Chapter 2

Poking his head out from a wave, Starboy looked over to an area where he saw the mermaid princess being moved. Although he wanted to stop them at that very moment, it was impossible.

" Swwwfft….. Swfftt " The waves swayed up against the sandy beach. Bringing with it, a single pink starfish no bigger than twelve inches in length and width. The starfish remained in place for three seconds and with the arrival of an even larger wave, shifted into its starboy form when the wave crashed down onto it, pulling the star boy back towards the ocean with its strong current. His pink hair flopped over, adjusting into its natural form as the sun shined over his head and made his dark blue eyes, now yellow.

Starboy rose up to his feet before it swept him back in and step by step, got onto the dry sand. His wet webbed feet stamped into the soft bed of sand, leaving a trail of small imprints behind. He tilted his nose to the morning sky and sniffed. A scent of salty fish masked with a variety of other odd smells swirled past him in the passing breeze that took off into the shining horizon.

Prompted, starboy sought out the familiar ambience. He expected to find his fellow brethren. He found it odd though that they'd be so far out from the sea. Jogging over to a rocky path, starboy took off. The scent grew stronger the closer he got. Up above, there was a series of grey smoke that spread through the skies ahead.

Odd sounds he had never heard before, grew louder the closer he got. When he turned the corner, he caught sight of a gigantic green tent with a series of stalls inside. There were odd animals chattering amongst themselves … Starboy looked around in wonder, approaching the tent until he caught sight of what was further inside.

Starboy's arms dropped lifelessly to his side. The twisted expressions these monsters expressed as they ripped into a fish, tossed skinned eels into heating pots. All of the unspeakable horrors were being conveyed before the star boy.

"Help me!"


"Please make it stop, it burns!"

The agonizing pleads of the fish inside all hit starboy at once. Distraught by what he saw, his head twitched, the sensation of shock dimminised. Anger took its place.

In a raging anger, Starboy let out a shriek that caught the attention of the fishermen within the port and villagers.

" ABAGLADISH!!! " One man pointed out to the starboy but before he could reach for a weapon, starboy had grabbed onto his wrist and slammed the fishermans face into a dangling hook. The tip plunged through the fisherman's eye like a spoon penetrating a cup of jello, the only difference being the petrified screams some of the people inside the market made soon after witnessing the horrific murder.

A second fisherman, grabbed a throwing pole and spun twice to get acceleration. When he completed the second spin, he faced the starboy and thrusted the pole full force. He released his hold of it and the pole propelled towards starboy. Starboy jumped back. The pole had separated him briefly but before the pole had passed starboy, starboy had caught the back of the pole and whipped it back towards the second fisherman. It struck right into the fishermans forehead, ripping through the flesh. It pierced through the fishermans skull, impaling him up against a wooden structure behind him. The fisherman only had a few seconds left, his arms had reached up to the pole but dropped to his side, spasming.

Starboy dove over a table and grabbed two butcher knives

A slaughter commenced with the other inhabitants.

All around limbs flew, customers tried escaping but were cleared as Starboy got through the entire market and walked down stone steps that lead to another beach area.

Down below, a familiar individual approached. When he arrived at the stone steps he looked up, his sights scanned the coconut trees and then went down, where they met a pair of golden eyes. These were Starboys, who was drenched in blood from head to toe.

One of the crewmen nearly threw up at the grotesque sight as another couldn't help but ask " Sir Dorsalfin … what is that? "

Dorsalfin initially had no words. Being the first pirate, he had a duty to uphold though.

" It's one of those creatures from the sea " Dorsalfin tapped the snout of his white shark helmet. " You lads move in "

The five pirates all stared at Dorsalfin, then up at the pink Starboy and did as they were told.

Starboy sniffed the air. He recognized Dorsalfin and ran down the steps, only to be intercepted by five of the crewmen who had an assortment of different weapons. While they held him back, Dorsalfin planned to leave. That is until he heard the screams of those men and glanced back to the horrifying sight of all four of their heads crushed. The fifth one was just in the process of having his head crushed between Starboys massive hands. Cracking sound spread across the area, followed by silence and then the splash of the lifeless body that Starboy tossed over the pirate. It landed with a thrash that sent water droplets raining down around Dorsalfin as he figured, he'd have to clean up the sloppy work before heading back to his ship.

There was no talking between either of them.

White thorns spread out from the starboys forearm. Starboy aimed his fist towards the pirate. The thorns spread out but before they could hit Dorsalfin, the sand in front of Dorsalfin spread up and formed the mermaid princess mockingly.

The thorns tore through the sand, destroying the princesses copy. This angered Starboy, who blankly stared on to the advancing Dorsalfin and then shifted his look into a frown.

Dorsalfin seemed to blend in with the ocean which was right behind him. His entire white suit matched with the shark helmet and the blue eyes seemed like waves with his fast zigzags. When Dorsalfin reached Starboy, his tail flicked over and nearly jabbed into one of Starboy's eyes but whiplashed him across the cheek instead, causing Starboy to stumble aside as Dorsalfin caught Starboys ankle and swung him several feet, straight into the ocean as if he had hit a homerun.

Starboy splashed submerging into the coral reef. Dorsalfin walked towards the water and slammed his palm into the sand. Cloyster like monsters rose from the sand and rushed into the ocean. They spun around like razor blades once under the ocean, and sought Starboy who swam furiously avoiding them as Dorsalfin dove into the ocean and shifted into a twelve foot shark. Three smaller sharks broke apart from Dorsalfin, headed in different directions to intercept.

He circled around as Starboy was hit from his left side. The cloyster rotated repeatedly but hadn't cut into Starboys skin due to it being rough beneath the water. At that very moment, the other cloisters struck Starboy from different angles, knocking bubbles out of his mouth.

The final strike did blow Starboy out of the water. He whipped his arms several times along the breeze of the sky and fixed his composure. By the time he did and opened his eyes to look down, he saw that one of the sharks had jumped out of the water with it's jaws wide open thousands of thorn teeth showing, headed straight up to clamp down on Starboy. The other two had jumped out too and were respectively on his left and right. Starboy brought his arms and legs in towards his chest, curling into a ball mid air. The three all crashed up against Starboy, only for dozens of quills to come out of all areas of Starboys body. These quills tore through the sharks and blew the chunks back into the ocean. Dorsalfin was already in position.

Starboy came down onto the water still in the form of a spinning white ball. Dorsalfin smashed his snout straight into the ball that rotated fiercely. Both sides pushed but the Quills that came out of the ball, steadily tore into the snout and slashed right down to Dorsalfin's stomach. Once at his Stomach, Starboy shifted back and expanded his arms around Dorsalfin's back. The intestines slapped against Starboy's face as he gripped tightly, then spun over and chucked Dorsalfin back towards the beach.

Dorsalfin's shark body crashed repeatedly, causing sand to fly everywhere, creating clouds that made visibility difficult. Through this cloud, Starboy saw Dorsalfin's body shifting back from a shark, to his human form. Starboy dove back under the water and swam to the beach bed. Walked out, his webbed feet shifted steadily back into human feet.

He walked into the settling cloud of sand and slid into the crater where Dorsalfin laid. The helmet that Dorsalfin had, was smashed up; shattered aside. Starboy grabbed a patch of Dorsalfin's blue hair and lifted his head up.

His large blank golden eyes stared deep into Dorsalfin's eyes, sending fear into the pirate. Try as he may, there was no communicating here. He had attacked the Starboy's colonie, an enemy no less.

" NAHWWW!!! I was told to capture! It wasn't me!!! It was my boss!!! PLEASE!!!! " Dorsalfin pleaded but was slammed back down against the sand as he struggled to get free. He attempted to claw his fingers into Starboy's eyes, but Starboy bit his fingers right off and spit them aside. Dorsalfin kicked around pointlessly, it was too late. Starboy applied further pressure, crushing Dorsalfin's skull inward until it shattered like an egg shells walls coming together. The yolk spread along the sand and Starboys fingers. There was no more struggling.

Starboy starred up to the dozens of jungle peaks ahead. He closed his eyes, the mermaid princesses scent was still fresh. He could reach her. He had to.

Starboy's arms dropped to his side. He jumped out of the crater and rushed along the beach side, searching for the best path into the jungle. The carriage was in there and he'd search it all if he had to.