I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"This..." Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"Except to get the certificate...I can satisfy you! Of course it's not that I am unwilling to get the certificate, but...the situation is indeed the case! Sorry!" Chu Yu whispered.

"Look at you scared!" Gu Yan smiled suddenly.

"Knowing that you can't meet the marriage requirements of three women at the same time, so I decided not to marry three women! Forget it... you are a big thief, I have fallen in and I am too lazy Got entangled with this! Anyway, after a year or two, my family really started to urge me, so please accompany me to perform the wedding scene at that time!" Gu Yan took a deep breath and said.


Chu Yu doesn't have much contact with relatives, and he doesn't go back to his hometown if there is nothing to do on weekdays!

However, after staying in Gu Yan's home until the fifth day of the fifth year, Chu Yu invited her back to her hometown with herself. Of course, she was not to visit her relatives' New Year's greetings, but to worship her parents!

In his hometown of Mingcheng, Chu Yu can be regarded as a big celebrity, and he was listed as a model benchmark for young entrepreneurs in the local area. Whenever the school teachers in the city give examples, they like to take Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin as examples... .... Even though Chu Yu was walking on the street wearing a mask, she was worried about being recognized!

However, Gu Yan was very interested in Chu Yu's old house in Mingcheng. When he came, he went through the boxes and looked for photos of Chu Yu when he was a child, which made Chu Yu very embarrassed!

Some things just didn't feel like listening to Chu Yu, but it was different when I came to see it in person!

The popular January Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance was completed in this room, and a lot of manuscripts of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance can be found under Chu Yu's bed....... ..

Chu Yu's hometown is very strange and interesting to Gu Yan. When he went to the grave to pay homage to Chu Yu's parents, he looked serious, but Chu Yu didn't know how to introduce Gu Yan... In order, Gu Yan is the eldest girlfriend, based on her age, Gu Yan is the second girlfriend, and based on the time she has known Chu Yu, she is the third girlfriend!

At the time, Chu Yu didn't know how to talk about it before his parents' graves. Since there is a system in the world, would there really be an underworld? Assuming the existence of the underworld, Chu Yu's parents knew that Chu Yu's rich emotional life would be gratified, or would they want to climb out and beat him, a filial son who corrupted his family?

Anyway, Chu Yu's hesitating expression, Gu Yan smiled directly! I also photographed it with my mobile phone and kept it.

However, this time only lasted for a few days. Chu Yu was a little nostalgic, and went back to the magic city by plane with Gu Yan... After all, going to Gu Yan's house to see the parents during the New Year was just a small episode, important. It's still the two animation productions now!

After the new year passed, all the employees of the copyer animation production company were all motivated!

Although the company has only been established for a month or two and has not earned a cent of profit, it is impossible for Chu Yu to sting even today! There are still year-end bonuses!

Basically everyone sent a big red envelope to go home for the New Year. The money may be considerable for these employees, but for Chu Yu, the company's hundreds of people add up to this year-end bonus. Calculating his annual income last year, it is estimated that his income was converted in a few hours!

The atmosphere of the company is completely different when I come back to start work during the New Year!

Gu Yan basically tried to put down the dubbing work of other animations as much as possible, and ran to Chu Yu intently to supervise whether he was suspected of being troublesome again in the name of work. Fortunately, the employees recruited in the company are even slightly more beautiful women. No, it makes her feel safe! After all, she can not believe whether Chu Yu's will is firm, but she must believe in Chu Yu's taste! When she chased Chu Yu so hard at the beginning, she couldn't possibly admit that Chu Yu would look after the 34-year-old aunts in the company! At least Su Lu Zhao Qinyin's level of beauty will make Gu Yan have a sense of crisis!

It took only a few days for Gu Yan to be suspicious. There were some things on the Japanese island that Chu Yu needed to deal with...In mid-February, Chu Yu left the magic city again and flew to Tokyo.. ...

What can be encountered is that Chu Yu's life will not be good in the future, flying with two ends should be normal!

Fortunately, there are people who Chu Yu trusts in both companies, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin from the island of Japan, Huang Ming and Gu Yan from the magic capital...Even if Chu Yu is not there, in a short time. There will be no trouble!

After entering February, the entire Dragon Kingdom animation industry returned to calm!

This kind of calm makes the second apes of the Dragon Kingdom who are accustomed to the waves feel extremely boring!

The strongest work in January Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance has only four chapters, there is Remembrance Jewelry in front, the imbalance of the stars now looks very tasteless!

Although gt animation company, in addition to Chuyu's two early anime animations, some of his later comic works, one went online with the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance in January, and now Chapter Five and Six have been broadcast. The average number of episodes has not exceeded 4 million.....

Faced with this achievement, all the staff of gt animation company felt that they had no enthusiasm!

In fact, this is the normal situation in the animation industry of Long Country. The average play volume of the street animation collection is less than one million. There are also some works that are difficult to achieve an average of 300,000. The normal animation collection averages 100. Five hundred thousand, a slightly better set average of over 2.5 million starts to make money, three to four million is a small fire, and more than 6 million is a big fire! As for the average number of broadcasts in the episode exceeded 10 million, after removing the works created by Chu Yu, these works are basically the annual hegemonic animation!

Normal animation companies, facing their own creations that are expected to have an average playback volume of more than 4 million, should actually have champagne, but it is a pity......for the gt that created cl and slam dunk. For the employees of the animation production company, four million is really of little interest, and the stamina of this work is not enough. However, for the author of the original comic Jiuding, this achievement is gratifying. It is obvious in the market that the sales of his comics Jiuding has significantly increased this month. He also specially sent a message to thank gt animation company... ....

After Chu Yu returned to Tokyo, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin also explained the mentality of the people under their hands to Chu Yu.

"What's the use of telling me about this kind of thing? I'm not a superman!" Of course, Chu Yu understands what these two people think.

Indeed, last year, gt animation company's animation work, the income is calculated at one billion, and now it has returned to a work with an investment of 30 million, calculated on the basis of an average broadcast volume of 4 million, after deducting the production cost from the network broadcast of the work Earning a few million, and then slowly selling in the surrounding market, there may also be a profit of 10 million yuan, this profit will have to be extended to more than one or two years! Slam Dunk with Spirited Away is not a one-dimensional work! The profit margin of the work is too much!

I can't blame these two Su Lu for being so far away, after all, there is a masterpiece creation machine by Chu Yu, who doesn't want to play Dafa?

"At first, you said that in order to give me more time to settle, feed the company's employees, and accept the animation of other people's works... Now this..." Chu Yu's expression was weird.

"That's just a way to do it during the downturn in your creation. The company's four or five hundred people will all revolve around your work, and you will be exhausted to meet their scripting needs........So you It's important to find work for them when you're resting! But haven't you been resting for several months now? Do you have any ideas, don't hide it, or I won't be able to cooperate with you when I find other jobs for my subordinates. The creation needs of this!" Su Lu said righteously.

"And you want to..... Strike a snake and hit seven inches. In the past two years, as soon as Tianxing has made a big move, you will attack. After two years, Tianxing's stock price has fallen so much. It's coming out......We should get harder, we should continue our efforts, and beat down the dog. How about the whole year of this year? You will not just prepare gt animation production company for a fullmetal alchemist, a magic city The copy of, just an attacking giant! You are too slack, Chu Yu!" Su Lu said rightly.

But the more Chu Yu listened, the more ridiculous!

Fullmetal alchemist Niu Arakawa Hiroshi has been serialized for nine years, and the attacking giant has been serialized for twelve years.....With such a large amount of work, Chu Yu was preparing to produce it within one year, and he was actually evaluated by Su Lu. He is too lax in this sentence!

If the two works are made into animation, it will add up to more than a hundred words.....Is it necessary to be hinted by Su Lu that he is not diligent?

If Western capitalists knew this, they would probably be crying for Chu Yu, calling him good fellow Su Lu!

"Okay...I admit that now I want gt animation company to grow up as fast as possible, surpass Tianxing, and become the strongest animation production company in Longguo in one fell swoop... ...But there is no way, the creators on the market are really not good, cl is such a good production team, to produce that Jiuding, it is only about 4 million........ What's wrong with this? You understand me! But it is the shame of our gt animation company that it is the first time to produce such a bad work!" Su Lu also felt a little embarrassed, and looked at Chu Yu.

"Then you can't just catch a lamb!" Chu Yu couldn't help it.

"I'm also a person anyhow, you are not afraid that I will die from overwork like this, you are a widow!" Chu Yu said angrily.

"Anyway, consider yourself. After all, Gang Lian and Giants competed with Tian Xing in July. In the other months without your work, Tian Xing's works have performed well.......You are going to compete with Tian Xing. To carry out an all-round attack, I will continue to find some projects similar to Jiuding that are not threatening to Tianxing, but can let the subordinates mess around. You can figure it out!"

Su Lu lifted the hair beside his cheeks to the roots of his ears, and tilted his head to show Chu Yu an angry and beautiful side face. His mouth was slightly puffed up. Chu Yu couldn't help but he went straight up to face him. He gave a mad kiss on his cheek.

"Oh, you are so annoying, I just washed my face, and you got saliva on it again!" Su Lu blushed, and whispered to Chu Yu in a low voice.

"I know what you mean... Indeed, in the entire Longguo animation industry, except for the works published by me as my own deity and Zhao Qinyin, the works of other companies are not a threat to Tianxing, if I did not exist. The chair of Tianxing's leader in animation industry sits steadily. If it weren't competing with Lelouch, Jojo, Magic Circle, Cl, Slam Dunk, Spirited Away and other works at the same time, the broadcast data would have been high. Many, the surrounding market must sell more hotly, then the one-stop industrial line of these works, such as game adaptations, can make more money if you go down! High profit margins, more investment, stock prices rise, a positive cycle... ..." Chu Yu changed the subject and smiled.

"But those are all ifs! The fact is, I do exist! And I have enemies with it!"

"Although I don't know why you suddenly became so interested in letting gt animation company defeat Tianxing and become the industry leader... But what you said makes sense. Now we have made Tianxing riding a tiger difficult. It is unreasonable. He has a chance to breathe!"

"What do you mean? Would you consider creating new works?" Su Ming's eyes were surprised.

"I said so, but for new work or something, even if I take out the script now, at least it won't come out until next year or the end of the year... The gt animation production company is growing too fast. The copy of the animation production company estimates that the same situation will appear in the magic city. The two companies under my command have a direct gap with Tianxing. This year or next year, I estimate that Tianxing and our competition will be very fierce... ...The high probability is that I will be beaten more fiercely! I really can't expect to rely on Jiuding's comic works to help me defeat the Sky Star!" Chu Yu said intently.

"You're right, thinking about it this way...what to prepare for next year, now we have to prepare in advance!" Chu Yu said.

"Right! I'm right!" Su Lu's expression became excited.

"But why are you so excited! It's not like you at all!" Chu Yu still asked.

"That hasn't been stimulated by the funds in our company's account. The company's account funds are now six to seven billion. If you hold the office building worth more than 1.3 billion, if you work hard... .You only know it, right?"

"Just a little bit? What do you mean..."

"It's just a little bit. The total cash assets held by the company exceeded 10 billion... Then I am the actual person in charge of the company when you are absent...Imagine Let me tell you how other people think of me when I attend meetings or interviews!" Su Lu looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was stunned!

"Control a unicorn company worth more than 10 billion yuan, a legend in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, a business tycoon... Su Lu! How about it? Isn't it cool! So Chuyu, you have to work hard! "

Chu Yu directly flicked Su Lu's eyebrows! .

"What are you thinking about? You can't even spend a million a year, and you still think about the legend of a tens of billions of business giants? If people really think like this, they are also evaluating me, Chu Yu!" Chu Yu said angrily.

"What are you doing? It hurts! And I am your woman, and your achievements are mine. I deserve it!" Su Lu covered his forehead with one hand, while preparing to take off and give Chu Yu a broken finger.

"So you just want me to be a model worker just because of this?" Chu Yu dodged the attack deftly!


"Haha......what's wrong with me? I wanted to be the editor-in-chief in my life when I was in Mingcheng~www.mtlnovel.com~ After some things happened with you, I came to Japan. I just thought, sometimes the editor-in-chief is not very useful, no matter how you have to mix up with the senior executives of the company, and then join your company, you will be directly at the senior level, or gt's second-in-command....... To keep changing my goals, I now want to become the founder of the business empire of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry.... It's normal to hear others praise me! Even if it's a reputation, I'm happy... ...Go back to my hometown to amaze a bunch of relatives, pretend to be coercive in front of them, and let them say that I am a girl who is going around outside, and she must end up doing nothing...Who calls you my boyfriend? "Su Lu sat down on the chair!"

"Although vanity, I like it!" Chu Yu also sat down, looked at Su Lu, and said with a smile.

"And...that day won't be too far!"


Su Lu is not the same as Zhao Qinyin. The latter is more Buddhist. Su Lu saw the potential of gt animation company, so he wanted to do it!

Joking with Chu Yu is a joke, but I really want to make gt the benchmark of Longguo animation industry!