Chapter 3

A day passed, there was no lead. Starboy hadn't stopped at all the entire time. He continued not bothered seeing as back when he went on hunts for the colonies, they could go swimming for days without stopping, though on land he became progressively fatigued with the water escaping his body. The only thing that was on his mind was freeing his princess.

Star boy jumped from tree branch to tree branch and scaled higher up the tree canopy. He stuck his head out from the blue leafy bush at the top of the tree and looked on. Glancing to the horizon, he was met with a beautiful sight of white misty clouds hiding other floating forests that were higher in the air. Star boy set his hand down on the tree trunk and rose up, but when he did this, he stumbled over and looked down to his left foot. It wasn't there, it had shifted into his starfish leg. A minute later, he found that he had turned back into a small starfish. A silent breeze blew by, shaking the tree branch the starfish laid on. How could it possibly move now? It couldn't. The starfish cursed itself and its current situation. It's first time venturing out of the ocean and this occurred. It wasn't aware of this, but it got the idea to send sonar waves that'd attract animals to its location.

After hours of focusing a strong enough sonar wave, the Starboy released it and ten minutes later a blue gander monkey with purple fur, landed at the top canopy and accidentally snapped the tree branch whilst searching for the bananas that the sonar wave set in its mind. The tree branch hurled down with the starfish stuck to it and landed down into a series of bushes. The bushes had a muddy slide below it. The force of the impact, caused the bushes to shake and move down the slippery slope, descending at a faster pace, until it reached the end of the ramp, being propelled, it flew up several feet over a steamy river.

The bush splashed into the water disappearing within the thick fog. The impact plunged the Starboy deep into the murky river. Bubbles fluttered over it and two glowing purple eyes, formed at the center of the starfish's body. It was as if someone had flicked a light on. Suddenly his pale arms formed back. Starboy slurped water into himself, bubbles spread out from below him, forming into his legs. He slapped his hands together, swaying his head from side to side and took off up towards the surface. In a piercing shot, he sour up, past the mist and crashed down onto a passing log. Starboys wet pink hair swayed side to side and he ruffled it around as it became fluffy, once more. He slapped his palm against the logs bark and got onto it and looked up towards the sky. The faint scent of the princess had disappeared. Starboy gripped his fist and punched the center of the log shattering it in half, he fell into the water but quickly rose back up, grabbing onto one of the logs.

It lead him down stream. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until he saw something headed for him. Starboy jumped off of the log on time as jaws crushed the log.

Starboy landed on another log that tilted over.

The croc hid back into the water. Starboy turned his head around. Watching cautiously for ripples in the water. Soon the log stopped up against a rock, out of dozens that stuck out of the water.

Starboy stepped up onto it and just as he had his back turned, the croc lunged out of the water. Starboy dove aside into the clear river and swam around. The croc followed close behind, nearly clamping his jaws down on the tasty looking treat.

Each time he did he was closer until Starboy jumped out of the water and landed on top of one of the rocks. The crock crashed down over the rock, rupturing the structure as it slid back under the surface. It's size was massive. Over twenty feet long easily.

Telepathically, Starboy challenged the croc. He bet that he could out swim him. "What is in it for me? " asked the croc, rising up to the surface again. " You get to eat me " Starboy responded and dove back into the river.

Taking this challenge, the croc swam down into the rivers darkness where starboy wouldn't see it.

Starboy wasted no time taking off. He knew exactly where he'd go. He'd have to pick up momentum first. Momentum he got from the thrill of being pursued by a bigger creature. Life or death, a rush that he knew all too well; from the many ventures he embarked on in the endless ocean.

The race was intense, but Starboy had too much confidence. Only second when it came to speed, in his colony. His arms swung side to side at a faster pace, the motion increased with the croc right on him. Starboy sought his opportunity and flew out of the water, straight between a "Y" shaped tree. He resembled a football going through perfectly while the croc that had followed him up, became stuck between this "Y" and tried wiggling itself free as Starboy landed on a tree branch with a faint smirk.

It fell right into starboys trap. Starboy gave the croc a peace sign and took off once again.

The croc used its powerful tail to strike the Y-tree's, trunk, breaking it and fell back into the water where it swam along the riverside, promising that it wasn't over just yet as it disappeared.

Starboy continued on, through the jungle.

" Ahahahaha, stack the men and boys over by the fire warmers, lads. We've no use for them " - A black bearded pirate, cackled. His men did as they were told and dragged more battered men over towards a metallic black cage. They were pushed inside where a blazing fire engulfed them. Screams were quickly silenced by the brimming flames that grew larger, flowing out of the metallic cage with a strong scent of melting flesh. The pirates stepped back so that the flames wouldn't reach them and waited for the flames to settle once more before turning over to fetch more of the tribes male populace that was huddled up at the center of the tribes village.

The women of the komri tribe were being loaded onto a carriage.

"Pweealsh!" A young woman cried as she watched her partner being forced to swallow burning hot water.

Among the next batch of men, was a boy with green scruffy hair. The black bearded pirate approached this group of men. He glanced down with a twisted grin and forcefully grabbed a handful of the boys hair. His hand was the size of the boy's head. The boy attempted to smack the pirates hand away to no avail. It only served to anger the pirate, who raised the boy up and smashed him down against the dirty ground. None of the tribesmen dared look the boys way. Instead, they looked away with looks of remorse when the boy looked over to them with his disoriented sight.

" Sir Potbelly!!! " one of the crew men called to the pirate.

Potbelly let go of the boys head and signaled for the village men to be stripped of their clothes and taken into a tents. These crewmen did this, dragging them towards the tent while the pirate looked down to the paper the crewman was handing him.

The crew man comments that he wished he could stay for the ' fun ' but has to deliver the woman to karakura town where they'd be sold and some transported further to the capital for the feast.

" Do as you have to " Potbelly responded, tossing the paper side and headed to his tent with the boy struggling to get free from potbelly's massive hand.

"Break them until there's no pride! Make good slaves out of them!"

Inside of these tents, the men were being raped. Heads slammed to the ground, their arms shackled back. Try as they may, the shackles at their ankles prevented any movement from them.

The boy didn't look their way. He was taken back, where potbelly asked his name. There was no response from the boy. This angered the pirate, who slapped the boy down to the ground and set his foot over the boy's head. The sound of the pirate unbuckling his belt, sickened the boy who clenched his eyes shut, only to feel the pressure of the pirates foot, ceased.

One of the crewmen had called to the pirate urgently. Potbelly ran out of the tent. What was all the commotion about? He was about to ask when in his line of sight, there stood a pink boy with two of the crewmen's lower halves detached. Starboy burped out some bloodied glasses.

By devouring the human, Starboy now could speak and understand the human language.

" A STARIAN?! " " How far, you've strayed far from home little guppy "

" " Searching for your princess? Your kind really is persistent like Dorsalfin said … wait .. " - Potbelly sniffed. He picked up on Dorsalfin's scent.

" wow …. seeing as you're alive and have his scent all over you … .. you did me a favor, I was planning to kill that bastard for his rank sooner or later "

Potbelly shook his head, twisting his mouth into a smile that revealed his deteriorating lips.

" I know what I could do for you …. Get you that hot merbabe you're dying for! "

" Sad to say, your princess is on her way to the queen now hahahaha! "

"That Queen Isabella has a thing for princesses!"

" But don't be saddened little starboy .. You're going to make a fine meal for me tonight! "

Potbelly's arms started to buff up. Out of nowhere, a rugged beast landed down and rushed at the pirate, it's jaws directly aimed at his jugular, if only for a fraction of a second more, it would have gotten him but when it opened its mouth, the pirate pulled back his sleeve. A series of black hairs along his forearm, shot the beast into a nearby building.

Debris blew through the sky and at that moment Starboy leaned forward and dashed past the distracted crew men.

Starboy's White quills came out of his forearm and met the pirates forearm. The hairs kept the quills from digging down.

The pirate Whipped the small Starboys body around like a doll and then flung him up into the sky.



Potbelly's stomach rumbled as he ordered his men to hold off the starian. Starboy spiraled back and landed back down. Doing as Potbelly ordered, his men attempted to apprehend Starboy as he walked towards them enraged. They were all slaughtered one after another. All the while Starboy only said one thing in a human voice.

" Die, vermin … ALL OF YOU! " Flames sprawled along Starboy.

Potbelly ran back into the tent and grabbed two large cleavers. His men called to him from outside. Before heading back out, he looked around, the village boy was nowhere to be seen. " I'll find the brat after " Potbelly cackled and headed back out. The village boy slid a curtain aside and looked on to the flames where he briefly saw the Starboy and the pirate headed for him.

Starboy smashed two of the crew men's heads together and tossed their bodies two separate collapsing houses that were on fire. Their bodies fueled the flames further as Starboy turned around and blocked the first cleave with his rough forearm and stared up at the pirate blankly. The pirates black bears spread down and tried to attach itself to Starboy but Starboy pushed the cleave aside and ran off with the pirate pursuing him. The flames that surrounded starboy, reflected on the Starboy's see-through dreads; making his eyes red. He saw through these flames and took the path that lead him up to a cliff.

Starboy nearly fell over but caught himself and looked over to Potbelly licking his big chapped lips.

He moved in for the kill, but Starboy slid between Potbelly's legs, grabbed onto his boot and kicked the pirate over the cliff.

Starboy believed he was safe, that he could rest easy but was soon swept off of the cliff as well. Potbelly's beard had wrapped around Starboy's foot and brought him down, only for the crock from before; to come up and devour Potbelly while Starboy tumbled against the rocks that made up the waterfall. He crashed into a mush and laid unconscious until the morning.

The following morning, he climbed back up; shaking visions of the princess out of his head. Starboy passed through the village's ashes. The buildings were burned to a crisp, ashes lay everywhere.

He continued through, unsure of where he'd go next. He sat down and caught the scent of something living. When he looked over, it was a boy. Village boy.

Village boy had taken some equipment from the corpses of the crewmen and found a letter that stated the pirates were at Karakura town. He had to go rescue his brother. His feelings were intense. They resonated and spread out to Starboy, who understood.

Starboy could no longer speak human, since the ones he had consumed were already digested. The village boy caught sight of Starboy and walked over with some close.

" You killed that pirate … you must be strong, I can use your help. " The village boy began.

" My brother was taken " He explained, handing Starboy some clothes and pointed out that he was naked. Starboy blankly put on what he was given and then shook his head when the telepathic pleading got through. Starboy responded back " Sorry, I'm doing my own searching ….. "

" Well, do you know where to head next? Those pirates take children ….. And sell them off ... into prostitution if they're lucky .. "

"They're a plague out of this world"

There was sadness in his voice. Star boy wished he could console him. But, just like the princess, he knew what he needed most was help. And he was going to help.

" Karakura town is where they're taking my brother and whoever you're looking for. I know how we can get there. I can lead the way for you "

With little choice, Starboy took the proposal. There was no ill intent that he sensed from the boy. Only modesty.

" I'm Aya by the way " The boy greeted with a weak smile. " Do you have a name? You don't talk too much do you? "

There was no response from Starboy as they walked off, with Aya following close behind.

They walked for a long time, crossing wheat fields. The road seemed quiet and tranquil. Aya called to Starboy and suggested that they take a break. He agreed and sat back against one of the trees while Aya went to pick cherries from a nearby bush. The berries weren't all too bad. He tried them out first before going over and offering Starboy a portion.

In all honesty Starboy didn't feel too hungry but the berries smelled yummy. So yummy that he actually decided to give them a try. The berries were squashed between his small teeth. He seemed like a small adorable child and finished them off in a single swipe.

Aya giggled and took that as a sign that he liked them as Starboy observed the yellow view behind Aya turning darker with the evening sun. He stood up and told Starboy that he'd return in a moment. Starboy gave him a nod and laid his head back on the grass. The branches of the trees swayed side to side, reminding him of when he'd snuggle under sea grass and stare up at the lights that shined down. Only difference now was that the sky was orange. Sun steadily started to set.

A refreshing breeze spread overhead. Blowing his soft pink hair around. Starboy gave a small yawn, followed by him shutting his eyes and silently snoozed.

" Okay, here! " He heard a voice minutes later. When he opened his eyes, there stood a girl with green hair, who had the exact same scent that Aya had. This confused starboy, who rubbed his eyes and leaned up.

" Who … is that you? " Starboy telepathically asked in a chilled voice. Aya glanced down to her chest and then to the Starboy and shyly explained.

" Well ….. That brother of mine, he's a magician ….. He turned me into a boy thinking that since I was a boy;I wouldn't be taken .... He took my place in being captured and turned himself into a girl through alchemy " She recalled when he had pushed her and casted the transformation spell to shift their genders around.

" It seems his spell wore off " She flapped her arms a few times like a chicken attempting to take flight and stood back up after setting the berries down on Starboys lap.

Starboy reached down and scooped them up to his face and after eating them in two scoops; stood up too and met her on the road again.

Under the darkness of the night sky, they travelled until they saw lights in the distance. Not only lights, but not too far, an open fire.

They crept into a nearby treeline and observed from afar. It wasn't until one of the men went to take a leak close by, that she got a better look. She realized they were the crewmen who had left earlier. Though, they didn't have the people with them. Aya stood up to go grab the man and get answers, but then thought it over. If they were to take out that man, the others would search for him and it'd mean trouble. Instead, it was best to get answers at Karakura town.

Thus, the two crept over to the carriage that stood idly by and slipped in while the pirates conversed, over an open flame campfire style.

Once inside, the two hid in a crate filled with sweets.

Starboy ate his way into the crate and Aya slid in with him; closing the lid.

The following day, the crewmen continued on their way; headed to Karakura town.