Lies - Part 2

Elizabeth's eyes lit up at once, at the girl's mention of the word "Family". The thought immediately occurred to her of how she has someone of that nature present there in Aegremonth. She began to feel a spark of hope but this feeling did not last long as her countenance became swallowed up in rigid disappointment all of a sudden.

"Milady, are you okay?" asked Oletha "Why is your mood suddenly like this?"

Of course she wasn't okay but it wasn't necessarily because of the reasons she was sure that Oletha was making up in her head at present. Her unhappiness was because she remembered a detail that she'd omitted just now in her brief moment of expectation.

'What was I thinking? I will have to go against all odds before I can finally get to see him. The possibility of that happening is not that bright. Also, in a city as big as this, I am afraid that not even luck will permit him to be brought my way' she sulked internally.