I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

From the early morning of July 1st, the propaganda work for the Fullmetal Alchemist and Spirit Man began!

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin brought a team of employees to the magic city, and they had no chance to play in the magic city!

The work tasks of the two were arranged slowly!

In order not to reveal their identities, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin did not stay together when they participated in the event, and the copying animation production company needed Chu Yu to handle the work!

At the Zhao Qinyin live broadcast venue arranged in advance, thousands of fans were queuing at 6 am, and at 8 o'clock, there were no vacancies in the venue, but there was still a long line outside the venue!

With Zhao Qinyin's debut, huge cheers were heard from the entire venue, including outside the venue!

Even if they are far away, they can hear fans chanting Zhao Qinyin's name!

This ostentation is nothing more than a first-line star, and all of this is broadcast simultaneously on all major live broadcast platforms of Longguo, and the basic popularity is top at the same time on all major live broadcast platforms!

Tian Xing and Ruan Zhiqi are almost the same in order to promote the soul, but Ruan Zhiqi is far from Zhao Qinyin in terms of fan enthusiasm and number!

But....... Although Ruan Zhiqi and Zhao Qinyin have a gap in popularity, Lingren and Fullmetal Alchemist are now at almost the same level of popularity in the Dragonland animation industry!

After all, Tianxing has been operating in the industry for so many years, and it is normal to use money to market the popularity of Lingren before the broadcast to this stage!

But the publicity is enough.....and beyond, it's up to the quality of the work!

The Lingren scheduled to be broadcast at noon and the Fullmetal Alchemist broadcast at night were broadcast less than eight hours apart, and in response to Zhao Qinyin's Tentacle Monster offensive, Lingren also chose a week like Steel Alchemist. Two episodes of animation are broadcast.......

For Tian Xing, Chu Yu is a direct enemy, the kind that cannot be adjusted, but it is really pressured, and it is still the number one in the box office of Long Guo movies. In the past three years, the well-deserved king of Long Guo animation, Zhao Qinyin, has put pressure on Tian Xing. Bigger!

When it is still unclear whether the quality of the work itself is better than steelmaking, naturally I dare not neglect the amount of update!

Zhao Qinyin is a tentacle monster, but Ruan Zhiqi is not bad, and Tianxing, as the most basic and strongest company in the industry, has updated the two words of Lingren's first anniversary is simply trivial!

The competition between the two sides is undoubtedly the fans!

"Awesome. Both Lingren and Fullmetal Alchemist have two conversations a week. Today I can finally watch enough! Originally, the update speed of one conversation a week in the animation industry is almost anti-human, and it was from the beginning of Teacher Zhao Qinyin. Well, even Tianxing follows the trend twice a week. It seems that a few years later, an animation will update seven or eight words a week, and maybe it will become the mainstream after two weeks!"

"Hehe....... The artist is so exhausted that he can't draw so many pictures. An animation counts as twelve frames per second, hundreds of frames per minute, tens of thousands of frames per sentence, and one Saturday. Seven chapters, you still dare to think about it! Don't think too much, like slam dunk or Lingren's two words a week, it can be done if financial and material resources allow, but the production cost will also increase. , It is not certain that the performance of the work can be above a certain level.......This is a high probability that you will lose!"

"Whatever it is? I don't understand anyway, those garbage animations are better and better, I just hope that the more top works, the better!"

"Speaking of teacher Zhao Qinyin's hard work, can you still remember when teacher Shui Xin created three works at the same time.... But now, what about his return in July? All tm It's July, except for the comeback work except for the giant who knows the name is Attacking Giant, and then there are some people designing pictures, there is no more! Even a preview pv hasn't come out! This is too ridiculous!"

"I have a hunch anyway, the attack on the giant is a precursor to the ticket skipping, and so many animation works of the Dragon Kingdom are basically doing this! Alas..."

"It's not enough. Although Mr. Shuixin is more arrogant, he is very credible! Generally, the bouncing of anime works is related to financial defects, but with Mr. Shuixin's financial resources, it will not be enough. He is at least ten or twenty. With a billion net worth, it's enough to save a hundred animations!"

"Who knows? I'm a fan of Teacher Ruan Zhiqi anyway. His Lost Forest in April was really good and made me fall into the pit! But I used to like Teacher Shui Xin. I was purely aiming at the work, not to provoke a fan war. , I don't think Shui Xin is doing this because of a problem with animation production, he is persuaded!"

"What do you mean?"

"You think, teacher Zhao Qinyin needless to say, the well-deserved no.1 of the Long Kingdom animation industry, in terms of serial animation, the average playback volume of the slam dunk episode was finally fixed more than 24 million, the first in the history of the Long Kingdom. And in the film industry, Spirited Away Dragon Kingdom is the top box office.....nothing to say, it's awesome! You really think that Teacher Shui Xin faces Zhao Qin in this state Teacher Yin's new work, will my heart not be persuaded? Then, Mr. Ruan Zhiqi, the Lost Forest in April, although the first week of airing was fiercely competitive with the Court of Words, it was still catching up in the later stage. Now it is aired for three months and both are broadcast The volume is nearly twelve million, and according to the current plot, there may be a second season, and the popularity is booming! And the soul man broadcast today is rumored to be better than the lost forest. Works........ If this is true......"

"So you think, Mr. Shuixin is hard to ride a tiger now! Longguo animation industry has always said that Mr. Shuixin is not banned, then the first person in the Longguo animation industry will never be Zhao Qinyin! But everyone thinks Ever? If Teacher Shuixin is not banned, after Lelouch Jojo, Mrs. Shuixin has reached the peak. If he is not banned, maybe these three years will be his three years in Waterloo and the three years in which he fell into the altar. , And he may have passed the peak now. Although the marketing is doing well, what is the return of the king in three years, but in fact......the giant who may attack is just an ordinary work! Water! Seeing the fierce competition in the animation market in July, Mr. Xin knew that he was invincible, so she jumped a ticket to the giant to save his face! Then the legend of his invincibility in the animation industry will be passed on again... ...After all, as long as you don't make a move, you won't be on the street!"

"You are the sunspot invited by Tianxing. Teacher Shuixin will persuade you? Teacher Shuixin will be afraid of what kind of steel, what kind of soul? He is still at his peak, and the talent is not there. He is afraid of embarrassment and dare not dare to take out the work! This I almost laughed with cerebral palsy remarks!"

"It doesn't matter whether you laugh or not. Just like the two teachers, Zhao Yongbai and Jiang Qi, they are still old predecessors in the animation industry without making a move. Fans have a half-step sacred existence, but once they make a move... The myth is shattered, so these old guys are so cooking in front of Teacher Zhao Qinyin? Really speaking, Teacher Shui Xin is just an enhanced version of Zhao Yongbai........He has self-knowledge, so he was scared. The Giant's trailer dare not release, and even the date of the Giant's broadcast is not revealed. Just one sentence, the Giant will be broadcast in July.... To be honest, I'm very disappointed! Teacher Shui Xin Lian and Ruan Zhiqi The two teachers, Zhao Qinyin, lost their courage in the first battle!"

"It seems to make sense! Although I have a good impression of Teacher Shuixin, I won't be afraid of such a bullshit! I am not afraid of his work hitting the street. I only need to learn the lesson and return to the standard next one, but I am tired of the false name. And break his words to the fans...that's just an untrustworthy villain!"

"No, I don't believe that Teacher Shuixin will be like this! He said that Giant will be broadcast in July..."

"That's... he can't be afraid of Teacher Zhao Qinyin, let alone the sand sculpture of Ruan Zhiqi!"

"That's all for me anyway, you can do it! It will be broadcast in a few minutes, and there is no time to talk with you!"


On the first day of this July, before Lingren airs!

A sudden rise on the Internet is that Chu Yu is afraid of falling into the altar, and dare not let the giant broadcast the rumors!

And it spread quickly!

For Chu Yu's iron fans and related people in the animation industry, they naturally know that Chu Yu's current lock-up period is still a few days away, and the work cannot be promoted on a large scale, let alone determine the broadcast date!

But 90% of ordinary passers-by and fans are just anime lovers. How can they understand the doorway? Tianxing invited Hei Chuyu's navy to fan the flames. Many people really believe this. Speech!

Chu Yu had no idea that Tian Xing hadn't forgotten to find the Water Army to black him up before Ling Ren was about to be released!

Seeing that there was infighting among his fans on the Internet because of these remarks, Chu Yu couldn't laugh or cry!

Weibo was preparing to give a speech to clarify and explain, Huang Ming stopped him!

"Don't...we are not now because you haven't lifted the ban, it's not good to publicize the work on a large scale! The sky star is black, you are black, but you didn't find that the black is black, the attacking giant is still on. Is it a hot search?" Huang Ming took out his phone and gave Chu Yu a look!

Weibo's hot search list is third, "Zhao Qinyin's new work Alchemist of Steel!", seventh, "Lingren broadcasts at 1 o'clock at noon!" And forty-ninth.......

"Teacher Shui Xin counseled, the attacking giant may be Waterloo!"

"This hot search..... Are you still showing it to me?" Chu Yu's face turned darker!

"Oh, do you care about it? Even if some fans think of you negatively now, it doesn't matter. When the time comes, we will see the giants broadcast and use facts to change them! The point is... The search volume and popularity of Giants on the whole network are constantly increasing.......Isn't that enough?" Huang Ming said with a smile.

"Brother, don't you really care about that silly name? You go to Weibo to explain the ins and outs. The effect of propaganda on the giant is definitely not as good as letting it go, letting the sunspot black it come strong!

"I was persuaded by you..." Chu Yu put down the phone after thinking for a while!

"That is, with the energy of Tianxing in the Dragon Kingdom, there are a thousand reasons for looking for the navy to black you out on the Internet. What do you care about them? Only works with poor quality will be afraid of being hacked!"

In the office, the two quickly skipped this topic, and the time was getting closer and closer, and their attention was completely focused on the work of Lingren!


Time has come to a point. In the anticipation of thousands of fans of the second element, the play link of Lingren's Chapter One and Two will be online on time........

The black fans of Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu, the fans of Ruan Zhiqi, the fans of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin who want to see Ruan Zhiqi embarrassed......a huge crowd of people flocked into the Lingren together. Play the page!

And Lingren's opening......is a cool fight!

The battle between the vampire and the girl with the flying sword on the night of the full moon...

A seventy-six-second high-altitude chase and battle..... Handsome, fast, majestic, and suffocating! Tianxing, with its powerful production level, tells everyone... what is called the leader of the Dragonland animation industry!

And the protagonist......a high school boy who dreams of becoming the world boxing king, but is actually just a school gangster.... On this night, he found an ancient costume on his rooftop. Beautiful girl!

There are some clichéd openings...but it doesn't seem to be disgusting, because the animation is too amazing...and...it's next Unexpected development!

In order to recover from her injury, the girl who was picked up had to eat and digest the male protagonist who seemed to have some special physique. The vampire who wounded the girl exposed her identity in order to save him.... It turned out to be next door to the male protagonist's house. He has a crush on his neighbor's big sister for three years!

It's just the plot of the first episode. The male protagonist experienced the reversal plot of Miss Sister Picking up the corpse. She was picked up and wanted to eat him and healed. He was rescued by Miss Neighbor. In order to save Miss Neighbor Chopper Blood Blade... ..... Then the male protagonist guessed why the vampire girl has been his neighbor for three years through the process of the girl with the chopper, the blood blade and the flying sword.... The neighbor sister is not a good person, mainly because of the male hostage. Particularly, after eating, there is a similar effect to martial arts people in martial arts novels, but the effect is not good when eating early. The neighbor's young lady lurks beside him just to raise pigs...two The struggle between people is only to fight over who can eat the male lead......

A strange world, through the experience and encounters of the male protagonist's first words... and the male protagonist's relics left by his mother, the two beautiful young ladies of the kitchen knife and blood blade.... ....

In the process of watching the animation, there were still many people complaining at the beginning, but when they saw the middle, they were completely fascinated by it, and when they saw the first episode, at the end......

After the male protagonist was seriously injured, he counterattacked in adversity. He used his mother's belongings to severely injure the vampire sister who had been secretly in love for three years, and then chopped off her head with a chopper...

The picture finally freezes under the male protagonist's full of learning and painful expression!


This male protagonist is so miserable...but why is it so good-looking!

Those audiences who have never watched an animation on similar themes, under the spirit of the hero's unbridled style of acting......instantly became a fan of the hero!

The title of the second chapter of Lingren, "True Tang Monk in the World!", instantly advertised the male protagonist's status in this work. Under the circumstances of the revival of spiritual energy, the monsters and ghosts and the great demon trainers have recovered one after another. As a spiritual man, the Lord communicates with the soul and returns to the ruins...Although he is a living human being, in the eyes of thousands of foreign objects, it is a humanoid drug!

After watching the two episodes animation.......At the end of the second episode, the male protagonist is **** and bitten by a large piece of meat from the belly by the civet monster, swallowing it alive, the enemy monster's enjoyable expression , Accompanied by the line "Your meat is better than the heart of a less-than-full-month baby, and your blood is more delicious than Lafite in 1982!"!

The audience didn't know whether to be angry or laugh out loud......Plus the ed song was broadcasted just right.......

The entire animation fan barrage......overwhelmingly occupies the entire screen!

Major video broadcasting websites ~www.mtlnovel.com~Lingren's broadcasting data far exceeds that of animations broadcast at the same time, and even exceeds many TV dramas and movies.....

Ruan Zhiqi's fans finally let go of their suspended hearts!

It's so beautiful!

They are surprisingly good-looking. The animation production and plot of the first two episodes are indeed better than the Lost Forest!

After the Lingren aired from one point, it instantly became No. 1 on Weibo's hot search!

A large group of Ruan Zhiqi fans on the Internet are blowing about this work everywhere!

Even fans of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin couldn't speak mocking words after reading Lingren's first two words!

Indeed..... It's pretty!