I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

New year, new weather!

As the person in charge of Tian Xing He's bright face and dark bottom, Chu Yu is now basically invincible in the animation industry!

Regardless of the people he had been friends with in the past, or the people he was enemies, basically now I can only look up at him!

For a whole year, in the animation industry in the base camp, Chu Yu has not seen a rival now. Even the elementary school students who have a passion for animation, they just wrote in my dream composition that they want to be the same as Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin. The anime creators of the poor level, dare not write beyond, the words Qingyulan are in it!

If it weren't for Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin who were still alive, it's a certainty that their status in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry surpassed that of Tezuka Osamu in the parallel world Japan Island!

Only those who have hiccup can be called the gods of a certain field, and those who are still alive don't have the feeling that this has nothing to do with strength!

But this does not affect the status of the two in the hearts of Long Guo animation fans!

Fans on both sides love and hate entanglement, and the first battle that lasted for several years has never ended!

Although Naruto has become a dominant work in the market, this is also the reason why the hunter's length is too low, and the early completion makes it no competitor!

And on the first day of this new year, Chu Yu's fans are extremely excited!

Because after waiting for half a year, they finally waited for the release of Chu Yu's new work

Naruto's current episodes have an average broadcast volume of more than 28 million. If it is serialized for another half and a half years, this data may exceed 30 million. Aunts and uncles can't bear it!

Originally, Chuyu's advantage over Zhao Qinyin was in serial animation, Spirited Away's performance is difficult to surpass, but now if the serial animation camp is also breached, then Chuyu's status is really not guaranteed!

In the past two days, fans on both sides are full of gunpowder!

After all, it's not just Chuyu's Dragon Ball and Pokemon that will be broadcast, but also Zhao Qinyin's Doraemon.

Of course, the attention of bilateral fans is basically focused on the duel between Naruto and Dragon Ball, as for Doraemon and Pokémon

It's just that everyone thinks it's too low to be a child. Judging from the popularity of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, it is impossible for the two works to hit the street, but the final result is the bottom of the two works, so there should be no problem!

Such remarks are not uncommon in Longguo animation industry! After all, in Longguo animation industry, the market for children's works has always been mediocre! Moreover, the previous works of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin were basically the rash change style of teenagers, I am afraid that quite a few fans will not buy it! Shui Xin and Zhao Qinyin might be Waterloo together on these two works. After all, the investment is so large.

But the problem is that Chu Yu's original target group for Doraemon and Pokémon is elementary and middle school students!

Throughout the parallel world, the two-dimensional world, the works with p-value in the forefront are mostly young animation works! Such as Pikachu, Hello Kitty, Disney, etc.!

Perhaps the animations of these works may not be highly rated, but people do not make money from animation broadcasts, but rely on animation broadcasts to increase the popularity of their works!

The animations of Chu Yu's four works, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Doraemon, and Pokémon are scheduled to be broadcast on different days of the week! Avoid competing for popularity!

For the fans of the two, some people are happy and some are worried this week!

"The story of Hokage is too sad now! It's always dead, alas, Naruto loves it"

"This work of Doraemon feels a bit interesting! The combination of waste material students and the future Doraemon! Teacher Zhao Qinyin really has a big brain! Even though I am almost 20 years old, I still find it interesting to watch this work!"

"Indeed, Doraemon is really interesting, but Pokémon is also okay. In order to become a strong trainer, the male protagonist embarks on a journey as the main line of the story. Anyway, it is for sure that there is no hunter, but when the daily drama comes It's okay to see!"

"But don't tell me, Doraemon is fine. Have you played the Pokémon game? Have you taken in a few elves? I went to play the game as soon as the game went live last night. To be honest, Pokémon For the animation, I feel that it is just made to give us an understanding of the existence of the plot! This game for making works is really interesting, I guess it will be a big hit!"

"Isn't it, a broken mobile game, just build some character system, the marketing of Krypton Gold Shake Wizard, want to be more popular than Hokage?"

"I didn't watch the two low-grade children's works, but I still pay more attention to Dragon Ball! Although this animation has a lot of funny beginnings, it always feels that it will develop in the direction of combat animation in the later period!"

"I hope that the average playback volume of the Dragon Ball episode will exceed 30 million, and Teacher Shui Xin will regain the title of serial animation!"

"Me too, I'm very interested in the works of Dragon Ball, which is integrated into the culture of Journey to the West!"

The four works of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin, competing on the same stage, will naturally be followed by fans of both sides!

After a week, the popularity of Naruto is still the same, but the Dragon Ball is obviously coming in force. To say that it is more popular than Naruto, which has been in theaters for more than a year, it is definitely not as good as the opening trend, and the popularity rise is amazing!

In fact, this situation was also expected by Chu Yu!

Doraemon and Pokémon are the kind of works that take a long time to accumulate popularity, and Dragon Ball and Naruto have a very interesting start, and works with coherent plots are naturally incomparable!

But Chu Yu didn't expect these two works to make short-term profits. Since these two works were broadcast for one or two years, Chu Yu was purely planning to spend money to go in, and give priority to the popularity of the works!

So no matter whether it is appropriate or not, the games of the two works are also on the shelves simultaneously, and the popularity will increase as much as it can increase!

But Dragon Ball is different. Chu Yu deliberately turned Dragon Ball into a battle game, but the early stage plot of Dragon Ball is mainly funny, so the game's launch time will be a little later, at least to match the anime plot!

On the whole, for the three newly broadcasted works, Doraemon and Pokémon, Chu Yu defaults to the slow popularity of the two works, so I just ignore some complaints from fans on the Internet. As for Dragon Ball, its period of power is very long. Coming soon

But after all, Chu Yu also knows very well that most fans of his past works are teenagers, and they are worried that they will not adapt to the works offered by scammers such as Doraemon and Pokémon. Therefore, Chu Yu prepared similar works this year. Ban, light tone, r0 and other works

If you ask Chuyu whether he is interested in the children's field or the youth field, Chu Yu will tell you that only children make the choice.

Therefore, because the early plots of Fat Blue and Pikachu are slow, the potential challenger of Naruto in the animation market in January is also a Dragon Ball!

The animation market has actually not changed much

But in the game market, Tianxing's series of actions have completely heated up the industry!

For the game of Pikachu and Fat Blue, Chu Yu will definitely not just release the two current test works, especially Pikachu. It is inevitable that the game plot and content will be updated! All actions now are just to prepare for the future!

Therefore, the Chuyu Tianxing game division is now rapidly expanding in the industry, and prepares for the popularity of Pikachu and Dragon Ball games in advance!

The two companies are only related to Chu Yu's works, including game adaptation, animation production, film and television drama production, and more than a dozen projects are in progress at the same time! It will be released one by one at various times this year!

However, for Chu Yu, after seeing several works online, he was not scolded by the whole network because of his high popularity and the style of his works did not meet the expectations of fans. He was relieved!


"What's stable?"

Gu Yan's stomach was obviously bulging, and he asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, I'm talking to myself! I just feel relieved that the new work has been well received after it hits the shelves!" Chu Yu said quickly.

"That's not bad? I won't say that Dragon Ball is actually good! But the animations and games of Doraemon and Pikachu you made with a lot of money seem to have received mediocre response!" Su Lu also had a small belly on the side. I like to weigh on the scale all day long, and check if the baby in the lower belly has gained more meat!

"This is enough" Chu Yu said with a smile.

"It's not bad for these two works to start off without being criticized by fans because of my influence! After all, whether fans are treating my new work or Zhao Qinyin's new work, the expectations are pretty high!"

"I don't know why you changed your style to the age group market! You also invested so much in two works!" Su Lu curled his lips and sat beside Chu Yu!

Chu Yu pretended to listen to the movement of the child in her abdomen, but actually lay down directly, resting on Su Lu's long black silk legs!

"Don't look down on the elementary school student market, this group of guys give up much more than that group of adults! And the rate of people watching animation is much higher! The elementary school students win the world, haven't you heard this sentence?"

"I haven't heard of it at all, you just made it up when I heard it!"

Su Lu was too lazy to care about Chu Yu who was lying on her lap. Instead, he helped Chu Yu flip through her hair by the way, and found some golden and red hair color mixed in her hair and pulled it out!

"At least for these two works, if we run them well, it is estimated that even our grandchildren will earn dozens of small goals in a year! The money earned is estimated to be able to buy ten sky stars."

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Su Lu expressed his disbelief!

"At most one or two years, you will be able to see the result!" Chu Yu squinted his eyes. Although he was pulling out his hair, there was an inexplicable tingling pleasure!

On the side, Zhao Qinyin also hugged the child and walked over, handed the child to Gu Yan to hold him temporarily, and then lay on Su Lu's lap, facing Chu Yu's head, grabbing the space of Su Lu's thigh!

"Help me massage my head too! And Chu Yu, if you ask Sister Su to pull out your hair like this, you will be bald!" Zhao Qinyin reminded me kindly!

"Don't worry, my body's recovery ability is beyond your imagination!" Chu Yu has a special physique and is not afraid of this degree of injury at all!

"Hey, I'm a pregnant woman, okay, just rub your heads together like this?" Su Lu looked at the two people who were already non-parents, using her legs as pillows like a child!

"No way, who made your knee pillow so comfortable, fleshy and tender!"

"It's not boiled pork slices, your adjective makes me uncomfortable!"

Although Zhao Qinyin recovered after giving birth, Su Lu and Gu Yan are now pregnant!

Chu Yu still continues to be a wife slave and takes care of them both!

But Chu Yu is not purely fishing in troubled waters at home! The relevant company's operation direction and tasks will all be notified to the company's top executives!

The animation market in January is quietly passing!

Naruto is still the dominant family, but Dragon Ball is also very popular!

Although the average number of episodes has reached 7 million, it has already made everyone feel that another super **** anime is about to be born!

As for Doraemon and Pikachu, although they are true, they are generally well received among the young fans of Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin.

But among elementary school students, it spread quickly!

Who doesn't want to have a cute and charming Pikachu and a fat blue man from the future?

Although the games of the two works, many plots were not open before the popularity of the works was spread!

But under the crazy enthusiasm of elementary and middle school students, the downloads of Doraemon and Pikachu's online store are still rising rapidly

And Chu Yu also took advantage of the trend to let his people increase publicity!

At the same time, Chu Yu's overseas layout also played a role one by one!

Compared with the domestic, overseas Xuanfa Chuyu invested more money!

There is no shortage of posters from Fat Blue and Pikachu in major cities in Omi!

The fans of the two works quickly entered the game!

The whole world understands that Chu Yu's hard power in expanding his game industry!

But they don't understand

Why would Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin put so many resources on Fat Blue and Pikachu!

Are these two works so popular with Chu Yu?

"So Shui Xin gave up and the hunter with a monthly income of one billion~www.mtlnovel.com~ came to serialize these Dragon Balls, Pokemon! I don't understand!"

"I feel at a loss too!"

"Look at it later! Who knows what will happen in a few years, maybe Pikachu and Fat Blue won't be able to climb high!"

"Indeed, my five-year-old kid always wants me to show him Doraemon! I can only say that the taste is not suitable for us adults! Can not say that the work is bad!"

"Anyway, these two children's anime, I will wait for the fattening to watch! I am now very interested in the other new works of the two teachers this year! Especially the work called r0 is different world eh, teacher Zhao Qinyin's difference World Works"

"Anything to say?"

"The argument is that teacher Zhao Qinyin personally said on Weibo that this work will subvert everyone's views on the animation of another world. The other world is not only a waste of cuteness, but also effort and rescue."

"But I like the work of the light tone girl better, the characters are all very cute!"

"There are also Sword Art Online and the two works. It is said that the production costs of each of the two works are more than 150 million yuan, which is so outrageous for Teacher Shui Xin! Rich and wayward! It will only be seen in the second half of the year, which is a bit uncomfortable!"

"Anyway, this year is the idea of ​​two teachers' excellent works frequently, don't think so much, support the two teachers and it will be over!"

On the Internet, works-related information is promoted along with people's discussions!

But what everyone did not expect was that it was just a month's start that everyone was not optimistic about Doraemon and Pokémon, and the popularity suddenly rose