
"My lady… look how pleasantly appealing to the eyes you have now become," said Bessie as she coiffed Elizabeth's full black hair in a stylish updo making use of a golden diadem hairpin to hold it in place. 

"Should you be so formal with me even now that we've reunited and in a different house? Address me as simply Elizabeth. It wouldn't be a bother to me." Saying so, Lizzie was standing in front of her silver embellished mirror. Belka, Ingrith, Mirelinda and Oletha had helped her prepare for the evening and from seeing Oletha, she no longer felt even a slight trace of annoyance. Matter of fact, she felt truly grateful to her for being a part of the secret plot with his majesty; a plot that had Bessie get escorted into her bedroom as a form of surprise. However, she was now left in the sole company of her favorite person, Bessie, who was making sure to add the perfect finishing touch to her look.