I am blinded with light, I open my eyes and in the next instant am near some sort of empty door, I guess it is some sort of gate I passed through.
I start looking around while checking myself.
am wearing a long brown dress with armor for torso and elbows.
Seems am on my second skin.
then I notice that someone else is around here.
A white monkey?
I see a small monkey with silver-like hair not even making half my height looking at me surprised, not a look of terror, it was like its eyes were asking me ' What the hell are you doing here ' I guess I poped up instantly in front of the poor guy so he is now terrified. Anyway, now I should check those quests I got.
-Erase all anomalies/bugs.
-kill all monsters in the shifting area.
-evaluate the difficulty of the area and write a report about it.
'' Eliminate all anomalies...simple to say but how am I supposed to get rid of them?''
I already saw a couple of those in the past like some rock or tree that keeps glitching out, those are okay but when it is a monster that is glitching it becomes either super strong and overpowered or just immortal, I then proceed o capture it and seal it away but I had help with those during the past.
''maybe by getting my sword through them...''' I start thinking ''They might have given my sword some patch to fix them on contact'' I
murmured in a low voice.
''ughhh...close the lights this is annoying ugh..!''
I open my eyes to see some blue forming a human-like shape as time passes.
I jump backward, what is this? Is it some way of transport in this world? What should I do? If this is a human I doubt they will like me from what I saw they want to kill us monkeys.
then in an instant, the light shape transforms into a fully-fledged human.
she looks at me.
Wait did she come here for me? Oh, Luisa my dear I love you.
Did you come all this way to help me? Ohoho this is too much flattery am not that great am I?
'' Eliminate all anomalies...simple to say but how am I supposed to get rid of them?''
''maybe by getting my sword through them...'' then she murmurs something I can't hear
No, no no no no no! She did not come here to help me! SHE FREAKING CAME TO KILL ME!
I am a bug in the system right? So it would be logical to kill me right? A fast way to get rid of a problem is indeed erasing it from existence, am sure that they will make a cover-up with a fake body saying I dead by suicide or something!
Oh Luisa, how did you go down to shush a level?
Then I realize something, she said get rid of anomalies and nothing about me! That would mean that if I keep the fact that am a player in a monster body I might as well survive! But what are those anomalies then? some king tree that keeps glitching? Some bodies with no colliders so you can pass through them?
''Then I see her looking back at me''
I try to stay as calm as possible but I can't stop myself from grimacing.
'' Do you want to be my pet? You look lost and alone so I will protect you in exchange''
well... this offer is indeed tempting me... but how could I say it...
Before I finish anything I see one of those 'devils' pop at the right side of Luisa, this one is a bit slimmer and less tall but is seemingly way faster.
the next instant I see a giant sword made out of thunder going through the monster's chest.
'' dang it, this took a third of my np! HAVE I BEEN NERFED?! I can only kill 3 of these things with these stats!'' she screams in anger.
The next instant I start shaking my head agreeing to what Luisa had just proposed to me, if I can receive protection while training and get level-ups, I will become as strong as mother! And even higher.
'' uh? you understand what I say? Great then! You are my pet from now on, I will protect you and help you level up while I finish my tasks here.''
I hope one of those tasks will not involve killing me I think to myself while shaking my head.
''okay, great then!'' she says joining her finer tips in joy'' this place is not safe we should find somewhere else where we could camp, follow me''
As the night deepens, the darkness thickens.
I think I actually decided to come here and wander in this empty forest, I mean this world because I wanted to be alone.
Or am I doing this because I want to believe I'm alone?
I find the monkey looking at me perplexed.
''well, I guess am just giving myself ideas you are here aren't you? Am not that alone then ''
As the darkness thickens and the full moon appears and I sit near a small fire camp Luisa made, I think back on the vents that brought me here, did I actually come here just to help or maybe save my cousin? Or did I want to escape reality...
Well, I lost what was precious to me in this world so fast...I could not even say goodbye to any of them.
I have nothing holding me back from coming back to my original world anymore, it does not seem like humans in this world respect wildlife nor care about it, I will find my cousin and just go away.
I look at my hands, seems like my fur turned white after the evolution, I don't feel particularly stronger but I guess this is just the first evolution. I do need to be wary of that forced evolution thing thought what if it happens in the middle of a fight, another good reason to be here with Luisa I need to get stronger and fast.
well let's use appraisal on ourselves, shall we?
moonlight white monkey (fake)
wait... so am I actually a special race?!
Well, this is pretty good to know if mother was just a simple monkey then if I evolve into a moonlight gorilla I will be like 100 times stronger. This explains all the moonlight-related skill thought.
ahh...isn't there some evolution tree or something?