I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

July 2nd, the day after I heard the sound of waves!

This day is the day with the most negative reviews of this work on the Internet. The capital behind several film works competing in the same period have invited a large number of navy blacks to hear the waves!

I mainly heard that the results of the first day of the sound of the waves are too exaggerated. If it is not curbed, then this summer file will not have anything to do with them!

The film industry is a winner-takes-all market. There can be several small winners in the market at the same time, forming a situation of multiple competitions on the surface, but the real big winners are one or two billion daily tickets, and one or two billion lasts. There will usually only be one future work in a market like the summer archive! After all, the viewer's time is limited! Few people stay in the cinema all day long with nothing to do and watch every movie!

On the entire network, in the comment area of ​​the ticketing app, a large number of naval forces are filled with comments that slander the sound of the waves!

"What rubbish, I wasted 60 yuan, this is the new work of Zhao Qinyin, the box office record holder of the Dragon Kingdom movie that has been touted by everyone for such a long time? Too disappointed! Don't watch it!"

"After watching this work, I was so confused, my faith collapsed! I never thought that teacher Zhao Qinyin's level had fallen so badly! Can this movie have an 8.6 rating? How many navy soldiers have been invited?"

"Those who say that the sound of the waves are good are all liars! They are all summer love movies. Asuka is crying when I hear the sound of the waves in Ten Streets! If you really want to watch a movie in the summer, choose Asuka... ....."

"Now the navy is the first to call the thief to catch the thief? It is clear that I am a navy, but I scold others here first? How much money did the Asuka producer give you? Fifty cents? Only fifty cents can buy your conscience and dignity?"

"To be honest, there are too many details in this movie. After watching it for the first time, I was stunned! I felt lonely after watching it, but after watching it the second time with doubts, I left the theater. My nose and tears are flowing! Maybe my tears are low! This work is really good, and the feeling of youthful regret can rarely be brought out in works! It is indeed not as good as Spirited Away, but it is better than how to say it. That Asuka is ten times stronger!"

"Oh, when I look at the comments on the Internet about hearing the sound of the waves, I understand that Teacher Zhao Qinyin touched these indigenous cakes in the film industry again! However, it seems that Tianxing helped to **** this work to be released. The basic box office won't improve after such a black wave! To be honest, although Teacher Shui Xin is not as good as Teacher Zhao Qinyin, this person really has nothing to say, open and upright, even if Teacher Zhao Qinyin is him The only opponent in the animation industry also thinks that the friendship in the manga career that year can help both!"


Throughout July 2nd, hearing the sound of waves was the worst black one!

The plot stretches, Zhao Qinyin falls to the altar, and labels such as vulgar and boring are flooding the Internet!

The relevant reports were sorted out by his staff, and gathered together on Chu Yu's desk in one report!

But for him now, these methods are no longer a headache!

It's useless if someone else hacks you and you want to whitewash, the only thing you need to do is to hack each other!

Tianxing itself is only a company specializing in the animation industry, but thanks to Yin Tian's efforts, it has worked hard in the game industry, peripheral industries and the film industry!

Generally, small companies face the suppression of big companies in the film industry. It is difficult to have any chance to counteract it. People use contacts to restrict your film schedule, and give you one percent of film schedule. Do you still want the box office?

So unless your work can be like Spirited Away, overwhelming competitors in the same period, forcing theaters, theater owners to favor you for profit! Otherwise, even if the works of small companies produce excellent works, they will drink soup in the movie market at most!

Obviously, although I heard that Taosheng is an excellent work, it is still a lot worse than Spirited Away. If Chu Yu does nothing, there is a high probability that the box office of Taosheng will drop a lot in the future!

But since it is a capital battle, Chu Yu is really not afraid! At least the other companies want to use the relationship to reduce the third day of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the third day of the film, reduce the film from 26% to less than 10%, forcibly creating a box office that sounds of the sound of the sound is not good. The people under Yu also acted. The two sides pulled each other down and spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. The final result was similar to the result before everyone did not act!

And on the Internet, at night, the secrets of the Dragon Kingdom suddenly discovered something!

Throughout the summer file, all the movies released, one is more unsightly than one film review!

For the four top four works in the box office, I heard that the score on the Taosheng ticketing app went from 8.9 on the first day of screening to 8.00! As for Asuka, his own plot is mentally retarded, and many fans have low scores. The Chutianxing operations department asked Bo Brush to give it a package. Now the score of 4.1 is ridiculous. The most outrageous is Samsara Monday. On Weibo, the director publicly criticized that Taosheng's plot was naive and vulgar, but it was blown up by Zhao Qinyin's fans, and Chu Yu's navy army gave the work a rating of 2.7....... .

According to the theory of relativity, everyone being hacked is equivalent to everyone competing at the same starting line!

The confused fans of Dragon Kingdom watched the chaotic movie market this year, and finally selected a relatively well-rated movie from a bunch of bad reviews and heard the sound of waves.......

I heard that the pre-sale box office on the third day of the sound has reached 50 million yuan again! The total box office of the two days of release is 3.4 billion...

"It's outrageous!"

A senior practitioner in Longguo's film industry sighed this evening!

Tianxing is obviously an animation production company, but its influence in the film industry is indeed not low. After all, in the past few years, there have been several animation films every year, and the industry connections are ok! The company behind several films such as Asuka is not small, and it wants to suppress the sound of the waves as before, but it's useless!

After all, things like suppression, boycotts, black hands, and industry barriers are just like in front of capital. Being able to recruit can only prove that you are weak and the capital behind you is insufficient! Tianxing is rich and willing to enter the film industry. Many companies in the film industry are also interested in establishing cooperative relations with Tianxing!

However, after three days of competition between several parties, the companies behind several other works also understand that it is meaningless to continue to hack each other like this. These methods of manipulating public opinion are at the same level, even stronger, larger, and richer than them. In front of Tianxing, it's really useless! With so many operating expenses a year, the people who raise them don't eat dry food!

How much they can eat this piece of cake during the summer vacation depends on the quality of the work!

It seems fair on the surface, but if you have no strength and are not balanced with your opponent's behind-the-scenes power, then the quality of the work may not be so important in the final box office of a movie!

but now......

I heard that the box office on the third day of Taosheng once again rushed to 100 million, with a total box office of 450 million on the third day, and Asuka's box office for the whole day closed at 51 million, and the total box office for four days was 310 million! For the other two works, the single-day box office has fallen to about 10 million yuan a day, which is obviously out of the game........

The summer file is like this, not like the Spring Festival file, it has a movie market that raises a few monster box office movies! There may be one or two works with a box office of more than 5 billion at that time!

Asuka's movie has the support of traffic stars and fans. It's clear that the plot is so bad, and some people go to three brushes and four brushes, and even fans to support idols, so the box office decline is not so obvious, but only the support of celebrities does not attract To passers-by, Leek contributes to the box office, how many days can its high box office last?

But the situation came to the fourth day after I heard the sound of the waves, in Xinman.com, this two-dimensional fan gathering place........

Click on the daily search list of the website, the top 100 videos, more than 20 are all about the story analysis videos about hearing the sound of the waves......

And the website almost always hears the sound of waves!

Of course, these two-dimensional up masters are not embarrassed, but the meaning expressed in their video is very clear. Hearing the sound of waves is not as good as Spirited Away. This is a common tone!

But this work is excellent, but at what level is it excellent?

It happened to hear that the beginning and the end of Taosheng and Miaowu were so similar, and it happened to be the respective works of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, so they were compared, and the fans on both sides quarreled slightly because of this situation... .....

Generally speaking, among the uncles and the elders, some people voted, and they felt that a little more people heard the sound of the waves better. The supporters were at five to five than four to five........

This kind of comparison makes the second element fan of Long Country understand...

Those who have seen it originally thought this work would look better than five centimeters per second!

In fact, for animation works, the praise rate of big websites like Xinman.com is very important!

Like Nezha, the Great Sage, and the White Snake in the parallel world, which one is not at the box office in the early stage of release, the lineup is so low that the money is used to make the movie, and there is no money to promote, no one pays attention! Then, after the community reputation of these animation websites at station b got better, users acted as tap water, and finally achieved a counterattack at the box office!

I heard the sound of waves because the creator is Zhao Qinyin, so there is no low attention! Now word-of-mouth has been praised and certified in the two-dimensional groups of Xinman.com. This phenomenon has spread from Xinman.com to Weibo, where Zhao Qinyin's largest fan group gathers.......

"Understood, buy a ticket now!"

This is the fifth day I heard the sound of the waves, and the first hot search on Weibo!

Don't look at this group of two-dimensional elements that express their support for Zhao Qinyin on weekdays, but they are different from celebrity fans. Everyone will not go and watch because they heard that the sound of waves was created by Zhao Qinyin!

Most people were basically on the sidelines when they heard that the sound of the sound was bad. Now that the new mannet has evaluated it, they heard that the sound of the sound is certified by the majority of movie fans as a work that does not lose 5 centimeters per second...... ...

I heard the box office on the fifth day of the release of the sound of the waves...again, it broke 200 million!

It was over 200 million on the first day, fell to tens of millions on the second day, rushed to 100 million on the third day, fell to tens of millions on the fourth day, and then rushed to 200 million on the fifth day... ...

I heard that the total box office of Taosheng's five-day box office was 710 million, and its biggest competitor, Asuka, had a box office of 20.5 million that day. The box office of Samsara Monday and Unknown Land fell again, with daily sales of 7 million and 800 million. Million!

Just five days.....

In Chuyu manipulating Tianxing to help hear the sound of the waves escorting, heard the quality of the waves themselves, and Zhao Qinyin's great influence in the film industry of Longguo......

Hearing Taosheng's box office is one billion less than Zhao Qinyin's goal, and only less than 300 million left!

Throughout the summer, more than a dozen movies were released, and it took only a week without any time, and the winner was decided!

After all, I heard that the sound of the waves was released on the sixth day, and the Quan Longguo Cinema voluntarily chose to arrange 70% of its films. This basically announced that the only winner of the summer file has appeared!

"Teacher Zhao Qinyin is awesome! I'm really worried these days to tell the truth! I'm afraid to hear the sound of the waves losing to Asuka. If that's the case, I will lose confidence in the dragon film industry!"

"This kind of traffic movie is best on the street. What kind of bird of tmd, the male lead and the female lead role five, a total investment of less than 100 million yuan, these two people received 60 million pieces of compensation, why are they?"

"However, the box office is now over 400 million yuan. According to the current situation, the final box office of this work must exceed 600 million yuan. The investors are still making money! I can only say that the combat power of the brainstorming fans is still great!"

"What's the use? The main film industry of Long Country now knows the strength of Teacher Zhao Qinyin! Traffic stars can compete with her at the same time! As long as Mr. Zhao Qinyin works without problems, her fan fighting power is far more than any one in Long Kingdom. Traffic star! Hearing Taosheng's work, to be honest, it's too literary. Although the plot is very good, who is in the mood to analyze the plot twice? But because of the name of teacher Zhao Qinyin, it is completely different! There are too many fans. As long as her work has a reputation, you don't have to worry about losing the box office! There can be no examples of high reputation and low box office in her, either double high or double low!"

"Indeed, I guess the investors of Asuka are stupid! In the past few years, the investors behind Asuka have been engaged in love movies with traffic stars. Before the movie was released, the two traffic stars of this work were proud to say that they would be here. The summer files let everyone see that the film industry is not a girl in the animation industry who can control lightning! Now her face is swollen! Want to step on the shoulders of Teacher Zhao Qinyin? In the end it is just a clown, they don't understand at all, Zhao Qin Teacher Yin is a cross-border evil force, and her traffic is much higher than those of traffic stars! As long as there is no problem with her work, fighting her traffic with her is going to die!"

"To be honest, it's not that Teacher Zhao Qinyin created this work, and with the help of Tian Xing controlled by Teacher Shui Xin, this work is estimated to have a box office of no more than 400 million yuan! The work is indeed quite niche, but it is moved. Really moved!"

"It's really outrageous. After the fifth day of the release, the box office can still exceed 200 million. I don't know what will happen tomorrow? It can only be said that capital can make a piece of **** work become a hit, but capital can also make a good piece of work become a super hit movie. Long Kingdom is not short of good movies, but lack of conscience capital! Teacher Shui Xin is really beautiful! If the capital supports works like Hear the Wave, then the overall level of the Long Kingdom film industry may rise by one or two grades! "


Hearing the word-of-mouth counterattack of Tao Sheng on the fifth day after the release of the movie really made a group of practitioners in the Long Country film industry secretly stunned!

From hearing the current box office situation of Tao Sheng, they finally see that Zhao Qinyin is a super-traffic star in the animation industry! Including Chu Yu......The appeal of these two people in the animation industry is too strong!

The box office appeal of ordinary stars is crushed by traffic stars, and the box office appeal of traffic stars is in turn crushed by these two people?

Is this still a familiar movie industry market?

Zhao Qinyin, the creation of Spirited Away, has created a box office record that humiliates practitioners in the Long Country film industry, but according to the current situation........Will Spirited Away? It's just the beginning!

The work of your name, I only know that it is a love anime. It was released during the National Day of September 1st, and it took less than two months. Then, the city of the sky in the heart of the water was released on the Spring Festival file half a year later..... ....

Hearing the sound of the sound directly made the competitor film producers of the National Day and Spring Festival files nervous!

The animation industry and the film industry became active because of hearing the work of Tao Sheng. On the island of Japan, gt animation production company is even more excited!

I heard that from the sixth day on, the box office has not been so exaggerated, and it has maintained an average of about 100 million per day for two days, and then it is 90 million, 80 million down....... But compared to all the competitors in the same period that have dropped below 10 million in the box office each day, hearing the waves is undoubtedly the only winner!

Two weeks after the release, the total box office exceeded 1.3 billion...

This is an attempt by Tianxing to release her own work after taking control of Tianxing.......The effect is unexpectedly good!

Hearing the sound of the waves in the parallel world, although the reputation is good, but the commercial value is honest! Needless to say, those at the box office were only broadcast on TV at the beginning!

But with the blessing of the operations of Tianxing's staff, Zhao Qinyin's popularity, and the quality of his own works, such results can be achieved!

"This is the power of capital!" Chu Yu watched and heard the market report every day, and couldn't help sighing!

In the parallel world, Li Huanying and Tang Tan Sanneng, who have capital blessings, both broke through four and five billion at the box office, and the crowds without capital support can only struggle with two percent of the movies! In fact, the quality of the works, everyone who has seen it knows that the three works are average, not bad, but not too good, and even the crowded evaluation is the highest among them, but the box office is only about one-tenth of the first two. !

Fortunately, taking advantage of the Star Crisis this year, we acquired Star Star! Save yourself the steps of swallowing your breath and asking for help, just to establish your contacts and talents in the film industry and the game industry! Directly buy the ready-made Sky Star, and transform from a small creator who was crushed by capital four years ago to a capital crocodile in the entertainment, film and television industry now!

Otherwise, it just has money, which is of little significance. Money is necessary to establish a network, but time is more needed! To put it bluntly, even if Chu Yu wants to bribe the theater manager and ask him to help arrange more films when he hears the waves, you must at least know someone else! Just bring the money and go to the other party's house as a guest? Normal people usually blast you out directly! Irregular people..... He collects the money, but doesn't do anything!

Chu Yu couldn't help but feel relieved, and could only sigh that the world is so wonderful!

Hearing the release of Taosheng's movie is just a test of the waters, to test the power he can play in this industry after taking control of Tianxing! As far as the effect is concerned, it is actually okay. Chu Yu plans to let the company's finance allocate a little more money to the film and television department tomorrow, and give them more money to play freely! If possible, maybe Tianxing will not only be a leading company in the animation industry, but also a pivotal company in the film and television industry!

His focus this year is the broadcast of the four works of Hokage, Hunter, Your Name, and Castle in the Sky!

The first two, the industry involved is only in the field of animation, and games will be released next year, while the latter two are directly in the movie market! Still fighting in the most brutal and **** schedule of the two dragon kingdoms!

In terms of the quality of the work, your name is definitely not as good as Spirited Away, but it is hard to say at the box office! At least in the parallel world, few people on the island of Japan think that your name surpasses Spirited Away, but your name is at the box office with Spirited Away!

Needless to say, Laputa in the Sky is almost in the eyes of Hayao Miyazaki fans in most parallel worlds. The top three of his works, compared to Spirited Away, are actually fans who have their own love. Many people think that Spirited Away is better!

In the past, when Chu Yu was an ordinary creator, I didn't think that if he created these two works, he would exceed the box office results of Spirited Away!

But now with Tian Xing behind the scenes to assist in the operation and capital operation of the works....... everything is hard to say!

Although your name is in the parallel world, China's box office is only five or six billion, but it was in a junk period, and the income was bought out at a low price of 19 million. It is unlikely that you will lose money with such a low import price. The mentality, after all, can also cut leeks on the web, so this work was released with almost zero publicity......and then......more than ten times the amount of money for the introducing party Box office revenue!

However, the proportion of the second dimension of the Dragon Kingdom is much stronger than that of the Parallel World China. Zhao Qinyin's popularity in the Long Kingdom may exceed that when your name was screened in the Parallel World. Xin Haicheng's reputation in China was hundreds of times more. Then add the power of the sky star controlled by Chu Yu!

Chu Yu is really looking forward to your name and the two works of Laputa in the Long Kingdom film industry........

"It's a long way to go!" Chu Yu sighed!

Although he has reached this point, he can only understand at this time how much room for improvement he has to go up!

Tianxing is already No. 1 in the industry! But Chu Yu can feel ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the huge potential that this company can radiate in his own hands!

Speaking of it, it seems that I haven't played the game for a while! Too busy with these things!

Only when he calmed down could Chu Yu discover his own changes. He hadn't played games for nearly a month. He didn't even dare to think about this kind of thing in the past! But now, it's so easy to do it!

And in a few months, his twenty-sixth birthday is coming.....

So unknowingly, Chu Yu has been in the animation industry for eight or nine years!

It's like a dream, and it's fleeting. After getting the system, the scene when staying up late to catch Rurouni Kenshin's comics was like yesterday!

Chu Yu couldn't help but feel touched!

Perhaps this is the reason why he likes to hear Tao Sheng's work.......The kind of nostalgia and regret for the lost youth, indeed this work handles it very well!

So......when Chu Yu was nostalgic and sentimental at night, a video uploaded by an up host on Xinman.com became popular on the website overnight, and it was also popular on Weibo!

The name of this video is very intriguing!

"Hearing the tram killing of the waves, do you think it was Teacher Zhao Qinyin paying tribute to the speed of five centimeters per second? Wrong! This is a love letter written by Teacher Zhao Qinyin to Teacher Shui Xin with his work!"

The video up master is well versed in the wise saying that the title of the work is half won!

Such a title, of course, is easily noticed by fans on the new comic network in the place where the two fans gather!

Then after watching the video up master this few minutes of analysis video...

Fans on both sides are dumbfounded!

Only two words came out in my heart!

One sentence is "Fuck!"

The other sentence is "This up master, you are such a **** genius!"
