I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

On the first day of the new year, early in the morning, as soon as the cinema opens, people will enter one after another!

Some third- and fourth-tier cities in Longguo are okay. After all, the urban traffic is not so large, but in those first- and second-tier cities, almost every cinema is already overcrowded at this time!

The cinema hall is full of three-dimensional posters, and among the fans who stopped to watch and admire these, many stopped in front of the two films of Sky City and Tianchen!

One is Chu Yuming's first cinematic movie in his life. A large number of his fans are already waiting in the theater with excitement!

On the other hand, the starring actors of Tianchen are also very strong!

Such a novel adaptation work would not have such a big appeal, but the starring lineup of this movie is indeed fast to be called luxurious! The fans of more than a dozen big-name celebrities add up, and the momentum should not be underestimated!

Of course, there are still a lot of dark horses during the Spring Festival stalls, and many people are also optimistic about other movies. Even some people think that Tianchen and Sky City, the two most watched movies before they are released, will hit the streets!

After all, there are so many people in Longguo, and there are also all kinds of people!

But in any case, for several major production films during the Spring Festival, in the past one or two months, each company has basically invested hundreds of millions in publicity. Everything that needs to be done has been done, and the next thing is hard. Competition of strength!

At ten thirty, a long line of watching movies lined up in major theaters!

Like other movie teams, the queue is either a family, a couple, or friends! Only the queuing team of the Sky City is the strange shape!

All kinds of sr are on the battlefield, some are super giant, some are dressed as the great demon king Lelouch, there are monsters dressed as Natsume, the magical girl Madoka, Kenshin

Sr from all walks of life went into battle, interspersed with a group of normal movie viewers. Whether the number of movie viewers is the largest movie in each theater on the first day of the new year, it is still hard to say!

But at least, the fans of Castle in the Sky are definitely the ones with the highest rate of return in the theater!

On the Internet, various naval forces attacked, frantically discrediting competitors!

But movie fans have also been cut off from the experience of cutting leeks. Many people don't believe it at all. They just waited for the first wave of movie fans to come out and tested and commented on the fan base in Canada before deciding whether to watch it!

Lu Xiaorui is a Pathfinder who also feels like being a group leader!

She is just an ordinary movie lover, neither is she a star, nor is she a fan of Chu Yu!

I just heard media reports that Chu Yu, the screenwriter of Sky City, has the same name as Zhao Qinyin in the animation industry!

Zhao Qinyin's Spirited Away and Spirited Away have been released and won the top box office of the Dragon Kingdom! If Chu Yu can be at the same level as her, will the city in the sky reach the height of Spirited Away?

Although Lu Xiaorui is not a fan of people, she fancies her work. Spirited Away, the animated film, is definitely a treasure of the Dragon Kingdom film industry. She has watched it more than ten times after the webcast, and she feels this work every time she sees it. interesting!

At this time, Lu Xiaorui took a few sr photos in the viewing team of Sky City and sent them to the group. As expected, he exploded a bunch of two-dimensional elements in the group!

Sure enough, the second element is everywhere! Even if it is a fan exchange group that I think is normal!

Lu Xiaorui murmured in his heart, then took the movie ticket and walked in to the theater

The largest auditorium in the theater has at least four hundred seats, but as the number of people seated became larger, after a few minutes, Lu Xiaorui glanced at it and hardly saw any vacancies!

This is just the first movie in the morning, so many people?

It is hard to imagine that this is actually a newcomer in the film industry who has an attendance rate! Although in Chu Yu's reputation, the word "newcomer" is a bit Versailles on him, this is indeed a fact!

Lu Xiaorui thought to himself!

The theater was very noisy at first, but when the pre-screening advertisement appeared, everyone slowly quieted down!

Tianchen, the pinnacle, July includes the city of the sky!

During the Spring Festival, a series of pre-screening commercials of major production films were played one by one, and after a lot of commercials came, the film officially began!

The beginning is an empty boat robbery at night!

A girl under house arrest, a vicious air thief!

Compared with the original version, this version of the picture produced by Chu Yu is undoubtedly improved by many levels!

Up to now, Chu Yu's fans are already at the default stage of the fact that his work is strange in quality!

But even so, every time you see such a work, everyone still enjoys it! The already quiet movie hall is a bit noisy again, and many whispers praised the good quality of the animation can be heard vaguely!

As Miyazaki Hayao's early work, if the castle in the sky speaks purely by data, it is obviously far inferior to Spirited Away!

However, the Japanese animation industry that paralleled the world in the early years was only in the development stage. Many things in the industry were imperfect, and the standards of many excellent works could not be based on commercial values!

However, the eyes of fans are unique. Parallel World produces hundreds of animation works a year, and the number of works that can be produced in a few decades exceeds the imagination of no matter how experienced anime guys are!

And from so many works, there are not many anime works that have endured for decades, but the castle in the sky is definitely one of them!

Of course, for most people in the Parallel World, there are many people who have not watched the Sky City animation film, but there are indeed very few people who have not listened to the music of this work!

Many people think that the city in the sky is also the title of the theme song in the work, but in fact the original name of the song is not called the city in the sky, but "with you". It's just that the name of the city in the sky is more famous, so in Among many Chinese anime fans in Parallel World, the words "City in the Sky" refer to both the movie and the theme song of this work!

In the theater, when the hijacking incident was over for a few minutes, the heroine of the story Hida slipped and fell from the airship. This classic music sounded slowly in the theater.

A semi-spoiler-like p picture with a story, a soothing and melancholy tune, a delicate and imaginative picture

I haven't seen any plot yet, but Lu Xiaorui is inexplicably infected by an atmosphere!

The jewel that Cedar wore on her chest protected her when she was about to fall to the ground, allowing her to glide slowly and land like a feather!

The green light of the gem attracted the attention of the boy, the male protagonist Baru. He rushed to the place and caught the girl who fell from the sky like a feather!

There are many sky elements in Hayao Miyazaki's works. Whether it's the castle in the sky, the wind is blowing, the witch's express house, Spirited Away, Howl's moving castle, there is no shortage of seeing the protagonist's yearning for the sky or the hero and heroine. The scene of soaring and strolling in the air!

In fact, such a scene does make the audience feel romantic!

At least Lu Xiaorui, the senses feel very good at this time!

The interaction between the girl and the boy after waking up, above the simple house, there is a bright and clear sky, and the boy feeding the pigeons!

The biggest difference between animation movies and live-action movies is the expression of imagination on the screen. It is almost impossible for a live-action movie to achieve such an effect! In the same plot, anime shows that it is easier for everyone to accept, but when a real person plays it, it is difficult to exceed the effect of the animation if the acting is good enough, and it is easy to make the audience feel embarrassed if the acting is not good!

The first meeting between the young Baru and the young Cida was on the roof of the Bath house surrounded by flying white pigeons!

Baru's father used to take a small plane to the clouds, a photo of a corner of the sky city!

The secrets of the girl Sida, the air thief who chased her, and the military non-commissioned officers' encirclement and suppression of Sida

The story line and world view of the Sky City are gradually unfolding along with the adventures of Cedar and Baru!

Following the legend of the Sky City villain Musca, the military used by this man!

Cida, who was caught by Musca and threatened with Baru's life, temporarily agreed to cooperate with Musca!

The audience in the cinema is finally immersed in the plot of the movie now!

Compared with the early fantasy expansion plot of Spirited Away, the early plot of Sky City is also slightly more complicated and depressing!

But after all, fans have full confidence in Chu Yu, so everyone is also very patient! There is no such phenomenon in the movie theater of taking out the phone to swipe Weibo!

In order to rescue Cedar, Baru cooperated with the air thief who had been chasing the gem in Cedar's hand!

The plot of the Sky City can finally be regarded as entering the main line from here!

The robot remains of Laputa, an ancient civilization that was out of control in a riot in the military base, rescued by the air thief and Baru's

In order to chase the wealth of the ancient civilization of Laputa, Shida in search of the truth about his family's past, and Baru in order to protect Shida! Embarked on a journey to find the city in the sky

Hayao Miyazaki's movies always have a lot of meaning interspersed with them. After the ship steals the ship, Cida has to work, and the group at the dinner table strictly abides by the rules of respecting the elderly and loving the young!

Although it was a group of aerial thieves who robbed property, Lu Xiaorui felt that this big family was too cute!

The air-pirate ship was attacked by the military air-boat and went into the chaotic storm together, and there

It is the ancient civilization of Laputa, where the city of the sky is located!

At this time, Lu Xiaorui was not only attracted by the plot, but also shocked by the graphics and imagination of this animation!

An island floating in the sky in the eyes of the storm, peeking out from the clouds!

The picture is breathtakingly beautiful!

The robots on the island working in an orderly manner, the birds, squirrels, and the clear water on the island, Baru and Shida were dumbfounded, and Lu Xiaorui was dumbfounded too!

I was still immersed in the development of the relationship between the male and female protagonists before, and now I saw this scene with a thought in my heart, and the movie ticket was back!

With the progress of the plot, in the animation, the scene of harmony between man and nature, technology and nature, and a reflection on the plot of the work also surfaced in the hearts of the audience!

The robot on the island presented Cedar and Baru with a flower!

Squirrels climb onto the robot and play music to tease these little animals!

In the subsequent plot, after Muska held Hida in the Sky City, he manipulated various weapons in the city and carried out a brutal massacre on the soldiers of the kingdom's military!

As a two-hour movie, Lu Xiaorui doesn't feel lengthy at all when I see it now!

Although the plot of the Sky City is not too complicated and does not burn brains, it does not hinder its fun!

Especially the plot in the story, it is a reflection of reality!

But the most shocking thing in the whole work is Cedar and Baru. In order to prevent this terrible weapon from being controlled by Musca, with a mortal heart, the two hold the key to control the city, the piece that Cedar has been wearing. Gems, said the spell to disintegrate the Sky City!


The city in the sky is disintegrating, but the trees on the island continue to lift off under the influence of the stone. The two people who were rescued by the roots finally left here!

The air pirates got the treasure they wanted, and the heroes and heroines left in small airships!

This is the end of the story!

The theme song sounded again!

After reading Lu Xiaorui and a group of fans, from a subjective point of view, she felt that the plot of this movie was simple, and it seemed to be nothing remarkable!

But in terms of the actual viewing experience

She wants to watch it again!

After watching Spirited Away, there is a faint sense of regret!

The heroine and heroine Chihiro and Bai Long are still regretful parting in the end!

But the city in the sky is indeed a lingering touch! Part of it is the feelings of Baru and Cedar, but more is the thinking about the conflict between human technology and nature!

Excellent movies, and ordinary movies are here!

The former will cause people to think about the plot, while the latter, after going out of the theater, you can't remember what the plot is! I only know that I have been very happy in the past two hours, but after reading it, I haven't touched anything!

Lu Xiaorui walked out of the theater, still affected by the plot of the Sky City, she sighed for a long time when she saw the noon sun outside the glass windows of the cinema, the clear blue sky, and the peaceful city!

At this time, she looked at the promotional posters of the Sky City and the posters of several other movies. She was planning to continue watching other movies, but after hesitating, she bought the movie tickets of Sky City and was about to start the second brushing. !

In fact, if you want to say how amazing a movie the City of the Sky is, it doesn't mean that there is no such thing as the strongest and most powerful work in this world. It can only be said that a certain work is grounded and has a large audience!

The work of Sky City is a well-deserved classic in the minds of many people who like the second dimension! After arriving at the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, after seeing the second dimension, they can understand the standard of this work!

Many anime fans have almost the same psychology after watching movies in the cinema today!

Obviously, I think the plot is very simple, and the ending is ppn, but after going out of the theater, the emotions cannot be extracted from the plot. I always think about the various plots in the movie, the follow-ups of Cedar and Baru, and the follow-ups of Air Pirates. The follow-up of the Sky City, the conflict between technology and nature!

Although such emotions will gradually dissipate after a day or two!

But at least on the first day of the Lunar New Year, City of Sky has been maxed out in various media channels!

The first wave of movie-watching fans scored 9.8, and the comments were all well received!

Whether the work is good or not, the audience will have the final say after watching it!

These competing works were released on the Spring Festival stalls. To be honest, they are all remarkable, but in essence, they are still biased towards popcorn works!

Although Tianchen's investment is large, 70% of the funds have been invited to the actors! After the actual viewing effect, fans actually think that they can only say that it is okay, and they can't match up with it!

As for July, the pinnacle of a few movies, the former male and female protagonist's pretentious love, and the classic rain, pregnancy, breakup, abortion, forced behavior and abuse, a group of couples ran over to watch them, and two hours later they came out of the theater without embarrassment , The latter is definitely a very well-made work in the Spring Festival files! But because of the subject matter, the audience is not so wide, so the box office seems to be quite satisfactory!

As for the much-anticipated comedy movie ancestor manifestation! On the contrary, it is the highest rated among the four competitors in the Sky City! The score was once close to nine o'clock!

As the New Year is approaching, everyone still likes to watch comedy movies!

On the first day of the box office of the entire Spring Festival movie, the total box office nationwide was 1.9 billion, of which the ancestors appeared, and the box office on the first day was 310 million! Tianchen's pre-sale exceeded 200 million at the box office, and 390 million at the box office on the first day can only be said to be quite satisfactory! Peak and July are at 180 million level!

But the Sky City, ranked first in the film, and the box office on the first day is indeed worthy of the film, 460 million!

As soon as the results on the first day came out, the Longguo film circle panicked!

To be precise, they are the top three companies in the Longguo movie circle, Guangpeng, Liaohuang, and Donghui

All three of them are the three pillars of the Long Country film industry. In the past ten years, basically no company's film works can compete with them!

But now, the works of the three companies are all in the battle, and all parties are also working hard to operate their own movie works! Even so, it still didn't stop the rising trend of Sky City. This work was still on the first day of release and became the single-day box office champion!

If the success of Spirited Away and your name is said, the industry can also say that these two works are lucky, and they have not encountered the real hard-stubborn subsidiary investment works of the film industry to compete with them, and they have picked up the bargain!

But now everyone in the film industry of Longguo can see it!

Even the top companies in the industry seem to have failed to find any countermeasures against Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu's level of popularity.

Relying on capital suppression, people are not alone, such a large company is there, holding billions of funds!

But the hard power of the work, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Spring Festival file five movies, Sky City scored 9.8 out of the crowd, fan support rate, second brush rate is even more outrageous!

In fact, whether Chuyu or Zhao Qinyin, in the market of Longguo Animation, the appeal in the film industry is even more ridiculous than Parallel World Zhou Xing! Zhou Xing's new comedy king has fallen so badly, the plot is so awkward, so many plots of fried rice, can also have a box office of more than 500 million! Can you believe it for a general director? Directors such as Zhang Yi and Feng Xiao are already the best in China in the parallel world, but if the plot of the work is bad, it will still be difficult for a movie to break 100 million box office! But Zhou Xingchi is different, as long as his movies are a little bit level, that is, one billion box office goes up! For this movie, if you change someone to be a screenwriter and a director to promote it, even if the plot is exactly the same, the box office will definitely not be so outrageous!

It can be said that at this level of popularity, there are normally only one billion box office works. It is normal to hang their names and double!

Their name itself is a big p!

This is also the reason why I heard that the sound of the sound can be released at a box office of more than 2 billion! It's not Zhao Qinyin's personal screenwriter. It's a good idea to have 500 million at the box office. After all, although this work has an excellent plot, in fact, no one will be willing to pay attention to the so-called excellent work created by an unknown screenwriter!

But now, while Chu Yu possesses this kind of appeal, his works are still classic works like City of the Sky.

And this was Chu Yu's first movie. On the night of its release, it sparked intense discussions between fans of Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu!

Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away, which work is better?

Only on the first day of its release, the attention and popularity of this work has far surpassed other movies released in the same period!