I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In fact, whether Tianxing or Yin Tian is good, they didn't underestimate Chu Yu, after all, Chu Yu's fan base is there!

But in the animation market in January, the biggest winner is Chu Yu's works during high school. Who can accept this? How could Tianxing think that his own huge investment of 80 to 90 million will be pegged by a short animation with only four episodes?

Although the imbalance is not the largest investment by Tianxing in this year's animation work, it can be said to be high hopes, the result? On the second day of the launch, I began to receive the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance Pendant, and it has been in March until now....Imbalanced because it failed to seize the opportunity in the animation market in January, the follow-up results were not satisfactory. At present, the whole work has not even achieved an average of 7 million episodes, and it is completely different from what Tianxing imagined at the beginning of this work after it was broadcast. The average playback volume of the episode exceeded 10 million, and it did not match the scene of making Tianxing a good year. side!

And now......April is coming soon!

As in January, Chu Yu's Garden of Words and Leaves will be released together in April!

After all, it's just a small fresh romance animation of forty to fifty minutes. According to common sense, this kind of thing is related to some old anime ova, extravaganza, small theater, instant noodles and the like, to Tian Xing's April Ruan Zhiqi. The lost forest of the country is not a threat!

It should be... It's a pity that the January Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance chapter gave Tianxing too much excitement!

All Tianxing seems to have discovered that as long as it is in contact with the heart of water, a small probability event is never a small probability!

In fact, as a newcomer to Ruan Zhi Qi Tianxing, he can't be given such a big deal. He not only invested a huge amount of money to create two of his works, but even added additional funds for publicity!

Regarding Ruan Zhiqi's Lost Forest, the tens of millions of investment that Tianxing advertised at the beginning were all imaginary. If the results are not good in the first few weeks of going online, there is no doubt that the production funding for the following words will be greatly cut, half a year It will also be changed to a quarterly fan, and one of the biggest functions of the Lost Forest is to serve as a test stone.

Although many old employees of Tianxing said that Ruan Zhiqi's two works have great potential and far exceed the level of his previous works, Yin Tian is a businessman and only believes in the data. If the performance of this work is very good after the broadcast of Lost Forest, then the publicity The investment in this work will be real, and the work of Ruan Zhiqi's Spirit Man in July will receive extraordinary treatment, but if the broadcast of Lost Forest results in the opposite... .For Ruan Zhiqi, it's not just the problem of this work! It is very likely that the various investment treatments of Lingren's work will be greatly reduced!

Tian Xing chairman Yin Tian's vision is perfect, but there are always various surprises in real development.

The unbalanced beating situation in January was too ugly, and it seriously affected the patience of market investors with Skystar!

As a leading company that has not created animation works to dominate the market for seven consecutive years, Tianxing was originally questioned, but the works full of confidence in January were actually crushed by unknown works during the Shuixin High School period.

Is this still the No.1 animation production company in Longguo animation industry? Every quarter the animation industry Nikkei post is the new work of Tianxing this quarter has been hammered by **** works!

Of course, this **** basically refers to Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin.......It is only strange that the market's attitude towards Tianxing is not negative!

Tianxing was also aware of this, so... Yin Tianxia ordered to die, the April Animation Market... It must not be so ugly! If the Lost Forest can't even beat the Garden of Words, then the market's confidence in Skystar will definitely collapse!

Therefore, additional investment in the promotion of Lost Forest is also the only choice for Skystar!

In the Garden of Words that defeated the Heart of Water in April, double-killed the attacking giant of the Heart of Water and the Fullmetal Alchemist of Zhao Qinyin in July! With the development of things up to now, Yin Tian can no longer think carefully about the true strength and level of Ruan Zhiqi, and can only use his full strength to praise him!

By saving this little production and publicity expenses here, Stars may lose even more next year!

Therefore, the entire March animation market is almost all about the promotion of Lost Forest. On the road, subway, comic exhibition site, bookstore, TV, and two-dimensional website, the promotion of Lost Forest can be described as overwhelming!

With this kind of investment and this kind of publicity, basically, the volume of this collection of Lost Forest does not exceed 10 million. I am sorry for the manpower, material and financial resources invested by Tianxing!

In fact, the effect is also very good!

Many two-dimensional enthusiasts are also looking forward to Ruan Zhiqi's work!

All major animation news media in Longguo invited Ruan Zhiqi and the producers of Lost Forest to conduct interviews on the show.

"I don't think I'm inferior to Shui Xin and Zhao Qin! The original comics of The Garden of Words I have found in the past few days, but it is just a simple plot and a groaning teacher-student love work... ...To be honest, I am disappointed. It turns out that...Shui Xin is just a mortal, and her debut work is only a mortal-level work!"

"The Lost Forest is a very good work, but Lingren is a better work than the Lost Forest... The competition in the animation market in July makes me excited and enthusiastic! Because of the Dragonland animation industry The two existing people closest to the king will be defeated by me!"

"Although I am a few years younger than the two of them, there is still a lot of room for growth, but only now I can beat the two of them!"


In media interviews, the host likes to compare Ruan Zhiqi with Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, and Ruan Zhiqi is unceremonious and speaks surprisingly!

Even though his performance in his past works is not comparable to that of the two, he was slammed in all directions, but the confidence and smile he showed on the show seemed to be winning!

Throughout mid-to-late March, Ruan Zhiqi was sprayed wildly by fans of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin!

But they didn't care at all, on the contrary, the more scolded, the more famous, the more frequent the show!

At the same time, Tian Xing also cooperated with Ruan Zhiqi very much. After the Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance chapter, Ruan Zhiqi's title of the strongest high school student in the animation industry has long been ridiculed by everyone, but Tian Xing and Ruan Zhiqi didn't care at all and continued to take this. For the hype, many people didn't know that there was Ruan Zhiqi in Longguo's animation industry. However, a bunch of unscrupulous media published articles all day long, comparing him with Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin. Everyone knew about him. Number one!

By the end of March, everyone in the animation industry was awakened by the reaction.......

This wave of Tianxing and Ruan Zhiqi is a marketing campaign!

With the help of Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin's current superb enthusiasm, the three of them bundled up marketing, although Ruan Zhiqi and his two works have increased a lot of infamy......

But there is no doubt that the reputation of Lost Forest and Spirit Man, as well as Ruan Zhi Qi De, has indeed been greatly improved!

Fans of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin scolded them for more than a week, and their mentality changed a lot. The introduction of Ruan Zhiqi's views into aimless abuse turned into wanting to see him be bothered by Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin. Fancy hanging fight!

"I look forward to it in April. Teacher Shuixin's Garden of Words makes him speechless!"

"Hehe, I haven't seen such an arrogant high school student for a long time. The most powerful work is that God's Domain has an average level of 8 million, so I came to meet the two great gods, Ci Shuixin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin! These two animation works, It seems that no one is lower than Jijun's 8 million! That's it, this guy is embarrassed to promote that he is better than Teacher Shuixin and Teacher Zhao Qinyin?"

"It's been less than two weeks. How do I want to jump in that lost forest? Don't invest so much money, and then you lose all your pants!"

"There are always people who don't believe in evil who want to come and touch Teacher Ci Shuixin, and they don't look at the history of hanging and beating of seniors who have the same idea. Sad!

"Anyway, we just need to watch the show. Tian Xing and Ruan Zhiqi are blowing such a big cow, and the cowhide will be blown by then. Please don't be merciful and don't fall into trouble!"

"But speaking of it, you guys have too much confidence in Teacher Shuixin. The attacking giant is still a mystery, I won't say it, but the garden of words...you really think it's over forty Minutes of short animation can beat the lost forest that is said to be half a year? You must know the length of the work to gather popularity, short works naturally suffer, not to mention short works that only have one story!"

"What do you say about the remembrance chapter? Only four episodes, and now the average number of episodes is not broken?"

"So, if Rurouni Kenshin can maintain the quality of the remembrance chapter, and serialize a hundred stories, then I dare to say kick dunk, punch cl, Lulu Xiu! It is because of the remembrance chapter that the results are only This is far inferior to slam dunk, cl!"

"The brothers above are right. I am from Los Angeles. I know some news. The comics published by The Court of Yanye sold tens of thousands a week, and the original comics of The Court of Yanye are much less than the Reminiscences! You guys! I don't know if the story of the Garden of Yan Ye is here, I can understand the story of Teacher Blow Water Heart, but to be honest, the level of the story of the Garden of Yan Ye is really not very high, and Ruan Zhiqi's interview is correct. The comic story of this work is simple. It's really so-so... After being made into an animation, it shouldn't be too strong. Even with the fame bonus of Teacher Shui Xin, it is impossible to dominate the April animation market like Remembrance. Everyone, please don't be embarrassed and look forward to Teacher Shuixin's return to work in July!"

"Are you Heizi? Teacher Shuixin's work will be bad? Don't be embarrassed, Heizi always said this before the broadcast of the Remembrance. If it is a good work, the reputation is limited to a corner of Los Angeles. It is just that the standard is not enough , It's not well-known, but what about when the Remembrance is released? Everyone knows the situation! Anyway, I believe that the Garden of Words will definitely hit the animation market in April!"

"That is, when you sit and see you sunspots are sprayed!"


After the end of March, the entire animation market was heating up again.

But for Chu Yu fans' unreasonable superstition and support for him, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu are actually a little worried!

As some people on the Internet have said, although the Garden of Words is indeed a masterpiece, it is actually that way. People who have seen it will think it is okay, but it will not leave much impression!

But when Chu Yu made the animation for this work, he provided a lot of bgm to be added according to his requirements. Indeed......under the explosive image quality produced under the financial blessing and the appropriate bgm bonus, The original manga of mediocre standard seems to be reborn after being animated, but even so...Can the Garden of Yanye really defeat Ruan Zhiqi?

Although Ruan Zhiqi is indeed far inferior to Chu Yu, he has also created works with an average of 8 million views, but the level of the animation of the Garden of Yanye..... Enough in the previous episode. Million?

"I regret it! The Garden of Words should not have been animated at the beginning! Since Chu Yu debuted, he has never lost in the animation market competition during the same period, but now..." Su Lu Look depressed!

This work, Chu Yu, did not want to make money from it. Although more than 40 minutes of animation has invested tens of millions in production, he has also invested a little in the promotion of the work. Chu Yu feels that if his fans are interested, they can come. Watching and understanding, it doesn't matter if you are not interested, Chu Yu views the broadcast of the Garden of Words with this kind of Buddhist mentality!

Therefore, stop Su Lu's anxious desire to increase the publicity investment of The Garden of Words, and stop the positive and hard behavior of Lost Forest!

After all, he is the person who knows his work best. Although the Court of Yanye has a high evaluation score in the parallel world, his popularity is true. The plot is really too simple. The main thing to see is the picture, music, and experience of this animation. Xiaoqing leisurely love, the sentimental feeling!

But although Chu Yu was salty, Su Lu was very worried... Watching Chu Yu fans on the Internet have such high expectations for this work, many people even expect that Ye Zhi Ting will be beyond the Drifter. A short piece of Jianxin Remembrance...Looking forward to the Garden of Words, Pendant, Lost Forest...

But now!

"Don't sigh! Who can always be invincible? Don't underestimate the Dragon Kingdom animation industry. There are many masterpieces in a year. Even my works cannot always dominate the market!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

"I know, the animation of the garden of words has never thought about what it can achieve. The main reason is to draw a perfect end to your comics career and achieve all comic works... all animations. Achievement!" Su Lu lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong.

"But right now, the media and fans have all kinds of rumors about the April duel between Ye Zhi Ting and Lost Forest, treating it as a foreplay for the July animation market, where Ruan Zhiqi and you are fighting! I'm not reconciled. I actually lost it. It doesn't matter, but the work that I lost to Skystar... is uncomfortable, I feel sorry for you, you maintained the advantage of crushing Skystar for seven years, and was broken by a meaningless thought I made last year! When the time comes, after losing , It also caused your fans to feel disappointed in you! Alas..." Su Lu looked upset!

Chu Yu saw Su Lu like this, but she felt a little distressed, so she pulled her into her arms and hugged her!

"It's no big deal! I'm not a perfectionist. If you lose, you lose, but one thing is that the manga of The Garden of Words is really mediocre, but the animation produced...maybe not like cl, Lelouch has the explosive potential, but at least... it will be a work that satisfies fans after seeing it and feels that this work is worthwhile... .." Chu Yu lowered his head, looked at Su Lu's eyes and said.

Chu Yu doesn't care about the so-called April battles that the media speculate. If there is a chance to harm the star, Chu Yu will never let it go, but if there is no chance, he will also be a Buddhist!

Tian Xing has suffered a lot from the Remembrance, and now I must have studied the comic plot of The Garden of Words, knowing that this work does not have the potential for magical work, so he will utterly talk about it on the Internet to create this atmosphere.

The main purpose is just to find some places. After all, in the competition with Chu Yu at the same time, Tian Xing's work has never won, even if it is just to win the big gift package that was given to Chu Yu for free by a system like the Court of Words... ...May be a great encouragement to all of Tianxing, and it can also boost the market's confidence in Tianxing!

It's just that... the manga and animation of The Garden of Words are two different things!

If you say that you have added music, and invested a huge amount of money to produce the super-high-quality animated version of the garden of Yanye, it can be calculated by ten!

The comic version may be about four points!

The plot of this animation is indeed generally correct, but Xin Haicheng did not expect to rely solely on the plot to attract people when he created it! The combination of excellent production pictures and touching bgm will lead to the crying embrace of the male and female protagonists at the end of the Garden of Words!

This work is a seductive animation and also a seductive animation... Maybe it will not be a big hit when it is made into an animation, but it will never touch the street!

Su Lu had the preconceived idea of ​​comics, and felt that the Garden of Words was not good. Even after watching the excellent animated version, he knew the follow-up plot and did not feel suspense. The sensory experience of watching the animation is far less than that of the new audience. deep!

But in fact, from the perspective of Chu Yu~www.mtlnovel.com~ The Garden of Words Dragon Kingdom version produced by himself is far better than the Parallel World Xin Haicheng version! After all, he has the ability to make money!

Perhaps this version of The Garden of Words will still not be as popular as the magic circle and cl, but at least......if Ruan Zhiqi's current creative level is still at the level of the creation of God's Domain two years ago, all episodes will be played. The level of eight million!

Chu Yu didn't feel that...... it was just that kind of work that could beat the animation of The Garden of Words!

And...Join Ruan Zhiqi has made great progress, and his level has improved a lot. After the broadcast of Lost Forest, it has been well received!

Chu Yu didn't feel any worries, and even thought it was funny!

After all, Lost Forest has beaten the Garden of Words, and that will definitely give Sky Star the confidence and the illusion that he can defeat Chu Yu!

With this kind of mood, when Tian Xing was hammered by the two works of Giant and Steel in July, the pain may be more profound!

As for the April animation market, what does it matter to make the other party happy first!
