I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

There have been no hot movies in Longguo film industry for nearly a month! In this month, the total daily box office has been hovering between 30 and 40 million, and tens of thousands of movie theater owners across the country have been waiting for the big summer movie for a long time!

Although in the parallel world, I heard that Tao Sheng is not very famous!

Compared with other works of Ghibli, there is really not so much halo! But this does not mean that this work is not good. On the contrary, there are so many excellent works on the island of Parallel World in the last century, how can it be an ordinary work that has been missed by fans after so many years!

At least, Chu Yu likes this work, and in the eyes of Studio Ghibli fans in Parallel World, the evaluation of this work among so many Ghibli works is also at the forefront!

He did not produce this work for the purpose of making money. He just felt that it was necessary to produce such a work, so he started a related production plan!

And even if Zhao Qinyin's current status is considered, this work will not lower her reputation when she hangs it under her name. Taking into account Zhao Qinyin's current fame, Zhao Qinyin's second work after carrying Spirited Away The momentum of the animated movie, even if Chu Yu turned the parallel world classic bad film Fuchunshan Jutu into an animated movie, and then continued to be released amidst curses, Chu Yu felt that the box office would not be less than 780 million!

So let Zhao Qinyin be a little humble in propaganda, letting out that his psychological expectation of hearing the sound of the waves is one billion!

Originally, how could there be so many hits in the film industry, and most of the films were released at the box office of hundreds of millions, a bit more than a billion, and Chu Yu's modest goal was honestly laughed at by a group of film critics!

These people don't believe that a woman in the anime and anime world can make waves in the film industry of Longguo!

Even the creator of the film box office record of Longguo!

If you can create an animated film that can hit the box office of more than one billion yuan, then simply rename Zhao Qinyin to the money printing machine!

It's just..... The facts are always inconsistent with their imagination!

The pre-sale box office of Tao Sheng exceeded 200 million. On July 1st, the total box office of the whole day heard of Tao Sheng plus the support of the pre-sale and Zhao Qinyin fans who went to see the movie early in the morning, the total The box office is already at 230 million!

Yesterday, Asuka, who won the single-day box office championship with a box office of 130 million, has only 150 million at the box office. The two works of Samsara Monday and The Nameless Land have also seen a significantly lower box office increase than expected... ...

Is not it!

The investors of the three works have a bad premonition. Spirited Away was also released in the summer file. In this period, the total box office will not exceed 4 billion yuan. A record 8.4 billion box office.

Later, someone seriously analyzed the schedule of Spirited Away. From the early stage of filming, competing for film quality, and publicity, Spirited Away was not dominant. People in the Long Country film felt that this was too shameful and could only put Spirited Away. Chihiro's success is attributed to the outrageous tastes of the fans of the Dragon Kingdom and Zhao Qinyin's good luck...

But when I heard the sound of the waves, such a project can have such an effect if the investment is only tens of millions, and even the kind of publicity that is not particularly expensive in publicity?

Hearing the opening results of Tao Sheng, a group of professional filmmakers in Longguo said they couldn't understand it!

Why does this kind of data only available in the Spring Festival file appear in a summer file?

The fighting power of the Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional, that group of otaku, really so strong?

Many people are waiting for the first wave of movie reviews from movie theaters after ten o'clock!

Ninety percent of the filmmakers in Long Country hope to hear the sound of the waves hitting the street!

Although this has nothing to do with them, if Zhao Qinyin makes this work hot again this time, then the practitioners in the film industry of Longguo will really have no face at all!

Of course, these things don't care about Zhao Qinyin's fans!

On the first day of the 200 million pre-sale box office, the words Zhao Qinyin were charged! But if the movie is not good, they are different from those in the rice circle, the ones that should be sprayed will still be sprayed...

Liu Yun is like this. As a well-known animation blogger of Huweibo, although she is a loyal fan of Zhao Qinyin's works, she only fans her works, not people, but if her works are not good-looking, her poisonous tongue is also out. Famous!

Because of the particularity of her part-time job, she takes a stern look at animation works!

Similarly, thousands of friends in her fan base are waiting for her viewing report in two hours! If everything is ok, only the group friends in the group will buy tickets to watch the movie!

As a 70-minute movie, the sound of the waves is indeed shorter, so when gt animation production company made it, it described some details more delicately, and the duration was also expanded to 80 minutes, plus the opening and ending credits. It's been almost an hour and a half. There are a lot of classic bgm in this work, but to be honest, in terms of music, there are obvious optimizations in some places. Chu Yu also invited some music talents from the Dragon State plane to renew the work. Added a few paragraphs of bgm, the effect is more sensational than the original version...

In the parallel world, this work was only a movie played on TV at first, and then it was shown in theaters. Because it had already been shown on TV, its theater performance was average, but a work so short that it could be used later. It has been changed into a TV series, and it can be re-screened in the United States in 16 years, which is enough to see its popularity!

The story line of this work is actually quite simple. The spoiled, self-willed and impudent beautiful girl Muto Rikako was forced to transfer to the remote Kochi Prefecture because of her parents' divorce. The story of her encounter with the male protagonist Du Saki Taku!

From the plot point of view, the structure is simple, and even in the process of watching, I once felt that the heroine was a stupid!

It's just that after looking at this work as a whole, it does touch most viewers. Perhaps that feeling is not obvious, but the work does make it easy for people to recall their youth and high school careers, as well as the secret crushes in that period. That girl!

At the beginning of the story, Du Qituo, the male lead after graduating from university, saw a **** the opposite platform on the train station platform...

People who have seen this scene at five centimeters per second will naturally understand that this kind of plot structure......

At the beginning of Second 51, the adult male and female protagonists found each other on both sides of the railway, and then, after the train drove, the female protagonist had already left!

The same is true when I heard the sound of waves, the tram images echoed from end to end!

In the parallel world, hearing the sound of the waves is undoubtedly an old man who has been released for more than ten years before the second five. Although Xin Haicheng has not said anything about it, it is difficult to say that he was not heard by the sound of the waves. Inspired by this work!

Of course, it's just that for a group of viewers who are watching the movie in the dark movie hall, they haven't had any special reaction yet!

I just feel from the bottom of my heart...

This picture is really awesome!

Funding fighters!

Watching the animation produced by Tianxing and gt animation company is visual enjoyment!

Such thoughts almost appeared in most people's minds!

Liu Yun is no exception. Although I heard that the funding for the production of the sound is far less than that of Spirited Away, the quality of the animation is much higher than that of the 99% of the animation works on the market!

The movie is about the high school experience of the hero and the hero in the way of recounting. The classic bgm for the occasion: Hai がきこえる (Can hear the sea!) The faint piano sounded, and soon, the hearts of many movie fans entered In the movie plot!

The seemingly mature male protagonist Tosaki Taku, and the good friend Matsuno Yutaka who likes the female protagonist Rikako Muto......

The beginning is the love triangle structure commonly seen in emotional works!

It's just......the characters in the story are quite real!

The protagonist and good friend's interest in the transferred beautiful girl Muto Rikako is reasonable, and there is no vulgarity!

To pay for the trip to Hawaii for graduation from high school, Du Qituo is working hard to earn this expense!

The beginning of the story is just to introduce the relationship between the characters through memories and interludes. This lasted ten minutes!

Some fans who are impatient already feel a little impatient, but for Liu Yun, such a plot is quite interesting!

The character of the male protagonist, the character of the good friend Matsuno, and the friendship between them......

The mid-stage plot is the appearance of the heroine Rikako Muto. She has excellent grades, strong athleticism and good looks, so she is jealous of most of the girls in the school...

The female protagonist appears to be quiet and maverick, but she easily attracts the attention of the male protagonist's best friend Matsuno, and even because she didn't come to school, she went to Muto's house to visit the female protagonist and then called The male protagonist tells his feelings for her!

Tosaki Taku's knowledge of Muto Rikako was first learned from his good friend Toyoko Matsuno...

During the graduation trip in Hawaii, Muto stopped Tosaki Taku and borrowed money from him.......

The entanglement between the hero and the hero begins here!

Seeing this, Liu Yun had already let go of his critical eyes, and focused all his attention on the plot!

Such works are boring and boring in the eyes of most Long Aotian animation fans!

But for an anime man like Liu Jun, there are too few works in which the characters' IQ is online, the logic is online, and the characters are pleasing in the animation plot!

She saw Muto's loss of her wallet at a glance, so she asked the male protagonist Tosaki Taku for an excuse to borrow money..... is a lie!

And she also knows very well that this is what the animation production team deliberately revealed to her.......

Whether it's Muto's facial expression or voice actors' voice acting, she feels like this, but...most of them don't watch movies seriously, or anime Xiaobai who has little experience in life, such as her body. The little girl next to me didn't see it at all! He even commented with his companions, "Aren't they rich? How can I borrow money?"

Muto, a rich man, and Du Saki Taku, a normal family who works hard, had a disagreement over the issue of borrowing money, and suddenly the two people's Xinxiang became three-dimensional!

Du Qituo's serious and cautious, and Muto's carelessness, even the impatient attitude of asking Du Qituo to borrow money by himself!

But just like this, they talked happily!

Because she is a girl whom a good friend likes and lost money to find him to solve the problem, so apart from the money necessary for travel, the male protagonist Du Qi Tuoquan lent her...

Then this thing was seen by good friends... asked about the situation!

The money was borrowed by his friends, and Muto also blamed the male protagonist for talking! By the way, I also asked my boyfriend's friend Feng Matsuno to borrow another 20,000...

Then after Muto borrowed the money, he didn't mention the issue of paying back the money for a few months.......That was the man who worked hard after school and saved money for two years!

The image of a good old man and an unpleasant heroine are all standing up!

In the movie theater, no one was joking anymore at this time, and the plot was officially rolled out, but seeing this, Liu Jun felt it was okay, mainly she marveled at the changes in Zhao Qinyin, the narrative structure of this work is really good now Yes, but the style of the work is very different from Spirited Away!

Spirited Away is like a fairy tale, although it is a bit darker, but the sound of the waves is too realistic!

No matter if it is a male or female lead, there are not too many fantasy elements, they are all people you will meet in daily life!

So in the back, Muto's good friend called him and asked him to dissuade him from deceiving his mother. He was planning to fly to Tokyo by plane privately. He even knew from the phone that Muto's plane money to Tokyo was actually asked about the money he borrowed. A sum of money.......

Everyone in Liu Yun looked dumbfounded!

This heroine......is really capricious!

Is such a guy really a heroine? Can such an unpleasant girl be a heroine, can this movie be well received?

The poor male protagonist, because he cares too much about his good friends, thinks that helping the female protagonist is to help Matsuno Feng, so he was cheated on the money he earned for a few years of work.....

In the following plot, because I was afraid of Muto's accident, I was involved in this incident and ran to Tokyo together......

Can't wash it!

Liu Yun looked speechless, this male protagonist is too old and nice, but... Then I saw the experience of the female protagonist Tokyo line, the superficial ex-boyfriend, only caring for his father, but a high school student. The friend wears various masks in front of her...and can't help feeling that the heroine Muto Rikako is pitiful!

Even Muto felt uncomfortable and ran to the male lead's hotel in Tokyo, occupying the male lead's bed, and the male lead was forced to sleep in the bathtub.......

The male protagonist who didn't know anything, didn't even notice Muto's change in his attitude towards him during this trip to Tokyo. Even this incident was still spread in school and was known to his good friend Matsuno... .... In order to inquire about this matter, like Muto showed his heart!

But Muto got it...

"I hate Kochi, I hate everything about Kochi, and I don't want to fall in love with the people here. When I think of this possibility, I get goose bumps..." the map gun responded!

A good friend confessed Muto but was insulted, Du Qi Taku couldn't help it at last! The teacher called out Muto, but the two of them finally talked and slapped each other in the corridor......

The wolf is gone! ! !

Liu Yunren looked excited directly! The plot is refreshing and refined, with men and women slapped in the main hallway........Is this still a love movie?

Because the class activity rehearsal did not participate in the rehearsal, Muto, who was hated by everyone, was bullied by fellow students.......

Seeing these male protagonists, this time he didn't bother about his business!

He was slapped in the face by Muto and Matsuno, who learned the truth later!

"You are such a big fool..." The friend threw this sentence to him!

What Matsuno does not know is that Dusaki Taku has noticed Matsuno's arrival a long time ago. In fact, he wants to give him the chance of this hero to save the United States, hoping that he can get Muto's favor by this!

The hero and best friend, after this incident, I didn't say a word until I graduated from high school.......

The movie has progressed to the present, and the plot has entered the late stage!

After Liu Yun's taste, he realized that Muto probably fell in love with the male lead, so he slapped him when he saw that the male lead was indifferent to being bullied!

And Matsuno was aware of Muto's feelings for Dusaki Taku, so he punched the hero!

Only the male protagonist has an EQ so high that he understands that he will give the hero the chance to save the United States to a good friend, but he does not understand the feelings of the female protagonist towards him at all!

In fact, if the plot of this animated movie is just like this, then maybe it's just a decent love movie with a peculiar plot!

But when Du Qituo's memories ended, time came to his perspective after university!

After a few years, after meeting with Matsuno, the broken friendship seemed to be gradually repaired in the daily discussion between the two!

The plot is here, and under the rendering of the bgm song Hai きこえる, a touch of touch lingers in the hearts of Liu Jun and the live movie viewers!

Obviously, the story of the whole movie is flat and straightforward, but the whole work, nearly an hour before, is all shaping the friendship and love between these three people...

When two best friends once were watching the sunset at the beach, because of a female girl, the friendship that was once shattered seemed to be gradually repaired!

"At that time, I was angry because I knew you were worried about my feelings, so I didn't stop it..." Matsuno said with his back to Dusaki Taku.

"But it wasn't until then that I realized that you like Muto Rikako too!"

Du Qituo's expression was not moved, this moment moved many audiences in the theater!

In more than an hour, the details of the three characters portrayed in the movie, the friendship between the two, the love triangle between the three, the same plot structure, but the impact is completely different from those on the market!

It is just an understatement to show the feelings between each other!

At the reunion of high school classmates, Muto did not come, but the words of Muto's good friend, Xiaohama, accidentally revealed Liu Jun even more!

"Muto Rikako said that she met someone in Tokyo... She only said that this person slept in the bathtub!"

In the animation, Matsuno's relieved smile at this time, and the surprised male protagonist Tosaki Taku!

What she wants most is the man sleeping in the bathtub!

The boy who accompanied her to Tokyo to meet his father who had never seen his parents after their divorce, gave her the big bed and went to sleep in the bathtub by himself...

Why is she not afraid of being bullied by more than a dozen girls, but Muto was so angry that she was indifferent to her being bullied........

The whole suppressed emotions were all vented through a word from Muto's friend, Obama!

Then I contacted the people who attended the class reunion. Although Muto went to the local university, he also secretly entered the university in Tokyo and actually went to Tokyo to study. According to Obama's words, there is something she wants in Tokyo. People who met.......

You can't notice the details when you first scan, but you can understand when you scan the second, Muto violated his mother's opinion and applied for the university in Tokyo, probably because Takuma Tosaki went to Tokyo to attend university........

Most of the audience in the movie theater did not realize this, but Liu Yun realized it!

She felt very uncomfortable at this time......It was very uncomfortable to be caused by this work!

Reminiscent of my own time, full of regrets...youth!

Many plots of the sound of waves are not spoken directly, but the audience can experience it by themselves!

If you experience it, you can feel the **** of this work. If you don't experience it, you will only feel that the plot is so strange!

How did Muto like Taku Dosaki, how did Taku Dosaki behave so strangely, his good friend Toyotomi Matsuno is not a man, he beats his good brother violently for a woman, and hasn't contacted his good brother for a few years!

For the three main characters, none of their psychological descriptions are revealed, but they are metaphors from various animation details!

"I wish I could chat with Satomito in high school!"

At the end of the class reunion, what Dosaki Taku thought of was Muto's various memories of him in high school!

Until the end of high school graduation, he didn't show any feelings for the girl he liked, just for fear of hurting the girl who also likes Muto, his best friend Matsuno!

So at the end of the movie, the perspective shifted to the tram stop at the beginning of the animation!

Dusaki Taku and Muto Rikako both saw each other across the platform!

Through the underground passage, Du Qi Taku hurriedly wanted to catch this girl......

Then there was no one there!

Fans who have watched Second Five have felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity this time, but when Tosaki Taku turned around, the train drove away... In the position where he stood a minute ago, it was Muto... ...

Muto did the same thing as him, through the underground passage, and came to the opposite side......

The two of them looked at each other on both sides of the platform across the rails!

"I really like her, I feel so deeply..."

Du Qituo's last words let the story end in a meaningful place!

The ending song sounds!

Liu Yun's consciousness is still immersed in the story...

The whole story is flat on the surface, but it is really hidden in the flat story. The turbulent feelings in the hearts of the three characters are not easy to detect! Only once I experience it......At this time, I feel very uncomfortable!

Will such a couple of heroes and heroines with their own shortcomings be together after the story?

Obviously, the crowd can recognize the other person at a glance, and even subconsciously chase the other person's figure, otherwise they will immediately go through the lower channel to the opposite person without seeing the other person, causing the position to switch...... After so many years, I still care about each other like this!

If one of the two of them was a little mature in high school, wouldn't the two of them have not been in contact for a few years?

Many thoughts came to my heart!

Liu Yun admitted that this work is indeed not as good as Spirited Away... but this work is already good enough!

At least in works of the same type, the water core's speed of five centimeters per second is already considered a very good result!

However, Liu Yun felt that although the before and after results model of this work was borrowed from the second five, it was also a train kill, but after the train, one work is where the opposite person goes to the sky, and the other is the meaningful two people looking at each other!

Liu Yun felt that hearing the sound of waves was much better than that of Second Five! Not because she likes happyend, but from the storyline... it is better than Second Five!

It's just that the plot is a bit difficult to understand, and you need to brush more to realize the feelings that the plot wants to convey!

Dizzy and walked out of the movie theater... Liu Yun looked at the ticket app review and heard the sound of waves!

The work is scored at eight and nine points.......

"I don't understand, the plot progresses too fast!"

"Give it a nine-point first. I went to the second brush. After watching it, it was a little uncomfortable, but I couldn't realize the story of the uncomfortable feeling! I just feel uncomfortable!"

"Ms. Zhao Qinyin's work is a tribute to Ms. Shui Xin's Second Five! But the ending is joyous!"

"I'm a little disappointed, I don't understand why Muto likes Du Qi Taku, and then Matsuno will break with the male lead...It feels like the plot is inexplicable, and the timeline jumps around! Teacher Zhao Qinyin doesn't this time It will be overturned!"

"If you don't understand, don't make bad comments and low scores. Go and read it a few times. I really want to cry... I think of my youth! It's also such a pity, there is such a girl... ...."

"It's not as good as Spirited Away, but I think it's a crush on seconds! Now anime fans are really hard to wait for. People draw a little more plot to make you understand better, and also talk about the plot water, there are not many plots like the sound of waves. These people who explain in detail don't understand...outrageous!"

"Brothers, I went to the second painting, this work exceeded my expectations! Teacher Zhao Qinyin said that this work is niche, the results will not be too good! I am dissatisfied here, I think it is really good-looking, compared to yesterday. I don't know how good the love movie Asuka starring by the flow niche starred! Now thinking about the mentally handicapped plot is disgusting!"


There are so many comments under the movie! mixed reviews!

Liu Yun pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth! This work has been able to maintain a score of 8:9~www.mtlnovel.com~ She ate her mobile phone!

If an unknown creator makes this work, perhaps it is because the plot of the work is difficult to understand and it will hit the street!

But who is Zhao Qinyin? There are so many fans, and there are always people who know the goods. Once the enthusiasm for hearing the sound of the waves is stirred up, a variety of analytical post comments help these people understand the plot, this work can still flutter, and the score can be low?

Taking a deep breath, Liu Yun bought the second ticket, and then sent a message to the group he formed!

"It's definitely worth the price. Even if it's Zhao Qinyin's name, it won't disappoint, but it's recommended to do it twice!"

After sending out, Liu Yun continued to walk towards the cinema!


In the film market on July 1, the first day of the sound of the sound was heard at the box office of 280 million, because many hidden watch drivers were difficult to understand, and even bluntly unsightly, many of the two-dimensional plan to go to the movie gave up the idea!

On the other side, the producers of several works such as Asuka had a bleak box office performance on this day, which was significantly down compared to yesterday's premiere! Seeing this, I spare no effort to ask Shui Junhei to hear the waves!

This caused the pre-sale box office on the second day of hearing the sound to drop from 200 million to 36 million!

It's almost a cliff drop!

But on the other hand, on major animation websites, especially Xinman.com, major up owners began to produce analytic videos of the sound of the waves overnight!

Almost without exception, everyone is unanimously praised! Only wait for the approval to be put on the shelves!

Those who specialize in this business can't tell whether the work is good or bad?

Not to mention what it is to hear the sound of the waves, but the quality of this work plus Zhao Qinyin's popularity, as well as the few unsightly competitor movies in the same period!

They really think that Zhao Qinyin is too modest, and they actually think that hearing the sound of the sound of the box office may be one billion...
