I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

From Chu Yu's announcement of his return, until now... a few months have passed!

In comparison, Zhao Qinyin of the gt animation company on the island of Japan has announced his new work called Fullmetal Alchemist. Everyone knows what Tianxing will do this year. In addition to six major investment animations, the game business will also be launched soon. A game adapted from an anime that was once popular in our company!

It can be said that everyone knows exactly what others want to do, how to do it, and when the time limit is.

Only Chu Yu......for a few months, there is no new movement!

If nothing happens, it's just that the high school works have been adapted into animations, and the plot of each week is dangling the appetite, it is the king of broken chapters! Let the fans' attention continue to notice Chu Yu...

Originally, the copying animation production company was a giant who was boring to make an attack, but in the past two days...there are often people lingering at the company's door...some of them are media, and some are fans who come to check Detect the news.

This status quo has aroused the vigilance of people in the Longguo animation industry.

Especially Tianxing..... Originally, gt animation production company got the right to adapt the two works of Shui Xin inexplicably, which is puzzling. Now, because of the broadcast of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance on the Internet, on the contrary It is to make the popularity of Shui Xin's unknown works become more and more popular...

In terms of the broadcast effect of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, it has now become a pre-heat for Shui Xin's unknown works in July!

If the same effect after the airing of the Garden of Words in April, there is no doubt that......just relying on the two works of the high school period, the two animation seasons in January and April stirred the storm. The Shui Xin, his momentum before returning in July will be greater than ever.

Many people question whether Shui Xin's return after a few years is a joke, being crushed by Zhao Qinyin and surpassed by Ruan Zhiqi's younger generation.....The public opinion on Shui Xin's return on the Internet is also polarized. .

But now... those slanderous remarks disappeared without a trace because of the fire of the recollection chapter.

The navy invited by Tianxing, under the current network form, even the breakthrough point of Hei Chuyu can't be found. When someone said bad things about Chuyu, a group of Shuixin fans who were awakened by the remembrance of the dna for a few years immediately began to knock. The keyboard is up!

In this case, Chu Yu did not expect it!

In fact, the animation of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is so popular, Chu Yu also finds it strange. After all, Remembrance is in a parallel world. Although many anime websites have scores as high as 9.9, in fact, the number of people watching it is really not too much! Just like those super-sweet literary and artistic films, no one cares about a truth.

But now... it is so hot, and even led to the fans of the Dragon Kingdom second element to become more interested in his new work in July...Chu Yu can only be described by world differences.

After all, with Chuyu's current attention, even if he creates some mediocre or even boring works, he can easily get a lot of attention!

But the problem is that the remembrance chapter is too short. With the plot of the four episodes, now fans are obviously already eating in the bowl and thinking about the pot..... Through various channels, they are asking for information about Chu Yu's new work.

However, he is more embarrassed that it is not good for publicity. Although the official has not clearly stipulated whether the banned personnel can promote the works after the ban, Chu Yu still did not do that, in case someone else does it. A document was posted saying that Chu Yu violated the rules and kept the small black room for a few more months. Then Chu Yu's July return was a joke!

After returning from the trip, Chu Yu did have a headache.

"So just leave it alone? This kind of time is an opportunity for free publicity. Fans are in high mood, but we don't even disclose any information, which is a bit wasteful!"

After half a month, Huang Ming saw Chu Yu return to the company again, full of resentment.

After all, Chu Yu was the creator of the work of Attacking Giant. He only provided personal information and scripts to the animation production team. A lot of information was also vague. Now Chu Yu has finally returned, and it happens that many things require Chu Yu to make decisions.

"This..." Chu Yu thought for a while.

"Animation production is going well now!" Chu Yu asked about other progress.

"The progress has been okay. You can rest assured in this regard. I come to the company to supervise every day. Who dares to fish?" Huang Ming said.

"But in the past few days, because of the fire in the Remembrance, many animation media of Longguo come to the door to interview every day, wanting to tell some news about new works...I dare not say more!"

"Indeed, it would be wasteful not to take advantage of this opportunity!" Chu Yu thought for a while.

"Then you can find some navy soldiers to pretend to be passers-by! We are mainly afraid of being punished by the official ban on illegal propaganda works, but the information should not be too obvious, and it is enough to not promote it through official channels!"

"This way..." Huang Ming rolled his eyes.

"It seems no problem!"

"After all, your return is firmly established. It's just that our banned period is too much to publicize the new work. It is too much to give the official face... It is easy to be brought to the rhythm by the caring people, but this approach will not be too unreasonable. What's the matter? The official finds the navy and releases the news through the navy channel... so low-level!"

"Behave very well in extraordinary times!" Chu Yu said.

"But by the way, how about the script review and filing of the attacking giant? Can it pass the review?" Chu Yu asked.

"I found a related friend and asked, and said there is no problem..."

"No problem? Are you sure?" Chu Yu asked.

"It's really okay. In the past few years, the scale of works has gradually moved closer to the island of Japan, but the giant is okay! Some late-night animation scales are beyond your imagination! Can't be shown on the Internet! TV broadcast!" Huang Ming said with a relaxed face.

"That's it... I am indeed suspicious!"

"Isn't that? How could it be possible for Lulu Xiu's scale to be blocked if it weren't for the Heavenly Star's deception? Anyway, if you want to inflict a crime, why don't you worry?" Huang Ming said.

Chu Yu thought for a while. This is indeed the truth, just like the game of Parallel World League of Legends. In the United States, heroes such as foxes, female guns, and piano girls have been sued for discriminating against females of average appearance and stature because of their big breasts. It is said that because of the complaint, Riot later made a female hero like Illaoi, an excavator!

As long as people want to pick a thorn, black spots can be found in any work.

"Then basically attacking giant propaganda, I will just follow what you said, for the sake of insurance, not through official channels..." Huang Ming finished speaking, and left soon.


Chuyu's fans have been arguing on the Internet for a few days, but they have not responded to the copywriter Animation Production Company and Chuyu's Weibo, and they have returned in defeat!

"Is Teacher Shui Xin making a new work? Why is there no news at all? It's all in mid-January... Winter is almost over, and we don't even know the title of the work!"

"Nonsense, Teacher Shui Xin is still in the lockdown period, how dare to promote the new work! You know with your ass, people don't dare to respond, otherwise you think the river crab Dafa is joking?"

"But the next door Fullmetal Alchemist has so many publicity pictures released. It is said that the trailer will be released soon......There is no news about the new work of Teacher Shui Xin! Actually we It's not really so anxious, I mainly feel that if Mr. Shuixin's new work does not do any action, he will lose too much to the fullmetal alchemist in publicity! When the competition in July, it will naturally suffer a big loss!"

"That's... Although I am a fan of Teacher Zhao Qinyin, I still love Teacher Shuixin more... I hope he will compete in July's works. Winning in...but now...it feels hanging!"

"Why are you all just talking about Teacher Shuixin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin, do you look down upon me, Ruan Zhiqi, the strongest high school student who has been rare in a thousand years?"

"Don't hang up, you are still the strongest high school student? Before the remembrance episode was broadcast, he could still brag about himself like this shamelessly. Now the second episode of the remembrance episode is broadcast, it has become like this. They are all high school works, in terms of popularity , The number of fans, ratings, which stats in the Remembrance article is not a lot stronger than his most popular movie called What Domain?... It turns out that he was beaten by his strength! "

"In fact, I can't say that. God's Domain is a medium-length animation with more than 20 words at all. The Reminiscence only has four words. In terms of length, Teacher Shui Xin is far inferior to the opponent!"

"Indeed, Mr. Shuixin is good at everything, but it's too short..."

"You are doing hs?"


On the Internet, Chu Yu's fans saw that Chu Yu continued to pretend to be dead, and in anger, now they began to gather under Chu Yu's Weibo, teasing him, and taking pleasure in it!

Under such circumstances...The third episode of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance was also broadcast...

In the evening, a large group of two-dimensional fans gathered on time, at home, in the community, on the street, on the subway......

From time to time, you can see someone picking up their mobile phone and directly clicking on the playback link of the recollection chapter......

Compared to the second episode, the third episode is a story about the warming of the protagonist Jianxin and Xuedaiba's feelings.

The simple story and the sentimental atmosphere created firmly captured the hearts of fans.......

On the animation barrage, a large group of fans who have read the comics reminded everyone to see the third episode for personal use!

Although many animation fans learned about the spoilers at the end of the remembrance chapter through various channels, they still don't believe in evil!

Isn't the heroine dead? Where can I go?

At this time, they have not completely indulged in the role of Xuedeba, but after watching the third episode of the animation plot......it is different!

After reading the third chapter...These people immediately realized something was wrong in their hearts?

So...sedaba is dead?

Can this be dead?

Shui Xin had the heart to paint this character to death?

Isn't it? Those people with spoilers everywhere on the Internet should be deceptive!

But more cuteness comes out of the third plot with a contented look........

It really deserves to be the teacher Shui Xin......such a short story can also be created so beautifully!

The next word, it must be the finale of the members of Jianxin and Xuedaiba!

After the third episode of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance was broadcast, the score of this work was almost as high as 8 million in average, and the imbalance of Skystar... now it has just exceeded the average of 500. Million!

No matter from which point of view, the imbalance basically has no chance to catch up!

And Chu Yu......also sent Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu back to Japan Island in the past two days.

Although they don't seem to be happy... but they also understand that several leaders have left the company for too long! If you don't go back, the company may have problems!

After saying goodbye to the airport... Chu Yu watched the plane the two were flying away.

Gu Yan, who was standing next to Chu Yu, spoke.

"Reluctant, right!"

"Wh...Where can it be!" Chu Yu immediately stubbornly said.

"Don't be too nervous, they have been here for more than half a month, didn't I have nothing to do? I also traveled with them to play mahjong for half a month! It can be considered to know each other a lot!" Gu Yan sighed.

"You have been very uncomfortable for the past half month!" Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan and hesitated.

"Of course...but it's not because of them!" Gu Yan took a deep breath, his arms stretched back, his shirt immediately tightened!

"Don't breathe in, go home and do stretching exercises, and then the clothes will be broken!" Chu Yu hurriedly stood in front of Gu Yan.

"I'm because of you..." Gu Yan said with his face close to Chu Yu.

"There is not much time for half a month, but the four people get along together, I gradually understand! No matter what method you use, you will not give up on them! So I gave up..." Gu Yan's expression seemed a little more relaxed.

"What are you giving up?" Chu Yu asked.

"It is through the method of soft grinding and hard foaming, to instigate the relationship between you and them, and blow the air by your pillow, so that you slowly hate them, in a subtle way, one year, five years, ten years, twenty years... ...Let you break up with them!"

"You're kidding!" Chu Yu blinked, his expression a little stiff!

"Do you think I'm joking? If I didn't know their current status in your heart, if I did this, I would definitely be hated by you before achieving my goal... I would definitely be like this Do it!" Gu Yan said helplessly.

"Then...what are you telling me about these words?" Chu Yu paused and asked in confusion.

"Because you know that you won't hate me for my malicious thoughts. As long as I don't do something like that, you won't hate me... In that case, what's not to say? "Gu Yan smiled.

"And if I say this, you will be more sensitive to this matter in the future. If Sister Su and Zhao Qinyin act similarly to me, you can immediately detect it. This is my way of protecting myself!"

"Then you and them these two weeks..." Chu Yu was a little confused.

"It looks like the relationship with them is going well, as if you have become good friends, right!"

Gu Yan smiled, leaning his head on Chu Yu's shoulder, a scent of fragrance came.

"It's just that everyone is testing each other. In front of you, if anyone makes unreasonable troubles, they will definitely lose points! So everyone seems happy on the surface!"

"What about it? Is it intrigue?" Chu Yu said hesitantly.

"What are you thinking? How can we have such a leisure time? Life is already very tired! It's just that we are testing each other if we can be friends with each other..." Gu Yan glanced at Chu Yu.

"The three of us are all your women. It is inevitable that we will be wary of each other. In fact, you can't like the natural stay who knows nothing. This is normal! I am not like them. I have known each other for a long time. It may take a lot of effort to fully integrate into the circle of the two of them!"

"However, during this time of getting along, they and I should have come to the same conclusion. It is a done deal. Unless we give up our relationship with you, it is estimated that for a long time in the future...... Sister!" Gu Yan said helplessly.

"Give up? I don't allow it!" Chu Yu quickly grabbed Gu Yan's hand.

"So, don't be nervous!" Gu Yanbai gave Chu Yu a glance.

"I told you so much, just want to tell you that I will try to get along with them well, I will try to blend into the circle of the two, and become friends with them... Don't be too busy all day. Too much worry makes me look like a jealous woman, and I care too much about my feelings...but it is unnatural to get along with each other in daily life!"

Chu Yu was a little confused by Gu Yan's words.

But the basic meaning is understood!

"You have companies in both the Magic City and Japan Island. If I didn't take into account my feelings, in fact, this time Sister Su~www.mtlnovel.com~Zhao Qinyin and the others returned to the Magic City, you should go back too! After all, there are some things, The agent of Sister Su really can't completely replace you!" Gu Yan said with a smile.

"If it is necessary to deal with the affairs of Japan Island, just go over there! Just don't come back for another year or two!" Gu Yan said.

"You are like this...I..." Chu Yu was moved suddenly in his heart.

"Don't think I really want you to go to Japan Island. It doesn't matter if you have a big belly. You and the two of them are indifferent! It's just that it is inevitable for you to go back to Japan Island. Instead of embarrassing you, it is better to follow the boat.. ....Makes you feel good about me!" Gu Yan sighed.

"But even if I say so clearly...I expose so much thought in my heart, you still don't care, right! Chu Yu..."


"That's why you are... I like it!"

Gu Yan hugged Chu Yu and buried his head on his chest.
