I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The fifteenth chapter of the third season of the giant, to be honest, Bertot's super transformation has already made fans excited!

However..... Bertot's super transformation is just a prelude to the opening of the story of the recapture of the Wall of Maria!

Immediately, in the sixteenth chapter, the investigative corps outside the city wall encountered a fatal crisis!

In a wilderness outside the wall, the gorilla giant's gravel shot bombing caused a large number of casualties of the investigative corps!

Even Alvin had a heavy expression and fell into despair!

Faced with Captain Lewell's proposal to let him escape, Alvin was truly in such a desperate situation, revealing his inner world like a fan!

Persuade all members of the investigative corps to die with him, use their lives as bait, and leave Levi alone to launch a surprise attack under the cover of his companions to solve the giant gorilla!

A very feasible way...


"If I don't run first, no one will follow me, so I will die first..."

"No way to know, what's in the basement..."

Alvin's words made Lewell and a group of giant fans a little embarrassed. He was not even afraid of his own death, and could easily make a battle plan with his subordinates and himself as bait. At such a critical juncture, But he was hesitating whether to abandon all these things, now, immediately...Go to the basement of Allen's house immediately to find out the truth of the world!

However, it is not ridiculous at all, Lu Xiaolu only feels that this role is too heavy and pitiful!

The barrage is also much less. Looking at Alvin, who is talking with your Lewell, his expression is heavy, unwilling, and entangled. What I should do is to lead the team to defeat the giant gorilla, but what I want to do is to abandon They went to find out the truth in the world...

All the contradictions in Alvin's heart are presented in front of a crowd of giant fans!

"I'll choose, give up your dream, go to death..." Levier knelt down on one knee and begged Alvin to sacrifice himself and create conditions for him to win!

Lu Xiaolu was shocked at this moment, watching anime for the first time and feeling a value that the giant wants to convey!

The world... is cruel!

Alvin would rather become a demon, at the expense of many of his companions, and lead the investigative corps to the present. However, in a place only one step away from his dream, he was begged by his subordinates to sacrifice himself........

From this moment on, the senses that Giant gave fans are different.....

"I want to cry inexplicably!"

"Alvin is not easy. Being treated as a devil by the people will only lead his men to make meaningless sacrifices. The pillar of his life is to reveal the truth of the world!"

"It smells like Archimedes!"

"Damn, let's hang up these two words, Teacher Shuixin, the last one I was moved by Bertot's consciousness, has it already taken me to meet Irwin?"

"It's about to end, and the final portrayal of the character is great!"

"Irwin shouldn't be able to receive a lunch box! I don't want it!"

"It's a heavy plot, so uncomfortable to watch!"

"I feel that Teacher Shui Xin is very comfortable with the plot of abuse. He portrays this kind of thing so well!"


Under the pleading of Lewell, Alvin's expressions of surprise, regret, relief, trust, and determination changed quickly!

Lu Xiaolu only felt that Irwin seemed to... all the time, waiting for someone like Levier to help him make a choice!


This character emotional scene.......

In the next scene, there was no sluggishness, and all the investigators of the Corps rode their horses towards the giant orangutan in the distance with fear!

Knowing that he has no chance of winning, he will be stoned to death by the giant orangutan on the road, but he still moves forward...Fight...

The remake of the picture is so beautiful that fans are suffocating, and everyone's expressions of fear are all displayed on the picture!

As the soldiers charged, they released smoke bombs to dye the sky, and Levier was approaching the giant orangutan in the chaos!

The animation plot begins to tell the soldiers before they charge, Alvin's final speech in order to let them die with him!

This speech will shock all giant fans, including Lu Xiaolu, tonight, and then will be reported by the media in the animation industry tomorrow!

Facing the soldiers in the Corps questioning Alvin's death order, Alvin responded to this doubt!

In the animation, Levi, the charging soldier and Alvin, the three perspectives of Alvin's previous speech are constantly changing!

But Irwin's words did not stop...

"People are going to die sooner or later, so is life meaningless? Is it meaningless to be born in this world? Are the dead companions also dead for nothing? Are the sacrifices of those soldiers meaningless?"

"No, it's not!"

In the earphones, the voice of Alvin's voice actor made Lu Xiaolu's scalp numb!

It also made some of the people who watched the animation have a strong sense of substitution. At this moment, the giant fan, who was deeply ill, took himself into the role of a soldier and listened to the last teaching of the head of the group.

"Only we can make the soldiers give meaning, the brave victims, the pitiful victims, and only the living can miss them!"

"We are going to die here, let the next batch of living people decide our meaning! This is to resist this cruel world..."

"The only way!"

"Soldiers, charge!"

"Soldiers, shout!"

"Soldiers, fight!"

The high-spirited music, the galloping horses, and the fear in the faces of the soldiers facing the thousands of rubbles thrown by the orangutan giants revealed a kind of lofty!

Lu Xiaolu's hair was terrified, and the goosebumps came out by the infectious power of this animation!

On the barrage, at this moment, the sky was overwhelming, neat and consistent, and everyone successively typed a sentence of almost the same meaning!

"Give your heart to the head!!!"

This is a second-year behavior of fans, but it proves how shocking fans are in this plot!

Alvin's last speech, and the sixteenth chapter, his abdomen was pierced by a stone, and the bodies of the soldiers of the investigating regiment riding on horses splashed with blood flowers, like ripples on the lake, on the wilderness The blooming picture... Become the last picture of the Giant's Chapter 16 for fans!

"My god! Is this a giant?"

"I discovered for the first time that this animation is so beautiful!"

"This is amazing, this word!"

"Damn it, Teacher Shuixin, the broken chapter dog, there is Nima broken in such a place, I just want to quickly transform into a soldier and slash the giant orangutan!"

"I can't accept it. I have to wait another week! Will the head of the group die? Is Levi's surprise attack effective? Uncomfortable!"

"As long as the living person is still alive, the dead person will not die!"

"I love the leader too much, I have watched anime for so many years, he is really the character that shocked me the most!"

"I was sitting on the bus home to watch the animation. I couldn't help but jealous. Everyone around was watching my jokes. The **** Teacher Shui Xin, staying here, intentionally made me uncomfortable!

"I can't stand it anymore, who brought my ventilator! This plot is so depressing that it suffocates me! But it's so exciting that I want to scream!"


It's only an hour since the story of Giant Fifteen and Sixteen Two is online!

The news about the end of steelmaking that dominates the top search lists is occupied by the giant's plot tonight!

The practitioners of Longguo animation industry have once again felt the extreme madness of what a giant fan is!

The giant fan who couldn't sleep, watched these two plots again and again this night, and then ran under Chu Yu Weibo without patience to tell him not to let Alvin die, or send him the blade!

Some reminded him of changes, some complained about Chuyu's broken chapter dog, and some told him not to be lazy to create and update as soon as possible......

However, I can't find anyone who sprays giants to look bad!

Tonight's story of the giant directly dispelled the giant fan's worries that the giant will be surpassed by the steel.

If the next six words are all finished at such a level.......then it is impossible for the giant to lose to the steelmaking!

This is the confidence of the giant fans in the quality of these two episodes of the giant tonight!

Similarly, not only the giant fan, but also the steel powder is silent...

The feeling of complacency just now because of the successful completion of steelmaking disappeared instantly...

I thought it was a big victory for steelmaking!

However, who would have thought that the day after the steelmaking was over, the giant...started to exert its strength!

A strong competitive atmosphere once again enveloped the hearts of bilateral fans.

And a group of practitioners in the animation industry are all going to cheer for the giant's performance tonight!

This is the animation...

Who said that animations are all things that children watch, and this plot is not more profound and inspiring than those junk TV series and movies?

For a whole night, the entire animation world is full of the voices of the two works of Giant and Gang Lian!

Whether it's fans or industry professionals, they either actively or passively choose between the two works!

Yin Tian listened to the various reports made by his servants to him, and felt the admiration of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin in the animation industry........

Looking at the shareholders meeting held today, he proposed that everyone jointly reject the company's shareholders' plan to transfer shares to Chu Yu......

Only two directors voted affirmatively with him, and all other directors... all voted against!

After lighting a cigarette, Yin Tian's expression gradually became angry!

By now, he has no way to prevent Chu Yu from entering the Star Star, except for purchasing the shares of these shareholders by himself!

However, does he have so much money?

The shares held by the remaining dozen shareholders, according to their current value, are at least 7 billion Dragon National Coins.....

Which normal person has so much cash in the account? It's all used for financial management!

Even if Yin Tian sold all his assets other than the Tianxing stocks and his house, it would still be far less than the figure of seven billion! At most one billion will come out!

After all, most of his net worth is reflected in the stocks...In the past few years, not to mention the decline of Tianxing stocks, his investment in financial management, and his business in other industries have also fallen a lot!

Moreover, even if Yin Tian has enough funds, would he dare to buy back Tianxing's shareholders?

Tianxing's current situation can be the same as those of the chairman of listed companies when the company's stock is at a high point, and then through his own control of the company, deliberately release some unimportant unfavorable news about the company, causing the company's stock to plummet, and then repurchase shares at a low price The situation is different.......

It is true that Tianxing's stock price has fallen to where it is now, and it is very likely that it will fall next time!

He has money and will not continue to enter the heavenly stars!

I am in discomfort and feel uncomfortable, and I see the circle of friends, and the whole network is exploding Chu Yu......

Although I feel that Tianxing's shares are a hot potato, after all, this company has devoted more than ten years of hard work to this company, just like his own wife, and now...Chu Yuju's own self The guy who doesn't admit it at all is actually ready to get involved!

Anger, unwilling, but it's useless.....The capital market is like this!

There are countless examples of founders or family companies being kicked out or marginalized by shareholders after the introduction of foreign capital.... And will you become another example of this?

It was the first time Yin Tian felt what was meant by the vicissitudes of life, and things changed in the world!

Three years ago, Chu Yu was just a humble existence in his eyes. How did this guy make so much money?

How dare to eat so many shares of Tianxing at the same time?


Early in the morning, Chu Yu woke up from bed!

Gu Yan next to him hugged his body, his beautiful face was flushed, and the bed and the ground were all littered with cos suits!

After Chu Yu quietly covered her with the quilt, she got up first!

He rarely gets up so early, but today has important things!

When we drove to the company, the professional acquisition team from the industry that Chu Yu spent money has been waiting for him for a long time!

A group of people looked at Chu Yu, the new client very curiously. After all......Even if they are a professional team, it is very rare to have such a large amount of capital acquisition commission!

For acquisition cases involving tens of billions of funds, Chu Yu would definitely not be a layman by himself!

It is the right way to spend money to hire professional talents. Although this group of people charges more expensively, it is insignificant in the face of tens of billions of funds! Chu Yu would not deduct this investment!

Huang Ming saw that Chu Yu was coming, so he hurriedly started this meeting!

The news that Chu Yu wanted to acquire Tianxing did not say anything, but some gossips from Tianxing have been spreading wildly in the past few days!

The industry knows that they all sneered when they heard this kind of news!

Indeed, Tianxing's current volume of tens of billions can only be regarded as average among so many companies in Longguo, but no matter how much, it is also the leader of the animation industry... tens of billions of market value, which in the animation industry What can people take out? How could the person who took it out buy the current Skystar?

People in the industry, including the employees of the copying company, think so!

Until early in the morning, the acquisition team invited by Chu Yu arrived........

It's just that this group of people talked in words when they went to the toilet...

Just let the employees of the copyer animation production company be ashamed!

Our animation production company, Chuyu, who has been established for a year, is going to acquire the industry leader Tianxing?

A meeting lasted more than three hours. Chu Yu not only wanted to buy the stocks of Tianxing shareholders, but also the stocks in the hands of stockholders!

Chu Yu knew very well that after Tianxing was acquired by him, after he took out his own works for Tianxing to develop, the value they produced!

He is not interested in using the proceeds of his work to distribute dividends to retail investors every year, grabbing all the shares of Tianxing, and then delisting the company and becoming his private company is the right way!

Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ To do this, Chu Yu still needs to solve Yin Tian and let him spit out the shares in his hand, but if Yin Tian he is not willing..... At that time, Chu Yu, who has a controlling stake in Tianxing, can only make a decision to sell Tianxing's ip reorganization department channel operation industry chain through a series of operations through a series of operations......

After all, Chu Yu is still not interested in helping his enemies to work, he clings to the Tianxing shares, so Chu Yu can only make the value of his shares fall even more!

Of course, doing so will make Tianxing's stock price fall even more, and it is also complicated and cumbersome. It will take some time! But Chu Yu's goal is to obtain the industrial chain of Tianxing, not Tianxing itself. This company has nothing to do with him!

Throughout the meeting, all the people invited came up with plans one by one, considering the success or failure, time, and efficiency.......

But basically, the price of Chu Yu is within the acceptable range!

After all, he has almost all the income he has earned dozens of times in popular works since his debut, and he has plenty of money and confidence!
