
The sky was perfectly, completely blue. One day before autumn, one day before the final battle, or more like its start, the leaves turning orange, we both find ourselves sitting back to a tree found on a small hill where everything was just but grass.

It was also the first time I talked to her, and also the last

It's difficult to describe the feeling of being suffocated by silence.

Moments that are so simple, so fragile, that they shatter the moment someone opens their mouth.

'Hey. Do you like the sky? 'she breaks the silence first.

"That's a strange question"

'I am hardly kidding'


'There is no right or wrong answer. I just want to see what answer you choose'

"Why's that?"

' I was told you can tell a lot a person by how thy answer an unanswerable question'

Her voice is fresh in my mind. She was so smart. Shy, but years ahead of me, we could say it was because we don't come from the same world, but that would be wrong.

'I think I like it...I hate painting, am horrible at them. But the sky is ought to be the easiest to paint right?'

"I see"

She stares at the clouds, puzzled.

I stare at the ground puzzled.

I am Simple-minded so I just looked at was right in front of me. But her.

It was not the clouds really, she stared at something invisible in the distance.

' I'm glad we finally talked, maybe we can be friends.'

"You might not have talked much for all the time we were here together but you're interesting."

'You too.'

I looked at her face trying to figure what she was looking at, but I couldn't, it was like the hall world was in her mind piece by piece.

I wanted to ask her everything, I wanted to tell her everything.

'Look. a bird. They must feel good, you can go anywhere up there. No boundaries...'

We both fall silent, her head still looking at the sky while her eyes were somewhere else.

She turns her head in my direction.

"Do you come to this hill often? "

'With my dad yes, I always came here once a week with him, now I come here whenever I get the's a nice place to relax and forget everything, to be alone '

"Sorry if I disturbed you.." I apologize.

'...Let's be friends'

"Sure thing"


"Ugh..." I wake up.

Seem like I zoned off in the middle of eating a dish with my little brother at school lunch

"One of these days you've got to cure that daydreaming habit" says, my brother.

"Easier said than done"

"It can't be that bad. Just try focusing more? Since you came from wherever god knows you where you've been like in a hall other dimensions"

"I can't. My brain is always working. It's like a laptop without a power button...Except it never runs out of batteries."

"You're too lazy."

"Well, at least I am always thinking about something. Maybe I'm a genius and no one realizes it."

"A genius nearly failing second-year math?"

"It could happen. Geniuses don't have to be-"

I was about to say *smart but that would not be very genius-like of me.

"...Don't have to be academically successful to be intelligent. Like so many great authors or inventors."

"I hate to admit it." he gives a narrow gaze" but you might be right. STIIILLL, you have to learn to control your mind. A powerful brain is being wasted on a person like you.``

"Just remember this brain decided to sacrifice my valuable time before the exam in just 15 minutes that will lead to me failing a test or two, to waste it with my little brother."

"I never said an unsophisticated brain could not be a nice one...not that those 15 minutes were gonna change anything to your grades..."

"Okay, I do think I should stop try and stop dozing off"

"Isn't that what we were originally talking about?"

"It is, isn't it?"


"Oh, seems like it's time for me to go."

"Goood luck!"

"Thanks, little bro."


It's uncomfortably cold. Not bitterly cold, but just cold enough to make you wish you'd brought gloves when your breath is barely visible.

"I really fuc*ed up my exams huh?"

I pace back and forth to clear my mind, but it doesn't work.

"Hey! Luisa! "

I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey, maki"

"So how was your exam?"

"I would say I got a 0 "

"Hehe... you should take an example of your brother you know? Ask him for advice maybe"

"And give up on my pride and authority as an older sister? No way"

"Oh," She is pretty good at changing the topic I think to myself " by the way, did he happen to tell you anything about some survey papers? He was supposed to get them to the student council today" She asks worried

"Nope, not a word. Should he have ?"

"No, don' worry it I not like we're falling behind...yet..."

"Am sorry that my brother is shush a slacker when it comes to extracurricular stuff I guess he did not even start working on it yet"

"Well just tell him to get that done for at least next week."

"Well, I'm about 99 percent sure that he's lying around at home either clicking around on the Internet for some new fate anime or playing genshin impact, so it will be hard to have him hear me out but I will see what I can do "

"The was a bit specific for an example right?"

"You have no idea " I sigh

"Is that a good or a bad thing?"

"Dunno, at least I can know where to find him if he is not home because of how repetitive he is"

"It must be nice to have siblings"

"It must be nice to be an only child. Do you understand how lucky you are?"

"I suppose it got its positive points...but it gets lonely sometimes...well seems like we are at my house goodbye! Have a goodnight"

"You too "


The next day went like any other day.

I go to school and come back. Well, that was before Max a friend from my Class decided to ask me to walk with him a bit.

"Okay, now you tell me where the hell you're planning to take me!"

I order now annoyed.

"I was going to ask you normally but I couldn't resist the temptation

Of messing with your head."

"Wow, that is so nice of you! "

"I'm glad you agree "

"In any case, the place?"

"It's... a café"

I could have sworn I heard him say 'of sorts.

"A café?" I ask perplexed.

"A café yeah, with maides"

"A made café... why do you want to take me a girl with you there?!"

"Well, people will think that we are a couple that was a bit curious and ended up having a fun time! And not look at me like a depressed weeb that never had any relationship with the opposite gender. "

"Isn't that the truth? "

" know it is not!"

"Haha your so easy to

"Yeah any-"

"It is a no"

"So you will not accompany me on a once in a lifetime occasion? "

I think about it for a moment but the winter icy breeze reminds me that I should be indoors right now.

"Yeah, you'll have to deal with this on your own sorry"

"Suit yourself. I shall return with tales of beauty from the splendid world of maidens. Look forward you mongrel!"

"Talks if for a guy who was just begging me to go with him so hasn't be hit by the hard truth that he lives in"

Max rushes off into the sunset running away from my remark.

Well..guess this means I am going home alone.

I go back home, my little bro tells me about some karaoke on new year's eve thing, I agree and go to sleep.

"Wait. Can u repeat that?" I ask

I was on the phone talking to Max sitting on my bed preparing to sleep.


"You mean the maid café was.."



This is quite hilarious honestly.

"Well, you just have to open your own maid café and fill our city with no maids with hope!"

"...thank you"

"So just closed?"

"Yep but I could feel it when I sniffed the door there were maids there."


An awkward silence replaces our giggles.

"Hey, Luisa, you know anything about Yui( our monkey MC).?

"I don't know I guess she did not come because of something her foster parents told her"

"Maybe.. or maybe she took that thing you did..."

Oh no, the subject I was desperately trying to avoid came so suddenly into the conversation I have no way of changing the topic..."

"So...I have a question "

I don't like where this is going.

"What is it?"

"We have been friends since the beginning of high school. I can tell when you're hiding something"

Damn it that cursed old friend card.

"I can't tell you everything, some few fragments, and pieces"

"Okay, I hear you"

The sound of his footsteps stops. Is this serious enough for him to stop walking?

I lie on the bed and hold the pillow close to my face while holding the phone.

"So, I was gone for an adventure. I had something I thought was the truth, then I was gone for a second adventure. I met people I became friends with those, we started to get close, one specifically became very close to me in a couple of last days before I came back here... He made me realize that the thing I thought was true was not, sadly that friend bid gone... even if I go back there is little hope I might see her again yet talk."


"By the way, my brother gave me an idea today"

"Shoot me"

"karaoke. All of us. New years eve"

"Sounds like a plan"

At that, I bury my face in the pillow.



I had some great sleep.

Let's go and see what I could do surfing on the Internet during this weekend.


An email from the Isekai association.

Hello, if you are reading this message then felicitation! You are considered a great and loyal member of the Isekai association who cleared 2 or more worlds! For that, you are being rewarded with the unique occasion of going in any world you want just by typing the name of someone you would like to join with all your experience and characters from previous purchases! This is an experiment for test purposes so we hope you keep it a secret. You will be paid 1000$ for each achievement of the goals you will get when Isekaied to the world you chose. something I would have regularly accepted already but...I don't want to.

A part said about searchING for specific people to join.

(Maybe.. or maybe she took that thing you did...) the words echoed back into my head.

I won't lose anything if I just tried searching for her.

I click on the link that was given with the email and type Yui amako on the search bar.

Wait... she actually did it... no no no no NO!

Damn you! Now I will feel guilty if anything happens to you!

You can do it Luisa

I move my mouse and put the cursor over the join button.

It is not the same place you don't have to feel bad right?

Then I realized something. What if I try to go back there so I can see her again?

Yes! Th...That would be amazing!

No...I already said goodbye I might still have things to say but the most important was said.

Damn you Yui I swear I will blame you all my life if I never get over my trauma.
