I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

There has never been a lack of dark horse-type works in Longguo film and television animation industry! What tens of millions of investment movies received billions of box office, what later counterattack, fancy popularity rose!

But it is no surprise that such an example is just an example. The producers behind these dark horse works are often only due to accidental factors to achieve such results, and then the basic works produced afterwards are all awkward!

But in Longguo animation industry, there are only two companies, no.......the two are different!

Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu...The works created by these two people basically follow this trend of dark horses after the broadcast...This is terrible!

Just like the movie world in the parallel world, only one or two years later, a box office movie works like Wolf Warriors 2, Wandering Earth, Nezha, and Li Huanying, everyone can accept... But suppose, These works are all film works produced by a screenwriter, a director, and a company... and every work of this company can be so popular.... This is What a situation!

In the animation industry of Longguo, the gt animation production company in the past two years, and Chuyu were not banned three years ago, this is how the animation industry feels! The most profitable works in the industry each year are created by these two people, and one after another, without giving other colleagues a chance at all... This has also created Chu Yu in this short period of seven years. Huge wealth rolled up!

If Chu Yu went further in this state, he felt a bit like an oligarch in the animation industry! If the popularity and quality of your works are unique in the market......that basically means you are running a money printing machine! Just as ipone just came out in the parallel world, eighty to ninety percent of the global mobile phone market profits are Apple's!

This situation is also the same when converted to the Long Kingdom animation industry. The quality of the works produced by Chu Yu is unique in the current Long Kingdom animation industry! Even Tianxing couldn't find a way to compete with Chu Yu when fighting for his positive strength!

But the truth is that, last year, two works made so much money......So many people in the animation industry are undoubtedly envy and hate gt animation company.

The news media continued to report that even many organizations sent their staff in Tokyo to the new office building of gt animation production company and found Su Lu. They wanted to discuss with her, the current head of gt animation production company in name. The idea of ​​the company going public......

After all, how big Zhao Qinyin's potential is, no one knows what happened last year, but what about this year? What about next year?

If gt animation company can make such a profit every year, it will only take three years. The cash on hand of gt animation production company will be enough to buy Tianxing, the current leading company in Longguo animation industry, with cash! The premise is that Tianxing shareholders are willing to sell... This is crazy!

Under such market expectations, if gt animation production company goes public... how high can the stock market be?

Indeed, it is difficult to find companies with better prospects than gt animation production company in the market, and it is no wonder that these institutions want gt to go public and invest in it!

In terms of company size, gt animation company may not be particularly large, but only in terms of the company's profit last year......most of the listed companies in Longguo are not so high!

But Chu Yu is not bad for money, there is no need to cut the leeks, and he doesn't know anything about these, so she refuses all the problems reported by Su Lu!

The company doesn't know how to invest billions on its books. After all, the scale of investment in animation production ranges from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. Although Chu Yu's work yields are very outrageous, it will not affect it. As far as the production cost of them...want to spend so much money...Chu Yu's poor brain really can't figure it out, how could he still need others to invest in shares? Then the company went public....

Many people ate behind closed doors after meeting Su Lu, but they didn't give up, and Su Lu didn't bother to pay attention to those people!

After all, the company's main business is not to engage in those, but to produce animation!

The Fullmetal Alchemist is progressing well with sufficient funds and budget. In addition, the staff is familiar with each other and cooperates tacitly, so it is undoubtedly much smoother than the aggressive giant......

But on the whole, the production of the two works is satisfactory to Chu Yu... January is over, and February is coming!

February 5th... is New Year's Eve!

The whole company will have a holiday three days in advance, so everyone goes home early for the New Year!

And Chu Yu...... went to her hometown with Gu Yan!

Gu Yan also understands that in Chu Yu's state, it is estimated that it will be difficult to give her a legal marriage...for example, to get a certificate!

But the second best thing, as long as Chu Yu really treats her as a wife... then she can barely accept it!

After working in the magic city for so many years, Gu Yan has never seen any situation. After convincing himself that he is not ready to leave Chu Yu, the natural next step is to convince himself to accept all the results afterwards!

But she can convince herself that Gu Yan's family may not be able to accept it. Both she and Chu Yu are over 24 years old. The people in her family are urging marriage, and Chu Yu is so famous that the entire family Everyone knows that her boyfriend Gu Yan is the second child of Longguo animation...

Chu Yu banned or not banned those things... at least... from the information displayed on the face of Long Guo, he is very rich... .... Moreover, he is much richer than the richest man in the small county town of Gu Yan's family...

According to the official Longguo media, Chu Yu's net worth is more than 2 billion. Such a person must have tens of millions of private money........This is Gu Yan's family. Zi's ​​intuitive view of Chu Yu, but how would they know..... The official data error is ridiculous. Chu Yu now adds the cash on the book of gt animation production company to his account..... ..... already tens of billions!

But even so, the arrival of Chu Yu this year's New Year still made the Gu Yan family a big family!

"I heard that your animation is very profitable and has strong sustainable development? The coal mine boss in our county is said to be able to dig for decades! Now he has a net worth of hundreds of millions!"

"When Gu Yan went to test what broadcasting major, I said that this girl is amazing, and now I have an annual income of hundreds of thousands, and my boyfriend is so amazing! Gu Yan smokes from your ancestral grave!"

"When did you say this? I remember that you were talking about what broadcasting girls were studying, to study animal husbandry, and to come back to do postpartum care for sows after graduation is the right way. You also said that Gu Yan's choice of major is not good, and people will be abandoned. , I can't get married later......"

"This husband Gu Yan looks honest, rich and low-key. He is definitely not the kind of person who gets bad when he has money!"

"Damn...How did Gu Yan like such a person? I also said that when I grow up ten years later, I will marry her!"

"Is he the teacher Shuixin? I am his fan, I love his initial D!"

"Me too, I have seen his creation of White Album 2 so torture me that it has a shadow of love... He is the boyfriend of Gu Yan? I just heard that Gu Yan has found a famous person in the animation industry. How can you be Shuixin when you are a boyfriend?"


Chu Yu, who hadn't been in contact with relatives since junior high school... ran to Gu Yan's hometown, it was all kinds of unsuitability.

These people are very direct, just open their mouths to ask Chu Yu's annual income and past relationship history......

Some people were enthusiastic about him, some watched him coldly, thinking that these words about Chu Yu were bragging, and Gu Yan compiled his boyfriend for the sake of face. Some people came directly and asked Chu Yu for an autographed photo......

Gu Yan's parents and grandfather drank Chu Yu's great harmony. Two days before Chu Yu came, he woke up and drank, drank to sleep, woke up and drank....

In the first two days of the Chinese New Year, Gu Yan's family regarded Chu Yu as a rare animal. Many people were jealous and waited to see Chu Yu's jokes..... They said so well and came to see the future father-in-law. Came empty-handed and drank wine for two days?

After Chu Yu drank alcohol to relieve her anger...

He has the mind to do other things!

Chu Yu didn't understand and didn't care about etiquette. He was neither generous nor stingy. He didn't bring any gifts because he understood that for people in counties, cities, and towns, you can spend tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands to buy one. The bottle contains many years of fine wine, antiques, watches, emeralds, pearls...it's useless!

People must be grounded, keep pace with the times, and adapt to local conditions!

So after he woke up, he went straight to the gold and silver jewelry store in the county to go shopping...

After I come back.......

"Auntie, look, these are recommended by the clerk for you to wear...I don't know what you like, so I bought more bracelets, earrings, necklaces, headwear... ..."

After Chu Yu moved a lot of gold ornaments from the van that Gu Yan borrowed...

The relatives who gathered in the courtyard of Gu Yan's house for New Year greetings were basically a little confused!

After all, the 2 billion net worth in Chu Yu's rumors is just a number. After hearing this, everyone will only think that it is only 2 billion? Is Long Guo's first rich with a net worth of more than 300 billion?

But when Chuyu visited one of the few gold shops in the county town, he brought back these things.......The sales price is more than seven digits by visual inspection!

"Will you be too vulgar like this?" Gu Yan blushed!

She knew that Chu Yu didn't come to her home to show off her wealth, she just thought it was more convenient!

After all, based on Chu Yu's annual income of seven or eight billion in the past year, his daily income is as high as 20 million. If he roughly equals time into money, the time that Chu Yu spent on buying these gifts is more valuable than these gifts, and came to her. This week of New Year's greetings is equivalent to hundreds of millions of dollars in value. Chu Yu is totally troublesome...

"What's so vulgar about this? When my parents were still there, those relatives in my family liked these the most! I gave your father a bottle of Kande and told him that this wine was tens of thousands. He was reluctant to drink it and didn't know how to sell it. , That's boring.....give some of these, wear them if you want, or sell them if you don't want to wear them...Anyway, this thing keeps its value!" Chu Yu said.

"Okay, your parents' gift is here, and the rest is the rest..." Chu Yu smiled, and secretly patted Gu Yan's buttocks, full of elasticity.

Those who came to Gu Yan's house to pay New Year's greetings brought their children to find Gu Yan for the New Year's Eve...Basically, Chu Yu had arranged them!

Although Chu Yu doesn't care about the value of these things, he also knows that there must be a degree. If it is too much for others, the effect will not be good.

Anyway, as long as you come to find Gu Yan, they are basically 1,000 per person, plus a piece of pure gold jewelry.......All day long, the new year's money has been sent out more than 100,000!

Gu Yan, who was next to him, shook his head.

"You can get it for one hundred, why do you give so much?"

"I'm not afraid that others will say that your Gu Yan's boyfriend is a stingy guy, but I give too much, and I am afraid that people will say that you brought your boyfriend over to show off your wealth... It feels like this is almost the same!" Chu Yu Said with a smile.

"You are like this... others don't say it!" Gu Yan gave Chu Yu a white glance.

"The average monthly income per capita in my county is only two thousand. You put it according to your hair. You didn't see a few cousins ​​who came to pay a New Year's greetings. The children in the family didn't bring all the children, so their expressions went down directly, and they scolded her husband as stupid... .. Bring only one child to be lazy!"

"Can you blame me too?" Chu Yu's head was big.

"Xiaoyu, it's eight o'clock in the evening, still not going to bed?" Grandpa Gu Yan said to Chu Yu with a bitter face.

After all, the old man cannot look down upon the prodigal. Although Chu Yu hasn't married Gu Yan yet, Chu Yu himself feels appropriate during the day. When others seem to be a pure prodigal, he is heartbroken!

Then he talked to Chu Yu with a heart-to-heart talk... The words led Chu Yu to be diligent and thrifty in keeping the family, not to waste!

Then after Chu Yu stated that he was wrong, he left contentedly!

Sitting on a wooden board in the yard, the big iron footbath, which is at least ten years old, is pitted and washed with water in a kettle that has been blackened by firewood, and then put it in a small canister of charcoal fire. Super bitter and inferior tea... After eating it, the mouth is full of bitterness, and then it is pulled down by a water pipe in the mountain to drink it from the pure natural spring to dilute the bitterness!

The croaking pigs and the cows eating weeds in the pigpen not far away!

The environment of the magic city and the villa in Tokyo is indeed very different from that of Chu Yuda.

"How is it? The conditions in my house are indeed very average! Are you accustomed to staying?" Gu Yan also took off his shoes and socks and reached in to soak together!

"Chu Yu, don't you have kidney deficiency, the water is so hot?" Gu Yan frowned and said.

"Why, this is enjoyment!" Chu Yu said.

"But the conditions are not so bad, this is the real life of the people of Long Country!" Chu Yu smiled.

"You think I was rich in the beginning, and I also had a period of time when I spent dozens of dollars a week and frugal!"

"But your income is not low, the home can be completely renovated, and the environment can be made better!" Chu Yu asked puzzledly.

"That's not allowed by the family! It is said that the family will be demolished in a few years, and it will be turned into wasteland when the repair is good! Say that I have money to save it by myself... but a few years Nothing happened!" Gu Yan sighed.

"Then you will soon become a demolition household? Get to the pinnacle of life!" Chu Yu said with a smile ~www.mtlnovel.com~ What do you think? The demolition fee of my county is very low, don't expect to get rich from demolition! "Gu Yanbai gave Chu Yu a glance.

"It's a pity....... If you demolish and become a rich woman, then I won't work hard! After all, I have a good appetite and want to eat soft rice!" Chu Yu rubbed his feet against Gu Yan.

"It's not easy if you want to eat soft rice? You can do it at any time...it is impossible to be the king of soft rice and want to have three girlfriends!" Gu Yan quipped.

"Haha..." Chu Yu smiled awkwardly.

"But to be honest..... These relatives in your family are really nice!" Chu Yu changed the subject.

"Not bad? Go back to your home to find relatives you haven't contacted for many years. Their performance should be better now..." Gu Yan said with a smile.

Chu Yu thought for a while...

