“Rosy” Emotions

".. Should the stability of your home not matter to you the most when choosing a spouse for a partner?" 

That line kept resonating in Giselle's mind even though it was clear to her that her aunt Gertrude still wanted to prolong the talk. However, she wasn't ready for this.. It was true that the word 'Stability' was not just a term that accrued solely to her aunt's consciousness. Her mother as well, Lady Guinevere Osborn would clearly agree along with her sister on that count once she learns about her assumed affair with this supposed knight who is also the king's right hand man. Lady Osborn would freak out in short and Giselle could sadly not swerve this line of thought out of her mind..

"Auntie, you are right that stability should matter to me and it does matter to me. But what about my protection?"

"What do you need security from, Giselle?"