06. The founding day banquet

Third person pov:

one year later,

"Omg omg I'm so excited we're sky rank students now." Vivian exclaim while jumping excitedly.

"Calm down Vi you'll get hurt if you keep jumping like that. "Crystal shake her head slowly. Zeckery touch her shoulder.

"I've got this Stalle, Vi if we don't hurry we're going to be late for professor Teresa's beast taming lessons."

Vivian suddenly become still and look at the clock. "Your right. Hurry up what are you waiting for. "

Vivian ran out of the door. Crystal and Zeckery look at each other and chuckles at their childish friend.

Crystal pov :

It's ready been one year since I met Vi and Zeck. We become really close. Vi has become more and more beautiful and cute.

Remember when I said they will get marry and live happily ever after, well forget it because if they really get married it would be world destruction. 

Like they had the most opposite kind of personality. Vi kinda has a split personality.

Her normal behaviour is childish and cheery but sometimes you don't even want to think about it.

I also learn to never make an enemy out of Vi because if you do you might not see the sun rise tomorrow.

While Zeck on the other hand is the opposite. He's the calm, mature type. He can sometimes act his age too.

He's like the mother of the group. Plus he is very sassy and sarcastic. So most of the time Vi and Zeck would fight like mother and daughter on common things, on a daily basic.

I swear it could really be tiring sometime dealing with these two. During the past one year we become somewhat famous.

The reason is? Well why don't we see for ourselves.

Third person pov :

They walk to the main building. Since they're sky rank students now, their class was on the second floor.

When they walk past the hall way everyone look at them and started whispering.

"Is it them?""Wow I never thought that I will meet the golden trio in person.""Wow the rumors about their appearances are not joking."

"The three most outstanding students in Warlock.""amazing". Students whisper until they were out of sight.

"Wow just wow. I never knew things would turn out like this."Crystal sigh. "When did it all begin."

"Oh let remind you. How about 6 month ago. When a certain student with a lavender hair and violet eyes beat a space rank student to a pulp because he accidently ate her cookies."

Vivian glare at him."I told you no one touch my sweets and what about 3 month ago.

You know when you solved an ancient curse and what about 4 month ago. When Crystal memorised an entire spell book. Both of you are partly responsible too."

"Don't get me into your quarrels. Oh we're here." Crystal opened the door. Once they step foot inside the class.

The whole class become quite. They went to their assign seats and sit down. They notice that everyone eyes were on them.

After staring for a while whispers fill the whole class."Isn't that the golden trio.""The rumored ones."

"I've heard that all of them has reached stage white.""I can't believe we're in the same class."

Half of their classmates were already used to them while the other half was new to them.

After a while Professor Tresa came in holding a book."Morning class. My name is Tresa goodwill and I will be your beast taming teacher from now on. Class will start now."

After school,

The three of them went back to their dorm. Crystal flop onto the couch and whine."Ughhh I swear today was so tiring.

Exceptionally those whisperings. Those seriously give me a headache. " Zeckery sit down in front of Crystal while Vivian went to the kitchen those her get some refreshments.

She put down a plate of mochi, fruits and some beverages."I want to graduate already so I can go on mission and try new things.

Not trap here. I mean did they not get tired of gossiping about us." "You and me both Vi"

After a while of talking they went up to their room and do their usual routine. After everything was done they came down to eat dinner.

After eating they sat down on in the living room. Crystal and Zeckery was reading some books while Vivian was reading a newspaper.

Vivian suddenly slam the newspaper to the table . "Are they stalking us or something.

Who is the president of the newspaper club anyways..""What wrong? "Zeckery asked her without even bothering to look up.

Vivian pointed to a picture. It was a picture of them."hear this out. It said 'the daily lives of our new rising sensation, the golden trio. '

"OK now that's creppy. Could it be someone from our class." "Right. That a possibility. "Zeckery said while thinking.

"Ughhh couldn't we even has a little privacy." Zeckery sigh."Stop complaining guys."

Vivian suddenly joint up causing the other two to be startled."What wrong?"Crystal look at Vivian with worry.

"I've got an amazing idea to shut the whole school once and for all." "I'm listening."Zeckery said while putting down the book he was reading.

"They're talking about us because there's nothing else to talk about. So how about we gave them something else to talk about."

"Like?". Crystal looked at her curiously. "Like the founding day banquet which will be held 2 week from now on."

The other two thinks for a while."That might work". Zeckery commented and the others agree.

Three weeks later,

"I swear it's been so peaceful the past three weeks thank to a certain banquet. I wish this could last forever."

Crystal was reading books peacefully with Zeckery in their dorm when they heard a certain dorm mate yells and burst through the door.

"Crystal, Zeckery what are you guys doing here. There's only four hours left before the banquet."

Crystal glare at her."Oh no no no your not making me get ready for the banquet when there's four hours left.

Your not making me get ready early like last year." "You've got no choice darling. "Then she drag the two of them into her room.

Crystal pov;

Vi is very cute and beautiful and sweet and I like her very very much but when it comes to some things Vi can be a little handful.

But she is still adorable and sweet. I have been getting a lot close to Vi since school begins.

And I am so happy. I mean wouldn't when you have the bliss theory see your favourite character everyday.

Even so I swear this girl remind me of someone. Pixy, my old friend back from earth.

It'such been a while since I got reincarnated. I miss my family and friends. I would usually cry when I miss them.

Vi and Zeck would usually be there to comfort me everytime. I also told them about my past but not the reincarnation part.

Anyways I also got to learn about their past. Well most of it I guess. We're taking things slowly.

Wait this is not the time to be thinking about this. I'm about to die.

Third person pov;

Crystal sigh. "Where did she got this habit anyways.""Oh you didn't know Vi is royalty. "

Crystal look at him dumbfounded. "What!!". "She is one of the heirs to the throne of Klolina but I'm just a nobel."

Crystal was shocked by the news she always thought that both Vivian and Zeckery are nobel.

"Come to think of it aren't you a nobel too."Before she can answer Zeckery Crystal drag her to the closest and make her try on an outfit.

After she was finish it was Zeckery's turn to change. After both of them got change she drag them to do their hair, and then make up and jewelry.

Only after both of them were done Vivian went to change herself. The banquet hall was decorated with flowers and plants.

They make the ceiling look like a starry night with illusion magic. They use magic to light up the whole banquet hall.

The three of them enter the banquet hall together which cause a lot of unwanted attention .

Zeckery nudge their arms. "Let's go somewhere less crowded until the teachers arrived. Shall we?"

The three of them agree and went to a quite terrace. They talk until the teachers arrived and the banquet begin.

All three of them got sperated when the banquet start. After the principal give his speech everyone was free to do whatever they want.

Everyone spent the rest of the night, having fun.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of alfear,

The royal palace held the king's birthday banquet. "Long live the king of Alfred." everyone cheer as they raised their glasses.

The royal family was sitting on the stage while looking at the ball. Louise turn to his father.