I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In fact, the style of a work has already been reflected in the stage of painting style!

Using Pleasant style to create horror animation must be half the effort, and the giant's work is just the appearance of the brainless giants and ordinary people in the trailer, and a depressive atmosphere emerges spontaneously!

At least Geng Sheng gave birth to this feeling the first time!


A boy looked at a certain place on a man's shoulder and screamed desperately!

The scenes of several giants eating humans flashed...

Afterwards, the [Attack on Giant] logo appeared on the animation screen!

Then there is a scene where humans are equipped with some kind of equipment around their waists, flying back and forth in buildings, woods, and fighting with giants!

A piece of epic magnificent music suddenly sounded. The last second was a horrible scene of human beings being eaten, and the next second was the scene of these handsome wire-hanging soldiers fighting!

I have to say that Sawano Hiroyuki's eternal god, his soundtrack is combined with the giant's plot screen, and the knowledge preview pv makes the scalp numb!

Geng Sheng was inexplicably angry and burning, and his fists were clenched because of the excitement of the pv that Teacher Shui Xin finally released the attacking giant preview and the excitement of the super high quality of this pv!

Sections of handsome but not aware of Mingli pictures flashed by, and under the influence of the ability of notes, the pictures were so beautiful and smooth that Geng Sheng wanted to kneel down and sing to conquer!

Although Chu Yu has only formed a team for more than half a year, he is a good player from various companies in the industry. If there is no ability above the industry average level, he will not be able to join this team!

So the result of this is... It's just a one-and-a-half-minute preview pv, but it made a large group of Chuyu's iron fans and melon-eaters including Geng Sheng directly watch it!

Although I don't know the specific plot yet, can an animation with such a burning pv preview that the main plot is bad?

"What I want to do is to kill none of the giants left!"

The trailer pv ended when a young man roared, spinning seven hundred and twenty degrees in the air, trying his best to slash at the scene of a giant ten times his height!

[Attack on Giant, on July 23, the whole network will be released simultaneously! ]

A huge subtitle gradually emerged, and this short-lived pv that mobilized a lot of people's emotions ended!

But fans like Geng Sheng have been unable to calm their inner restlessness for a long time!

July 23...Friday!

Today is July 17, which means... there are only six days left!

Geng Sheng's breathing became even heavier!

He posted it for a while, then immediately turned on the computer and began to spontaneously help the giant propagandize on the Internet!

In fact, people like Geng Sheng are just a microcosm of Chu Chuyu's thousands of fans!

In fact, Chu Yu's fans have no hope of the attacking giant's July broadcast, and many people have gradually believed in the words that discredit him on the Internet when Chu Yu did not respond to doubts!

But tonight this situation...

Without warning, the giant's preview pv was issued, and then the decision was made to broadcast on the whole network in six days!

too suddenly.......

Suddenly, many people feel that it is not real!

But what followed was the cheers of Chu Yu fans all night!

"Who else would dare to say that Teacher Shui Xin is afraid to fight, isn't this coming?"

"Damn it, Master Shui Xin was so suffocated, wouldn't it be good to broadcast it directly with Lingren and Fullmetal Alchemist on July 1st?

"But I'm a little disappointed. Both Lingren and Fullmetal Alchemist will be broadcast on Thursdays, and Teacher Shui Xin asked Attacking Giant to be broadcast on Friday... The three works should be in love with each other. Kill!"

"After all, it has been screened for so long at night, and the popularity gap is huge. It would be wise to avoid the two works! Tootie is not like that either!"

"Maybe I can't bear to broadcast it on the same day as Gang Lian, and crushed Teacher Zhao Qinyin! So it was broadcast on Friday? Laugh!"

"But to be honest, the giant's notice has suffocated me, and I always feel inexplicably excited after watching it!"

"Three years, finally waiting for this day! I really want to go to Ye Xi Shui Xin teacher!"

"Uncomfortable......we have to wait six days to see the work of Giant!"

"Although I feel a bit delusional, I still hope that even if the giant plays for so long, his performance and popularity can quickly catch up, kick the steel and punch the spirit man, and let himself return to the first position in the dragon kingdom!"

"Maybe? After all the trailers of the three works, I think the giant is the most emotional! My mother, when the bgm comes out, I'm almost wet!"

"Ghs? You are too exaggerated!"

"Suddenly excited, I can't sleep at all!"


Chu Yu released the giant's preview pv after 8 o'clock in the evening, but it was not yet midnight, and the entire animation industry had informed each other and spread the incident!

In Su Lu on the island of Japan, a man guarding an empty villa alone was boring to death. After watching the giant's preview pv, he was stunned!

Just looking at Chu Yu's giant script, it didn't feel so burning at all!

And Chu Yu's friends in the magic city animation industry also sent him blessing messages this night!

With regard to Tianxing, Yin Tian seemed to have watched the giant's preview pv, with dark eyes. To be honest, even if he hates Chu Yu, he finds the giant's preview animation very attractive, let alone those Chuyu fans and passersby!

At the video conference held overnight, a group of company subordinates said that they don't need to worry. The Giant aired for so long late, and it was broadcast in a hurry after only a week of publicity. The results must be bad!

Although Yin Tian felt that this group of people was just prevaricating himself and fearing to offend him, Yin Tian could only hope that things would develop like this group of idiots said!

And Ruan Zhiqi..... To be honest, he was inexplicably burned after watching the giant pv, but Chu Yu was his enemy after all.

That night, he posted a dynamic on Weibo!

[But so, I was a little disappointed after seeing it, this is the big move for three years? Works with cannibalism as the theme? To sensationalize with **** curious elements as the core? I hope the feature film can grow a little bit! Otherwise, the July animation market should be the competition between Lingren and Ganglian! ]

Anyone with a discerning eye knows who Ruan Zhiqi is mocking!

All of a sudden, Chu Yu's fans flocked to fight with his fans!

The two families have already torn their faces, and Ruan Zhiqi will naturally not let go of the opportunity to hit Chu Yu!

I thought that Chu Yu would still not respond to his provocations as before.......


[I also watched the work of Lingren. I was disappointed. I made predictions here....... Soon, in the new July work...... .Lingren's popularity will soon be thrown away by the Fullmetal Alchemist, and indeed, as you said, there will only be two works left in the new animation market in July, one is Fullmetal Alchemist and the other is Attacking giant! As for the spirit man......Time will prove that it is not worthy of being compared with the two works appealed! ]

Chu Yu sent out a dynamic, the target was directed at the spiritual man.......

This is the first time that Chu Yu has attacked Ruan Zhiqi so severely in such a long time!

In the words, full of disdain for Ruan Zhiqi!

[Hope that the attacking giant can have a wonderful time on your lips! ] Ruan Zhiqi fought back angrily!

[Sorry, whether it's skill, strength, fame, or prestige, you won't be able to touch my back for a lifetime! ]

Chu Yu has been lonely for three years. Before he was banned three years ago, the entire animation industry knew that he was a fan. No one would come to look for him. After all, the work strengths of Chu Yu couldn't be better than Chu Yu, so naturally they would spray each other, and the invisible would be weak. Seven points!

Now that Ruan Zhiqi is looking for his partner, he can't ask for it!

Both you come and I have sprayed more than 20 comments on Weibo!

This situation... left a group of people in the animation industry, including Yin Tian, ​​speechless for a while!

Although Chu Yu is a genius creator, in terms of his current wealth and accomplishments, the industry has long regarded him mainly as a capitalist.

A creator scolded Tianxing for leading employees and works. Could it be that Yin Tian will end up with him? That would be a shame!

However, Chu Yu now...

Outrageous, how can I say it is a twenty-four-year-old adult, as the winner of the Top Ten Youth of the Year of the Dragon Kingdom, and an 18-year-old high school student quarreling like children, you come and me!

Su Lu, who was far away in Tokyo, smiled and held a fan meeting during the day in the imperial capital. Zhao Qinyin, who had been tired for a day, shook his head!

And Gu Yan, who was in the magic city, watched sitting cross-legged on the sofa, thinking hard about how to type. Weibo and Ruan Zhiqi were talking to Chu Yu........ shook his head.

Only in the game and animation career, Chu Yu will not shrink from the provocation of others!

It was in the lock-up period before, and Chu Yu was not too arrogant, for fear that he would be caught by the sunspot and then report to the relevant authorities to extend the lock-up period!

And now......Chu Yu really fished into the water and had a great time playing! He doesn't particularly hate Ruan Zhiqi. After all, the two have different ways. It is understandable that the other party wants to step on him! But in this case, it is natural to bear corresponding negative consequences, for example......

Realizing that he couldn't spray Chu Yu's curse, the shameless and shameless canyon pianist, Ruan Zhiqi decisively began to pretend to be dead! Just leave a hard sentence to see the real chapter under the hand and slip away!

It makes Chuyu fans so uncomfortable...

I thought it was a battle of the century, but I didn't expect one of them to have such a low combat power!

"You are so free!"

Chu Yu put down the phone, with a smile on his face, Gu Yan brought a fruit platter and sat beside Chu Yu!

"No way, I haven't been on the Weibo for a long time! I can't stop it for a while! I can't help but panic on the island of Japan. I often see sunspots arrogant in my comment area, but it's not easy to spray with them!" Chu Yu Said with a smile.

"So put the energy of the confrontation to find Aventure, right!" Gu Yan narrowed his eyes, and mocked Chu Yu again.

"Isn't this all over! You forgive me..." Chu Yu looked embarrassed!

"When did I say to forgive you? It was your wishful thinking to add this result to me, right!" Gu Yan's expression was slightly cold!

"Okay, okay, don't be angry!"

Upon seeing this, Chu Yu hurriedly pulled her into her arms...

"Every time I am ready to complain about you, you are like this..."

Soon, Gu Yan was held in his arms by Chu Yu, his face was reddened, his skirt, black silk, and shirt were all removed, only a light blue underwear was left on him, and Chu Yu was also carried to the bed.

"No way, I can't help it!" Chu Yu pressed in front of Gu Yan!

"Are you doing the same to both of them?" Gu Yan asked before Chu Yu took off the last clothes on her body.

His hair was scattered on the bed, his cheeks were flushed, his collarbone was attractive, his eyes looked straight at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu would not be stupid to respond to such questions. People are obviously jealous, and how you answer them is dead!

Anyway, it's the German flag, the dragon hits, the war moves, and then the world collapses!

Originally, Chu Yu was on the top, but afterwards he was on the bottom. Gu Yan threw his whole body on him, covered with the quilt, and buried his head on his chest!

Chu Yu still had spare energy, Gu Yan was tired, and the energy that wanted to torture Chu Yu was gone, and soon fell asleep!


For the next few days, the attacking giant Quan Longguo launched a propaganda offensive.

From the trial of the attacking giant to the broadcast, there is only one week in between, the preview pv will be released, and the nationwide publicity will continue!

The process to go is still to go!

But everything is definitely not as formal as steelmaking!

Zhao Qinyin is still holding fan meetings in several major cities in the hinterland!

As for Chu Yu, the Demon Capital, the Imperial Capital and other super first-tier cities can go there! After all, how many cities can you travel in a week!

But because of this.......

When Chu Yu took Mikasa seiyuu Gu Yan, the main production staff of the copier animation production company, the attacking giant, held fan meetings in several areas......

That is simply a sea of ​​people!

Fans from various provinces and cities are like monsters on the road of learning from the west, looking at Chu Yu as if looking at Tang Monk eagerly!

In particular, some female fans often slap Chu Yu oil in the chaos.

But this is no wonder, after all, Chu Yu hasn't held a similar event for three years, and naturally the enthusiasm of fans will rebound a lot!

And Huang Ming took the opportunity to operate various media websites of his accomplices in an effort to spread the popularity of the attacking giant again!

But in fact, although the publicity time of the attacking giant is very short, Tuo Tianxing always takes the blessing of Chu Yu's hype. In fact, the popularity of the giant is not low, plus Chu Yu and Ruan Zhiqi's price drop and mutual spray on both sides of the network... .....

In fact, Chu Yu is not too worried about the broadcast situation of the giant!

Chu Yu only pays attention to a little ~www.mtlnovel.com~When will the giant crush the spirit man on the sole of the foot, and when will the steelmaking begin to exert its strength!

Although many people in the Longguo animation industry feel that the steelmaking performance has been very high, but there is no doubt that the steelmaking that is still competing with Lingren for the number one performance in the animation market in July, the power period is far from coming!

Chu Yu deliberately staggered the broadcast of the giant on Thursday, instead of sniping the spirit man that day, but didn't want to affect the steelmaking!

But there is no way. Steelmaking must be affected by giants. It is different from the mid- and late stages of steelmaking. Giants do not exist. The first thing is a climax, and then it continues to rise and rise..... .....

Within a month or two in the animation, the city wall was breached again after the protagonist grew up, the Liberban group was destroyed, the armor giant and the super giant, the identity of the giantess was seen through, Alan was arrested several times, the city wall Hidden in it are the emergence of the royal family and the many events of the royal political and military transformation...

The plot is so compact that there is not a single minute in the water plot!

Chu Yu doesn't worry about the fact that the giants will broadcast bad popularity!