I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After all, Chu Yu still has a few months to unblock the ban, and the work is not well promoted with much fanfare!

It is also unavoidable to let Huang Ming reveal some information through unofficial channels, and mainly only through these means to suspend the appetite of fans.

Otherwise, Chu Yu said last year that after the deadline for lifting the ban in July this year, there will be works online, but the fans did not know any information about Chu Yu's new works until the day before the works went live...That's really a bit stupid!

Originally, regarding the news of Chu Yu's new work, he thought that only his iron fans would pay attention, even if Huang Ming was allowed to use some channels to pretend to be an attacking giant to make information leaks to let fans learn some information... ...

But helplessly, Chu Yu somewhat underestimated the number of his iron fans!

Before Chu Yu returned to the island of Japan, some information about the attacking giant had been disseminated in various forums and channels on the Internet through people hired by Huang Ming!

But he can only do this, and he can neither invite advertising companies to promote, nor use his, company, or Chuyu social accounts to promote!

The seeds were sown, but in just a few days, the news spread almost crazy in the animation circle!

Huang Ming has released very little information, and he also designed pictures of the protagonists of the three-player team, Ellen, Almin, Mikasa and others!

Then appropriately mentioned the world view of giants, walls, giants, three-dimensional mobile devices......

But in the world where the protagonist is, humans are also the prey targets of giants, and they are willing to build three circles for themselves, like pigs, cows and sheep, forced to be locked in...

At first, in the face of these news, Chu Yu's fans smiled. Many people didn't believe it, thinking it was the online marketing account bragging!

But when someone asked Huang Ming if the news was true, Huang Minggu replied to the left and right, and now the copying animation production company is strictly investigating the words of the employees who leaked the news!

This kind of reply almost confirmed the information on the Internet about what is called the attacking giant... It is indeed the comeback work that Shui Xin plans to produce in July!

And then, Chu Yu's fan, who had been silent for a long time, became active in a very short time!

"It's actually true? What kind of attacking giant is this new work of Teacher Shui Xin?"

"The work is in the production stage. Why doesn't Ms. Shui Xin dare to reveal his name?"

"Maybe the ban period is too public, so let's be targeted by the River Crab Bureau again! Teacher Shuixin is also struggling!"

"But will this kind of work look good? Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed, Giant? Wall? From another practical point of view, the setting of Giant is equivalent to the big monkey in the American movie King Kong, so this work The story is that in order to resist the attack of a group of King Kong, the country where the protagonist is located has built a tall city wall........It's so low! This setting!"

"It's another world anime again, I'm tired of watching it! In January, the other world anime, the protagonist has become sisters, some spiders, some slimes, and some healing braves... ..... Could it be something new? I'm almost vomiting, are people in another world so stupid? As long as the protagonist travels through the past, he can achieve a hegemony! Alas...disappointment!"

"The information exposed by the attacking giant didn't say that this work is a drama through another world. Don't be so arbitrary!"

"This is not going through the dragon Aotian, I eat a catty, you think with your mind, the world development level in the Middle Ages, facing a group of giants 15 meters high, if the protagonist is not a modern person to boost the technology of the people in the wall, then the wall Is the insider hitting the giant with the head? I can already guess the plot of this work. The modern high school male protagonist travels to a different world full of giants. With the knowledge of junior high school physics, the technology inside the wall is advancing by leaps and bounds. This work should be the protagonist of the opening. With a knife, at the end, the protagonist stands on the city wall and shoots the giant with Gatling, leading mankind to the top of the dragon, proud of the world, farming and developing into anime!"

"Hmm.... I saw that the people in front of me said that this is a popcorn anime where humans fight a group of monsters, and they feel boring. Now when I hear you say this, my interest will come in an instant!"

"No, if you say that, I don't have much interest in this work! I still like the kind of initial D, bloody, boiling, and real man anime...different Looking at the world traversal animation, I vomit!

"But there should be a different place in the animation of Teacher Shui Xin in another world! Just like Madoka Magica, everyone said that the work was too clichéd at the time, but it was not super **** in the later period... .... I am looking forward to it anyway!"

"I said so, but I just thought, Shui Xin's big move for three years was actually humans fighting monsters... Uh, the giant's animation is inevitably a little disappointed. After all, the expectation is very high. High, leading to a psychological gap now!"

"The main reason is that everyone has seen too many routine works. In fact, there is no problem with routines, but if there are too many, they will be aesthetically tired. Whether it is the fullmetal alchemist of Teacher Zhao Qinyin, or the giant that Teacher Shui Xin has to attack, the subject of his own work is not The problem......But the problem is, magic, giants, other worlds, elves, half-orcs, these elements are present in too many works.......I can only look forward to it. Teacher Shuixin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin have different performances! Come on!"

"I don't know why, I have a hunch, this work will flutter!"

"It's been three years, hasn't Heizi given up singing bad for Teacher Shuixin? It's really hard work! Teacher Shuixin's work, do you dare to make a conclusion if you don't see the last words?"

"Everyone asks whether this work will be a healing work, I'm a bit worried!"

"Maybe, but you can look at the works of Mr. Shuixin anyway. It starts with a family carnival, and later it will become a healing animation, such as Madoka, such as White Album 2....."

"Then what if the whole family die at the beginning?"

"Um, Mr. Shui Xin has not created such a work for the time being... No, the protagonist of the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance chapter started the whole family ascended to heaven, and even the sisters who protected him died in a miserable state... ...If the giant starts to gloom... then it should be impossible for this work to change its style later!"

"So what you said is not nonsense. No matter what the start of Shui Xin's work is, just give him the label of Zhi Yu!"


In the animation circle, discussions about attacking giants are almost everywhere for a while!

Although the works are not promoted through any official channels, as far as this effect is concerned......it does not seem to need to be done!

This kind of gossip, the information circulated through unknown channels, has stimulated the interest and curiosity of fans even more. Now it presents a similar kind of "who and so and so cheating!" This kind of news spreads vitality in the countryside. ! The speed of the news spread is jaw-dropping!

It took only two days, from the ups and downs in the Weibo hot search list from the beginning to the top three in today's hot search.

Huang Ming didn't expect this situation, and Chu Yu felt even more outrageous!

"So, if we invested so much money in the promotion of works in the past, is it a waste of money? In fact, it is more effective to find the navy to operate like this?"

At night, Chu Yu stayed in the villa in the Tokyo area, and she couldn't figure it out!

"Then you think too much. This new work of yours carries the expectations that fans have for you for three years, and coupled with the anxiousness of the lack of official announcements, will it spread so quickly on the Internet... .... If you and I are on average and produce a few works in a year, then there won't be too many people to inquire about new works at all, and it will only feel that you are lazy on vacation, just being a salted fish!"

Zhao Qinyin was wearing pajamas with her hair drooping. After taking a bath, her face turned pale and red, and she said while drinking milk.

"It seems to be..." Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"So, if you hit this work, the fans' anger will be reflected several times....After all, you are looking forward to it for three years. Your work... .... At that time, the Internet will probably be overwhelmed by the water heart Jiang Lang to talk about it!"

Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu with a smile in his eyes.

"You have to come on, don't really make me the first genius in the history of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, and then your own deity can't surpass me... Then I really don't know how to say it. !"

"At that time, the nature of the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is actually false. It is a person who relied on gunmen to create works and then deceived Quan Longguo...This is... ..... It's fun just thinking about it!"

"How is that possible?" Chu Yu glanced at Zhao Qinyin!

But when I think about it carefully, I really feel quite imaginary........It's just a single slam dunk, cl and Spirited Away, these works were created separately, it is not completely unsurpassable!

But these works are all published in the name of Zhao Qinyin. How does the current Longguo animation industry view Zhao Qinyin? It can be understood as a collection of the pinnacle Hayao Miyazaki, plus the pinnacle Takahiko Inoue, and then the pinnacle Ma Zhizhun!

Zhao Qinyin's current height is simply the devil in the animation industry!

If you want to defeat the Great Demon King, you have to use the same magic. Jun Mae and Inoue Takehiko's wool Chuyu are almost the same. The former's kanon, air, angel's heartbeat and other works are not up to the level of cl, and Chu Yu doesn't want to move these works for the time being, after all, he doesn't want to return the hat of the warrior of love again! But Mr. Hayao Miyazaki can squeeze too much wool! Although Spirited Away is indeed the highest-grossing work by Hayao Miyazaki, the quality of Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, and Nausicaa is not bad either! Although the height is lower than Spirited Away, the gap is not very large.

Of course, as far as the box office of anime movies is concerned, the movie "Infinite Train" of Demon Slayer Blade and Makoto Shinkai's name are both the existence that can break the wrist with Spirited Away, but there is no doubt that these two works are in In terms of quality, plot, and height, the distance from Spirited Away is indeed not small.

Just like the movie of Zhou x Chi's Kung Fu in the parallel world, if it is released in 2021, shouldn't Tang Detective 3 be beaten out? But Kung Fu was actually released in 2004, and the global box office added up to only 3/3 of Tang Tan! Therefore, the box office is sometimes not necessarily proportional to the quality of the work. If your name, the movie Ghost Extinguisher, is now released in the Dragon Kingdom, the former will have half the box office of Spirited Away, and the latter... ..Unless Chu Yu exchanges the ghosts and makes this work in the Long Country like it is in the parallel world Japan, it is unlikely that Spirited Away will be super!

Good works are transported to Long Country, and they will most likely become popular, but they may not exactly copy the popularity trajectory of works in the parallel world. After all, what results can be achieved depends on the actual quality of the work itself!

However, Zhao Qinyin was right. Although he was behind both identities, the fame of the deity was suppressed by Zhao Qinyin, and it really felt weird!

If Chu Yu didn't use his own identity to create the work of Attacking Giant, after the next broadcast of Deganglian, needless to say, Zhao Qinyin's current position as the first person in the Dragon Kingdom is not too stable, and no one would dare. Bb again!

"Don't worry, there is no real first person in this world! Haven't heard a word, Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, the animation industry is also a cultural industry, and this is the truth... ..... I will make adjustments so that you and your reputation in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry will alternate again and again!" Chu Yu rubbed Zhao Qinyin's hair.

Her freshly combed hair was messed up by Chu Yu again.

"Chu Yu, why do you always like to touch my head and mess up my hair every time..." Zhao Qinyin hurriedly covered his head and patted Chu Yu's hand away.

"You're going to sleep anyway, what does it matter if your hair is messy? Does it still have a dishevelled hair when you sleep!" Chu Yu said indifferently.

"But at least before going to bed, people are beautiful!" Zhao Qinyin said in a soothing tone.

"Are you not ashamed to say such things now?" Chu Yu blinked and looked at Zhao Qinyin.

"At least before going to bed, don't mess up my hair, or it won't look good...so...tonight...don't go Sister Su's room!"

Zhao Qinyin twisted and turned to Chu Yu with a blushing face. Although he didn't know the causal relationship between the previous sentence and the next sentence, Chu Yu would definitely not discuss such details with her at this time.

Chu Yu swallowed his saliva, Zhao Qinyin's words were exactly what he wanted, but time was not available before, after all, it was only 11 o'clock in the evening!

But now he couldn't help it anymore, hurried to his room and came out with a few sets of clothes.

"Walk, it's late, let's rest!" Chu Yu carried the clothes to Zhao Qinyin's room, and then came out and picked Zhao Qinyin in his waist!

"What did you take to my room?" Zhao Qinyin asked in a low voice.

"The clothes I bought a few days ago, cat maid cos clothes, black silk, pink ears, miniskirts...you must look good on you!" Chu Yu said excitedly.

"Don't...change those that are too shameful, just turn off the lights!" Zhao Qinyin's face changed, and he shook his head and refused.

Zhao Qinyin wanted to express her rejection more severely, but Chu Yu reached into her pajamas and nightdress. Before she could react, her clothes were taken off and she was naked! The whole person's body becomes soft, and he can't get it out of any strength.

"Don't worry, just get used to it, this thing is very interesting!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

Chu Yu was also very interested in helping Zhao Qinyin to change the costume. In fact, in this process, looking at Zhao Qinyin's embarrassing expression and eyes is also where Chu Yu has fun.

Soon, the light in the room was turned off, and after a while, only the gasp of men and women remained, and then the sound continued...

Su Lu in the next room was still in his room processing the reports submitted by the company's staff at night. Hearing these voices, his face was red and his work has not been in the state.......

"Is this guy Chu Yu a human? Every day, I don't see tiredness! How long has it been tonight, and it won't stop..." Su Lu was slightly angry and shook his head.

I gave up the idea of ​​buying Chinese wolfberry and ginseng slices for Chu Yu...

Sure enough... the funny jokes are all deceptive. There is only pure friendship between old couples and old wives. When the wife smiles, her heart beats!

Just like Chu Yu, he wished that a few of them would not go to work, so he stayed with him all day...


Time passed. After all, it was only the information disclosure of some attacking giants' works. It was on fire for a few days, and the heat slowly faded, but the seeds have been planted. At least the large number of secondary apes in the Dragon Kingdom know this. The existence of this work.....

As the time enters March, the two companies of Chuyu Magic Capital Japan are intensively producing animations of Giant and Steel, but on the other hand, April is coming soon!

However, unlike before, Tianxing Animation Company........In this March, unexpected actions were frequent!

At least......The promotion of Ruan Zhiqi's work Lost Forest in April has never been greater....

The production costs of Lost Forest and Unbalanced Production are almost the same. According to reason, the publicity costs of the two works are also similar, but the problem is that the display is completely different. Starting in early March, the promotion of Lost Forest The whole Dragon Kingdom is unfolding, and the intensity is not much worse than last year when the basket was promoted!

But the problem is that the investment of Bluewind is 400 million, and the investment of Lost Forest is less than 90 million!

Tianxing must have added promotional funds for this work!

The audience doesn't know the doorway, but people in the industry know it at a glance!

Everyone thinks about it carefully, but it's clear why Tianxing did this!

After all, in the April animation market, although there are no strong opponents... But like Yiyueyu, a work "The Garden of Words" with Shui Xin's original work is broadcast!

Heavenly Star must be the result of the competition between Imbalance and Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance in January... It was exciting!
