Grandpa and his trouble

System: 50 gold coin had been delivered

"...System, is 50 a lot or not?"

System: It's considered a lot because you only sold 5 cabbage, but could buy this phone.

What is that? The phone seems quite different from my precious with all of those shiny glasses covering all of it.

Looks very fragile to me.

System: Compared with the old version smartphone in your hand, I can safely say that you can only exchange it with 10 of them to buy this phone.

"What are you talking about? My precious is priceless."

System: ...It can capture a clear sweat on people's faces from 500 m away, can receive a good signal on a deserted island, and capable of gaming for 3 days straight.

"Oh, what a good kettle pot. Let me buy this one. System, how do I exchange it?"

System:...5 gold coins had been deducted. Just for your information, this kettle, though not the most technologically advanced with other types, has a good circulation system that makes water boiled 10% faster. On top of that, with a special rubber that fits with your grip at its handle and its minimalist size, it's a type that is very popular for traveling and even becomes a best seller in its era.

"Hmm, I can use it to brew hot water to make coffee because my old one seems quite rusty now. Wait, did you say something, young friend?"

System:...No, don't mind me.

"I apologize, my young friend, I got quite excited and didn't read what you said before. Could you show it to me again?"


"Ugh, I am sorry, I will try to be more careful later."

System:...5 Good Deed point had been rewarded


It seems like I need to rest now.

After being given a lot of information directly, walking for quite a long way after helping the young man from before, and conversing for a lot of time with my new friend, now that I feel like I can't keep my consciousness straight.

System: Your body already deteriorating due to age. It is advised to drink this Vella Water at least twice a day to keep yourself healthy.

He said as such, and the water seems quite expensive because it cost 5 gold coins per 250 ml of a bottle. It cost as much as a kettle from before and if I need to drink it every day, it is the same as saving up to buy a smartphone which makes me hesitant to do it.

System: This is a kind reminder. Vella Water has a healing property that is very easy to be absorbed into your body. It rejuvenates fatigued, cleansing a waste in your system, and also capable of providing some benefit to your aged deteriorating body function such as heart, liver, kidney, eyes, etc.

I am grateful for all the generous explanations but it is quite difficult for me to follow. I can only converse with this new friend of mine through text and reading. I can talk it out just fine, but it needs to reply with a text, and English no less, which puts a burden on my head.

It helps me that I suddenly understand English out of nowhere which I am curious but happy about but to be honest, it's something that I can't get used to yet.

System: Detecting host's emotion fluctuation...analyzing...coming with the conclusion...Master, are you troubled with the explanation?

"...I am sorry my friend. It seems like I can't converse for too long now I am already this old, I apologize."

System:...Analyzing...Coming to a conclusion...would you like me to shorten every detailed and thorough explanation and change the system assistance into a brief mode? It might cut out a lot of parts but I will try to make it as concise as possible without leaving out important aspects of it. On top of that, I will try to talk less as much as possible unless it's necessary.

"...I am sorry. Please do, my friend."

Ugh, my head starts to hurting now.

I really don't want to make my new friend of mine to be disheartened with my own incapability but it seems like I really am not that young anymore. Even looking at that line of English text alone already quite a challenge for me in the past.

System: I understand. It is time to rest, master. We will continue later but please this drink first.

Looking at the mineral water that appeared out of nowhere on top of the table in my living room, I can't help but a bit surprised with the capability of my friend here.

System: 5 Gold coins have been deducted.

But as long as it helps, I will not try to make things complicated to make it easier for me to live so I had been ignoring it since the sleeping lily from before.

Without asking for more explanation, I open the bottle and drink a gulp of it and yet can't stop until I empty it.

"This is quite curious. The water tastes delicious and fresh."


Even after I praised it, the system didn't talk. It seems like it is what it means by only talk when it's necessary. Now I feel like cutting his enjoyable work so it makes me quite guilty but...

...My friend, I will try to exercise and also eat a lot of healthy dishes so that I can at least converse with you more so please wait until then.

For now, please let me rest.

System:..5 GD had been delivered. (Good Deed's point)


7 Days pass just like that and as expected, my daily life didn't change much.

Waking up in the morning, tending the garden, cleaning, tending the garden, sleep, tending the garden, take a rest by reading a novel, etc.

It's a boring life if my garden didn't need to be taken care of so much so I tried to tilt the other area intending to expand the field.

My land is consisting the front of my house right that is right beside the road, left and right side, and also behind it which was the largest.

All this time, I always use the land on the side because I don't want to be rammed by a passing car.

But now that I am currently checking the back garden again, I start to remember why I didn't use it all this time.

"This is troubling"

The land didn't even, there is already a lot of wild grass, a rotten wooden block that can't be used as firewood scattered messily, the land is already hardening, and there are still a lot of trees in the way.


"A snake"

On top of that, there are a lot of little creatures already inhabiting it all over. Now that I recall it again, there is this time when I got bitten by a snake and then my dear wife crying because I start to spasm.

A good thing that I manage to live until now ho ho ho.

"But, what should I do?"

Cutting the tree is out of the question with my current body, and I don't want to use the money that all of my precious son/daughters gave to me carelessly but...

While wondering what should I do, I suddenly heard a tone that is quite familiar from a smartphone that I put on top of the table behind me.

Leaving the worrying matter, for now, I then curiously check who is calling and the completely surprised with who is the one who is calling.



Her name is Lina, currently in the first year of high school.

A very bright and adorable girl that makes people around her happy, at least that's what I always thought of her.

"My precious, I don't think that it's a good idea for you to come all the way here on your own just because it's a holiday"

"What are you saying, grandpa! If it's not because I still on a trip outside of the town and coming along to your house before, I wouldn't let father agree to leave you behind on your own!"

"It's my own wish to be left alone. I just feel like living on my old days slowly without worry."

"There is no way someone wanted to be left alone! Even I would feel lonely if there is no one I can talk to, so I bet you would be lonely too."

"No, my precious. I am fin---"

"No matter, I will go there this evening at the fastest or tomorrow at the latest. Bye~! *Beep"

"...I thought that she is an adorably obedient little girl but it seems like she is quite a bold and stubborn one. Her husband would have a little trouble manages her later ho ho ho"

But...*sigh. It seems like I can't force her to not coming here now that she talks back to me now.

Looking at my garden, the messy backyard, and remembering the inside of my house that's still not being tidied yet, I then can't help but show a smiling face now that I have something to do.

"Let's do some cleaning and tidying now shall we"

When I was just about to go back inside and start looking for the broom I forgot to put at, I suddenly heard someone shout right in front of my house looking for me.

"Grandpa, you home!!??"

"Hmm? Yes yes, I am...Please wait"

After checking my surrounding and my body one more time to confirm that I would not bring discomfort toward my guest, I then sigh in relief after being sure am ready and then go to the front.

"Oh, young man Rizal. I hope you have a good day today. Is there anything I can help with?"

"Hmph...Where the heck you are before? I can't help but leave you behind because you are being too slow with your matter so it's not my fault! Anyway, it doesn't matter. I am here to buy all of your vegetables."

Yes, it already a week before after all so I have even forgotten about it if you didn't even bring it up.

"Hmm, buying vegetable, is it?"

Ah, I forgot.

Now that I have a fixed client that is my little system friend, I now wouldn't need to sell my vegetable now. On top of that, my precious also would come here either today or tomorrow.

"I apologize, young Rizal. It's my fault for not informing you that I won't sell the vegetable anymore"


"I am sorry. I got a reservation for all of my vegetables from my new little friend. On top of that, my great-grandchildren also will come here so I want to prepare some for her."

I feel sorry because it's my mistake that I didn't inform him first hand. I know that he didn't reserve it in any way, and there is no promise between us before either but I still am can't help but feel a little guilty.

"You ungrateful rotten f**ker!!!"


"Who do you think would buy your low-quality vegetable from you directly all this time so that you can survive and live comfortably huh!??"

But when I start to thinking hard about how to apologize to him for that, he suddenly shouts as such while throwing something toward my face.