04. Warlock

Third person pov;

After both Crystal and Tim disappear from the forest they reappear on a sea shore thank to Tim's teleportation spell.

Crystal look at him with sparkling eyes. "Wow this is amazing master. How did you do it".

Tim chuckles "This is just a simple spell my dear apprentice. Practice enough and you'll be able to cast spell like me".

"I'll try my best master." Crystal said with a determined look."But master where is the school.

Are we not there yet " Crystal look at the sea shore and asked. "Oh no we'll be riding something else to get there."

Then Tim whistle very loud. After a while two horses with wings came down from the clouds.

"Master what are those? " Crystal point to the horses and asked curiously."These are called pegasus.

They're very rare. Beautiful aren't they" Tim stroke the pegasus fur and gesture Crystal to join him."Careful Crystal.

They are very delicate creatures." "Yes master " Then Crystal stroke their fur. It was very soft and smooth.

After a while Tim lift Crystal up by the arm and place her on the back of one of the pegasuses.

Then he climb on the other one."Then shall we get going." "Yes sir",Crystal said excitedly while holding on to the pegasus.

They flew up into the. clouds. Crystal was amazed by the viwe from up there.

"Prepare yourself because there are a lot more surprising things coming up " Tim said while looking at Crystal amazed face.

After they flew a while Crystal saw a castle in the clouds. It was very elegant and majestic.

When she look closely she can see that the catstle situated on a floating island. She was stunned by the viwe because she never seen anything like this.

"Let's go Crystal I'll explain everything once we land." They head towards the castle which was even more beautiful up close.

'Is this even real am I dreaming' is the only thing Crystal can think of at the moment.

As if Tim has read her mind he said "No your not dreaming and this is pretty much real". Crystal looked at him with a surprise face.

"And no I can't read mind""How did you-"Crystal was cut off by Tim."It's written all over your face."

After they land, the pegasus flew off and vanish into the clouds. "Come on let's talk in my office "

Tim gesture Crystal to follow him into the castle. They past many hallway and rooms. They went other the third floor.

When they got there they were greeted by an angry looking woman. "Headmaster where were you what took you so long.

We've got a meeting today remember . I've been looking everywhere for you."

The woman said while crossing her arms."Sorry Tresa but I think I have to skip today's meeting for it have a guest."Tim pointed at Crystal.

"Ahhh sorry for my rudeness little child. I was in a hurry. Nice to meet you my name is Tresa goodwill."

"Ahh yes nice to meet you too ma'am."Crystal smile and bow at her."Then we'll be going Tresa."

Tim wave to Tresa and continue walking down the hall with Crystal. They stop in front of a giant mirror.

"Why are we standing in front of a giant mirror."Crystal asked while touching the mirror curiously.

"Open"after he said that the mirror start to glow and then Tim went right through the mirror, surprising Crystal.

"Wha what I've heard of disguise spell but this is incredible."Then Crystal follow Tim inside.

Tim's office was very spacious and comfortable. It was a little messy too. Both sides of the wall was filled with books.

There's also a desk filled pile with papers and strange magic tools. There's also a second floor.

Tim gesture Crystal to take a seat on a couch while he sat on the one across.

"Now first of all we need to test your mana capabilities. Here put your hand on it " Tim said while holding out a glass ball.

Crystal place her hand on the ball and the ball suddenly turn red."Hmm not bad for a kid.

You have a lot of mana for a child.""Master I don't have any idea what you are saying." Crystal said with a confuse face.

"Oh sorry let me explain. The glass ball you just touch is a magic tools that test one's mana.

It has 6 colour. gold being the highest, follow by white, red, purple, blue and green. People with green of blue can rarely use mana.

Your's is red. So you have a great amount of mana." "I see" Crystal said while thinking."Then I'll explain about the rest .

Warlock is one of the strongest magic academy in the whole country. We only accept extraordinary students.

There are only 500 students every year. There are three ranks. The earth rank which contain first years like yourself, the sky rank which contain second years and lastly space rank which contain third years.

Each rank is divided into 5 classes. A class is for the top students follow by B, C, D, E. For earth rank and sky rank each class contain 40 students while space rank contain only 20 students."

"Sir I don't quite follow". "Ahh right I'll explain there are only 100 space ranked students while the other has 200.

It's because half of the sky rank students were eliminated in the finals. Lastly, the dorm contain 4 people in the same rank.

But for your case, your dorm will contain a space ranked student. Boys and girls live together.

The dorms contain everything such as bed room, bathroom, kitchen, study room, living room, storage and a few others.

The classes, teacher's lounge, the principal's office, the storage are in this building which we call the main building.

The greenhouse and the garden are in the courtyard. The dorms are located behind the greenhouse.

There is also a big field behind the dorm which is used to practice magic.

You will be learning magic, potions, general knowledge, academic, growing herb and beast taming. That all. Feel free to ask any questions."

"No I think I understand everything master " Crystal smile and bow."Then i'll-"he was cut of by a knock from the door which is disguise as a mirror.

"Come in " Tim said while putting down the tea cup he was drinking. Then a man with black hair and hazel eyes come in.

"Headmaster you called""Ahhh yes Crystal this is Queal. He will be your home room teacher from now on."Tim said as he turn to Crystal.

"Nice to meet you professor Queal. My name is Crystal Light. I'll be in your care from now on " Crystal get up and hand bow politely at Queal.

Queal just nodded as a acknowledgement. "Queal please show her her dorm. She will be living with Vivian and Zeckery.

Crystal follow Queal to your dorm. All your book, uniforms and belongings are already there. Queal please show her to her dorm."

"Yes head master. Follow me miss Crystal."Crystal follow Queal but before she left she thank Tim.

She follow Queal through the garden to the dorms which is located behind the greenhouse.

After you pass the greenhouse you can see a lot of small houses. They stop in front of a certain house. Queal open the door to let her in.

On the outside it looks like a small cottage but once you walk through the door it suddenly turn into a two storey house.

They went to the second floor. Queal open the 3rd door to the left."This will be your room from now on. Feel free to explore the house.

Don't go outside without your dorm mate or else you will get lost and it will be troublesome. I'll see you next week in class."

Queal left the house as he said that. "I swear I don't think I will get along with professor Queal very much.

I think my dorm mates are out or something. let's just unpack." After she finished unpacking she went to explore the house.

The house has two floors. the first floor contain a living room, a storage, a kitchen and something like a meeting room.

The second floor contain 4 bedroom with a bathroom and and closet, 4 study room and another room that contain some type of plants and potions.

It also has a balcony and a latter to climb to the roof. After checking the house throughly she went back to her room to change more comfortable clothes and went to the living room.

"Wow this place is amazing. Everything here is magical and amazing. I have a nice and comfortable rooms.

I hope my dorm mates are easy to get along with. I wonder what my so called family is doing. I don't care I. ....".

While Crystal was lost in thoughts. The front door open."who are you?".