Surprise Package.

As soon as Briceus pronounced his answer for the ones who had been knocking on the entrance door to enter into his bedroom place, Elizabeth startled as she began to ponder on who those guests actually were.

'Is it just me or is this man acting rather strange this morning?' She began to deliberate on certain matters internally, 'First he teased me greatly with his indirect words and funny behavior; a matter which I would rather deny having any knowledge of his true meaning.

'As if that was not enough, this man further urged me not to be in such a hurry to divorce the bed in a way that I take it to mean how he actually ordered me to remain in my place on this exotic bed of his.

'Now, he is also going to allow unknown visitors to come into his bedroom so that they would get to see me still lying on his bed!? Even though I can neglect all of that, what about the so-called visitors who are now on their way to get to me?