05. New dorm mates

??? pov:

I just got back from the principal office. He called me to tell me about my new dorm mate.

Her name is Crystal Light or something. I can't really remember because my mind was worried about Vivian.

She is not the best people to leave alone without a supervisor. The last time she was without a supervisor she almost just got kidnapped.

I have been taking care of her since we were children. I know more then anyone about what she is capable of.

I sigh as I push my dorm door. I saw a girl with white hair sitting in the living room.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my dorm?" I asked as she turn around.

Crystal pov :

"Who are you? What are you doing in my dorm?". I turn around to find a boy with grey hair and indigo eyes standing in front of the door.

I stand up and introduce myself. "My name is Crystal Light and you are?""Oh so your our new dorm mate.

Hi my name is Zeckery Smith. I'm one of your new dorm mates. l hope we can get along well. "

I think time just stop when i heard that. Zeckery Smith one of the male leads.

The scum that hurt my precious Vivian. Wait so does that mean that I'm also my precious Vivian's dorm mate.

I'm so excited to meet her here. She is my favourite characters in the novel.

Just you wait scum I'll protect my precious from you. They shake hands and went to sit down in the living room.

"Are you done unpacking. Do you need any help."Zeckery said with a smile"Thank you but I think I 'm done."

Then Zeckery started laughing. "Is there something wrong Zeckery." I asked with a confuse face. WTF are you crazy laughing out of no where.

"No no it's just that you remind me of my other dorm mates, Vivian. You guys has the same violet eyes.

Oh that reminds me would you like to go find her with me." "I would love to. Thank you." I smile excitedly.

I swear I'mean about to explode I'm about to meet you precious bean. "Then shall we " Zeckery said while getting up and lending her a hand.

"Right if we meet her. don't mind her too much. She kinda has some trust issue.

She may seem cold and distance at first but once you get to know her, she is the opposite of when you first met."

"Haha I'll keep that in mind. Zeckery. " I said while taking Zeckery's hand and getting up.

Of course she does you scum. I inwardly curse him. "Oh and call me Zeck""OK Zeck"

Third person pov:

Then they went to the main building to find her."There she is ". Zeckery said while pointing at a girl with lavender hair.

"Vi come here for a second. I have someone to introduce to you."When she gets closer, Crystal can see the exact same violet eyes.

When she got close enough, she look at Crystal and then back at Zeckery. Zeckery points at Crystal.

"This is Crystal Light. She is our new dorm mate. " Crystal bow a little."Hello my name is Crystal Light but both of you can call me Stalle. "

"Nice to meet you. My name is Vivian Liberty. Please excuse me for I have some unfinished business to attend to."Vivian bow back and left.

Zeckery turn to Crystal. "See that why I told you not to mind her. She's been like that since I first met her 4 years ago.

It took me 3 month for her to let her guard down around me." "Oh so you knew each other before the academy. "

"yeah we are childhood best friends. We have known each other for 4 years."Zeckery look at the way Vivian left and sigh.

"Let's go back. It's getting dark." Then they went back to the dorms. When they were near the greenhouse, Zeckery turn to Crystal.

"Can you go back from here . I have to go find Vi she can get lost sometimes."

"Yes, thank you Zeck." Crystal wave Zeckery goodbye as he went to search for Vivian.

Crystal look at the greenhouse curiously."I want to see what the greenhouse is like on the inside" She thought as she went inside.

Crystal pov:

I'm a little sad that Vivian treated me coldly but considering her past this is understandable and I swear she is the most beautiful thing I have seen since I got here.

I'll tried hard to make you open up to me. I won't give up. After we exit the library the scu- I mean Zeck said that he will go find my precious bean.

I agree then he left. Looking at their relationship now it seem very stable.

If only that cursed venom White Lotus bitch, Lilac just disappeared. Maybe they'll get married and live happily ever after.

Then I saw the green house and went to check it out. The greenhouse was very beautiful and neat.

It even has a good system to give the plants nutrients. The gutters around the soil make sure the soil is wet for the plants to get enough water.

The plants are also categorised sperately by the gutters. I was looking around when the door open. I turn around to meet a familiar violet eyes.

"What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be in the dorms." My precious bean also known as Vivian seem surprised to see me.

She is so cute."Oh sorry I was just looking around for a while. I thought Zeck went to find you."

"He'll come here when he can't find me in other places. "I look at the bucket full of gardening tools.

"Are you here to do some gardening." My be- i mean Vivian walk past me to the water source.

I really should stop calling her that or one day I might really blurt out. "This is why I'm here."

She said while pointing to a cream colored flower."Is that midnight dance or melody dance."Vivian look at me with a shocked face.

"These are melody dance. You know what these are?""In fact I do. Why?" I said with a confuse face.

"Well most first years don't know what these are so I was just surprised." "Wait if the melody dance are plant here, then wouldn't the water be toxic for the other plants."

Vivian start digging the soil. "Yes that why I'm moving them. Want to lend a hand. "

Third person pov:

Vivian smile and handed her a pair of gloves. "Sure "Crystal take the gloves and they started digging the plants out and replanting them.

"It's strange. "Vivian said while staring at the moon. "What's strange?" "The fact that I have trust issue but I also fell like I can trust you."

Crystal look at Vivian."Then trust me."Vivian look at her and smile softly."I will and call me Vi from now on."

Vivian lend her hand. Crystal took the hand and shake it.

Vivian pov:

This girl is different. Somehow I feel like I've known her for all my life. It's really strange.

When I'm around her if feel secure for some reason. I want to know more about her.

I glance at my new found friend and smile. I want her to be my friend. As I was staring at her we heard clapping.

Zeckery pov:

"Seriously where is that girl." I yells as I want walk toward the greenhouse.

She is nowhere else that must mean that she it's in the greenhouse. I open the door to see a unexpected scene.

Vi shaking someone else hand and sitting down comfortably without fidgeting her hands. This is strange.

Are my eyes deceiving me or something. This seem like a good thing. I'm glad for Vi. Then I can't help but to clap and enter dramatically.

Third person pov:

Then they heard someone clapping. They turn to the noise and saw Zeckery smiling.

"Wow Stalle in just a few hours. I'm amazed."The girls look at each other. "Let's just say we have something in common."

"So what's with all those". Zeckery said while pointing at the bucket full of gardening tools.

"Well those are for replanting the melody dance from the water source. ""Why?"

Crystal was about to answer when she was cut off by Vivian. "Melody dance is a flower that can produce a sweet substance call Jinx.

Jinx is nutritional to humans but it is toxic to plants. My guesses is someone thought thoses were midnight dance and plant it there."

"ahh I see but I think it's time we get back to the dorm. It's getting pretty late."

Zeckery said while looking through the glass."yeah I'm hungry. Let's go".Vivian help Crystal up and down the three of them went back to the dorms.

They spent time getting to know each other.