I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

But there is no impermeable wall in the world!

The news of Chu Yu's acquisition of Tianxing was finally exposed through various channels! Of course, there is also the credit of Chu Yu's acquisition team. They were planning to expose this to the industry!

At first, the anime fans of Longguo thought the news was funny!

After all, under the influence of everyone, although Chu Yu is the boss, he is only limited to operating his own works, which is still different from the real capital crocodile!

Just like in the film and television industry, there are also many celebrities who start their own companies and become their own bosses, but they basically rely on the big-name companies in the film and television industry to survive!

When have you seen any country where a star can in turn acquire a leading company in the film and television industry?

Isn't this nonsense?

Your celebrities rely on these companies for resources to survive. You don't earn as much as these companies. Why buy these companies?

But Chu Yu...

He is not a two hot anime. In the past seven or eight years, he can say that he has created more works than a top anime creator has created in his lifetime. Therefore, he has accumulated such a huge amount of wealth... ....

Fans calm down and think carefully, if Chu Yuming's assets want to buy into Tianxing, he can indeed do it!

But most fans are still skeptical when they hear this news!

However, another day later, after a certain shareholder of Tianxing clearly told his friends that his shares would be sold to Chuyu, the animation industry was completely boiling........

Of course, this is actually the news of the spread of the navy that Chu Yu invited!

The purpose is to make Tianxing's stock price fall again!

Some companies are acquired by more powerful companies, their stock prices will rise, and some companies are acquired, their stock prices will plummet!

For example, Chu Yu's acquisition of Tianxing...

All Dragon Animation Market knows that Chu Yu and Tian Xing, to be precise, have hatreds with Tian Xing chairman Yin Tian!

When Chu Yu burned money to invest in Tianxing, can the two enemies have the same goal when they hold the shareholders meeting? Can you lead Tianxing to develop better? Can you stabilize the current decline of Sky Star?

It is even said that the general cause of Tianxing's current dilemma is caused by Chu Yu. The investors of Tianxing have been early together, and they were all confused after receiving the news~

This damned Sky Star, not only can it be solved indefinitely, but also Nima has so much room to fall?

In just two days, with investors panic selling Tianxing shares, Tianxing's stock price dropped another 5%, and the total market value was approaching 15 billion infinitely!

On the other hand, the board of directors of Tianxing, the shareholder meeting led by Sun Xianjun will be held in one week. The meeting will be held in accordance with the regulations and articles of association, voting for a total of 13 shareholders, accounting for as much as 40% of Tianxing's total shares. Application for transfer of shares to Chu Yu!

Of course, this kind of thing is just a cutscene, and more than two-thirds of the shareholders have to sell their shares to Chu Yu, and they must vote for it! Of course, if Yin Tian definitely does not want Chu Yu to enter the game, he can buy these stocks at his own expense. He has the first right to purchase!


Although he is not reconciled, he has found a lot of friends in the industry during this period, and he wants them to buy shares in Tianxing.

Yin Tian really didn't dare to take the risk. He simply couldn't afford to eat all the shares of Tianxing's shareholders, and he didn't want Chu Yu to enter the game to destroy it, but the other capital bosses of the Magic Capital are not stupid. Tianxing is a treasure to Chu Yu, right. For them, it is negative equity! Who is talking about feelings with Yin Tian at this time?

In the past two days, the employees of Tianxing have been willing to make promises!

Recently, Yin Tian lost his temper at every turn. The secretary who had been with him for three years was slapped twice because of a trivial matter, and his face was swollen!

From time to time, I could even hear the clanging sound of tables, chairs and benches in his office!

He has been running a company for more than ten years, and his enemy has entered the game. Yin Tian's current feeling is only so disgusting!

At that time......he had no way!

All the procedures for Chu Yu are reasonable and reasonable, that is, take the money to enter the game!

Three years ago, Yin Tian felt that he was in control of Tianxing, with many people and rich assets, and he was able to do whatever he wanted!

Now, I met Chu Yu, an even more unreasonable nouveau riche........ Yin Tian's sense of despair arose in his heart!

At this time, it's meaningless to wonder where Chu Yu came from. It doesn't matter whether there are other investors behind Chu Yu who want to engage him. There is still a week... Convening........ If all goes well, then maybe one or two months later, when the general meeting of shareholders is held, Chu Yu will sit at the opposite table.....

What's even more outrageous is that if Chu Yu's share of shares is higher than that of him, it is very likely that the chairman of Tianxing will be re-elected. At that time, the position of chairman of Tianxing is likely to become Chu Yu's possession!



Another day later, the news that Shuixin will spend 6 billion to acquire 40% of the shareholders of Tianxing's board of directors will finally break out in the Longguo animation circle........

Tianxing's stock price fell below 15 billion in total market value, and at the same time, Chuyu's team was frantically recycling the stocks sold by retail investors in the stock market!

Of course, in this process, Chuyu hopes that the stock price of Hetianxing is as low as possible, but it should not be overdoed, and all operations should be compliant and legal as much as possible!

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom animation industry finally believed this fact!

Chu Yu's fans had no idea that there would be such an outrageous thing!

"This is crazy! Teacher Shui Xin is going to make trouble? Isn't his apparent assets only four billion scolding? Where did he get six billion?"

"Maybe I went to Las Vegas in the United States to bet the size of a dice, a stud! Win the winner in life, and start all over again if you lose!"

"God of gambling, water heart?"

"Forget it, go to those casinos to win billions of people and you still want to go back to China? Maybe you will get peanuts on the road! You said that Mr. Shui Xin is a master of capital market investment. It is still reliable. Look at the dragon last year. The national stock market is still hovering at the 6,000-point pie. This year it is more than 3,000-point. It has fallen back to the level it was ten years ago. Teacher Shui Xin may go short!

"Six billion, this is cash! My God, I can't save this money from working in the Dayu era to the present without eating or drinking! Teacher Shuixin can actually take it out with one hand, I admit, I'm sour !"

"Don't be sour, his billions of assets also have my hand. I have watched his animation works in the past few years, and I have spent one or two thousand dollars less. Unconsciously, I have achieved the birth of a top rich man!"

"They are all the same age, he and I are in the same school! People have billions in net worth, and I owe hundreds of thousands of online loans. This world is really unfair!"

"What's unfair about this. Teacher Shuixin really didn't get black. In junior high school, both parents died, and high school made money by drawing comics because of financial pressure... Other rich people can also go for a punch and say They have backgrounds, and Teacher Shui Xin really has nothing to say! His existence just makes me feel like I am really useless. My conditions are better than him in all aspects, and he is handsomer than him, but his girlfriend is the goddess Gu Yan. My future wife may wrap the sheets with her boyfriend now! Fuck!"

"But what will Teacher Shuixin do after he becomes a shareholder of Tianxing?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's possible to fight with Tianxing Chairman Yin Tiantian and make Tianxing completely decay. At that time, maybe the total market value of Tianxing's stock price may fall below 10 billion!"

"Oh, Mr. Shui Xin is too horrible. After disappearing for three years, he is the giant who has attacked Wang Zhanji's works. It hasn't been a year since he returned. The two works are on the agenda again. There is still time to do these things... ..... Is his energy really unlimited?"


The hot discussion of Chu Yu by a group of people on the Internet made him more active in front of the people of Long Country!

At the age of twenty-five, he started from scratch and took out billions of cash to invest in Tianxing.......

Every headline is so conspicuous, even people who don't watch anime are easily attracted by related news!

Chu Yu received much more attention during this period than before!

But now Chuyu has no energy to pay attention to these. After the acquisition starts, in addition to the company's affairs, the invited team will also report to him at any time!

The Tianxing stocks on the market were swept away, because of their existence, Tianxing's stock price has maintained a strange stability!

When Chu Yu received more, the price rose slightly, and then Chu Yu released it again, and then bought it again after falling down. He also pursued a price-performance ratio!

During this process, Chu Yu needed to make decisions constantly, Huang Ming stopped going to the company, and brought a group of people to Chu Yu's house to deal with this matter!

At night, a group of people left!

Chu Yu and Huang Ming all looked tired!

"Before doing it, I really didn't know that this matter was so complicated and cumbersome! The people who specialize in this piece are really amazing!" Chu Yu slumped on the sofa like a salted fish.

"Nonsense, the team we hired has a minimum degree of master's degree among the members. Anyone who pulls out their education will explode our three streets! Not so good, what do we ask them to do?" Huang Ming poured a bottle of happy water!

"But in one day, more than 200 million yuan was spent on buying stocks. I can only say that it really looked at me!"

"This is just the beginning, and it will be the highlight after next week! When the Tianxing shareholders meeting is over, I will officially take over the shares of Sun Xianjun and others. By then, I should surpass Yin Tian and become the largest shareholder of Tianxing!" Chu Yu said.

Gu Yan brought tea to the two!

"You become the boss of the Star, then I will become the wife of the Star?" Gu Yan joked.

"That's not a big deal! When I gather all the shares of Skystar, you will be there!" Chu Yu said.

"Then what will the copying animation production company do?" Gu Yan asked.

"Everything is going well. The two companies will be merged at that time! It's a bit funny that last year we dug out a bunch of elites from Star Star to our company. They did a good job this year, but found that they had returned to their old club. ......" Chu Yu said.

"Those are the second place. I am looking forward to it now. When we appear in front of Yin Tian as Tianxing's largest shareholder, what will he look like?" Huang Ming said with excitement.

"To be honest, I am also a little looking forward to..." After a pause, Chu Yu also said!


There is something that is not to be violated. If seven years ago, Yin Tian would not have nothing to do with savages like Chu Yu, at that time he had a lot of money!

But now, Tianxing's stock price has plummeted, and investors behind him have lost confidence in him. His investment in other industries is also losing money year after year. Yin Tian really has no way to fight a capital battle with Chu Yu, buy Tianxing stocks with each other, and fight for controlling rights!

Although not reconciled, he really can only watch Chu Yu operate now!

This kind of helpless despair has been felt by him in the past ten years!

Chu Yu also had a deep understanding of this three years ago! Otherwise, he would not go to Japan Island in despair!

But now...

Chu Yu can be regarded as letting him feel this kind of taste, watching the career that he has worked so hard to run away from him, but there is no way to do it!

This kind of anxiety has made Yin Tian's temper more and more irritable these days, and his eyes and expressions have also become more and more haggard...

In fact, even if he gave up Tianxing and sold out his shares, he would still be a billionaire rich man! No worries about food and clothing for a lifetime...Strictly speaking, there is nothing to worry about!

But being forced to use this method to drive off from the throne of the stars, this humiliation is directly aimed at him on the psychological level!


A few days have passed, and the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is surging!

But people in the animation circle are discussing, and all works in the animation market will be broadcast as usual!

The third season of Attack on Titan, Chapter 17, and Chapter 18, ushered in the airing day!

Chu Yu can be said to be at the forefront of the Dragonland animation industry these days, and therefore, the giant comment area tonight is more active than ever!

Some of the fans here discussed Chu Yu's investment in Tianxing's board of directors, and others were arguing for Zhao Qinyin. Obviously, they are all at the same level. Chu Yu's boss's path is prosperous, and Zhao Qinyin is still cute. A cute working girl, many Chuyu fans think that she is too buddha, and she should leave the gt animation production company as soon as possible and start her own business!

However, more people in the comment area are still focusing on the animation plot of the giant........

This week's animation plot can be said to be the pinnacle of Japanese island animation in a parallel world!

The brave in Chapter 17, the two famous scenes of the soldier cutting the monkey and Armin being scorched are born, and in the White Night of Chapter 18, it is not too much to say that this is the strongest literary drama in the history of animation, but I am still humble. one!

The giant's work ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is highly respected by so many people in the parallel world, and they feel that they can surpass steelmaking, and the performance of these two words is indispensable!

Fans are waiting for the update time point with anticipation. They have put the plot of the giant tonight to a very high psychological position! And the plot of these two giants will tell fans...their imagination is still too scarce!

When the time was up, a group of fans quickly clicked on the play link!

"Come here, after waiting for a week, I can finally know if Alvin is dead!"

"Hello everyone!"

"Come on, commander, kill the giant orangutan!"

"I hope the two words tonight are more exciting than last week!"

"I don't know how the super giant will defeat it! The orangutan giant still has a chance to defeat. If it is super giant, I can't think of a way!"

"Almin is going to show his wisdom again?"