Strange News

When Giselle heard the advancing footsteps of her aunt coming from behind her, she began to feel uneasy because she did not know how the situation would become. 

".. You said you wanted to see who is-" Gertrude halted from walking the minute she caught a glimpse of who was standing by the door. But instead of the reaction Giselle feared she would give to the man, she did the opposite of it. 

"Ah.. It is you, kind Sir."

Zeke smiled assuringly in response to how she'd just exclaimed. 

The woman then turned sideways to scold Giselle, "Why have you kept him standing for so long?" her tone wasn't so friendly. 

Giselle was still expressive of her shock with her eyes although not because of her aunt's scolding of her. 

Swiftly, she recovered herself and turned to Ezekiel to usher him in, her arms lovingly entangled in his whilst they walked side by side into the house proper.