Lilies And Butterflies

After what seemed like an eternity of eating alone, Elizabeth finally finished with her activity of dining to breakfast in the King's ( Briceus' ) bedroom.

The women who were obviously members of the Castle kitchen workforce had maintained their place in Lizzie's presence just as their Lord Sovereign, Briceus, had instructed them to do. 

At present, Lizzie dropped off the white porcelain cup they had served her warm milk in. Seeing as she'd just done this, the ones who had brought her breakfast now assumed their duty of clearing away every used utensil. Elizabeth watched them do it. They removed the table which they'd anchored to her as well. 

They were just about to finish up the job when Lizzie decided to part her delicate umbre lips to render them a token of her appreciation;

"Thank you," she began, "And I mean all of you, really," she added.