I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After the data of Lingren was aired at 1 noon, it was obviously showing an upward trend. The fans of the Star Marine and Ruan Zhiqi on the entire network helped Lingren to make publicity everywhere!

Even fans of Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu who watched this work with a piercing eye...They are all silent!

It's not that Lingren is flawless and the plot is impeccable!

It's just that compared with the recently released animation works........that flaw is nothing at all?

Of course, Lingren only broadcast the first two episodes, but this plot does not determine the overall level of the work, after all, there are so many animations that go high and low!

But at least, the animation production level of the first two episodes of Lingren and the interestingness of the plot have exceeded many people's expectations for this work!

The second time apes are very simple people. Although they occasionally fan three-dimensional characters like Chuyu and Zhao Qinyin, they don't have the brainless to chase stars. Their focus is still on works... ..

Ruan Zhiqi is indeed more arrogant, and he is dissing Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu on various shows. If he is not capable, then everyone will naturally not be stingy to mock him!

But the problem is, the story that Lingren aired in the first week was really exciting!

From two o'clock in the afternoon until four o'clock, it's just that animation fans on various websites and forums are touting this work!

In the future, the various animation news media platforms that have reacted to the news quickly produced various articles... Even many video sites, similar to the well-known up hosts on Xinman.com, have actually edited them for 20 minutes. Get the video, the full text touted!

On Weibo, the first, third, seventh, and 32nd hot searches are all touted news related to Lingren!

A discerning person knows at a glance that Tianxing has lost his blood this time!

Like Xinman.com, it takes four hours to edit 20 minutes of logically clear, fluent words, and extremely valuable animation evaluation videos. You are the **** of those ups!

It must have been paid for by Skystar in advance, and these short videos have already been made, waiting for the right time to be released!

Many of Weibo's numbers to cheer for Lingren are all just applied for at the first level. People with a discerning eye will know that they are all navy!

But the people who eat melons by passers-by will not understand these ways. A large number of secondary apes and passers-by are easily attracted by this situation, and they contribute to the broadcast volume for the souls!

And this situation lasted until 7 o'clock in the evening, and Lingren was only broadcast for six hours...The total broadcast volume of the first two episodes reached more than 4 million!

In other words, the average broadcast volume of Lingren's episodes has exceeded two million.

Among them, of course, Tianxing paid for some real money to brush some data, but even so... it is very outrageous! Although the animation playback data has always increased rapidly in the early stage and slower in the later stage, the six-hour score... has been very abnormal!

Longguo animation industry is stunned, and the dark star is worthy of being the leading company in Longguo animation industry!

The capital power is really different. If Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin were not too bad, which creator in the Longguo animation industry could call the star like this?

Just like the movie circle in the parallel world, with the power of capital, Tang Tan 3 and Li Hying can add up to 90% of the film, and the crowds of such works, even if the investment cost of shooting is similar to that of Li Hying, The row of films only hovered at 1%, 2%!

The investors behind the two films are so close to putting the two films on the faces of the audience. If you want to watch other films but there is no lineup, what can the audience do?

Although Lingren hasn't reached this level, after all, webcast animation is not a movie theater. It is impossible for Tianxing to limit the network transmission speed of certain works on other websites. But once it gets serious, at least for now... as long as you open the major animation websites, it is almost all propaganda by the souls!

It's not that Chu Yu doesn't have the money to promote Steelmaking, but it happened that today, the day Steelmaking is on the shelves, the prime time promotion position of a slightly well-known website is not even one!

Money can solve many problems, but there are also some things that money cannot solve. Although Chu Yu is very rich, Tian Xing, who has built a network of contacts in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry for 20 years, is indeed strong enough, and Chu Yu has nothing to do. !

Fortunately, Zhao Qinyin and him have their own traffic. They can be called the emperor and queen of traffic in the animation industry. The promotion effect of many big websites is actually not as strong as the dynamic effect of the two Weibo's clockwork! There are other channels for publicity, so the impact is not particularly big, otherwise the animation produced by ordinary companies, like Tianxing, will start to rush on the street, and then continue to rush!

But in any case, the day that Star Star was released on Lingren, it was considered the ultimate marketing!

Faced with Lingren's current achievements, Tianxing is almost celebrating with champagne!

Many people are happy to bet Ruan Zhiqi right. At the beginning, he decided to support him because he felt that his work was spiritual. Now that it is true, there is no real material. If he forcibly feeds the audience to the audience, will they eat it? Although the propaganda of Tianxing is important, the quality of Lingren itself is even more critical!

And now......time is approaching eight o'clock!

Ruan Zhiqi took a little bit out of his excitement!

I watched Zhao Qinyin's Weibo dynamics on my mobile phone. After all........Lingren's performance on the first day of broadcasting exceeded expectations. Ruan Zhiqi believes that with Lingren's follow-up plot, this work will definitely be able to Fire!

But the premise is to quickly defeat the stumbling block in the next few weeks.......Zhao Qinyin's steel and Chuyu's giant!

This is Ruan Zhiqi's primary goal, to strike at his opponents, stepping on the reputation of the two! Only in this way can Tianxing help him build momentum!

Now that the time is approaching nine o'clock, one or two words of the Fullmetal Alchemist will be online soon. To be honest, Ruan Zhiqi is still a little nervous!

After all, he didn't know whether Zhao Qinyin or Shui Xin was behind Chu Yu!

It's just that for passers-by like him, Zhao Qinyin, a beautiful woman, looks like a mountain!

Spirited Away, the three works of Slam Dunk........the three peaks of the Dragonland animation industry!

For such a person, what kind of work her work after Slam Dunk will be, no one knows!

But he wants to win! Even if he can't beat Zhao Qinyin in ability, even if he has to rely on the power of Tianxing...He will win! As long as you win this time, under the operation of Tianxing, the carp will leap over the dragon's gate and soar into the sky!

Otherwise......Shuixin spent four years, relying on a series of works such as Lelouch, jojo, initial D, magic circle, etc., to have its current status!

It took Zhao Qinyin three years, cl, slam dunk, and Spirited Away to release three god-level works one after another in one and a half years before he became the first person in the dragon country animation industry!

Ruan Zhiqi climbed to that point step by step, how long will it take...Don't say three in his life, can he create a work like slam dunk? He asked himself this way more than once...The answer is not knowing!

Possibly, now is the greatest opportunity in his life!

And when it comes to Shui Xin... Ruan Zhiqi's eyes showed thoughtfulness!

Ruan Zhiqi glanced at the hot topics on Bihu!

[Shui Xin has not released information about the attacking giant, are you really afraid of failure? Ready to bounce! ]

After thinking for two seconds, Ruan Zhiqi forwarded the topic to his Weibo account, and by the way, he liked it!

Ruan Zhiqi's behavior is equivalent to proactively picking things up and taunting Shui Xin!

But he didn't care, he and Chu Yu had already torn their faces.


Ruan Zhiqi's behavior naturally angered many Chu Yu fans, but Chu Yu fans hate iron for nothing!

People have been bullied like this, but Mr. Shui Xin is good, but there is no reaction at all!

Fans of Ruan Zhiqi and Chu Yu will naturally inevitably be tortured on the Internet!

But the focus of more people's attention now is still on the Fullmetal Alchemist!

The two works were broadcast on the same day, and now Lingren has achieved very good results. What about the Fullmetal Alchemist?

As the head of the Zhao Qin Yin Devil City Fan Support Team, Zhan Jin is very worried! But it was not easy to show, she could only continue to show a very calm attitude in the seventeen groups she managed.

Although Lingren has a strong start, there is a clear gap with works of the same level as Slam Dunk, but the question is, what level of work is Steelmaking?

Teacher Zhao Qinyin continues, slam dunk master, Spirited Away, three magic works... What about the Alchemist of Fullmetal?

Is it teacher Zhao Qinyin's fourth masterpiece, or...a mediocre work?

Zhan Jin didn't know. As nine o'clock got closer and closer, many of Zhao Qinyin's iron fans, including Zhan Jin, felt that the goose bumps were coming out!

There is both excitement and fear!

In the fan group, a large number of fans are sending messages so fast that they can't be seen clearly. Everyone counts the stopwatch with excitement, waiting for the time to come!

Finally... at nine o'clock, on the six mainstream video websites of the Dragon Kingdom, the play link appeared on the fullmetal alchemist's work page!

Internet speed lag is the norm in Zhao Qinyin's new work!

In the room, turn off the lights, the table is full of snacks Coke, and figures such as Sakuragi Flower Road, Chihiro, Tomohiro, Furukawa Nagisa, Okazaki Shio, etc. The atmosphere is in place to watch!

Zhan Jin was stuck for nearly half a minute before he saw the scene of the first episode of Fullmetal Alchemist.

The first thing that came into her eyes was the company logo animation of gt animation production company!

And the barrage is overwhelming!

"After half a year, I finally waited!"

"I want to see, if Teacher Zhao Qinyin doesn't make the second season of Slam Dunk, what is the level of his time spent on making this animation called Gang Lian!"



"Hello everyone, I haven't seen you in half a year, I want to die; you guys!"

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin, come on, Steel Refining, come on, beat the soul!"


At the beginning of the picture......It is a rapid rise from a bunch of magnificent buildings!

A group of inexplicable people are talking about the existence of a fullmetal alchemist!

Then....... One of the steelmaking op divine songs is now online again!

In addition to the song retention, the completely redone op of the screen took less than five seconds to draw the attention of a group of fans from the chat!

During the day, a large group of people were still discussing the need to paint high spirits, but at night, Gang Lian's painting shocked them again!

"This painting, jumping op is disrespectful to the painter!"

In Zhan Jin's mind, such an idea came to mind inexplicably!

In fact, there are two versions of the animation of Fullmetal Alchemist in the parallel world!

The 2003 version caught up with the comics because of the animation production, and in order to complete the work, he created an original ending. Later, the fullmetal alchemist fa in 2009 completely restored the plot after the end of the comics of Aunt Niu Arakawa!

But there is no doubt... Both versions are made by God!

Even the original ending of version 03 is quite self-explanatory! Called the strongest original animation production team!

Even many steelmaking fans feel that the plot of the 03 version is more vivid! Although it is original, but in the end the brother, the lover separated the two worlds, I don't know how many tears were earned!

If the members of the Naruto and One Piece animation production teams have such strong originality, maybe the animations of the two works will not be so criticized by fans!

If the full-time hunter animation production team can do this, maybe the Fujian Yibo version of the full-time hunter comics has long been abandoned by fans!

In order to respect the original work, Chu Yu naturally did not animate the 03 version of the steel in this world, but he was not welcome to use the 03 version of the steel to use it directly! For example... Brother Chu Yu never let go of the 03 version of the steel-smelted bgm!

The narrative sequence of the two versions is different!

And now... The first episode of Steel Alchemy that the fans of the Dragon Kingdom saw, skipped the children's plot for the time being. Edward, who became a national alchemist, appeared on the stage and introduced the audience to Fullmetal Alchemy. The worldview of the magi...

To be honest, Fullmetal Alchemist is a slow-moving work, unlike giants, the first words are very igniting and eye-catching!

The setting of a pure alchemist is actually not new, and it even feels very ordinary to the Dragon Kingdom audience who are used to watching the Dragon Aotian animation in another world!

But in itself, steelmaking is not a very attractive setting like jojo, hunter, and pirate. It can be a god, it depends on the plot!

As long as you look inside, you really can't break free!

But now, the first words of Steelmaking are quite ordinary in the eyes of many impatient fans!

"It seems, so disappointed!"

"I think it's okay, it's pretty good, the protagonist Edward Fullmetal Alchemist's settings are very novel! The battle with the icy alchemist of the water man is also very cool!"

"How do you say? That is, the steel that I am looking forward to is very beautiful, and the first thing is a very cool work... But in fact, although it is also very interesting! But in fact...the first words of the spiritual man are not interesting yet, right!"

"Hey, don't lead the fight! This work has sixty or seventy words, what can be seen in the first chapter! Whoever is stronger in the two works, at least will have to be more than a dozen words later before the result will come out!"

"That's right...but the first story is really not exciting enough! But this little introduction to the world view is not a way of prevarication to the audience. I like it! It's just that! The problem is... the slow pace of steelmaking is okay, but it is now competing with Lingren on the same day! The opening plot of that work is quite exciting~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is too passive. Right! Whether in terms of public opinion or popularity growth..."

"Indeed, as far as the first episode is concerned, Steelmaking is not as exciting as the first episode of the spirit man! But compared to the first episode of most animations, it is exciting enough!"

"So can Zhao Qinyin compare with most creators? She is no.1, and everyone asks her by the standard of no.1!"


The first episode of Gang Lian is actually quite exciting, but because of the slam dunk sequelae, many people have high expectations for Zhao Qinyin, so many people are picking on the barrage!

Many fans of Zhao Qinyin were very anxious after watching it, but there is no way, the animation rhythm is like this!

Can only appease these radical fans!

More than twenty minutes later.

The ed song was broadcast, and the music was pretty good. Almost no one could fault it!

Everyone can't wait to start the second chapter!