011. The crown prince's debutante ball

Third person pov;

Crystal asked as Vivian chimed in. "Yeah how's he doing? Is the mission going well." Tim chuckle.

"Timmy is fine. I just got a letter from him not too long ago. He said that he's doing find in the northern bolder.

The investigation has also been going smoothly and he would be back earlier then expected.

He also said that he found some interesting things. The rest of the letter was about nagging me to take care of my self, not to over work myself and to take care of you three.

He also mentioned that he will visit you after you left Warlock." After that they continue eating with a comfortable silence between them.

They sometime talk about different topic from time to time.

The next day,

The three of them are sitting in the living room. The three of them are reading and enjoying each other's company.

Vivian remember something and turn her head to Crystal. "Stalle can I ask you something before I forget again."

Crystal look up from her book."Yeah sure. What wrong?" Vivian take a deep breath."Stalle, my sweet sweet sugar, why can't you come live with us after we leave Warlock.

It's just that we don't want to be separated from you. I'll made sure you get to live comfortably.

Please Won't you allow it please please please with a cherry on top."Vivian said with puppy eyes.

Crystal process everything for a minute then begin to speak."First of all you know I can't.

Second of all I don't want to be separated from you either. Third of all you'll only be gone for a month.

Fourth of all it really sadden me to be separated from my cute bean for three days but you have to go."

Vivian looked down and started sulking. Zeckery chuckles at Vivian's child like behaviour.

"Vi don't worry we'll see each other in three days at the magic tower." Vivian pouts. Crystal chuckles and squish Vivian's cheeks.

She turn to Zeckery while squishing Vivian's cheek and said ."Zeck is right so stop sulking ok? We'll meet at the tower in three days"

Zeckery nodded and said " Sounds like a good plan to me. Oh we're gonna be late.

We should start getting ready for tonight's banquet. Since this this gonna be the last day we should have some fun."

Vivian jump down from the couch."Oh yeah wait here."She ran upstairs and came back down with a box.

She open the box and inside was three bracelets with a beautiful sapphire gem in the middle.

"These are beautiful. "Crystal look at the box and said. Vivian took out the bracelets and put it on their hands. She put one on herself too .

Once they put them on the bracelets start to glow as well as the palm of the hands that was wearing it.

A magic circle started to appear above the bracelets. When the light was gone there was a mark left on their hands.

Zeckery stare at the bracelets and said" Vi these are?" Vivian grin widely at them.

"These are special bracelets which I made myself especially for you two. These bracelets contain tracking magic so we can know each other's location. It also has a protection spell and healing magic.

It cannot be taken off by people other then the owner. Don't worry about losing it either as long as that mark exist the bracelet will find you wherever you are.

Plus you can even sent signal when your in danger." Vivian press the gem and the other two started glowing too.

"So do you like it."Crystal look amazed."Like it? I love it."Zeckery nodded and said" Me too."

They got into a group hug. After they broke the hug Crystal look at her shock. "Wait how long did it take for you to make it? "

Vivian chuckles. "Not long just one and a half year." The other two look at her dumbfounded.

Before anyone could say anything Vivian started pushing them to the stairs."Come on. We're gonna be late for the banquet."

After they got ready they went to the banquet hall together.At the banquet hall, the hall were already filled with students.

Everyone was excited to meet the golden trio. Once they enter the hall everyone eyes were on them.

They ignore it and went to the teacher's table. Once they got there they greet the principal and the teachers and talk for a while.

After that they went to the food table and eat. People tend to come to them and asked a lot of questions.

It took and an hour to get out of the crowd. When they got out they spot their former classmates and went to them.

One of them saw them and wave. They went up to them and sigh."What tired of being a celebrity."

One of their classmates asked while laughing. Zeckery glare at him."Hey don't laugh you had no idea what we had to deal with."

"Like what?"Another one asked with a teasing tone."Like a lot of people whispering about you.

Whenever you go into public."Vivian sarcastically said while rolling her eyes.

After they talk with their friends for a little while they went to dance and spent the rest of the night having fun with everyone.

In the imperial palace of Alfear,

The king's birthday banquet and the crown prince's debutante ball was being held.

The crown prince went to his father, the king, who was sitting on the throne. "Congratulations on debuting my son."

The king dramatically shed a tear."My boy is growing up so fast. It seem just like yesterday that you were born.

You were so cute and adorable back then but now you're all grown up, handsome and mature.

As a king and a father I am very proud of you." Then the king pull the prince into a hug.

They break the hug after a while. The crown prince smile at them warmly before he excuse himself and leave.

Once he got down from the stage, a bunch of ladies crowd him and started introducing them self.

He put on his usual prince charming smile and politely started to converse with them.

He was getting tired when someone pull him out of the crowd.

The ladies look at the person who just rudely pull the prince but they got shock when they saw Shinsu, one of the Prince most trusted friends and a son of the knight commander.

"May i talk to the Prince for a second. "Shinsu asked with a cold expression.

He didn't wait for an answer and drag the Prince away form them and toward their friend group.

"Thank you Shin I was getting suffocating in there." Louise was about to continue when someone interrupt him.

"Hello your majesty, the crown prince. It's a pleasure to see you again." Louise turn aground to meet a boy with orange hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Ahhh young lord Jeffrey. It a pleasure to see you again too. I hope you've been well."

Jeffery Light, Crystal's older brother who has been studying aboard. "Yes thank you for your concern your highness but I have been well.

I was busy with my duties as the future Duke of the Light dukedom."Jeffery said coldly while bowing a little.

"Lord Jeffrey have you gotten any news of your sister, my fiancee lady Crystal. " Jeffery's cold eyes turn to a hint of sadness.

"I afraid not your highness. According to my father we hadn't gotten any news from the day she left which is ten years ago."

Louise broke his usual princely smile and smile sadly. "I see." They talk for a little while more before Jeffery excuse himself and left.

Before anyone could say anything someone shout for them. "Big brother there you are I have been looking all over for you."

Delia approach them while dragging a lady with coral hair and deep aqua eyes. When they got near Delia jump onto her brother's arm for a hug.

Shinsu smile at his sister and pat her head. Mark laugh."Didn't I tell you guys he's a total sis con."Shinsu glare at him and said " Shut up".

The girl with the coral hair bow down. "Good to see you prince Louise." Leo pout and look toward the girl with a betrayed look.

"Amber why won't you greet me too. After all I am your lovely fiancee." Then he walk up to Amber and kiss the back of her hand.

Amber blush a little but drew her hand back and clear her throat. Amber hold two fingers up.

"One, shut up. Two, there's nothing lovely about you."She said as she put her fingers down .

Leo gasped dramatically. Mark burst out laughing. " Leo your fiancee is a total savage."Leo touch his chest dramatically.

Amber rolled her eyes which made Mark laugh even harder.