I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

On the night of the second week of the animation of Gang Lian and Ling Ren!

For Chu Yu's Buddhism, his fans can't stand it anymore!

Seeing that the next door Gang Lian competes with your souls, Ruan Zhiqi fans show their superiority on the Internet, and the Kyogen Soul suppresses the steel, Ruan Zhiqi is going to rise......Shui Xin is afraid of Ruan Zhiqi, I was so scared that I didn't dare to post any new works, these words! Whoever feels the most uncomfortable is Chu Yu's fans. Three years ago in the animation industry, how could these people dare to be so arrogant, now they ran to you and shit... What about Shuixinren? ?

What about returning in July?

What about the new work that is said to come out?

Up to now, apart from the news of the new work titled on an unknown forum, everyone has only learned a little about the new work, but there is no other information at all.......

Fans are so angry that they gather at Chu Yu Weibo!

This is the most active day of Chu Yu's Weibo fans in the past three years of silence!

And the reason why the fans gathered... just simply wanted to spray him!

"Teacher Shui Xin, have you been subjected to abnormal house arrest what has happened to you? If yes, write a statement and tell us who did it. I will send him money overnight to make him work harder!!!"

"Will you be worried, just like Teacher Shui Xin entered the palace!"

"It's almost entering mid-July. The attacking giant's broadcast time, content, on what platform and how to broadcast, there is no information, Teacher Shuixin, we are too disappointed with you, you are going to jump. Tickets?"

"He has been complained for more than a month, and there is no reaction at all. Is it true that he is really afraid of Ruan Zhiqi and Teacher Zhao Qinyin, as long as I don't make a move, I won't lose, so I just persuaded him?"

"I don't believe that the difference between Shuixin's Luluxiu and Zhao Qinyin's dunk is not that big. Work harder and create a work that is slightly better than Luluxiu's. Scared!"

"You group of sand sculptures, haven't you said it? Teacher Shuixin has just ended the lock-up period, and now the works are in the review stage, why are you getting more and more outrageous!"

"Forget it, what works have been reviewed, what is the end of the ban, what complicated stuff are you talking about? It's July, and his new work hasn't been broadcast as agreed!"

"Does the work have to be reviewed? Isn't it just created and sold to the website?"

"Don't bother about those idiots, they are the stubborn fans of Teacher Shuixin. Ms. Shuixin is obviously gaining and losing his appointment. He said that the new work will be broadcast in July, and there is still no news. These people typically help Teacher Shuixin wash the ground and find reasons! "

"Oh, no one believes the truth. These comments, which are estimated to be the result of Heizi coming to stir the muddy water, have so many likes. This is the Internet!"

"What the hell? It doesn't matter whether it is sunspots or sunspots, naval forces not naval forces, anyway, it is July, and there is no news about Teacher Shuixin's new work!"

"According to this situation, it is difficult. The general animation releases production news one and a half years in advance. The promotion is started one or two months before the broadcast, and this work of Attacking Giant! No action, in July I won't say anything about the bounce, I just hope I can see this work this year!"

"Oh, it's uncomfortable... Teacher Shuixin, you reply! Even if the giant animation is not too ideal, you feel that you can't beat Steel and Lingren, but at least let it broadcast, no matter how much Poor, our fans at least I......I would like to watch it!"

"It's... Now that he is questioned on the Internet, and he doesn't reply anymore, the rumors that are afraid of losing will become reality! The Internet is like this, no matter what the truth is, once such public opinion If it becomes popular, it will become a fact that everyone believes in their hearts!"


Under Chu Yu Weibo, a large group of fans complained about him overnight!

That dense number of comments lined up to more than hundreds of thousands overnight, instantly making Chu Yu's Weibo fever back three years ago!

One night, the fourth chapter of Lingren was overwhelming, and the fourth chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist wanted to cry. Teacher Shuixin missed three hot searches, occupying the seventh, eleventh, and tenth Weibo hot search lists respectively. Seven!

This situation has left those stars in the entertainment industry desperately trying to get on the hot search for a while. Once upon a time, Weibo tease, headlines, and thousands of hot searches were all about them. Since the rise of Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin, Long Guo II The number of dimensions has skyrocketed!

A large part of Longguo netizens have lost interest in the daily life of their stars, but they have paid a lot of attention to top anime creators like Zhao Qinyin!

Ruan Zhiqi has a star, and he is also the leading company in the Longguo animation industry. The capital shots want him to rise easily! Zhao Qinyin, a well-known beauty in the second element circle, is also the number one film screenwriter in the Long Guo box office list, and this attention can be tolerated!

But Shui Xin...a person who has been banned for three years still has such a high popularity! If a celebrity in the entertainment circle has no works for half a year, and fans have switched idols, why is this guy so sticky?

And when the time came the next day, the topic of Lingren and Steelmaking gradually faded in the evening, after all, by this time most fans had already read the updated content!

Only the enthusiasm related to Chu Yu's topic has not faded.

The angry fans moved from Chu Yu Weibo to Huang Ming Weibo, and then to the copyer animation production company Weibo........

Basically they have one appeal!

Is Attacking Giant going to be broadcast in July? If you broadcast it, at least give some feedback. If you don't broadcast it, you must also give a reason!

The fans' anger values ​​are stacking up, but Chu Yu... is still unresponsive as always!

Of course, explaining the details is actually a matter of one sentence!

But the Heizi invited by Tianxing was already ready, no matter how he responded to this incident, he would definitely be hacked for reasons!

And once Chuyu's new work is temporarily unavailable, it's because the review has not passed the review, the sunspot invited by Skystar takes the rhythm, because the relevant department is biased against the water center, deliberately delaying the review time, the stupid fan impulsively goes to the Internet. Chu Yu, the cultural review department, was dumbfounded!

Although the possibility is low, it can't be prevented. Anyway, the situation is controllable. What's remarkable is that Chu Yu is complained by tens of thousands of fans a day...no harm!

Moreover, this wave of fans has such a commotion, not to mention, whether it is a good impression or a bad impression, at least most of the second apes in the dragon country animation industry know this work! This is also a gain!

Chu Yu's non-response attitude greatly disappointed Tianxing!

After all, if you want to take Chu Yu's rhythm, you must have Chu Yu react! Even if Chu Yu replies with a "period, exclamation point, and post a selfie!", Tian Xing can forcefully find the negative meaning of these things from Chu Yu's outlook on life, values, and love! Come and attack Chu Yu!

But Chu Yu is like a ball, silence is golden, and the sunspot invited by Tianxing doesn't know where he came from!

I can only continue to cook cold rice on the Internet, saying that the **** of the animation world has fallen, and he has become a tortoise with a shrunken head from end to end! I was afraid of losing, so I simply skipped the vote, and vividly portrayed that Chu Yu is now analogous to last year's Jiang Qi Shujing when it was released... I want to avoid Zhao Qinyin's Spirited Away... ..... But still insult yourself!

Of course, there must be a lot of unconvinced Chu Yu fans fighting against these sunspots!

As time passed, Chu Yu kept pretending to be dead, and some of his fans gradually became a little disappointed in him, but after all, July hasn't passed yet....Everyone has an interest in Chu Yu's new work. A glimmer of hope...The spray mode was not fully activated and the muzzle was aimed at Chu Yu!

After all, what if Mr. Shuixin suddenly announced that the attacking giant would immediately broadcast..... Use facts to respond to these comments on the Internet?


A few more days have passed... The time has come to mid-July!

The third week of July is coming...

Lingren and Fullmetal Alchemist, as always, led the July animation market. The average play volume of Lingren episode exceeded 5 million, and the Fullmetal Alchemist followed closely behind. The gap between the two was 30. Within ten thousand! As for other works of the same period, because they were squeezed by the popularity of the two works, the third-ranked work...

The production company behind this work is almost crying! After all, it is a masterpiece with an investment of nearly 40 million yuan. I thought I could get a share of the animation market in July. Now it seems...

However, after the third week of the animation of Gang Lian and Ling Ren, the two works have been well received as always!

Although the early stage plot of Steelmaking was slow and not so exciting, it was compared in the parallel world animation circle of Lin Yun, the masterpiece!

Although Chu Yu has created a lot of works in this world, his works account for only a small part of the entire Long Kingdom animation circle. The overall level of the Long Kingdom animation circle is still weaker......so Gang Compared with the mid-to-late period, the early stage plot is not too exciting. In fact, at this moment, the fans of Longguo animation are still watching with relish!

Of course, in terms of the excitement of the early stage plot, Lingren is very good, well versed in short chapters, and the plot at the end of each week hangs on the fans! Don't give the fans the slightest fattening and then slaughter them, and then raise and raise the chance to forget this work!

So Lingren's playback data has always suppressed steelmaking!

On the other hand, Chu Yu's fans were desperate for him!

You are not afraid of fans who hate to speak, but you are afraid that they will not speak.

After being complained by thousands of fans for almost two months, this guy was stunned without a word!

More and more people are broadcasting on the giant, and even gradually losing confidence in the work of the giant itself!

Chu Yu Weibo's popularity continues to decline! The number of daily fan comments is also decreasing!

and so.....

Copier animation production company!

Hundreds of people in the company are very depressed during this time!

They all know what kind of work their team has produced in the past six months, and they all understand that once the giant is broadcast, it will definitely surprise a large group of people in the Longguo animation industry!

But the question is...boss Chu Yu's ban has just been lifted, and the script was submitted for review as soon as possible. How many days are it now? It's almost entering the end of July......still no news! Seeing a large group of people who don't know anything on the Internet slander Chu Yu and himself and others who have worked hard for half a year and succeeded in working overtime for half a year, I was extremely angry!

All departments of the entire company are waiting for the moment when the giant passes the review, and then negotiates the matchmaking with each partner that has been agreed upon by the giant to be broadcasted by the giant!

But now I can only work hard and continue to make the giant's follow-up animation content!

And in the innermost office of the company...

Chu Yu just received a call from Huang Ming!

After only half a minute of the conversation, Chu Yu's eyes finally brightened!

When I hung up the phone......I also let out a long sigh!

The trial is finally over!

Although Chu Yu had some preparations for the worst possibility with a very small probability, in fact... it is so easy to happen, it is not a small probability event!

Very rare, smiling in the absence of three girlfriends!

After a phone call was made, Chu Yu got up and went out and turned left and came to the next meeting room!

In less than five minutes, the entire company's various departments, more than 20 middle and high-level executives, put down everything on their hands and came to the meeting.......

Chu Yu rarely holds such company meetings, but as soon as they are held, there must be important things!

As soon as everyone came in and saw the small smile that evoked from the corner of Chu Yu's mouth, they suddenly felt a bit of a heart, and some guessed what the theme of this meeting was...


In the evening, Geng Sheng got off work tiredly, fell on the bed tiredly, and then ordered a takeaway tiredly......

Although I want to lie down and rest until the next morning, I always keep myself awake. After all, this is one of the few recreational hours. People can't just eat, sleep, and work!

As a seven-year-old fan of Shuixin, he has been a fan of Teacher Shuixin since the manga of The Garden of Words. He will log on to Weibo almost every day to see what Mr. Shuixin is doing... .

He didn't believe a word of the rumors about Chu Yu on the Internet!

But the attacking giant hasn't had any news so far, even he is inevitably shaken!

Isn't it true that something went wrong in the animation production, or that a certain node in the broadcast link has not been negotiated, and there has been no movement?

He can only think like this, but more still hope to be like this... Click on the Weibo of Teacher Shuixin, and then see his Weibo dynamic update! Perhaps this is the biggest surprise for Teacher Shui Xin to him, an anime fan and a seven-year-old fan!

Then..... Eyes sweep the phone screen at will! My fingers are subconsciously ready to press the return button to return to the phone desktop...

Geng Sheng's pupils shrank, and he almost jumped up!

There is really an update!

[Attack on Titan, trailer pv! ]

Only the Weibo update sent five minutes ago, with just one line of words, plus a video uploaded, there have been 20,000 comments under the dynamic, and it was reposted in the early 10,000s!

"Three years, three years... Teacher Shuixin, do you know how I came over these three years? In fact, I have defected to Teacher Zhao Qinyin's camp in the past three years! But at this moment, I announced, I'm back! [Ghost Face]"

"I can't believe my eyes! oh

mygod! Teacher Shui Xin cheated the corpse, and the attacking giant actually came back to life! "

"It's outrageous. Wouldn't Teacher Shuixin give us some psychological preparation? I'm just bored and just use Weibo, and you suddenly released the giant preview pv! How low-key are you, for fear that fans will see your activity?

"Tears! Forget it, don't say it, go to watch the giants trailer pv! See you in two minutes!"


"I will forward it to the Shuixin teacher fan group first!"


Geng Sheng took a deep breath~www.mtlnovel.com~ I didn't bother to read the comments and participate in the interaction, and excitedly clicked into the advancing giant preview pv!


At the beginning, there is a huge sound effect!

Shocking and solemn!

And a huge wall...and the huge red, steaming hand on the wall!

"On that day, humans remembered...the fear of being dominated by them...and the humiliation of being imprisoned in a birdcage!"

A huge and terrifying head lifted up from the city wall!

A strong sense of deterrence is conveyed from the video to Geng Sheng in front of the screen!