Such a beautiful yet confusing thing

Inside the forest where every tree and bush makes people shudder from fear, a certain young man with a bandage around his side seems to be sleeping peacefully on top of the grass and dirty ground.

There is barely a car or bike around, and only the sound of a chirping bird and that unmoving body that would rot if left seems very eery under the rustling leaving coming from the wind.


Yet suddenly, his closed eyes start opened as if in shock, and then he without stopping his motion begins to take a sitting position with both of his hands clasping his side in a very smooth and practiced manner.

" gun is still here. My wound...already dressed properly."

Taking a sigh of relief after confirming all of his belonging and checking that his wound is all fine, he then starts to check any other thing to confirm his well-being.

"Already past 6 hours. Can't believe I sleep in this god-forsaken place for that long with this injury and yet still haven't been found. Both that bastard and my man seem to need a lot of training after this, f**king useless."

With a face full of annoyance, he then takes out his phone, and after being thankful that it's still capable of turned on properly, he then hesitates a bit before making a call.

The ringing tone didn't even manage to finish its first round and the beeping suddenly cut off before then a shout full of sob was heard from the other side of the phone.

"BOSSS~!!! Where ar-e--"

"Get f**king here within thirty minutes or you are dead!"


With such a short and concise order but no information whatsoever, he then turned off his phone again and then put it in the pocket. Not even in 30 minutes, a throng of a black car suddenly stops on the roadside full of men in blacks looking around as if looking for something.

"Weird, the position is here I am sure! This phone is already set in case boss is in an emergency so it will automatically detect his phone location with one phone call but there is nothing but tree here."

"Don't tell me it's some kind of trap designed for us?"

"No, you know what kind of boss we have. He is someone who better kills himself rather than being used as a traitor. Don't tell me he is in the forest? How could we find him then?"

When the man who seems to be their leader start to wrinkled his eyebrows in worry, he suddenly heard a step from one side of the inner forest.

In reflex, he starts to take out his gun and point it toward that direction, and can't help but exhilarated when he found a familiar figure is currently walking albeit limping closer toward him.


"Let's go home"


No question, no hesitation.

After that one simple order, all of these men move in a swift manner toward their respective black and shiny car and then drive away from the place.

The supposed to be the boss, someone with used linen and some kind of wildflower or grass or whatever on his side with a bloody stain make the men who seem the throng of men's leader wondering.

Yet, he didn't dare to ask anything.

The only thing he can do is only wait, at least until his boss decides to make his first topic the priority even after they finally reach their base and become alone in the boss's private room.

"...from now on, you people better don't touch any old or elderly man in our area if you don't want to die."

But, the first thing that he thought to be something that must be done after he got back wasn't about a certain traitor, not about his injury, not about the loss from that betrayal, or not even the current state of the group but a weird rule that seems to be popping out of nowhere.

'Eh? We are rarely doing such a thing because they never had a lot of money to begin with but when they did, isn't it would be easy if we just take it, right' thought the man but didn't dare to question his order at all

"So you want to die"

Not a question but a verdict, at least that's what the leader interpret from his boss's tone of voice when he saw that the man seems hesitant and confused, not answering with firm confirmation like he used to be.

"N-no boss, I-no, we understand. I will make sure that your order would be shoved to those asses properly or they will bear our wrath."


With a nod of his head, the boss then dismissed the man, his subordinate leader who just about to report the current situation out but close his mouth in the end and then start to close his eyes as if reminiscence something.

'You are quite smart, old geezer. It's a good thing that you are senile enough to prepare such a trap. And here I thought to scare you so that you would more cautious toward betrayal and that meddlesomeness but it seems that you are wiser than me. Is it because of age?'

He didn't need money, especially a small change that passing elderly had when he can ask ten times more than that and would be given twice more.

Wrinkling his eyebrows in thought the man, someone who is the boss of a certain gang then caresses the dressed wound on his side and recalls what just happened to him before.

'...a good eye for judging character, huh. Maybe the presence of elderly was needed in our gang?'

Even though he started to come up with such a thing, in the end, he shakes his head in denial.

'No matter, I am alive now you b**ches. Be prepared to bear the consequence', thought the man with clenched teeth, determined to deliver the sweet payback severalfold.


System: Master, can I ask something?


System: You said that you have a good eye for people's character. Are you seriously thinking that the man you just help would point his gun at you in the end?

"Well, I am not that smart, ho ho ho"


"It's just a gut"

System:... a gut? Do you mean that you had the feeling that he would betray you?

"No. It's about he will do whatever it takes to make me far away from him"

System: What do you mean?

"Ho ho ho. I have a son who works in the military so his bearing and way of caring feels similar."

System:...detecting the host heart rate...lie can't be found...coming up with what you mean is he is doing it so that you wouldn't be involved with him just because he feels similar?

"Why are you making it seems difficult with all of those process?"

I thought that my explanations are not that complicated though?

System: Because I failed to understand the reasoning behind something illogical called gut unless it's concluded from numerous data and past action. Thank you, I learn something good today.

"Is that so, ho ho ho. It's a blessing if one can keep learning and grow. A blessing."

Yes yes.

If you can learn at every given moment, then it would be better if you open your heart like that. I feel happy just because I am becoming some of the help of other's growth

System: Calculating the reward...calculation completed. *Ding. 550 Good Deed's point had been delivered.

"Good deed points? What's that?"

This new friend of mine really likes to talk with a lot of difficult terms. I start to worry that I can't converse with him for a long time before feeling my headache.

System: I am trying to match the system punishment and reward-based of the host personality. I just concluded that a good deed point is the most efficient way to make the progress faster.

"Pardon me, young man. I don't understand you at all"

System:...Transfering the simplest and basic information would be the fastest way to explain things. Do you accept?

"? If it's easier for you, then please do so."

System: Transfering information...Transfer complete. 5 points of a good deed's point have been delivered.

After giving my confirmation, weird information starts to flow into my head just like before. What is Good Deed's point, how it's judged, and also the reason such a thing implemented.

"So a good deed's point is a good deed point."

Is it technologies nowadays that's start to leap up or just me that's being way behind the current trend? Such a convenient's thing really something that's never been heard before for the past 81 years of my life.

....Oh well, as long as it's done, it's a good thing.

"But why are you giving me 5 points just now?"

System: Processing the data...It's because you accept not because of selfish desire but out of consideration of me

"? I then got a point just because of that? What can I do with that point then?"

System: *Ding...Good Deed's shop has been opened.

With a flash making my heart jumped a little, a transparent board appears in front of my face with a lot of pictures in it with a number below it each just like in the market.

System: You can purchase a lot of thing from there ranging from, basic daily necessities to something that didn't exist in your world such as sleeping lily from before

My friend, I hope you stop surprising me like that. At least show the board with a little more distance or my lifespan might be shaved each time I bought something.

"??? A good deed point? But, if I still have a good memory, you deduct a gold coin instead right?"

System: I had been waiting for you to ask that question, master.

After saying that, the transparent thing in front of me begin to buzz and an image of the box appear instead.

System: Please sell every excess vegetable you had to me and we will pay it with gold coin.