I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In comparison, for Chu Yu now, after a movie is released, the box office has actually been 2 billion, and then divided into several hundred million in revenue. On the surface it looks exaggerated, but there is basically no way to make Chu Yu care too much. Up!

But Chu Yu still liked the broadcast of the initial text very much!

Financial benefits may not be important, but these works are important works that maintain Chu Yu's popularity!

For works like the initials, the film first stirs up the cold rice, and then in the next few years, it will make a two-part and three-part song, which will be adapted into a multiplayer online racing game similar to the Penguin Speed ​​in the parallel world. The games are very suitable!

It's just that Chu Yu has too many projects at hand now, and he can't take care of it for a while, otherwise these things will all be on the agenda!

However, although Chu Yu did not make any publicity on his social accounts even though the initial movie was released for his own reasons and in order not to irritate Hunter's diehard fans, but on the last day of this July... ..

The major theaters still attracted a large number of initial fans, as well as those passers-by fans who were directly conquered by Chu Yu's performance in the film industry!

Zhao Qinyin and Chu Yu nowadays, the fan structure is no longer just pure anime lovers, because the two play games, the film works are attracted to many pure passersby!

Early in the morning, the initial viewing data was so good that the theater manager wanted to cheer!

After all, because in order to avoid competing with Chu Yu's works and repeating the name of Castle in the Sky and your name, Spirited Away's opponents at the same time had the same mistakes. In the past few months, the film works of the major film and television companies of Longguo have deliberately avoided Chu Yu's work prevents everyone from getting together and scrolling, leading to the situation of rushing to the street together!

Therefore, during the summer vacation, Chu Yu also gave in appropriately. After all, there is nothing wrong with giving some face to his peers. Maybe he will have to buy other companies in the future to grow and develop! Before the release of Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away, a bunch of movies rushed to the street because their popularity was all absorbed by Chu Yu's works. He also felt a little bit sorry!

So Chu Yu also took the initiative to let his subordinates choose this summer vacation, but the school of Longguo has not yet officially started.

Outside the cinema, there is a long line of filming!

As always, there are most of the two-dimensional people, especially in the movie theater parking lot. There are many cars with the words Fujiwara Tofu Shop printed on each body!

Although the initial animation is already six or seven years ago, after time has passed, there are only a lot more fans than it did in the past!

For movies with initial characters, anyway, there are ready-made and successful cases in the parallel world. Chu Yu directly used it, but when it comes to casting roles, Chu Yu is closer to the original comics!

The parallel world version of the initial movie, to be honest, although it is successful and has a wide spread, but the photographer and Zhou Lun's Takahashi Ryosuke and Fujiwara Takumi are too awkward. This world version, Chu Yu, is in this respect. There has been a lot of convergence in casting! However, there is one thing that the beauty of the photographer really crushes all the stars in the work, and the peak value of the beauty is quite good, and it is quite consistent with the design of Takahashi Ryosuke!

Compared with the Parallel World version, Chu Yu's investment in the Dragon Kingdom version is much larger. At least the vehicles that appear on the scene are as handsome as possible. In addition, in terms of the scenery, the group performances are quite willing to spend money on everything. Judging from the screen, It is easy to have a sense of substitution, instead of being like in a parallel world, there are not many drag racing scenes of vehicles throughout the work, all of them are listening to passers-by, but the problem is that there are not many passers-by, and the whole picture reveals a strong sense of poverty!

Of course, for a group of old driver fans with the initials, Xia Shu's plot is naturally also very important! The Parallel World version of Xia Shu, can't be said to be bad, but at least it looks good..... It was beaten by most of the movie heroines! It's pretty good for passers-by, but in the entertainment industry, it's not enough to hit it. After watching it, it's completely... it won't give people a stunning or innocent feeling! It's just that when you look at it, the smell of green tea is indeed rushing toward you! In these areas, Chu Yu made comments during the filming, and the director also understood very well. The author, Chu Yu, did what he said!

So in the cinema, the movie screens that the audience sees are much more gorgeous than the parallel world version!

All actors, even if they are acting in a group, will not engage in crooked melons and jujubes. Especially the accompaniment lady of Fujiwara Takumi's father who goes to a pub to drink, even if it is only a supporting role, her appearance is also impressive, not In the original version, there are a few forty or fifty-year-old aunts, and the audience will not produce essays when watching movies, so you can take advantage of it! Thoughts!

The fight between Takahashi Ryosuke and Nakaritsu, the emotional entanglement between Takumi and Natsuki, and the most important racing plot.......

Fans were worried that the two-hour movie could straighten out these plots, but after less than ten minutes of watching them, their minds were almost immersed in the plot!

Although more than 70% are plots that have been seen in comics, and 30% are based on film adaptations and patchwork plots, but the overall look is very comfortable, especially the actor Takahashi Ryosuke, who looks handsome. ......


Throughout the day, the box office for the first day of the initial release has steadily risen. Even if it is released during such a schedule, the box office for the premiere is still as high as 213 million...... the entire network of fans scored nine points. Five points!

Regarding the current record of the initials, a bunch of companies in the film industry don't want to complain. Although Chu Yu has not created many film works, they have somewhat adapted to the raging of Chu Yu's works in the film industry!

It's only 200 million at the first day's box office. Compared with Sky City's highest daily box office of over 900 million, this doesn't seem to be an exaggeration!

But it's not an exaggeration, they know it in their hearts!

From May to now in July......

Five seconds to Rurouni Kenshin, and then to the initial movie version!

None of Chuyu's animation adaptations of the film works.

Judging from the current movie topicality of the title character, the box office of this work started at 1.6 billion!

If this is used as an initial box office indicator, then in the three months of Chu Yu, three film works have swept the box office of Longguo film industry by more than 4 billion!

One work may not make too much money, but it can't stand the amount of Chu Yu's works.

The time entered into August, and the initial screening began the next day, and the box office continued to increase!

A variety of stalks that were only mentioned by anime fans before, now they are all out of the circle!

"Autumn famous mountain bike god!"

"Who would throw up in a car?"

"The pressure comes from the tires!"

"The bend of the drain!"

"You can't beat my r..."


A series of funny quotes began to explode across the Internet!

This also led to another wave of initial animation viewing after a lapse of seven or eight years!

The audience walked batch after batch, and the fans experienced the process of getting into the hole to getting out of the hole!

But the classic works are classic because they never go out of style! Although as time goes by, some old fans will gradually break out of the pit and become ignorant of watching anime and not paying attention to the two-dimensional circle, but more new two-dimensional fans will continue to enter the pit!

The initial release time is only one month, and the box office revenue of the work is finally fixed at 1.9 billion!

But it has caused much more conversation than Rurouni Kenshin!

There will be no more works published by Chu Yu in his own name in this year!

In the entire animation market, only Naruto is the only one to show off. The plot progresses until Naruto grows up, and the true face of the story's core bss Akatsuki is revealed little by little!

The popularity of the work is still moving towards a high point after the work score has exceeded the average of 27 million in the collection!

If Naruto's work continues to be serialized, will it be possible to break through the 30 million playback average?

At this time, many people have such thoughts in their hearts!

Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin's first dispute continues to be provoked!

After Chu Yu relied on the giant's work record to be broken, Zhao Qinyin's fans finally held their heads up!

Of course, there is also Chu Yu's credit in it!

After all......it's September now, another two or three months, and in January next year, the three works of Dragon Ball, Doraemon and Pokémon will be updated simultaneously! And the game is also online!

Chu Yu's future anime career is always a history of bursting his own chrysanthemum! But he never gets tired of it!

In mid-September, Gu Yan's morning sickness reaction was obvious, and Chu Yu temporarily let her lay down her job as a voice actress and take care of her health at home!

And Su Lu, after two months of exploring the mystery of life with Chuyu, and taking test papers with her every day, she finally got pregnant!

Two new pregnant women were born in the family, and Zhao Qinyin is a mother whose child was only two months old!

The third wife of Chu Yu was playing fish at home in an upright manner. The three of them had fun together all day to tease the baby Chuyu and discuss the situation of Chu Yu!

On the surface, it looks like a family!

But in fact, in this villa, the decisions to change the two-dimensional environment of the Dragon Kingdom were born here!

In September, Tian Xinghe did not have any new actions, and Chu Yu's interest in active for several months slowly declined!

In October, the battlefield of the big brother-level works in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry over the years! Every year, the existence of the highest quality of Longguo animation works basically get together to broadcast at this point in time!

But in the past few years, because of the existence of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, other competitor works have all become jokes!

Now, Longguo animation industry finally ushered in the October schedule when Chu and Yu did not start a new work!

For a time, the October animation market is full of flurry of demons, you are vying for one, and the competition is fierce!

It's just a look at the performance of the work. The highest-achieving work was released for one month, and the average number of episodes was only more than 6 million!

The two-dimensional fans of the Dragon Kingdom can only sigh, thinking that it is a group of dragons flurrying, and it turns out that it is a rookie pecking each other!

Take a look at Naruto's outrageous episode average broadcast volume, and then take a look at the industry's animation production standards!

In the second dimension of the Dragon Kingdom, it is really only these two people who are strong! The real situation in the industry, the level of creation, is even worse than in previous years!

October... quietly flowed by!

And in November, the sky and the stars seemed to be getting better together! Almost within a few days, the company's work release conference was held!

Except for the Doraemon and other three works that the two companies are preparing to produce!

On the other hand, several works such as Light Tone Girl, r0, etc. are planned to be released, and news about slam dunk preparation for TV drama is also released!

As for Tianxing, r, the magic banned book catalog, and Sword Art Online have also released news of animation production of several works! And the initial game production plan is decided!

The action of Tian Xing He is like dropping two heavy depth bombs in the second moon realm of the somewhat low Dragon Kingdom!

The two companies have added up these items, and a total of seven or eight works will be produced. Who can stand it?

So next year, will the Dragon Kingdom animation circle be another picture that is ruled by Shui Xin and Zao Mei throughout the year?

A group of colleagues in the animation industry sighed!

But correspondingly, the game industry and the film industry are dumbfounded!

They are now almost astonishing birds. Once Chu Yu took action, he immediately reacted unconditionally!

Many companies held meetings overnight to discuss countermeasures!

These seven or eight works are for next year, and they will also be broadcast in various broadcast periods in the second half of the year, although the work conference has attracted a large number of fans....

But Chu Yu didn't give them too much time to consider!

Starting from November, the promotion of Doraemon, Pokémon, and Dragon Ball's works will start all over the Dragon Kingdom!

This time, it is the simultaneous release of genuine animation production and games!

From the publicity, it has attracted the attention of a large number of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin fans!

Especially Doraemon and Pokémon!

The trailer Chu Yu has also specially made 3 pictures, with a sense of detail slowly!

However, after more and more details of the three works have been disclosed... fans are also a little puzzled!

"Why Teacher Shuixin, this Pokémon is such a work, I feel so young!"

"Don't talk about it~www.mtlnovel.com~ The new work by Zhao Qinyin is the same, that Doraemon is obviously a children's animation! I am already a seventeen-year-old high school sophomore, I wouldn't even watch it if I was killed. Works!"

"The format of your speech, I'm afraid it won't be really fragrant then!"

"But there is one thing to say, what is the name of the Dragon Ball work, it makes me feel very interesting! And the protagonist of the story is called Monkey King, this is the theme of the overhead world!"

"It seems to be a combat work, and it is a long story of Tianxing succeeding the Hunter!"

"I'm going to see, Mr. Shui Xin didn't create the Hunter animation and insisted on finishing the work, but now he concentrates on creating and bringing this new feature-length work, how beautiful it is!"

"Me too, from a hunter fan!"

"If this dragon ball is not good-looking, we will protest together and let Teacher Shuixin change his mind and continue to create the hunter animation!"

"Good suggestion, what is this Dragon Ball? Don't look at the fact that Tianxing has done a good job of promoting it, but it will not be recognized by fans at that time. As long as it is a little flawed, it will definitely be sprayed by hunter fans!"

"Ms. Shui Xin is also very cold now!"


Starting from November, Doraemon, Dragon Ball and Pokémon will promote the whole country of Dragon!

The popularity and discussion of the three works are also increasing!

Since July, He Tianxing has not released any work...

After a few months, the company's employees also started to get busy!

Thousands of people in the company are gradually getting excited!

After all, in January, the new year is coming!

And most importantly, the three works that bss Chu Yu has so much thought about will also be broadcast!
