I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

At the end of the first day of the new year, Longguo Cinema will arrange the second day of the film based on the attendance rate and praise rate of each film on the first day!

Sky City, from 25% of the films on the first day of screening, to 41% on the second day...

The major filmmakers sighed after seeing this situation! They understand that if there is no accident, the Longguo Spring Festival box office champion, from the next day's ranking data, you count from the top to the bottom is basically the box office of the Spring Festival ticket works!

With such a schedule, the movies released are basically above the standard, and the proportion of the film is actually arranged according to the support of the fans for the work. If you are 10% of the film, then the film's box office proportion on the day is also Probably 10% of the day!

But there are always some excellent works that give you 10% of the film, and the box office can account for 20% of the box office of the day... This is incredible!

In the parallel world of Wolf Warriors 2, why Nezha suddenly exploded because of the situation after the movie was released. Although the schedule was low, the attendance rate was too high. The theater is not stupid. You can make a profit from showing a certain movie. Wan, why does it want to play a movie that can only make three thousand...

So when the box office data for the second day of Castle in the Sky was released...

Practitioners in the film industry of Longguo are more silent than the first day!

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Long Kingdom's total box office for the whole day was 1.6 billion, but it only occupies 41% of the sky city, but it produced 62% of the total box office of Long Guo on that day. Box office revenue! That is 9.92 billion box office...

After this result came out, the fans of Longguo animation circle and film circle, animation fans all boiled over!

"No, who is Chu Yu? Why is it another anime movie dominating the Spring Festival file? Long Country has so many people watching anime? I am behind?"

"I only know that Zhao Qinyin is very powerful, why is there an extra Chuyu out of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Teacher Shui Xin is awesome, with a single-day box office of 9.2 billion. What kind of concept is this? Isn't this trying to beat Spirited Away?"

"Don't think too much. Although this data is exaggerated, it is still too early to talk about surpassing Spirited Away @Spring Festival the year before last The dark horse movie, the first day's box office surpassed 600 million, but the final gross box office was only 30. Less than 100 million!"

"Indeed, Sky City was able to show the big fire the next day, mainly because the schedule is too good, and the reason that Teacher Shui Xin is too popular nowadays, I admit that Sky City is indeed the same quality as Spirited Away. The animation works of the archives are not so exaggerated. The main reason is that the works themselves have a high praise rate and the popularity of Teacher Shuixin is too great. The combination of the two makes those who are watching the Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional fans let go of their worries. On the next day, all my brains rushed over to watch the movie!"

"Yes, if you create this work for an individual, you can make the work have one-half of the data it shows now, even if it is awesome! The quality of the work is the key to the box office explosion, but more importantly... ...The screenwriter of this work is named Water Heart!"

"That's why I said that the Sky City beyond Spirited Away is just around the corner!"

"How can it be so simple? At the box office of 8.4 billion, do you think that it is just a good schedule and a strong appeal for Teacher Shuixin to hit the record? Sky City's single-day box office is indeed very high, but what about the follow-up durability? Thousands and Thousands Looking for so many box offices, it is not possible for fans to go and watch the movie once. The entrance of passerby fans is very important, and many fans started at least three movies at the beginning! Otherwise, even the tens of millions of fans of Teacher Shuixin Weibo will go and watch it all. The City of the Sky contributed more than one billion box office! Although Spirited Away was not released on a good schedule, it almost drained the potential and impulse of all fans in the film industry! Although the City of the Sky was released The schedule is good, but in fact, if you want to surpass the Sky City, it has nothing to do with the schedule. The main thing is the quality of the work!"

"Anyway, I support Teacher Shui Xin! Spirited Away's 8.4 billion box office record looks very eye-catching. Zhao Qinyin fans always take it to the point. If Sky City breaks the price record of the Dragon Kingdom movie industry, I think what Zhao Qinyin's fans can say!"

"Don't think that Sky City can be arrogant with 900 million yuan in a single day. I think it can easily surpass Chihiro? Think about whether it can last the box office for nine days!"


On the Internet, Chuyu fans and Zhao Qinyin fans quarreled more fiercely because of the 900 million box office in Sky City!

This kind of behavior is actually equivalent to helping Chu Yu's work to be promoted on the Internet!

However, as the fans said, the box office of Sky City was so high on the second day, mainly because most of Chu Yu fans concentrated on the box office caused by watching movies on this day!

In the follow-up, if you really have the idea of ​​getting involved in the so-called number one ranking, it is impossible to mobilize passers-by's desire to watch movies!

Chu Yu and his third wife have stayed at home these days. The three of them are very concerned about the situation, but for Chu Yu, he is not too concerned about it now!

After all, whether the Sky City box office record can surpass Spirited Away is actually his work!

The two works really talk about who is more powerful. Chu Yu is still inclined to Spirited Away. The lack of plot points in the early half-hour of Sky City is indeed a flaw. To put it bluntly, the rhythm is slow. Compared with Qian and Qian The overall rhythm of seeking is indeed much smoother than that! It's fun in the first two minutes!

But it's no wonder that one is Hayao Miyazaki's work in the 1980s, and the other is a work two thousand years later. Miyazaki has passed more than ten years, and there will always be progress!

But when Chu Yu made this world version, he has avoided these small flaws as much as possible!

"I said Chu Yu, don't you care at all? This is your work!"

Su Lu has to watch the box office data of Sky City dozens of times a day, and his expression is unhappy at this time!

After all, Sky City had a box office of more than 900 million yesterday, and today I am afraid it will be around 600 million at twelve!

"Anyway, it's all my works, who is the most important? Put it plainly!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

To be honest, Chu Yu can't predict what the Sky City can achieve in this world, but at least the box office surpasses your name. Chu Yu feels that it is no problem with the current trend! But there is still a three billion gap between your name and Spirited Away! Those who travel a hundred miles are half and ninety, and this last three billion gap is much harder to converge than the previous five billion box office!

"But I always don't want your reputation in the animation industry to be overwhelmed by Xiaoyin! She is your wife. If your wife is stronger than your husband, you won't be able to survive, right?" Su Lu said.

In the past, she always thought that Chu Yu was amazing, but now she has a deep understanding of how amazing Chu Yu is! Even Chu Yu wants to break his box office record, it is so difficult, let alone other people in the film industry, with a box office of 8.4 billion, they dare not even think about it!

"The quality of Laputa in the sky alone has no advantage compared to Spirited Away! If it can catch up with the latter at the box office, it can only be said that it depends on my current fame and call to be better than Zhao Qinyin, and this schedule It's really dominant! But even so, I feel hanging!" Chu Yu said.

"That's why you should act, go to major cities to attend and call on fans, instead of lying at home as a salted fish!" Su Lu said.

"Originally, the winner is on the front line, how can you do it without working hard?"

"Well, it makes sense! But I refused. I'm leaving. Can you take care of Xiaoyin? What if there is a bad person at home? You can ask for a bodyguard, but what if the bodyguard is a bad person? The probability is small, but I am now a married person and always have all kinds of worries! No matter how hard I try to call on fans, I can't just make Sky City's box office more than tens of millions and hundreds of millions. If I leave the magic capital with this little money, I would rather stay with you more! But I do things like pulling fan popularity on the Internet every day!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

"Just be a wife slave!" Su Lu sat down, his tone a little dissatisfied!

Chu Yu took her shoulders and pulled her into his arms!

"You know, my situation now is different from before! I was just a pure creator before, so it doesn't matter, I have a lot of time, but now the two companies, all kinds of my works, or not my works. Well, their funding approval, I have to look at the planning! It is indeed impossible to be too focused on a certain work as before!!"

"I think you just made too much money and don't want to work hard anymore! If you think about where your baby was born in July, where did the milk powder money come from?" Su Lu ruthlessly complained!

"Do you still need to worry about this kind of problem?" Chu Yu said speechlessly.

"Long Country's inflation is not so serious, right!"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about you!" Su Lu said angrily.

"You won't be jealous anymore! I feel that I am worried about Zhao Qinyin and the child, so I have stayed in the magic city in order to take care of her. Taking care of Xiaoyin is too eccentric, so..." Chu Yu said it bluntly!

"Oh, where did you want to go? Xiaoyin is my sister, why would I... be so jealous of her?" Su Lu pinched Chu Yu's waist!

Chu Yu shouted in pain!

"When you see your actions, I guessed it right. I'm not a partial whisper. If you and Gu Yan are pregnant, I will guard you and never run, for fear that you will stumble!" Chu Yu Said.

"Really?" Su Lu glanced at Chu Yu, his big eyes blinking.

"Really!" Chu Yu said.

"Then why is Xiaoyin pregnant, and neither I nor Xiaoyan reacted? Isn't it the reason why you like Xiaoyin more, and then...more with her?"

Hearing Su Lu's words, Chu Yu's head went big! What are they thinking about all day?

"How do I know this kind of thing? There will always be children! Also, isn't it okay to stagger the time? I won't be able to take care of three pregnant wives by myself!"

"That's true!" Su Lu rolled his eyes and said.

"Then you said it yourself, if I become pregnant in the future, you can't go anywhere, just stay with me in the magic city!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The conversation between Chu Yu and Su Lu was not heard by the two of them, Zhao Qinyin, who followed Gu Yan to learn to play games upstairs!

Su Lu is a fool of the game. Chu Yu can see this from the fact that she fights landlords as the charity gambling king! Chu Yu was also convinced that he was able to play this game and lose the Happy Beans worth hundreds of thousands of Dragon National Coins. Unlike him, he would stop after losing tens of thousands of yuan, and he would not be angry!

However, Zhao Qinyin was boring during pregnancy, and she shared a lot of interests with Gu Yan. The most important thing was that after hearing about the cos suit of Chu Yu's favorite heroine of the Alliance, he made up his mind to study this Chu Yu's favorite game!

Those who celebrate the New Year, are not the kind of people who like to join in the fun, the magical area is annoying, and Zhao Qinyin is not suitable for going out when she is pregnant. The family will stay at home!

The current development of Tianxing and GT is not the most important thing to Chuyu's family. The most important thing is that they will be born in five months, Chuyu's first child!

Chu Yu never had a sense of expectation for children a year ago, but now, it can only be said that people will change!

He has some mild anxiety disorders now, and he also thinks wildly from time to time!

However, there is no problem with the operation of the company. Some jobs may be better for Chu Yu to supervise himself, but even if Chu Yu does not go, the effects of his staff are much higher than the standard!

The ordinary daily routines of Chuyu's family during the New Year ended quickly like this!

On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the company members came back to work one after another during the holiday!

Throughout the Spring Festival movie schedule, everyone felt that there would be a fierce fight beforehand, but the actual situation is that Chu Yu once again used his popularity, capital and the combination of excellent works to bloodbath the entire market!

A few of the competitors' films are also fortunate that the market for the Spring Festival stalls is big. Although Sky City is too popular, it will not be affected by heavy losses. It can only be said that the box office income is not as good as expected! But after a week, the box office of the two works of Lao Ancestor and Pinnacle still just broke one billion!

As for the Sky City, the box office has reached 3.3 billion in the whole week, and now, the daily box office is only hovering at two or three billion!

Judging from the time it took to break through 3 billion box office, Sky City is far beyond Spirited Away, but after the Spring Festival everyone accepts a holiday, how much box office this movie can make, this is whether Sky City can surpass Thousands and Thousands. The key to finding the box office!

But during the Spring Festival, in addition to the city in the sky, the other focus of the Star Company is the performance of the two games, Naruto and Hunter!

During the Spring Festival, the two games also launched a large-scale krypton gold event. The number of daily active players in the game has exceeded 4 million in less than two months after the game was launched. After bombing game promotion! And during the seven days of the Spring Festival, in the two games, Naruto players contributed 110 million turnovers, while Hunter players contributed 98 million turnovers!

If you don't count the others, just look at the performance of the games in the Dragon Kingdom mobile game market during the Spring Festival. The two works of Naruto and Hunter are already the top six existences in the market!

Just like a lot of companies in the movie industry would not have thought that Longguo's top box office will one day be an anime movie, and the work that has the opportunity to break the record of this movie will be another anime movie that is currently showing!

Everyone in the game industry did not expect that with two games that have been online for less than two months, gamers can grow so fast?

From the first day of the public beta, the number of daily active players is 1 million, and the daily turnover is over 1 million, to the 4 million daily active players in 50 days, and the daily turnover of the game is more than 14 million!

Although this data has a festive bonus during the Chinese New Year, but that game does not have these advantages?

The two games are indeed profitable, and they have reached the top six levels of the Dragon Kingdom mobile game market!

Hunter animation has now progressed to the island of greed, and the average volume of the collection of works was blessed by Chu Yu's popularity, and at this time it exceeded 23 million!

In Naruto, in the latest update of the plot in the latest week, Oshemaru was sealed by three generations and died, and the century war between Naruto and Gaara came to an end! The average broadcast volume of the episode is also on the same level as the hunter. The two works, Chu Yu, today you will overtake me, and tomorrow I will overtake you! !

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these two animation works have maintained their popularity and serialized, that is, a steady stream of popular blood transfusion masterpieces for their respective adapted games!

Naruto and Hunter games can grow to their current popularity in two months. What about two months later? , Or, in another year?

Now during the Chinese New Year period, the turnover is 100 million a week. What about the Chinese New Year period in the future? Is it possible to reach this level, or even higher?

Many companies in the game industry think carefully!

They and a group of companies in the film industry all felt the strong pressure from Tianxing and gt during this Spring Festival! Even fear...

One year ago, Tianxing was still a situation where the stock price plummeted due to financial conditions, and even leaders were forced to sell the company to stop the loss!

But Chu Yu has control of the diva, and even if he fought a few beautiful battles in the film industry, even the game industry, which has been losing money all the year round, behaves so terribly?

What does it mean that one person determines the future of a company? A series of actions and results after Chu Yu became the master of Tianxing gave a lot of competitors in the market a profound experience!

In this regard, a certain company in the animation industry said during the Spring Festival that it was gloating in an interview with the media!

"Don't be six! The animation industry has been poisoned by these two people for eight years... The two people finally understand that they are going to other industries, other companies, and disgusting other people! Under the super pressure of these two people, a group of animation production companies have already lain flat, and don't think about competing with these two people for the industry leader, struggling to develop, and trying to grow! As a lay flat company in the animation industry, We hope that the film industry and the game industry can stand up a little longer..."

For a time, in the second ten days of February in Longguo, "Although the animation industry has no internal rolls, a bunch of companies in the animation industry have already laid flat and started the salted fish development model! And this imagination may be repeated in the film industry and the game industry! "The article swept the Internet!

After all, if Chuyu let Longguo drive the film and television game industry like the parallel world, the Japanese film industry and the game industry, there will always be anime adapted films, TV series, and games that eventually develop into the absolute mainstream trend! Chu Yu, who has the most and top IPs in the animation industry, is undoubtedly the biggest winner in this wave!

Nowadays, the success of Naruto and Hunter's games has allowed many companies in the game industry to start the game change plan of a bunch of popular anime games in the past! At this time, many film and television companies in the film industry are also considering whether to establish an animation film department. After all, in recent years, the box office data of animation films has been amazing, and the advantage of selling surrounding live-action movies on this subject is completely incomparable!

But at the same time, there are companies reflecting that Chu Yu is adapting his animation works to live-action movies. Although the live-action movie with the initial D in seconds will be released a few months later, do you want to find the past by yourself? Well-known animations in the animation industry are also adapted, and then released to see the effect!

Chu Yu made a lot of money, and what has driven the industry's trend of wanting to follow suit! Innovation is difficult, but who will not follow suit?

In this regard, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin stood on the cusp of the storm for a while!

After all, they were both hit workers who were persecuted by Tianxing, the biggest capital in the animation industry!

Nowadays, hitting workers turn over and become their masters, and many capital companies in the industry are forced to lie flat and even imitate their business operations...

It really makes all the migrant workers and the young people feel relieved!

Although Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin should be the dragon slayer boy now and become the evil dragon, the two who were persecuted by the capital are now capitalists! But after all, the two of them did not engage in ugly irregular business competition, suppressing the rise of small and medium-sized companies, so everyone had a good opinion of them, and they even felt that they were still young girls back then, unchanging their intentions to beat workers. ...

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are inexplicably because of this reason, they are on the Internet hot search every day!

This made Zhao Qinyin who was lying flat in a practical sense, and Chu Yu was speechless!

Because of her pregnancy, Chu Yu had not appeared in the eyes of the public for two months in order to have more time with him, so she was still forced to be on the hot search!

Looking at the star actors who are desperately spending money to reach the top of the hot search list under his ranking of the two most searched words, Chu Yu can probably guess the helplessness of these people!

The major hot search lists of the Long Kingdom are basically a group of star actors who dominate the list every day. Today, whose baby has eaten a few bowls of rice, who will be married and alive tomorrow, and the people of the Long Kingdom have been living with this group of people for a long time. In terms of feces, piss, and trivial matters, these are the phenomena that this group of people are desperately spending money on hot searches. Otherwise, how can so many people care about their daily lives?

But Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, who are not in the entertainment circle, have been crushed by popular search entries all the year round because of their popularity! A celebrity who has always wanted to be the number one in the hot search, every time he sings or holds a concert, he will meet the news that Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin have released new anime works, which leads to him becoming a big joke in the animation industry. Anime fans pay attention to when this guy releases a new song, come to metaphysics to predict whether Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin will have new moves!

"When do I feel that we two are cooperating to make a movie or TV series, I guess the score should be much higher than that of the group of traffic stars!" Chu Yu also thought it was a little funny!

"It feels like we are very similar to those traffic stars now!" Chu Yu joked.

"Acting?" Zhao Qinyin thought for a while!

"How? When the child is born, you can try it. I will play Nagisa Furukawa and the child will play Okazaki Shio!"

"Oh, am I playing Tomomi Okazaki? What a challenge!" Chu Yu nodded, smiling!

"No...you are not suitable for Tomiya Okazaki, you are not as handsome as him, you are suitable for playing Haruhara Hinata...silly! If this is the case, I guess the TV series will be broadcast, your fans Adding it up to my fans, no matter how bad the work is or how bad the acting is, they will definitely top it to the tens of millions on average! Puff..."

Zhao Qinyin couldn't help but laugh as he said it!

"..." Chu Yu!

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhao Qinyin's abdomen was obviously bulging. In most cases, he was resting at home, but Su Lu took care of her at home for nothing!

Chu Yu wanted to hire a few babysitters to take care of her, but Zhao Qinyin said that he didn't like the feeling of strangers walking around at home, let alone Chu Yu!

As for Chu Yu, the salted fish mode should also end, after all, it's a new year!

He should also consider the company's next actions!

Hunter and Naruto's games succeeded in testing the waters, and the company's game department employees were enthusiastic. However, it is normal for such games to have a high popularity during the anime serialization period, but after the anime serialization ends, the popularity will normally decline. However, depending on the work, the work is good enough If it is, like Naruto, even if the animation is over, it will not affect the mobile game's annual income of several billion! Hokage is not worried about the end of the matter for the time being, after all, it is still early, but the words of the hunter...Chu Yu said hehe! It is only a few months since he was sprayed by hunter fans across the network! He is ready!

But after the hunter "temporarily" is over, there must be new works to make up! Keep Tianxing's popularity in the industry!

And Chu Yu has a lot of works in the past, now that the Naruto and Hunter games have been successfully developed~www.mtlnovel.com~, the ip development of these works should also be on the agenda!

And the most important thing is, whether it is the initial D, Lelouch, jojo, or Madoka, the IP development of these works is very valuable, but it is definitely not the top batch! It may be well done with the size of a large market such as Long Country, there will be more than ten figures of income!

But really phenomenal ip, Naruto, and Pirate, these are barely the top batch, but the really top ones are Dragon Ball, Blue Fatty, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh.....

Now Chu Yu controls Tianxing, and he has a firm foothold in both the film and television industry and the game industry!

Further development, these are the works! He always has to consider these things. After all, Baoshan now has the ability to take Baoshan. There is no reason to keep these babies moldy!

If Chu Yu can make the IP development of these works as hot as the parallel world, then Chu Yu may be ranked among the top three in the Long Kingdom rich list, or even number one is not a dream!

Chu Yu sat in the office, looking at the scene outside the window, thinking about it, turning his legs on the sliding chair...
