THE more famous the pose higher the Intimidation generated-poses related to on exams theme or story can only be used once after 1 hour of that it will be forever locked-

"Daga kotowaru!"

Intimidation pose activated







The monster immediately stepped back.

The so-called demon is now terrified.

●Title high bidder gained!

●Title man of culture gained!


I vomit blood exhausted as all my power was consumed by the usage of the skill.


I can't believe it actually worked!

But damn it this is still not enough and I have no power to do anything now.

A skill that only have use in a wining time ocasion with no damage dealing,pretty useless.

Am definitively dead now...

●Leveled up!


A thin transparent light appears all over my body and I instantly feel recovered.

So that was what happened that last time against the spiders!

It seems I get fully recovered and healed after each level up! Damn.. seems like my luck has not run out yet.

Thank you Mooncancer for giving me another chance.

I stand up, move my hands up, and...

I take the pose that is unmistakable no matter what, a pose used by the one and only jotaro.

I point my finger to the teriffied evil.

"Hoohaha" came out while I meant to say 'hey you'.



I do not hesitate, I will feel no impathy for this monster.

I stand up straight and touch my imaginary hat and lean it a bit down.

"Yare Yare daze"


Imobilization status has been applied

Overall stats hugely decreased

"Hehehe" I give a small giggle.

All curently active skills are being undone as for lack of stamina (-135).

"Uhh..." damn even if this is super effective it still need a power source which would be me.

Guess am going down but at least I go down doing a jojo reference.

I lose concssuicness bit by bit until the last thing I see is the monster recovering itself.

damn.. I did not think my death in this world would come so soon...




I hear the sound of huge steps run in in our direction.

The next instant I see the devil figure being crushed by a giant hand.

●U have leveled up

Evolution is now available

I am imdItaly recovered and look up to see the rest of the giant hands body.

Whaaaaaaat in the whaaaaaa!

My mother is now standing in the air crushing the monsters already dead body, but the weird thing is that my mom is a giant.

Does she have a shrinking skill or something? That would explain the 'giant Gorilla' part.

Damn.. this is outerly amazing my mother beaten that monster with 1 punch and gave it no chance to react.

If I could get just a third of how strong she is I don't think anything other than a final boss could beat me.

"Ugg..." even with the level up it seems am still tired, well my stamina was totally a negative number so I guess leveling up only gives u back what u need to go from 0 to ur general stats.

I close my eyes now releaved that we will survive.



I wake up, seems like I slept until the night came.

I look at the full moon remembering all the events that happened today.

Well, today was quiet amazing.

Quest Complet!

Respect +50


'Defender of territory 'title; has been acquire

"No experience pointa gained as individual is already at max lvl,would u like to evolve? "



Well...I should not complain as I already got my lvl up from that beast, and the experience gained from it was obviously higher then anything the quest could give had given me.


I hear a explosion sound thundering over the hall forest.


I rush to look at the source of the sound.


I can hear my heart beeting from fear.

I can't believe what am looking at...

A horde of the 1 same monster that I could not beat is invading our teritorty.



We are doomed...

And then,I see it a man standing behind 3 taller then normal devils.

"By athes.."

The instant he says those words one of his 3 gardiens grows up to a giant monster longer then tree am siting on-my bed- this monster looks at me like simple trash.


He moves his hand to get a hold of me.


I can..'t move?


The same instant I see the monster being crushed by my mother in a slightly smaller size then the one I saw earlier that day.



That instant I find myself hold by mother her taking me to a groupe of monkeys.

She gives me away to them and gives me a smile as a goodbye-everything will be alright let mama take care of them then I will come and bring you back- it seemed to say.


Don't die out there I told he.

●Successfully given quest!

Mother seemed shocked for a moment there but she got back her cool, gave me one last time, and was gone...


She moved on instinct her sole objective protection of her dear child. Killing the demons 1 by 1 she arrived at the point of exhaustion even that after using her giant form she still lost sadly.

Now lying on the ground she started losing her life bit by bit.

She killed around 2 thousand demons in 2 minutes incredible indeed, but.. it was not enough


I remember that day clearly now...the day I lost everything.

Time passed by while the monkeys tried to protect me but they ended up all dying protecting me.

I saw my mother in a giant form screaming what seemed like lasers from her mouth.

I remember finding myself over the edge of some door, that was empty in the interior but still had thick borders.

I remember getting a message.

Saying that the time limit was up and that I was now forced into evolution.

I would then feel sleepy and start dozing off while one last message came in.

I have a feeling that it was something important but sadly I could not see it as I already fell asleep.

The message.

● Quest has Ben completed to perfection!