Emotions - Part 2

Hearing the Prince mutter those indirect threats should have naturally caused the Queen to budge but she stayed some five minutes more and he naturally allowed her.

"You know… " Athena began glaring into the distance, intensely "A lot has happened ever since your father's passing… My husband! My first love! I —"

"Mother, do you really think from your calculation that this is the right hour to become this sentimental?" Aldrich bounced the woman off her speech, "As we speak, a matter is being discussed somewhere discreet; a fire is being started out to turn matters in our favour. This is not the best time to give into brooding. So quit this drama of yours, I demand of you!" Athena beamed a soft smile.

"I've always known you to have everything it takes to become the Lord Sovereign after your father. Now, listen… "

"I am doing just that, mother" Athena nodded an "okay" in response to her son's words.