Available skills:
-Monkey balance. (50 points).
-Balance. (25 points).
-Agility(50) points.
-Mana manipulation(100)
-Power surge(50)
-Monkey smash(50)
-Intimidation pose(50)
Mooncancer like the servant class in fate? does this mean I will get an overpowered noble phantasm like C.C.C or B.B.B! And if it is the case does this mean there are other manga-related things like Rasengan, Shidori, or even Sharingan! I could Amaterasu anyone, I or their level will not matter.
" ihhhh! "
if that is true I could become the most overpowered isekai protagonist ever.
OHHHH I can't wait am gonna appraise it right away!
『 Mooncencer LV1』 this skill offers both a stat boost and skill boost as long as you are in contact with moonlight, while you will gain EXP too.
Type: Passive.
WHY WHY WHY did you have to break all my dream and hopes!
this skill is not bad of course far away from that but just why?!
Tears start flowing like a river from my eyes.
Both mom and the monkeys seem upset.
Okay, let's look at the positive points.
I can level up while doing nothing! Just need to be in contact with moonlight.
But it is gonna be pretty hard though...
Once I thought that appraising the moon would have been fun. But the problem was to even be capable to see it. Am over a bed on a tree branch and just on top of me is a huge bunch of leaves, like a giant bush. That just stops me from seeing the sky at all.
So what should I do...
I think I should try and climb the tree, I am strong enough for that and there are many places to grip on like the lines and branches.
ok! let's do it.
...I have a headache.
Is my constant use of strengthening skill compressing my nerves?
Or am I pissed at myself for not being capable of climbing up this tree?
I can't tell, and my headache only gets worse.
I look around me.
I am on the floor. No, I am now on the other apes hands.
It seems even if they are not helping me on getting up the tree they still are watching over and getting sure I don't fall too far away from where I last got. are they letting me do the climbing all on my own without help as a result of the respect stats that I accumulated through not only the skill but too while climbing?
I kept getting messages of "respect+" while I was trying to climb the tree.
AHHHHH, it has now been 3 hours or so since I am trying to climb this tree.
I can't take it anymore am just failing, again and again, am gonna stop.
No, I can't give up now I already bought the skill some time ago.
I gotta do this!
I get up by pushing my hands on the ground-not exactly a ground thought-
I jump.
I grab a tree branch.
I can see it just 5 more jumps like this and I will get to the leaf made bush, after that point it should be easy to get to the top of the tree.
I succeed.
I did it again!
Another successful jump.
Now only 3 to go.
I did it!
suddenly the Branch I just grabbed started to break.
Not having time to analyze the situation my vision flips and I find myself again on my ape friend's palms again.
Night has come 2 hours ago.
It has now been 8 hours at the least since am trying to arrive at the top.
Even my mother is spectating me right now.
The jump and monkey jump skills have been acquired and have even leveled up.
I jump this time am gonna make it.
"Agh!" I jumped 3 branches at an instant now only was is left.
I HAVE DONE IT! Am at the last branch now just a small jump and I will finally finish this
Yes yes yes am at it finally.
I realize I did not jump high enough.
And then I start to fall.
Why? What did I do to deserve this? I tried my best, Why can't I do anything.
"You are a disappointment how can you have grades this bad, ungrateful child." Said my ' father '
"Pfft! You really are worthless I don't even know why am still wasting money on you, you should learn how hard we need to work to get this food you are eating right now"
"B_But I-"
"There is no but you are useless, from now on just do whatever you want we don't care anymore!" said my father.
I tried my best is what I wanted to say.
I worked hard and hard to try and get good grades. But the fact that I have to work and get money to buy myself food, my parents even though they are talking about wasting money on me don't even bother to feed me nor pay the bills so all of that is for me to do.
"Yeah, why are we wasting our precious money on a child that will achieve nothing we don't need a weight on plus for us, we already were poor without you so now it is even worse. I wish you were never born" said my mother.
I can't believe what they are saying just why, why do I have to live like this!
Is it like this for everyone? Or am I the only one? And if I am then why was it me of everyone? Did I do something wrong? Why do I have to endure this? Does no one share the same hatred, frustration, and sadness as me? Is there no one I could share this with?
Once again I failed, maybe my parents were right, after all, I am truly worthless.
A solid yet comfortable texture, I look at my side. I see something I could never mistake it is the only one present forest.
My bed?
Then I see her, my mother is holding my bed.
"Whaaaaa" the bed and I are thrown into the air.
In an instant I find myself levitating in the air, way above the tree I was incapable of climbing a moment ago.
I never thought I would be happy to see the moon not even once in my life.
"Ugh!" I am now over my bed which is now placed just on top of the trees highest point on the tree
The sky is coloured of a dim dark blue.
Then I can see my mother's face looking at me happily.
"Ihi!" My mother's smile just now was what may look creepy but it was in my eyes magnificent.
Moonlight making it clearer than anything this smile brings joy and warmth to my heart.
"Ugh..." Now that my objective is complete my body's finally leaving me, I lie on the bed from exhaustion and go to sleep
"Hee," the other monkeys seem to have climbed too.
My mother just embraced me from my back.
...I don't get why they are doing this.
I don't have anything to do so I look up at the sky.
I gasp at how gigantic it is.
is it because I've not seen it for so long, or is it because the sky is clear tonight?
No, it goes way further than that, it just is that I never actually looked at it, not as such a treasure and never with others beside me.
Anyway, the night sky is so beautiful that it makes me forget about the pain and exhaustion.
The warmth of my mother's body on my back doesn't.t bother me either.
I look up again at the black sky, forgetting about everything for now.
How long have we been sitting like this?
At this last thought, my head feels dizzy.
I go to sleep.
What if I stayed here? A place where no one demands anything from others, a place where you help someone because you want to, because you genuinely love them.
Maybe I should forget everything and stay here, with a loving family where everyone helps one another. A place where I can finally experience a mother's love.
" Set amount of proficiency points reached Skill 『Mooncancer LV1』 will now become『Mooncancer LV2』"