I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the magic city of January, the temperature continues to hover at the freezing line!

After Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu left the magic capital, all of Chu Yu's body and mind was devoted to work!

Gu Yan also entered the attacking giant animation production team basically without any disturbance...

Familiar animation production, familiar process, but not a familiar person!

If there were no banning events a few years ago, it is possible that the original copy of the animation studio has been upgraded to a company. The original batch of employees should have been promoted to the company's middle and high levels. After so many years of development, they have grown to be better than the Japanese island gt animation. The company must have a strong presence!

But there is no if. Although Gu Yan in the company hardly recognizes it, there is no doubt that the group of employees recruited by Huang Mingxin is much stronger than the group of employees three years ago.

But Gu Yan in the animation production team dared not kiss her, after all, she is also one of the company's equity controllers, and half of the company's proprietress.... All members of the entire production team treat her abnormally. Fear, for fear of offending her, and then make a small report with Chu Yu, the supervisor of the production team, the director and so on, came over to give her bubble tea one day, and the work she participated in was arranged earlier this year, so that her Get off work early.

I feel like Gu Yan of a family member. Although I am speechless, it is not too hypocritical!

However, after joining the production team, Gu Yan finally saw the script of the attacking giant smoothly and completely.......As a **** fan of the second dimension, Gu Yan felt more than once that he was the biggest voice actor. The advantage is that you can learn the plot of the creative animation a long time earlier!

And this time, Yahao is no exception... She is completely addicted to the giant plot! At home in the evening, I often read lines with the script in my hands. At night, Chu Yu was too sleepy to play games. She had to pull Chu Yu up to see if the direction of her dubbing was correct.

Of course, the most important thing is to ask about the follow-up plot development of the giant Chuyu...

"You know my personality, you don't like the content of spoilers, anyway, when the animation is produced to this stage, you will naturally know the plot is going! And you are too nervous? Your voice acting feels very good.. .....It is almost the Mikasa voice in my mind, I didn't just let you dub this character just to open the back door for you......you are indeed suitable for her to bring you in Yes!" Chu Yu yawned and looked at Gu Yan.

"But I'm very nervous... This is your first work after your return... After all, you need to know more about the plot before you can integrate into the character's emotions... ...."

"Don't think so much! Next, there is time for you to learn about it. Although January is over soon, there are five or six months for you to learn about it slowly......Let's take a break today. !" Chu Yu was really sleepy.

"And you can rest assured..... The main problem with this work of Giant is the review, as long as it passes the review, you don't have to worry about its popularity... It is definitely a work beyond your imagination!" Chu Yu said.

"Is it better than Lulu Xiu?" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu.

After all, the strongest anime she has participated in in her seiyuu career is the dubbing of Lelouch cc. This role is also the signature of her seiyuu career. Although Lelouch is banned, until now, almost one-third of Gu Yan's fans are Because cc fans her.

In fact, when Gu Yan and Chu Yu are so busy all day, they are basically not acting with making money as the first motivation! Gu Yan hasn't resigned from her job as a voice actor, and she feels comfortable being a full-time girlfriend with Chu Yu all day long. He just feels that one day he might be able to receive a voice acting role that surpasses Lelouch's performance.

"If you just talk about the popularity of the work...I think the giant... should be better than Lelouch... But if it's about character popularity... Mikasa should be far inferior to cc!"

Chu Yu recalled the information he had learned in the system space.

"Simply speaking, the popularity of the characters can be comparable to that of cc. Maybe Ayanami is one, Furukawa is one, Cannon, Saber, Lacus, Haruhi Suzumiya, etc... But Mikasa is definitely not good, even this The male lead of this work is not good. After this work is broadcast, the most popular one will probably be Livier!"

"Who are all those you are talking about?" Gu Yan was stunned.

"Some characters are likely to be born in the works of this world in the future!" Chu Yu only realized that he had missed his mouth, and smiled.

However, the target of the leak was Gu Yan, and Chu Yu didn't care too much!

"But you mean Lewell? That short guy who beat up the protagonist violently......will he be the most popular? I don't like this kind of facial paralyzed character the least!" Gu Yan said with some suspicion.

Very short?

The focus is indeed vicious!

Even Gu Yan said so...It seems that the stalk of the commander of 1.6 meters should not be able to escape in this world...

It was the captain who pushed Alan closer to the hollow ears of the bathtub, and I wonder if they will appear again!

"I only gave the first ten words to the giant script, and the guy behind has a role..." Chu Yu paused and said. .

"Okay, spoilers give you a lot of things. Don't worry about it. In the July animation market, the only enemy of the attacking giant is the Fullmetal Alchemist, no matter what kind of work Tianxing or other companies produce... ....The probability of threatening these two works is infinitely close to zero! Ruan Zhiqi is indeed talented, but he will definitely not be able to surpass your boyfriend mine.......Don't worry about that. Alright!" Chu Yu said.

After all, Chu Yu is not fighting alone, but represents a world... Even if Hayao Miyazaki was born in the animation industry of the Dragon Kingdom, a character of the same level as Osamu Tezuka could not be done by himself. Can defeat Chuyu who owns the system. Not to mention, the possibility of Ruan Zhiqi being a figure of that level is lower than the possibility of Chu Yu going out and picking up 10 million!

"Too bad, I think you are too arrogant when I look at it!" Gu Yan slapped Chu Yu on the shoulder!

"There is no way......the source of arrogance........The Giant and Gang Lian will be broadcast at the same time. I really can't think of any reason why I'm not arrogant! It's a pity that Tianxing Since I did it twice last year, there has been a bit of convergence this year......otherwise..."


"Otherwise......does it need to be said afterwards? Don't waste time......it's midnight....I have to go to work tomorrow! No more delays Now..." Chu Yu quickly picked up Gu Yan and walked to the room.


Two more days passed, and the fourth episode of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance finally went out smoothly.

Not surprisingly Chu Yu...

He was sprayed again!

After nearly three years, his fans watched his high school work Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance with full curiosity, but who would have thought... The fourth chapter of this work is actually like this. Burst?

Although there are already many comic fans on the Internet for various spoilers, in fact, the proportion of Chuyu fans who are spoiled is still very small. After all, everyone is very busy. Who is in the mood to search the Internet all day? Comics fans spoiler the plot, not to mention that most people themselves refuse to spoiler...

This also led to at least 80% of the animation fans of the Remembrance chapter being collapsed on the spot by the fourth episode of Xuedeba's sacrifice plot!

What is this... Is it possible for a normal person to paint Xuedaiba to death?


However, at the very end of the end, that Xuedaiba's scarf accompanied Jianxin to protect Jianxin. When the shadow of Xuedaiba was virtualized with romantic techniques, it really broke a large number of people.

"It turns out that the warrior of love has been in development since high school. I really can't imagine that such a work was actually created by a high school student..."

"Teacher Shui Xin is too pitted. Even if I haven't moved for a few years, the animation of a high school work actually made me feel the fear of being healed!"

"Who would dare to say that Ruan Zhiqi was better than Teacher Shui Xin when he was in high school? Does his God Realm rationing memories carry shoes?"

"Don't whip the corpse, Ruan Zhiqi, Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance article update, Ruan Zhiqi will be whipped the corpse for two days, and the bottom of Weibo has been taken over by the Shui Xin teacher taunting the army!"

"Who told him to have a bad mouth? I used to brag about myself, but now I am volunteering for a confrontation between Sunstar's striker and Shui Xin... ?"

"My nose is crying! The ending of the Remembrance Chapter... No wonder, in the third episode, a group of barrage fans asked us to run away after reading the third episode. Don't look at the fourth episode! This ending is too horrible! ....But... this ending is also great! Let the role of Xuedaiba directly sublimate!"

"Damn Teacher Shuixin, why is Rurouni Jianxin only a remembrance chapter? What about the other chapters?"

"Don't talk about the remembrance chapter, there are so many works of Teacher Shui Xin that have the potential to create a sequel... but this guy..."

"So I blame Tianxing, how could the teacher Shuixin be banned for three years without this shameless company? If he is not banned for three years, maybe the second season of Lelouch will come out!"

"Maybe all jojo sequels are out!"

"The second season of Magic Circle?"

"The hateful star... is simply a cancer of the industry!"

"Oh, loneliness, I won't see the remembrance article next week! Teacher Zhao Qinyin also has no works in creation..."


Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance took a month to complete...

In the beginning, the fans' grievances were on Chu Yu, but then it was vented to Tian Xing. Tian Xing Weibo received 100,000 more abusive comments the next night, and Ruan Zhiqi was also implicated. Chu Yu's fans scolded and ridiculed him. Temporarily close the Weibo comment function.

And with the end of the remembrance chapter...the discussion on Chu Yu's new work on the Internet is hot again.

Although Su Lu originally animated the Remembrance Chapter out of selfish intentions, as far as the situation is now...... Within one month, the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance Chapter was broadcasted from the broadcast to the end. The amount has been from zero to the end of which day, the collection averaged 9.8 million, and the warm-up has not dissipated after the end, and it will continue to increase rapidly in the next few days.....

As a pre-heating work of Chu Yu before his return, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance really played such a work!

In addition, the Garden of Words in April was also topped by fans on Weibo's hot search. In July, works with unknown names were searched on Weibo with "Water Heart New Work?" The word peaked the third most popular day.

came back........

In the days after the end of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, the Longguo animation industry saw that the topic of water experience in the second element area of ​​the network jumped up, not losing the enthusiasm of Zhao Qinyin, even a little bit faintly. Beyond...

This is the thought in everyone's mind!

A work created at random during high school, a work he obviously didn't care about, and he didn't even bother to get the copyright back. It was gt animation company district that bought the copyright before making it into an animated work.... Such a work, both The total number of broadcasts exceeded 10 million... But Shui Xin didn't seem to care about such a work...

His carelessness comes from his strength... And such a person would waste his talents because of the mere three-year ban. Will his new work hit the streets?

Such thoughts instantly became clear in the hearts of practitioners in the animation industry!

In other words...Will he be more powerful than before after his return... even to pull Zhao Qinyin down!

The industry is inexplicably fearful of the work that Shui Xin July does not know the name!

What kind of work will it be?

Compared with Zhao Qinyin's Fullmetal Alchemist, can you win?

Which of these two is better...

Can Tianxing win the competition with these two people even once and defend the dignity of the hegemon of Dragonland animation industry? It has high hopes for Ruan Zhiqi's soul man...Can it compete with the works of these two people who stand at the pinnacle of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry?

What will the animation market look like in July?

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the entire Dragon Kingdom animation industry became weird!

Regardless of fans and practitioners, when it comes to the July animation market, the tone will change a little!

As the time entered February, the popularity of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance also slowed down, but now, the average score of 12 million is still arrogant to the new star of January. After all, the imbalance of Skystar, now The average number of episodes is only more than seven million.......The gap is too big!

In the island region of Japan, gt animation production company has also received a share of revenue from the slam dunk in the two regions.

As a slam dunk player with an average broadcast volume of over 23 million in the inland areas and an average broadcast volume of over 7 million in the islands of Japan, the network broadcast share in the year of its birth alone was as high as 30. Hundreds of millions...... After all, the total number of words is approaching one hundred and forty words!

Once this data is disclosed by the media!

Immediately shocked the entire industry...

After all, last year's two major works in the anime industry of Tyrannosaurus, Slam Dunk and Spirited Away, the latter's simple box office network revenue share added up to more than 4 billion... and now The basketball masters are not to be outdone, and with more than one hundred words and outrageous broadcast data, they have gained more than 3 billion yuan in revenue!

Adding up, gt animation production company last year with these two works, the total revenue exceeded 8 billion Dragon National Coins......This is simply outrageous!

Although the total investment of the two works is more than 800 million, the return rate of return is 1,000%...

There has never been any company in Longguo animation industry with such a performance!

At the beginning of February, the media used various phrases to report on gt animation company!

As a result, Zhao Qinyin was evaluated by various media as the most valuable person in Longguo animation industry!

Such a situation is indeed outrageous in Long Country, but it is still reasonable!

Just like the Demon Slayer Blade in the Parallel World~www.mtlnovel.com~animated theater version of the movie, Infinite Train, which broke the box office record of 31.6 billion in Spirited Away in 73 days, only Japan The total box office of the island area is 32.4 billion, which is nearly 2 billion RMB.....

Only in a small area of ​​100 million people like the island of Japan in the parallel world, Ghosts can make such a profit. This is only the theater version of the movie, not the complete income of the entire work!

What's more, what Chu Yu is now facing is the Dragon Kingdom with a population of 1.6 billion, such a large animation market!

In the past two years, every work he has produced is much higher in quality than Guimie. In fact, the popularity of these works in the Long Kingdom may even exceed the popularity of Guimie in Japan and China in the parallel world!

It is normal to have this kind of income...but...the Dragon Kingdom animation industry has never had such a crazy company looting the market before, and it is a bit difficult for everyone to accept... .....

But this kind of thing, in the next few years, they will slowly get used to it!
