to be played to death by himself! And it is true that in addition to the three girlfriends, now I see other women and stars on TV, I don't feel anything!

Maybe this is the sequelae of having three beautiful girlfriends at the same time!

"Okay! After a long time, Gu Yan should slowly accept it! When you came to the company today, I will tell you about the company's affairs in the past few days!" Huang Ming shook his head and said.
