chp4: First LV up

『 Tree』 『 rock』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』 『 Fig 』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』

『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』 『 Tree』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』

『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』

『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』

『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』

『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Monkey』『 Monkey』『 Monkey』

『 Monkey』『 Monkey』『 Monkey』

『 Tree』 『 rock』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』 『 Fig 』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』

『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』『 Tree』 『 Tree』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Fig 』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』

『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』

『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』

『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』

『 Monkey』『 Gorilla』『 Bed』 『 Monkey』 『 Gorilla』『 Monkey』『 Monkey』『 Monkey』

『 Monkey』『 Monkey』『 Monkey』

" Set amount of proficiency points reached Skill 『 appraisal LV1』 will now become (upgraded to) 『 appraisal LV2 』"

OH! This is what I like to see!

After enduring constant headaches and tabs -I guess I should call them like that- showing up in front of me, which were a pain to remove, finally, appraisal has leveled up!

I have been repeating this for days!

Oh! You must be wondering how I gained the knowledge that reusing a skill again and again would level it up well long story short… no you know what let's just give you a full narration of the events!


Two days ago

I was sitting around testing appraisal on different things while my mother was gone when I noticed that some spider the same size as I was on my bed. The other apes/monkeys noticed it but for some reason…

They were giving me thumbs-ups, then some other tab popped out it was a different color than the usual, most likely a new type I never saw yet.

The inheritor's trial special version

Even at a young age, you have impressed all your tribe members, and so they will now test your power by making you fight a random low-level monster.

Condition: impress your tribe members in this fight!

Condition reward:

-500 EXP

-respect +20

Bonus Condition: impress your tribe by defeating your opponent.

Bonus Condition reward:

- The young slayer (title).

-600 EXP

You cannot reject this

warning ⚠️ :

you might die if the main condition is not accomplished.

Whaaaaat?! A quest? And titles, they said they did not exist! And a bonus condition?! Is it because I used intimidation scream when they were around me?

No, I can't think about all this now, I have an opponent I must defeat right now.

The big spider starts approaching me slowly (MENACINGLY!).

OH, so you are approaching me.

At my current state, I can only walk for a bit of time so physical confrontation is a no-go (/ is not what I should go for).





I had checked what intimidation scream could do with appraisal a moment ago.

『 Intimidation scream』

If this skill is successful, the opponent/s shall:

- be weakened (stats lowered)

_chance to cause fear state (medium)

The spider keeps moving to make the space between us smaller by the second.

I need to keep weakening it until it gets near enough for me to attack, then I will activate strengthening and attack it with all I got.








" Set amount of proficiency points reached Skill 『 Intimidation scream LV1』 will now become 『Intimidation scream LV2 』"






" Set amount of proficiency points reached Skill『 Intimidation scream LV2』 will now become『Intimidation scream LV3』"






WOW WOW WOW WOW! Seriously all of this! I am gonna deal with all this info later about why my opponent is immobile and super weakened. I got to take this chance.

" uhh..."

I lift my body by pushing my arm on the ground and get up with my 2 legs, walking is super hard for now but it still is something I must do right now.

I arrive at my opponent.


I feel the power flowing, movement is easier now so I gather all my strength in my fist and attack with all my might!



Both I and the monkeys were surprised, the spider literally exploded from the pressure applied by my punch

now some of its pieces are all over my body with some green weird liquid.



the monkeys right here seem to be screaming in joy.

Quest Complet!

Respect +20


'The young slyer' title has been acquired

"Experience points has reached a certain point. Individual, Baby white monkey LV0 has became LV1"

"Experience points has reached a certain point. Individual, Baby white monkey LV1 has became LV2"

"Experience points has reached a certain point. Individual, Baby white monkey LV2 has became LV3"

"Experience points has reached a certain point. Individual, Baby white monkey LV3 has became LV4"

Suddenly I feel that all my strength is back, surely a recovery effect of the level up.

Whaaaat?! I leveled up 4 times like whaaaat.

Oh god, I am sorry I insulted you.

I think bowing my head on the ground falling on my knees and lifting up and down my head, again and again, like am praying.


Anyway, after that, my mom came and kinda punished the monkeys for what they did to me, washed me with water she ad on a leaf made cup she came with.

And now am finding myself sitting on her lap using appraisal hoping for it to level up similar to intimidation scream.

And it did!

Now let us see what is new that we have.

Baby white monkey (inheritor of the territory)



ok so what about skill points

" Currently own 1100 skill points."

『 Tree』 『 rock』『 Bed』

ok am down right now

let"s try something else









YES! now I seem to be capable of getting the LV of others, like this I can evaluate the power of my opponent in other words danger!

Territory chef giant Gorilla ( players Mother)

Appraisal failed.


I guess mom is too high on level. Ok, so what about I appraise now...

Oh, I know!

『 Strengthening LV1』 the skill bids power to you and endurance to damage is raised for a fixed amount of time

Use period: 11 seconds.

Cooldown: Appraisal failed.

ok good so now...

『 Appraisal LV2』

Give the user instant info on the one appraised.

-This skill levels up faster with new appraised elements.

wait... this means that I could be at appraisal lv2 if I appraised that spider.




Anyway let's make a small list of all I got:

『 Appraisal LV2』

『Intimidation scream LV3』

『Strenghening LV1 』

『 Jump LV1』

『 Monkey JumpLV1』

yeah after the level up I could perform simple actions like jumps so I did the same as I did with intimidation scream and got the skill without using skill points.

and for what I know:

-Quest exists and gives a lot of EXP.

-Skills level up when reused enough times ( for now)

-I am an inheritor and will have an army of "apes" on my command

-I can evolve

-I can beat some monsters already.

-6 days passed since I got here.

-My position is still unknown.

-I get skill points when I level up.

- The higher the level the more skill you can get.

This is about it, right?

ok, so for now am going to rest for a while looking at the new skill list.

Available skills:

-Monkey balance. (50 points).

-Balance. (25 points).

-Agility(50) points.



-Mana manipulation(100)

-Power surge(50)

-Monkey smash(50)

-Intimidation pose(50)